An important milestone for our favorite news weekly in all of Kansas City . . . Reporting by a freelancer resonates in Jeff City and causes a LOT of change or at least embarrasses a public official enough to cause him to resign . . . Given so many shameless local politicos in KCMO . . . We predicted that targeting hapless GOP politicos will be the new hotness for local newsies.

Credit to veteran reporter Karen Dillion who did this story while FREELANCING . . . Which means she got paid a few hundred bucks at most for ONE OF THE MOST IMPRESSIVE FEATS OF JOURNALISM in Kansas City this year. Take a look: George Lombardi, Missouri Department of Corrections director, resigns


  1. BULLSHIT! The Pitch is such a rag with virtually no credibility whatsoever. Their frequent pattern is when someone complains they take his/her word then they talk to someone referred to them by the complainer and the next thing you know they declare the story gospel.

    Even when the Pitch story is bullshit they used their horse shit methods and lopsided sources to cover their asses for the amateur hacking jobs they do. The Pitch is shit! Get inside one of their stories and their gossipy prone methods of collecting facts and you'll get a clue what a joke this amateur rag is.

  2. virtually no credibility whatsoever

    declare the story gospel

    horse shit methods and lopsided sources to cover their asses for the amateur hacking jobs

    gossipy prone methods of collecting facts


    Hey you're describing Tony's Kansas City!!

    1. Lulz. TKC appreciates the compliment I'm sure. But I am glad this guy is gone.

  3. 4:24 Actually it is a perfect description of Kansas City "journalism" in general.

  4. Don't worry folks, Lomardi invented this school to prison pipeline and got a nice nest egg. Just think about ass when you're tossing that salad Lombardo.

  5. How's cancer working out for Lombardi

  6. The Pitch is the bomb! Fantastic job and point on journalism! The JACKASS above must be one of the "good ole boys" who is sucking on the asses that are in the ringer. Keep kissen it jerk cause a lot of you are DONE!

  7. It is NOT a joke! Pitch is dead on! Fantastic that SOMEONE came forward. The above JERK MUST be one of the "good ole boys" who is sucking on the asses of DOC snakes. Well keep on kissen it cause all you goin down and won't be able to get foodstamps.

  8. TKC . . not only did #1 go out, #2 is following him. Way to go. Wonder how many more will head out that door before they are questioned as to THEIR part in the Department of Corruption? I do believe INSTEAD of upper line staff doing their jobs they worked very hard at learning how to get around policy, procedures and the law. If the new director got rid of the higher ups who were just PLACED in the positions and cut down staff to make others actually WORK their jobs we will see many run for the hills. Considering the clerical were doing ALL the tasks she (director) would find out how clerical were training the caseworkers and functional unit managers AND taking care of custody matters while custody SLEPT! Is it safe to say the inmate housing unit porter would be paid off with fast food for taking care of all inmate issues while staff sat around and talked most of the day? State pay at work.


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