The investigation of murdered stripper Toni Anderson is becoming more obvious to the public as deets and skepticism are now put on blast.
To wit . . .

Here's the word . . .
"Kansas City police confirmed Wednesday that the body found inside a vehicle pulled from the Missouri River at Platte Landing Park Friday night was Toni Anderson . . . When FOX 4 asked police if they suspect foul play in Anderson’s disappearance, they simply said the investigation is still ongoing. Police say there is a boat landing dock at this park, but it’s unclear how Anderson’s car got into the river."
KCPD tweet . . .
We've to more deets and EXCLUSIVE insight into the tragic story . . . And yeah, it does involve JACK THE RIPPER as a suspect given the strange circumstances of this murder, the pathological effort to dismiss homicide right away by terrified locals and so many ongoing freaky allegations.
Developing . . .
KC is becoming a scary place. Shame that we can't reduce the number of all of these murders in our city.
ReplyDeleteMurder number 27?
DeleteThere have been a lot of good comments here about the car being dropped in the river. There are a lot of fisherman and people familiar with the area who are calling bunk on this story. You can tell who knows what they are talking about and those who are just taking what the read at face value. This is the great part about the Internet and this blog, people adding to the understanding of how the mechanics of the boat ramp driving don't really work.
DeleteThe folks who post that kind of thing are doing more journalism than most reporters.
Do not like the jack the ripper metaphor. We need to get serious about solving homicide in KC and not use scary analogies to put fear into people. Real life is scary enough.
Delete^^^ Anybody who would kill a young woman in the prime of her life is a monster just like jack the ripper. I don't see the problem.
Delete@11:54 Not in kansas city so it should not count on KC's murder rate
ReplyDeleteFox 4 just reported the ID on their noon broadcast. "Police report says there was no foul play. Just a tragic accudent". So who knows if the truth will ever be told in kc media. It will be another water park decapitation- real facts never reported.
ReplyDeleteShe was killed. But who did it, I hope they have some suspects in mind.
ReplyDeleteThe butler did it. The butler is a real slime bag at strip clubs.
ReplyDeleteTragic accident my ass. Toni's car floated 600 feet downstream before it sank to the bottom. Toni could not have been conscious durung that time or she would have escaped the car. She was already dead or disabled. This is an obvious body dump.
ReplyDeleteI think Richard Boyden is some kind of nut-bar. Toni was murdered all right, but there is absolutely no reason to think the police were responsible. I think it is much more likely that Toni was working as a CI for the police and got found out.
ReplyDeleteIn an age of "anything goes and nothing matters" I suspect that we'll never get the truth on this case.
ReplyDelete@12:47 I think you are correct. LE seems to have had their minds made up even before the recovery of Toni's car was completed.
ReplyDeleteI see butt face Alonzo was spewing racist hate on twitter this morning. Racist pig
ReplyDeleteThe butler did it with the candlestick in the dining room.
Obviously a kill, the sad part is that people wanred to deny it in the first place.
ReplyDeleteLike Tony and da Alonzo sez, itz Jack Da Ripper and dere ain't nuttin you can do to change it!
She's just hit and click fodder for a twitter and a blogger addict now.
ReplyDeleteA black guy raped and killed her. P.E.R.I.O.D.
ReplyDeleteAnd it's our mischaracterization of the year!!!
Most people, who are murdered, are killed by someone they know.
ReplyDeleteThe ex-boy friend should be the prime suspect, unless he has a clear, irrefutable alibi.
He's an ex-boy, Byron? What is he now?
DeleteUnless he's a negro in which case he was never human.
Really Cunthouser ? Ex-boy friend,
Deletedoes that mean he's a girl friend
now ? And what is your IQ ?
Use that pic where she's standing in her bra and panties taking a selfie.
ReplyDeleteShe drove off the road and into the river. It's no secret drivers suck in this city. Time to lay it to rest and forget it.
ReplyDeleteTrue dat I've seen people flip cars somehow in a 35 mph zone or run up into peoples yards and onto their front porches for no explainable reason.
ReplyDeleteShe was a bad driver.
Looks like she's going to be plundered for maximum social media visibility and exposure at this point.
ReplyDeletedoes anybudy know if the serial killer is onli targeting girls who do the duck face?
Try not to have a cognitive dissonance seizure with this.
ReplyDeletehow many times do similar stories get dropped quickly?
