Former Kansas City Weather Lady Erin Little Now Working For Shawnee Mission School District Should Strike Fear Into The Hearts Of News Hotties Desperately Seeking Better Deal

One of the comments called this a few days ago . . . And the cruel reality, in an overtly discriminatory media news market, is that even the HAWTEST local news babe is tragically limited by time and even newer hotties looking to take the stage as this flyover country career dead end indicates and/or somewhere out in the world a far less fortunate former news hottie is being introduced to yet pro-athlete creeper. You decide . . .

KMBC meteorologist Erin Little to join Shawnee Mission School District as director of media relations


  1. shes so hot

  2. She is so hot, she's already pregnant again.

  3. Pay increase!!!! And 9 to 5. Channel 9 is the best in town but the lose on this deal.

  4. So a television "meteorologist" gets hired as a coordinator of media relations.
    That answers a couple questions like how the media can be so easily manipulated and why the local weather forecasts are so poor.
    But still to be addressed:
    Why does a school district need a media flack?

  5. To save the big wigs ass.

  6. So if you're hot then you don't have to have a degree in meteorology if you're a "meteorologist". Where's my equality?

    So this bitch only has a communications degree like Katie Horner did.

    School district publicists are the worst. They're basically watch tower guards who only do damage control and put the most positive spin on their employer. Goes to show the integrity of journalism now, especially with Buzzfeed thinking a 4chan FAN FICTION post is legit.

  7. Breaking: America likes its bullshit delivered by a pretty young piece of trim.

    News at 11.

  8. She is not the hottie she was 10 years ago. She knows that, might as well get the big bucks and stay in bed in the morning. Why do School district's need publicists ?

  9. Damn jelly jerks, can't a decent dame work a good gig for her own reasons. She'll have summers off with her kids, enough years left to kick into KPERS, and travel to occasional seminars with social perks. Amazing what spouses educators can attract, because the good elementary teachers and one professor in my family have top notch networks for everything needed or wanted. Yep, playin' nice with those students' parents usually pays, also!

  10. What the fuck kind of job title is this? Is anyone swallowing that a fucking high school in Kansas needs a head of media relations. What kind of ginned up bullshit is this about? Bend over tax payers.

  11. Director???? That means that they have several talking heads. More Taxes bitches !!!

  12. is this a result of the safety pin brouhaha?

  13. How old is she? And why did she leave. She's good enough to be at a bigger network like Los Angeles

  14. Way to old for LA, too many kids and she has way to much class for LA. P

  15. As spokesmodel for the Shawnee Mission School District, Erin will be tasked with making the determination of when to close schools due to a "wintry mix" event.

    She relayed that she looks forward to once again being able to wear green clothing while at work.

  16. So Johhny Rolands is going to be flying the school weather chopper?

  17. I'd fuck her in the ass. Then cum all over her face and tits.

  18. As fast as she is turning out rug rats you'd have to take a number to go there.

  19. Erin Little being named a media relations/public relations director for a school district is a fucking joke. Can someone please let me know what attributes she brings to the table in this realm, other than she's can speak fluently and has big tits.

    Being a spokesperson for a major school district is much more about being a pretty face and talking. Hell, they even had to hire a second person to handle the writing. I really have to wonder if she blew Jim Henson to get the job. She's a freaking joke to the PR industry.

  20. There go your property taxes again. Yeah buddy! Those Kansas schools are really fighting for funding, aren't they?

  21. I hear Tony Botello hates niggers.


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