Possibly one of the smartest and EPIC things ever submitted from our blog community. We won't waste time with prelude. Now, check this MAGNUM OPUS from a Kansas City taxpayer:

$800,000,000 = $800 MILLION DOLLARS

KCMO Mayor Sly James, the City Council, and City Manager Troy Schulte are pushing KCMO residents to approve a new $800 million dollar bond issue. But, they won't tell you how they intend to spend this borrowed money, if they successfully fool enough residents into voting for it. "Trust Us", they say.

What is a municipal bond? Think of it as a legal IOU contract in which a city borrows money. If KCMO issues an $800 million dollar bond (IOU), the institutions that purchase a portion of the bond will have to be paid back with interest over the life of the bond. The purchasing institutions might be large banks, insurance companies, pension plans, etc., that are seeking a guaranteed rate of return on their invested money. And they want to absolutely make sure that they get their money back, because they can't have their bank, insurance company, or pension plan fail. If they were to fail, whoever depended on them (bank customers, those with insurance policies, or retirement pensions) would in turn lose their money.

So, how would the city of KCMO eventually get this $800 million dollar IOU, plus interest, paid off? Well, how does KCMO get the money currently for their annual budget? Not quite all of it comes from taxing those who live, work, own property, and transact business within the city limits. Hey, that's you!

Now you're probably asking yourself, "But if I'm already being taxed to death for the city's annual budget, how could they possibly come up with an additional $800 million, on top of what residents are already paying?" I think you already know the answer to that one. I'm sorry, but yes, they will absolutely have to raise your tax burden even higher than it is now. And remember, taxes always seem to go higher, but never go lower. As KCMO representatives, if they borrow another $800 million, they're pledging a legal guarantee that you and your neighbors are on the hook for the IOU. The only way that you could escape that debt would be to move out of KCMO and not do business here. About now, you may be remembering some previous conversations about the high tax burden in KCMO, especially among the working class, and how KCMO government is inefficiently managed compared to most other cities our size.

Let's make this personal, so you can get a better understanding of what this $800 million dollar IOU would represent for you and your neighbors. I'm going to compare the city to you as a taxpaying resident.

Here's an excerpt from City Manager Schulte's letter prefacing the Fiscal Year 2016-2017 adopted budget for KCMO: "I am pleased to transmit to you the Fiscal Year 2016-17 Adopted Budget for the City of Kansas City, Missouri. This document reflects the March 24, 2016 adoption of the final budget totaling $1,531,821,269."

Ok, for our purposes, we're going to round that to $1.5 billion, and for you as an individual, we'll say you have an annual household budget of $15 thousand.......sorry about that, but you're one of the working poor. Just go with me on this simple example. With a new $800 million dollar bond (IOU), KCMO wants to borrow a little more than an additional 50 percent of their annual budget ($800M = 53 percent of $1.5B). This equates to you borrowing $8,000 when your annual household budget is only $15,000. Now, of course the money gets paid back over 20 years or so, but as anyone who has purchased a house or car knows, the longer the repayment schedule, the more interest charges pile up. Back to our simple example, if you have $15 thousand dollars every year for expenses, and you run up another $8 thousand on your credit card for undefined purchases, you better be getting a big raise at work soon, taking on a second job, receiving an inheritance, or winning a lottery jackpot! If not, you really screwed up your financial future. Of course, if you're James/Council/Schulte, you're not putting yourself on the hook, you're putting the whole community in deeper debt. And if residents start leaving KCMO due to the tax burden, those who remain will have to make up the difference.

Do you recall Mayor James, the Council, and City Manager Schulte telling everyone that if the 1-percent earnings tax wasn't renewed, that it would mark the end of the world for KCMO? Threats to public safety were especially used in an extortion attempt to coerce a tax renewal from voters. Do you feel safer after 126 homicides in 2016?

Do you remember when city government reported that they didn't have money for basic things like taking care of parks and fountains? Isn't KC supposed to be "The City Of Fountains"?

Have you also noticed that as the city management continues to decline that they keep adding additional taxes for things that once were covered in the general budget? I think taxpayers call that being "nickel-and-dimed" to death. In comparison to other cities the same size, KCMO government ranks as very inefficient.

Did you notice when the City Manager got a contract extension with pay increases? I suppose he feels indebted to the Mayor and Council since he's reaping the rewards of their vote.

Do you know that KCMO subsidized Burns and McDonnell's headquarters expansion after company employees generously donated to Mayor James reelection campaign?

Do you know a similar arrangement is planned for the downtown convention center hotel if it goes forward?
Do you remember when the Mayor and Council recently agreed to declare the luxury InterContinental Hotel on the Plaza as blighted, thereby saving the wealthy owners millions of dollars and granting them special taxing authority for their property?

Do you know how many millions of taxpayer dollars get diverted to bail out the Cordish Company's boondoggle Power and Light District each year? In fiscal year 2014, it was nearly $15 million, and the money drain continues to 2040. After getting screwed over so badly, you might think the city would quit doing sweetheart deals with Baltimore's wealthy Cordish family, right? Absolutely not! They keep making campaign donations so the Mayor/Council/City Manager keep showering them with millions in subsidies for luxury towers and free parking garages.

Did you see where the Mayor and Council are throwing millions more dollars at the money-pit known as 18th and Vine?

It must be so much fun to give away the taxpayer dollars, picking winners and losers from those seeking to buy your influence.

When you vote on this $800 million dollar bond issue, understand that you're being taken for a fool by city leaders who want as much of your money as possible without explaining:

Why they need more money for basic infrastructure which should already be built into each annual budget?

Why they continually fail at budget management?

Where has the money been diverted? And who got it?

Why are my water bills growing exponentially?

