We're happy to look at all kinds of info and links and grateful for what many, many Kansas City denizens send our way . . .
This morning a Facebook author (That's a thing, right?) emailed us this screed . . .
Usurping Bernie Sanders’ bandwagon
I'll save readers some time . . . It's a 1000 word polemic claiming that MD Alam is thwarting Missouri Democrats - Which is a bold claim for a super-minority to make . . .
MD responds in the comments and seyz . . .
"Your Islamophobic and media propaganda, and lack of Knowledge, experience and capacity of accepting the fact that you are attacking someone based on Right-wing nut cases analogy and fox news' analogies."
I'm not sure if any of this is really important inasmuch as it simply confirms that Sleaze Summit GOP dude Will Kraus will probably take the MO SecState job with little to no opposition.
You decide . . .
BaBa Booey!!
ReplyDeleteFuck Camel Jockeys
ReplyDeleteta ta toofey is a LIAR about his military record, eh?
ReplyDeleteTurns out he was not a SGT upon discharge but an E1 private given a less than honorable discharge.
He should have to clarify what happened.
This sand nigger better watch himself.
ReplyDeleteSo Japan has grown a backbone. Maybe if Trump becomes Prez we can do this too.
ReplyDeleteJapan's top court has approved blanket surveillance of the county's Muslims.
Islamaphobia = the realization that over a billion people are taught from birth to kill everyone else and take over they're countries while they smile and deny it
ReplyDeleteIs Howard going to let him run for office?
ReplyDeleteHere's an interesting story that should worry us here in case Hillary becomes Prez. Syrian refugees in a New Brunswick Canada HS harassing other students, not wanting to learn the language or the culture. And 22-year-old men are put in HS where they hit on 14-year-old girls.
ReplyDeleteDon't think this can happen here? Ask the people in Idaho right now.
MD beats his wife in the back yard with a fallen tree branch -- There is your Democrat Party!
ReplyDeletefuck the paki!
ReplyDeleteYes, Tony, there is such a thing as a Facebook author, and my screed was more like 7000 words, not 1000. Glad you thought it warranted a plug on your blog, even though you apparently didn't even read it.
As for a viable Democratic opponent for Secretary of State, check out Robin Smith. Underestimate the progressive groundswell that has resulted from the Sanders presidential race at your own risk.
Now.... about some of your commenters. Sheesh. Free speech does not equal hate speech, but I know that's what gives your blog its ranking.
Education for you: Freedom of speech might mean hearing things that you don't like. I am not fond of racist comments...but they're part of the rich brawl of open discourse. If any real problems are to be solved, the precious, narcissistic oversensitivities have to be abandoned.
Delete^^^^^^^ Nobody read it.
ReplyDeleteRegardless of his ethnicity, regardless of his religion. .... he is misrepesenting his military status. He was busted down from an E5 to an E1 and given a less than honorable discharge. He wears his uniform at events with his Sargeant's stripes.
ReplyDeleteThis is not allowed because of his discharge.
It is a Federal crime! What I would like to know is how the fuck is someone with less than an honorable discharge even allowed to file to run for elected office in Missouri? Does this backwoods fucking state allow that?
ReplyDeleteJon, in case you aren't that familiar with Tony and his blog . . .
ReplyDeleteMD Rabbi Alam is but one of a long list of nutcases desperate for attention, and Tony is the only one who will give them any. The list also includes, but is not limited to Clay Chastain and a couple of people who have seemed to disappear from the face of the earth -- Toni Bones and Derron Black. Others are free to add their own "favorites."
At one time, Tony had a pretty good thing going, although it didn't make him Dime One. He was a pretty well-read one-stop shop for links to stories done by real journalists.
Then his propensity to serve as a whore for whatever juicy rumor was fed to him without bothering to do the least bit of work to check it out cost him big time when he accused a certain person of taking bribes and skimming money. Then, as part of an out of court settlement of the resulting lawsuit, had to publish a full-blown apology that had to remain at the top of his front page for 30 days. His reputation for being a tough guy disintegrated as his fans watching him being sodomized like Ned Beatty in Deliverance.
He still does his links to work by real journalists, but he has become so consumed with negativity about anything Kansas City, mixed in with reports from his favorite crackpots like Alam, that he has become quite boring.
And his "free speech zone"? It's dominated by guys who come here because it's the only place they can act tough. In real life, they'd piss their pants if they said anything like that in public and got confronted for it.
And these mental 14-year-olds, pretty much giddy because they can come here and say naughty words, have pretty much ended any real discussion here by chasing pretty much everyone else off in disgust.
Very long, with little truth. What people like you can't fathom or understand is how such an outsider can garner so much attention. It makes you angry. The blog is quite popular with more people than you would like to think. The sad fact is that you can get news and comment here that you can't get elsewhere...certainly not from the "responsible journalists" in our town, who are transparently mouthpieces for city hall serving a moribund legacy media establishment.
DeleteYour bitter little hit piece is illuminating, though. It shows that even self-appointed monitors of public virtue can't stay away. Jon, take note: even those who can't stand the blog are here every day, including some who seem to recognize it as a threat.
So there's humor, ugliness, (gasp) heterosexuality, racism, and most of all entertainment. If you don't like it, clutch your pearls and dive into that Sunday circular. It might be safer for you. ;)
But I guarantee you'll be back. Odd, no?
I like the blog, seems like 3:08 has been reading for years. Love the tits too greats stuff. Keep up the good work T!
ReplyDeleteVote Robin Smith for Secretary of State!