ReplyDeleteThe theory promoted by Toni's father on KSHB was that Toni was making a U-turn in the parking lot of Platte Landing Park and slid on the ice down the boat ramp and into the river. According to the Weather Underground there was no precipitation Jan. 14 and only 0.05 inches on the 15th, all of which occurred after 5 a.m. The temperature at 5 a.m. on the 15th was 30 degrees F. The entrance to the boat ramp is from a parking lot and is marked by a stop sign, a street light and white stripes. There is plenty of room to turn around in the parking lot without entering the boat ramp. The posted speed limit in the park is 10 mph. Even if she slid down the ramp it would be a long slide to the river. The question remains what she was doing up north far from her home in downtown Kansas City in the wee hours of Jan. 15. Was she there to meet a client or to purchase drugs? If this was an accident the scenario suggests an intoxicated driver.
ReplyDelete@4:01 Toni didn't drink alcohol. This was no accident. It was a body dump.
ReplyDeleteParkville isn't that far north from downtown Jeezuz!
ReplyDeleteNo doubt the legions of armchair sleuths and social media personalities will solve this one.
Actually I think Parkville is the furthest north a lot of people in this town have ever traveled.
ReplyDeleteShe was probably driving to fast and staring at her phone for status updates and text messages.
ReplyDeleteThings can happen quickly when one is not paying attention.
She was probably driving to fast
DeleteGuess she never made it to fast. Where is that, anyway?
Sorry but I'm assuming, from your use of the language, you breathe mostly through your toothless mouth.
She could have even to far over in the lane of on coming traffic and had to abruptly swerve away from a car. And it wouldn't surprise me if the driver didn't even notice she just ran into river. People drive away from accidents all the time they basically don't give a shit and are in to much of a hurry to stop and help someone.
ReplyDeleteLOL. KCPD like a tit on a bull.
ReplyDeleteLeave it alone
ReplyDeleteWeez gonna check Alonzoz zocial MEdia action over on hiz twitter. developing....
ReplyDeleteCitizen KC @ 4:01 is the only person making sense. A lot of trolls and hate but it's important that this murder is solved because it's such a high profile case.
ReplyDeleteHeez reportin on Batman and TV now. And new zelfie babe who joined hiz gallery.
ReplyDeleteN preacher Boyden iz zayin' da copz are coaching her parentz on what to zay, and Jezuz is gonna make zomeone burn in hell for diz!
ReplyDeleteKC = Detroit
ReplyDeleteThere you go again Tony making shit up. The police did not "roll back" jack shit. When the body was recovered they clearly said there were no signs of foul play at the recovery scene and they maintained that today. When the body was pulled out of the water they announced that investigation continued just like they did today. Stop twisting the fucking truth. When the police says the investigation is closed that means it is closed. So far they have not said that. When it is closed they will have made their conclusions based on the evidence. I'm pretty damn sure what TKC has to say will not receive any judicial notice what-so-fuking-ever. What is this fucking drama queen, shit stirring, obsession with having to get the scoop on a girl that is dead and gone? Who are you helping other than Toneeeeeee Buttholio?
ReplyDelete^^^ Snowflake. The story changed, now it's you that look dumb. Keep reading this blog late at night. It'll make you feel better.
ReplyDeleteKCPD couldn't tell a shotgun blast from a heart attack.
ReplyDeleteParkville Police chase off drug users from Platte Landing Park regularly. With the opioid epidemic it is conceivable that Toni was making a drug connection and overdosed on an opioid and the dealer helped her into the river. The drivers side window was open - the only way to drive that car down a 50 ft cement corrugated dry ramp (with a dead body inside) would be through the window and then you would have to push the car to get it far enough out to sink deep enough to not be exposed.
ReplyDelete9:31 The police never changed the story. Fucking idiots in the media changed the story by adding their own comments to the statements were being made by the police. The conspiracy theory morons then seized upon it. You dumb fucks that can not hear three sentences without twisting and turning it into a mystery novel are the dumb ones. Get a fucking real job already if you have a skill that goes beyond blogging or making frijoles shitflake. Remember not to drink any liquids after 8PM jackass or you'll wet the bed in all your excitement and drama.
ReplyDelete^^^ Wrong. The police are changing their initial comments. You just are afraid to admit it.
ReplyDeleteReally genius? How about putting the police quotes right here and lets see how wrong I am?
ReplyDeleteIn review, Tony had much to live for -- enrolled and looking forward to attending college; great friends; loving family. Please.... Who in their right mind is going to drive to Parkville (of all places) at dark-thiry? Perhaps during the summer, but I doubt January would be a draw. Prayers for her parents, and dedicated friends.
ReplyDeleteThere are only two streets in or out of Platte Landing / English Landing. Have the police reviewed security camera footage from all of the businesses in Parkville to see whether or not she was alone when the car was driven into the park? This seems like basic investigative work....
ReplyDeleteThe police have never said that her death was an accident nor have they yet released a cause of death. The media reports about her death being an accident have come from Toni's mother, not the police.