Travis Kelce: Biggest Douche In Kansas City?

At this point, for posing such an uncomfortable question . . . Inevitably a comment troll will compare the vast riches, athletic prowess and access to hotties of this NFL millionaire to the horrible life of Kansas City's worst blogger. To that end, it's worth arguing that, at the very least, the blogging life which at least attempts to provide a resource, forum for discussion and links to relevant information about civic affairs still has sightly more dignity than a reality TV dating show contestant.

Additionally, just about every serious Kansas City Chiefs football fan is on record in calling this show one of the worst embarrassments the team has ever suffered with the exception of the loss in Pittsburgh earlier this season.

Whilst Travis "Fake Gronk" Kelce might be an integral part of the team's success on the field and he probably nurses cancer babies in his spare time or whatever . . . I'm fairly certain that even a quick peek at this promo for his show will convince locals that the guy's "branding" his one of the worst in KCMO football history.

To be fair, risking chlamydia by wading in the same pool with these bikini babe "contestants for love" is probably worth the degradation of an otherwise promising NFL career. Take a look:

You decide . . .


  1. He truly is our very own Great Value Gronk.
    Pales in comparison in every way.

  2. Gives great head.

  3. It's a really horrible show, but in a few years when his career is over, no one is going to remember. Let him have his fun and his poonaynay while he can get it.

  4. Wow, a white guy with TWO great paying jobs!
    Yep, heap the hateration on the big spending and generous taxpayer--creating more jobs contributor.

  5. I forgot Tony's Mexican. He's a Raiders fan. He wishes he had Kelcie on his team.

  6. Maybe not the biggest douche. I'll give that to the guy who hates the flag!

  7. Tony if you suspect someone's going to get on here and call you Kansas City's biggest douche

    you probably are.

  8. at least he was smart enough to pick some black chick as his winner--to appease his 95% black Chief team mates

    probably has never seen the black chick again since the show wrapped

  9. 10:51, Kelce likely had no choice in the "rigged" "romance", IMO. Hollyweird, WWE, and just about all manner of "entertainment" seems to have infected "pro sports". Moneyball, y'all!

  10. What a joke! A few tax payers spend a billion or so on the sports complex and they think they have the right to complain? Just pay the man and park your car. If you are a good boys we will let you stand in the lot, freeze you nads off and BBQ some wieners.

  11. Gronk is out (again) for 8 weeks. Dude is fragile; hopefully our douche isn't.


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