Why are you constantly increasing my tax burden? Do you want me to move elsewhere?


In the KCMO Monopoly game, the Mayor/Council/City Manager conspire with the top-hatted banker and developers to bleed you dry. Do you really want to be the "old shoe", in this game of life?


You decide . . .


  1. Whoever sent this.


  2. It will pass.

    The big question is just how many promises, backroom deals and handouts it will take to push it through.

  3. That is how it is. Ask any accountant in Kansas City to find a lie in the above report. They will not even say that there are any half truths (little white lies). This is the under the table card game that this cities "leaders" play. Ask how much the guy who will sell the bond deal to the city makes as his commission. It is a percentage of the total. This tax hike will be responsible for people on the east side losing their homes. It will be responsible for me leaving Kansas City. But first in an attempt to change the direction of these tax devils I will VOTE NO

  4. ##############

    Whats this?

  5. Great article!

    the usual culprits like,Freedom, Inc, will be getting their usual loads of taxpayer $$, and will be hauling their constituents to the polls to vote what they say will be-- "mo' free stuff"

    1. They have already telling folks at a meeting at Bruce Watkins center , we wanna build 46 low income housing units at 39th Prospect and a foreigner owned gas station and i guess they think this meager handout is worth a yes vote. Shameful how government treat folks in the hood. My concern is the tax bill and what happens if we have another financial nightmare like the 08 collapse.
      Also, the fact that future councils get a nice 40 billion yearly to do what they want.
      Mayor James we are not that uncivilized. Most of us have been scammed one way or another all of our lives. NO on the blank check.
      Remember we were suppose to salivate and slobber over a proposed cable car route to Prospect and they wanted an increase in taxes for property taxes in the area. Soundly Defeated. But I am concerned that i am not seeing much media against the pork barrel bond.

  6. it's not going to pass unless something changes.

  7. Chanting: Fire Schulte Fire Schulte Fire Schulte Fire Schulte Fire Schulte Fire Schulte Fire Schulte Fire Schulte Fire Schulte Fire Schulte Fire Schulte Fire Schulte Fire Schulte Fire Schulte Fire Schulte Fire Schulte Fire Schulte Fire Schulte Fire Schulte Fire Schulte Fire Schulte Fire Schulte Fire Schulte Fire Schulte Fire Schulte Fire Schulte Fire Schulte Fire Schulte Fire Schulte Fire Schulte Fire Schulte Fire Schulte Fire Schulte Fire Schulte Fire Schulte Fire Schulte Fire Schulte Fire Schulte Fire Schulte Fire Schulte Fire Schulte Fire Schulte Fire Schulte Fire Schulte Fire Schulte

  8. StreetCarSamurai1/4/17, 9:10 PM

    Man, that's a lot of money. You know when I'm not trolleying around on the street car my tires take a beating on these mean streets of the the "mo". Could they possibly fork out a few hundo from that 800 million for some tires?

    So, how is that crime fighter doing gonzo? High murders on his watch. I'm riding around on the street car right now looking at these cold ass streets while the snow is starting to come down wondering where all the main st homeless population scatters too when the darkness falls

  9. Only idiots would allow city hall to have access to funds of this amount. A yes vote means you're fucking dumber than Glazer.

  10. mag·num o·pus

    a large and important work of art, music, or literature, especially one regarded as the most important work of an artist or writer.

    not quite

  11. Optimus Prime1/4/17, 9:31 PM

    Magnus Opus indeed! THIS is how Kansas City became Detroit.

  12. It's hard to dispute the math here because it all adds up. What's worse is that the Mayor and the 9/12ths of the Council aren't talking about more accountability here, they just throw scraps to the usual suspects who come running with their hands out.

    It's not exactly Democratic, not even close actually.

  13. If they have enough money to waste on the streetcar, they have enough to get along without big bond issue.

  14. An alternative plan: $5,000,000 bond issue. $1,000,000 right into Sly's pocket (he can distribute this money to his friends on the Clowncil and to his boy, Troy Schulte or he can keep the money for himself). The other $4,000,000 goes to purchase a used gulfstream jet and a full tank of gas... we load the Obese Bowtie, Troy Schulte and any Clowncilperson who supports the $800 million dollar bond issue and/or a single terminal replacement for the airport and point the jet towards an island somewhere in the Pacific Ocean and hope they never get found. This plan would save us $795,000,000 which we cant afford to borrow and pay back.

  15. As much as 800 million is, their proposal for the airport costs half again as much. So 2 billion or 2,000 million for both.

  16. Money to burn in Kansas City?

    Nope, it's just that people don't want to be rude and that's why they aren't calling for the Mayor's job or pushing for more limits on the power of the city manager.

  17. If the writer is so smart, why doesn't he move?

  18. ^^^^^^If you're so smart why do you stay?

  19. KCMO is consistently cited as the fifth worst run city in the country.
    And it looks like that lofty accomplishment is safe with decisions and proposals like the $800 million bond issue.
    But if it passes, given the incompetence of the mayor and council and their inability to say no to the usual insiders and grifters, the way the money is actually spent may give KCMO a chance to actually move up the list toward becoming the WORST-RUN city in the US.
    We believe that we will win! We believe that we will win!
    A sucking chest wound on the entire metro.

  20. Bravo on the letter.

    But in the end, one way or the other, the Mayor, City Manager and the Council will find a way to fleece the working class of this community for the money.

    Welcome to Korrupt City!

  21. I'm one of twenty who are going door to door to tell people what the real deal is. Vote No VOTE NO and keep telling people that this is the last go around -they will start taking our homes because we can't pay for our medical treatment and our home taxes. They do not show any mercy.

  22. You niggers - like niggers everywhere - are fucking rock stupid.


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