Right now our blog community reveals a Kansas City public safety funding crisis that police warn could have "devastating" for local neighborhoods.
A run down of this story amid the newly released City Hall 5-Year-Financial Plan so far:
KCPD Chief Forté was first to note that "Police deserve same raises as employees of other City services.
And then . . .
From the local Fraternal order of Police: Unless our department gets the funding and support needed to match our crime problem our citizens, our city will suffer . . .
Credit to KMBC for also picking up on this City Hall funding fight. . . . And KSHB noted that police are getting the lowest raise of all city employees.
Now . . .
First up . . .
A Word From Kansas City's Most Strident Supporter Of Law Enforcement, Council Lady Heather Hall:
1st District Council Member Heather Hall: "I am in full support of increasing the KCPD funding to support the hiring of new patrol officers as well as funding specific needs to give our officers the proper tools to protect our citizens.
"I worry that if we allow the number of officers in the field to decrease, we will see an increase in crime and in officer fatigue, which eventually leads to increased attrition. A 2% increase is simply not adequate to run a professional and well-trained police force.
"We expect a lot of our officers. When we call, we expect them to arrive and do the job required - that's tough to do with so few officers on the streets."
Another important perspective . . .
Teresa Loar Has A Longstanding And Respected Rep For Not Backing Down From A Legislative Fight As She Considers This Issue . . .
2nd District At-Large Council Woman Teresa Loare: "I was just made aware of this today . . .There will be serious discussion this week about this ordinance among the council. I know that we will be very diligent in educating ourselves about anything that would constrain us from making good budget decisions."
Again, what's important here is that while Kansas City has been focused on a development slate . . . Police and public safety funding have been sacrificed as these city employees fight to protect their ranks during a 10-year-high local crime spike.
Developing . . .
So let's get this straight: We have money for a new hotel, a new airport and another streetcar line but there's no money to maintain the level of police on the streets?
ReplyDeleteSeems like KC's priorities continue to be out of whack.
I'd like to know where the Mayor stands.
ReplyDeleteHe needs to reject Troy Schulte's budget.
95 murders so far and the mayor would rather push gun control than support the police.
ReplyDeleteThey recieved plenty of money from the Public Safety Sales Tax slush fund. Voters should make sure to not renew it again. Police make enough for the type of results they produce. If anybody still questions their results, just remind yourself that Kansas City is in the top 10 nationally as being among the most violent places in America...and worst run.
ReplyDeleteVote no on all new and existing taxes until this mayor and manager figures out public safety IS their job!!! Goodby COMBAT. SICK AS HELL OF BEING TOLD THE MAYOR IS ALWAYS RIGHT!!!! He is a bully, and he needs to publicly embarassed by this. He's a lame duck and those on the council who want his job, or to keep theirs need to cut ties with him.
ReplyDeleteIt's about time council stands up. The northland has bad that pussy Wagner for years and just look where we are. Sniveling little pussy hasn't worked for the people that live up here once. He's afraid the mayor won't support him. It looks like we elected two people who won't back down, finally. Good for them.
ReplyDeleteBlah, Blah, Blah, Bunch of hot air!
ReplyDeleteGee . . . Heather is married to a police officer & Teresa is a mother to a police officer. Coincidence that they are both speaking for higher raises.
ReplyDeleteNewsflash . . . the KCPD can give ANY raise they want. It would mean cutting into the costs of other programs, but there will always be layers of fat to trim. Does NOVA need so many on their staff? Do we need 3-4 KCPD personnel to decide not to tow a Council woman's car? Do we need commanders with no subordinates? Do we need 2 police officers to take a kid to breakfast, then school, then do a photo shoot about it? Lots of fat & waste.
Thanks for standing up for the police department. it's about time people on this council stop rolling over and playing dead.
ReplyDeleteLong as I feel safe when I go to Missie B's I don't care how much money they make.
ReplyDeleteWhere can I get a Vote NO on Combat renewal yard sign?
ReplyDeleteThere is no campain against the comeat tax. Voting for it is mandatory.
