A HUGE court fight victory today for an issue that has been under debate since 2015 . . .
AP: The Missouri Supreme Court is ordering Kansas City to put a proposed minimum-wage hike to $15 an hour on the ballot. Supreme Court judges ruled Tuesday that a vote is needed before judges can decide if a wage increase is lawful.

A petition pushed this issue but it was actually a court battle led by a cadre of local activists and lawyers who earned this impressive victory.
More detail from INSIDERS: "The Urban Summit led the petition drive, with assistance from Freedom. Attorneys Taylor Fields and Clinton Adams were co-counsel in the litigation. Taylor argued it before the Mo Supreme Court. Supporters are pushing for the April ballot."
Developing . . .
RE: Supreme Court judges ruled Tuesday that a vote is needed before judges can decide if a wage increase is lawful.
ReplyDeleteSo, you see Grasshopper, you must rob the bank before the court can charge you with bank robbery.
Ahh..now I understand Master.
It's a good start. One step closer.
ReplyDeleteMissouri state law is illegal. If this passes, the wages will go up.
ReplyDeletelet's vote on it, and anything else.
ReplyDeletebut, for goodness sake, the issues must be explained.
call steve rose.
the photo clearly shows you all you need to know about who's pushing this scam--
ReplyDeleteDemocrat greedy union slobs and BLM -- with even an implied threat from the SJWs of "whatever it takes".
If the ballot was confined to StL & KC the scammers might have a chance -- statewide -- little or none..
It will be defeated by public vote.
ReplyDeleteWhy do we elect legislators?
ReplyDeleteWhy do we pay our state legislators?
Ah yes, so we taxpayers can pay for their retirement.
The Dump tweeted this morning that the value of the dollar was too high, causing the value of the dollar to fall. This makes his foreign investments more valuable. This is the conflict of interest that everyone is talking about. This is why he's committing an ethics violation by not divesting his business holdings.
ReplyDeleteRe the minimum wage: Thanks to the Dump $15 is not worth as much today as it was yesterday. It is precisely because of these truths that the minimum wage must be raised, or more working people will be living in poverty than there is already.
The last female bush sporters in the Western world are in that picture of protestors. You can almost smell them. The bums lose!
ReplyDeleteThis really blows Sly's cover because he thought he could make believe he supported the marchers and then they would support him. But he hoped that the state legislature would prevent an actual increase in the minimum wage in KCMO.
ReplyDeleteAn increase is unlikely to happen as states have very broad powers in authorizing the issues and activities that city ordinances can address. And, if it did take place, hundreds of small businesses in KCMO would either move to another jurisdiction, or go out of business.
Showboating is one thing.
Seriously governing is something else entirely.
Just another chicken coming home to roost.
Obama just commuted Chelsea Manning's sentence. Damn, I bet "Chuck" is really pissed.
ReplyDeleteFunkhouser is dumber than a fucking rock!
ReplyDeleteObamy just commuted Chealsea Manning's sentence for treason. If you think Trump is screwed what the hell do you do with a president lets a convicted traitor out of his just punishment? So now we will have two traitors in public, Manning and Obamy.
ReplyDelete3:36, if the value of Trump's (actually corporations in which Trump holds shares) foreign investments are worth more if the dollar drops, the value of his domestic investments would therefore be worth less. Do you have information that the former exceed the latter? If so, give us your source. If not, you should admire Trump because he said what he believes to be true even though it harms him personally.
ReplyDeleteI think it's funny that some people in these comments are saying that arguing for a fair wage is stealing.
ReplyDeleteTypical conservative deadbeat. They think paying for work is being robbed. Typical Republican deadbeats.
I hope the Degenerate Naïve Clueless Libtards get it,,,,
ReplyDeletethen watch what happens, as businesses close and cut hours of employyes and lay off others.
Next up will be the city of KCMO wanting to raise & increase TAXES on those who got their 15, because now the Criminals at KCMO know they have a little extra money they can tax them for until, they are right back where they are at now !
Then they'll scream they need 25 to 30 dollars an hour, and the cycle will continue until they scream for 50 to 75 an hour ,,,, then 100 an hour,,,
NOTICE they won't ever ever protest tho for CUTTING TAXES, Ohhh hell no,,, they couldn't conceive of that in their little minds !
Imagine what cutting Payroll Taxes and Taxes across the board would give those ,,, cut sales taxes , cut taxes on those utilities bills,
Why KCMO thinks they need a KC Franchise TAX anyway ????
LOOK at your utility bill,,,,, !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thry could cut property TAXES and all kinds of unnecessary taxes that CITY Officials love to MIS-SPEND as we've all seen & witnessed for decades !!!
But my god, take away that FREE TAX PAYER Welfare those city hall goons live for ????
They'd up and have a frickin coronary / Heart Attack !!!!!!!
Just $15 an hour?? why not $50?
ReplyDeletehell..if you're wanting to do away with free-market value for employees ..just go for a $100/hr -- lots'o Democrat greedy union slobs already scamming that much.
The reason the 15.00 an hour minimum wage is a bad idea, has nothing to do with how rich or poor anyone thinks they should be flipping hamburgers. That is a moot, rhetorical point.
ReplyDeleteIf there is a 15.00 an hour minimum wage, low paying jobs will be lost to machines.
This ain't Rocket Science.
Vote for robots? That's what it will come down to.
ReplyDeleteHopefully, an enlighted debate can elucidate this and how supply and demand would crush entry level jobs.
Further punishment for poor folks who want to get ahead and need a first job, even if it's low-paying.
if trump sends illegals home, wages are going up with no minimum wage increase.
ReplyDeleteNot even a dumb ass boon can possibly believe that flipping burgers is worth $15.00 per hour. This is a KC shakedown that will do nothing except create tax revenue for the local libtart politicians to burn. it will sure increase business in the burbs though so go ahead and finish off the Dimrod City.
ReplyDeleteBob at 4:20 kicked Byron the sheepshagging disability scam man in his teeth. The cocksucker didn't have any nuts .
ReplyDeleteMore businesses moving to Kansas, Kiss more of your tax base on the ass as they cross the state line
ReplyDeleteKansas will have a bonanza of fast-food restaurants as those in Missouri raise prices and eventually close down.
ReplyDeleteHow much will a quarter pounder or big mac cost? $10?
If a quarter pounder combo goes to $14 - $16 (wild guess only), who will buy it?
The McDonalds on Rainbow and Mission Road in Kansas would go crazy. Or, maybe the one on State Line would move across the street to Kansas.
What about grocery stores, such as in Brookside? Or any kind of retail for that matter?
The implications are astounding. So, surely, it won't pass, right?
Let's get realistic for just one second. It may or not pass. It may or may not be challenged and declared illegal if it passes. But we can say with 100% certainty that the General Assembly and Gov. Greitens will slap the shit out of Kansas Citians and make sure this never goes into effect. Stay calm, business owners. Prepare for the disappointment, minimum wage workers.