Vern Barnet is a Unitarian Universalist pastor and was the weekly newspaper columnist on religious topics in The Kansas City Star 1994-2012. He is the founder of the Kansas City (area) Interfaith Council.
And now, here's his AWESOME take on the streetcar voting process . . .
"For twenty-five years I have been a faithful and regular voter in my district but like a number of others, my name was omitted from the official voting list on the website designated to begin the ballot application for this special election. Fortunately, I was able (on the bus!) to go to the Kansas City Board of Election Commissioners at Union Station to get my credentials, and then took them (on the bus) to the Courthouse. How many of my neighbors were unable to put forth the time and effort to secure their proper rights as a voter? This botched procedure seems designed to suppress voter turn-out. I think of 30,000 potential voters in the gerrymandered special district, less than 6,00 will be able to vote. How can this cumbersome way of avoiding a city-wide election not appear to be rigging the outcome? Let those who have the means pay for this expansion and let them get voter approval through an established and well-settled democratic process. A shiny new streetcar is alluring but forced impoverishment is ugly and immoral.
Vern Barnet
Read the letter in its entirety here.
You decide . . .
Streetcar supporters don't care about Democracy or the American way. They just want their new toy.
ReplyDeleteStreetcar supporters care about voter suppression in every other situation. I guarantee it. But obviously, not this time…
ReplyDeleteThis. 1,000x
ReplyDeleteThe game is to keep voters as far away from this decision as possible. That is what has gotten us to this point.
ReplyDeleteall the more reason to recall the mayor and city council plus fire troy schulte, this thing is out of control and with the crap they already pulled with the airport and the stupid hotel what is it going to take to wake the people of this city up.
ReplyDeleteWhat a great way to run an election. Has Kobach heard about this? We need this for national elections. Prove your ID to a notary. Brilliant!
ReplyDeleteIt's a rigged election and should be invalid.
ReplyDeleteTo late and too little as the old saying goes.
Most Missourians are to lazy to give a shit. So the City Council Willey their way.
ReplyDeleteThe problem is the TDD process, it has been corrupted and needs real reform.
ReplyDelete5:48pm is certainly right about the TDD process.
ReplyDeleteBut the same thing can be said about the original idea of TIF, 353 tax abatement, and a whole menu of subsidies for "developers" which have been expanded and regularly abused by cities over the years.
That's why the state is trying to tighten their grip on the issues and options that the legislature allows cities to use when it comes to taxes, wages, and eco devo offerings.
Abuse invites a reduction in options and the Greitens administration appears more than happy to take away the punch bowl.
Pigs get fat and hogs get slaughtered.
Vern Barnet is a wonderful man and a treasure to Kansas City. City Hall should listen to every one of his well articulated opinions.
ReplyDelete"How can this cumbersome way of avoiding a city-wide election not appear to be rigging the outcome?"
ReplyDeleteIs anyone concerned about appearances any more?
"Let those who have the means pay for this expansion and let them get voter approval through an established and well-settled democratic process."
Better yet, let them pay for the streetcar.
Many of you are missing the actual BIG Picture for all this fantasy TOY TRAIN Bullshit.
ReplyDelete1st of all KCMO Mayor SLY JAMES is a Secretive Communist / Socialist, he can attempt to Deny that all he wants, and he will.
Sly James is all to happy & Eager to be asupporter of many of Communist O'bamas Policies which were mostly Failures as we are seeing & witnessed !
Part of the Communist Socialist agenda is to STEAL as much MONEY (TAX PAYER MONEY) as possible in secretive hidden ways thru phony Bogus illusionary agendas.
Its another way of Draining the Financial coffers, rather it be Federal Money or State, City Finances, in attempt to Destroy the country, States, and the Cities those Democratic "Communist" Liberals run.
They will never come out and admit it tho, that is their Agenda, tho Secretive.
As an Example, NOTICE how much "MONEY" Sly James keeps pumping into thos "Bogus Phony Fake Anti-Crime Groups" , that essentially really "DO-NOTHING", as were all witnessing and seeing !!!!!
But also Sly and the city claim they can't afford to put more police & Fire in the city to protect ?? After he lied about the City Earnings TAX, to get it passed , so he could STEAL more MONEY to re'allocate those funds to who knows where ???????
KCMO Mayor is using that PHONY BOGUS TOY TRAIN to further Steal / Drain more Federal Money out of Washington and the State of Missouri, hince why NO Voting on it, or real voting , he doesn't want any of YOU interfering with his attempt to Further Bankrupt the coffers, rather it be Federal or State - all part of Sly James ANTI-AMERICAN Communist Agenda !!
Tho Don't look for SLY JAMES or any of his cronies to Admit any of that !!!
Sly James is YOUR Communist O'BAMA imitation and he thrives on it, if you'll notice !!!!
Clearly voter suppression. Where is the Attorney General for the State of Missouri? He was sworn to uphold the laws of the State.
ReplyDeleteInstead of a rigged election, why wasn’t the question added to the already scheduled August 8th election using voting booths?
ReplyDeleteThe citizens of KCMO are tired of getting ripped off by developers. Let them pay for the trolley by putting a new special tax only on exempt properties.
ReplyDelete11:47: Because it failed 70-30 the last time it was put to a city-wide vote, and trolley boy doesn't believe in taking a whopping rejection seriously.
ReplyDelete^^^^^^^BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! Keep trying basement boy!!! More conspiracies coming from this guy:
Meanwhile, real KC Streetcar news here:
Where is an attorney willing to file a lawsuit again to try to stop this? Surely there is one who lives in the proposed TDD who would be willing to handle this case pro bono.
ReplyDelete^^^^The judges are bought and paid for.
ReplyDeleteVern is correct in his appraisal.
ReplyDeleteHate to break it to you, Crazy Clown, but Republicans have been screwing over taxpayers FOREVER. But let's stick to this story, shall we?
ReplyDeleteThis is a boondoggle. That was my conclusion after reading the content in various online discussion forums. Then the "ballot" came in the mail, and well...if anyone living within a third of a mile of the (proposed extension to) the rail line didn't conclude the same thing, they're blind.
I will not....repeat, NOT give up my hard-earned income so someone else can get a free ride. Charge riders! What is wrong with this concept? A ONE-CENT sales tax for 30 years, plus a special property tax assessment for those of us lucky enough to own homes or businesses and live or work within a third of a mile of this boondoggle??!! Who came up with this inequitable arrangement?
If this thing passes (and I hope it doesn't) please let me know if anyone is interested in suing the City, the Council, and anyone else shoving this down our throats. This is one of the worst ideas the City has come up with in a long time, and over the years, I've seen some doozies. But at least ALL of KC got to vote those idiotic measures down.
Vern Barnet has always been a Leftis and and atheist who won't come out and admit it.
ReplyDeleteOf course he talks about "interfaith" and everyone is equal because he believes its all false.
The Star summarily dumped his column without notice a few years back and he never figured out that some local Rabbis got tired of his smearing Israel and making excuses for aRab butchers.
Bye Bye Vern.
P.S., I though you passed away last yaar...I we sure Vern posted the letter?