DeleteThe Mayor want's local control of the police and I assume many of his policies arise from that. A fully funded and capable department is contrary to that goal.
ReplyDeleteI don't think much of anyone deserves a raise in city government. The idea that someone deserves a raise for showing up to work and simply breathing air is counter productive. When the day comes that I can walk through the PD and most of the detectives aren't sitting on their asses, drinking coffee and shooting the shit instead of out in the field investigating then I might be convinced.
ReplyDeleteThis has been in a committee for at least 4 weeks.
Just made aware today????
ReplyDeleteKCMO already has local control of the police department.
The council controls the budget, just like Congress has control and oversight over the Pentagon budget.
And the members of the Police Board are LOCAL people who live in KCMO and who are nominated by LOCAL elected officials.
They're just duds like most of the rest of the losers who regularly run for and are elected to conduct KCMO's business.
You can't blame the system when the individuals who are regularly appointed to manage it are incompetent, clueless, cowardly, self-serving, and don't hold KCPD to account for operations or results.
If the mayor wants local control, do it. I don't give a damn who runs the police department. I care that we HAVE a police department. A fully funded department. How can the mayor get on television and not address his failures on the board? How does he actually complain about crime and dead children, but not fund the department responsible for responding and investigating the crimes? His words ring empty. The only answer is that he is more interested in lining the pockets of the fat cat developers. Enough...our streets are out of control. Do something about it. If this doesn't change soon we need to find a mayor that will do something. My only hope is that there is enough of a city to save in 3 years.
ReplyDeleteSo, we are fussing about .5% raise? KCPD needs to take their 2% and shut the hell up.
ReplyDeleteI think you would want to incentivize the shooting of negroes by police in lieu of raises.
ReplyDeleteWin win.
They already incentivize the killing of Negroes. The no snitching phenomenon is not cultural. It's police threatening and behaving badly. There's no such thing as a good cop. At some point in every crime, a police officer is involved. That's why things stay the same. It's not funding, its a social experiment. Blacks are killed and almost always nobody is held accountable for it. I watched a black boy get killed by the police. Without assassinating his character, most would think he had it coming. Murder without recourse is an incrntive to be lawless. Steal from the poor because they are poor and nobody will help them.
Deletewhy would they be "held accountable" for the job, basically, of putting down animals?
DeleteThese black animals would indeed shoot you, stab you, set you on fire, beat or club you crazily to death with any old big stick they found laying around — not a whole lot different from those proto-human apes in the movie “2001″ by Jew director Stanley Kubrick, come to think.
So, get this and get it straight: These black bastards will kill your White ass in any way possible for that lousy $10 bill in your wallet or your cell phone, even if you were all so nice, liberal and DIEversity-loving, etc., etc. They would probably even laugh hysterically while bashing in your gibbering face and joke about it later with their “home slices,” “bitches,” or whatever the fuck they call women nowadays.
Pay the cops a lot more , buy the a lot more higher power weapons and armor and violet bullet's ¡
ReplyDelete12:31 you are a god damn fool.
ReplyDeleteHey there 1:08 , go spend some quality time in KILLA CITY and get some good LOVING from the Plaza INNER city youth scholar's they will be happy to welcome you , hugs , rubs , mugged TRANNY BITCHES love will be in you ¡
ReplyDeleteThe negro apocalypse is upon us. We've been warned repeatly but see to accept our fate as being fodder for the black criminal cancer.
ReplyDeleteWhy would any rational White put up with the crap Hurricane that would be heading his way once he draws on a Diversity?
A Whites best option is to Shoot, Shovel and Shutup.
If you shoot him in the 7/11 just drive away. If it is on the Street late at night, well they will pick up the trash by morning. If you are defending yourself, you still can claim shock, mental stress, fear, etc to explain your fleeing.
Its a terrible position to be in, but the alternative is to be convicted with a jury of its nest mates.
I too am waiting for a courageous white(s) to confront these marauders with the force of arms. Personally, I prefer infantry weapons such as machine guns. If this ever happens, it will send a loud message to the knee-grow community that we've enough of their shenigans.
Meanwhile, please make sure you encourage everybody you know to vote on Election Day.
ReplyDelete12:09 p.m. YOU ARE A LIAR!!!!! If you look at today's news all you see is black people going after white people. If they get caught all they get is a few days and back out again to do more hate crimes.
How about today's news...little black girls beating an old white man.
You said you saw a black kid get killed by police???? BULL CRAP
You have a problem!!!! Black label is to nice for you people, NIGGER is more fitting.
^^^ Calm down. Don't have a stroke over a policy issue.
ReplyDeleteAs for this "plan" KC isn't really supporting it's police. That's why we have so much crime.
How about pay for performance?
ReplyDeleteI work for the City and City employees have been screwed on Salary increases for the past 10 years now. Plus Lay-offs.
ReplyDeleteSo what the Police department bitching about?
When it comes to KCMO, it seems like there is a racial orientation for all the spending decisions they make. The City Counsel should be figuring out ways to add police officers to the Department not limiting the Departments pay increase.
ReplyDeleteThe City is so wasteful in its spending. It appears that the annual money grab is based upon cronyism and where(EAST) in the City the money will be spent.
KCPD wants a raise?
ReplyDeleteFor what?
Tweeting Crime on a blog?
LOL Raise my ass.
Do what everyone else does who works for a living. You either suck it up or find an employer who will treat you right.
ReplyDeleteKCPD seriously needs a makeover starting at the top. Until we go outside and find skilled managers and leaders who can rise above KC political bullshit officers are going to be feeding stock in a game of big fish, little pond.
KCPD Chief Forté was first to note that "Police deserve same raises as employees of other City services.
ReplyDeleteDeserve? And the Public deserves something for all that public service tax money. How about it ?
here's the problem, KCPD has a decent starting salary but the top pay is at the bottom of police departments around the metro area. recruiting qualified candidates is becoming increasingly difficult due to the anti police rhetoric coming from BLM-types, many in the media, the left wing nuts and the increased violence against police.
ReplyDeletein short it's a bad time to be a cop in the US.
In addition to being one of the overall lowest paid PD's in the metro area they are far and away the busiest. they are dealing with the worst of the worst. the workload due to manpower issues is doing nothing but increasing.
so here's the pitch...hey join kcpd. we will pay you less to do more work and more dangerous work and you will catch shit for the work you do and be micromanaged in the process. not many people are signing up for that. if the PD wants good candidates they can't be taking the bottom of the barrel. you have to pay for quality.
as far as the increased crime rate goes that is really not on the police. that's a societal issue and a prosecutorial and judicial issue. if the public will back the police and the prosecutors and judges will do their part and keep bad guys in jail crime will go down. fact.
It a bad to be in America cop or not.
ReplyDeleteDid you see the premium hike for Obama Care?
You can't afford health insurance and if you don't have it the IRS will fine you. Thanks Obama.
And it will be worse with Hillary.
4:49 PM
ReplyDeleteWhen crime goes down the police pat themselves on the back when it goes up it's a societal issue. Rig the stack of cards.
Forté wrote a blog post Monday entitled, “Police deserve same raises as employees of other city services,”..........
ReplyDeleteKCPD reports to the State NOT the City.
Comparing city employees to the police is not even comparable.
City employees report to the City. The Police report to the Board of Police Commissioners appointed by the Governor.
Here's a novel idea - get rid of those hairy ass fat LIBERAL Democrats TRANNY BITCHES , with the money saved , give it directly to the individual cop and let them go buy MAJOR higher power weapons and equipment legitimately to put down the raging GROIDS ¡
ReplyDeleteThere's a nice network of bar managers looking to hire off duty cops.
ReplyDeleteKCPD would have a lot more $$ available if Loar and Hall weren't handing out taxpayer cash to EVERY Northland development scheme that comes before the council, or building sewers where no one lives, widening streets that carry little traffic, and installing sidewalks in neighborhood designed to discourage walking.
ReplyDeleteNorthland = leeches.