Following a weekend marked by homicides and multiple shootings.
The news gets worse for local neighborhoods . . .
To wit . . .
Here's the word . . .
KCPD Chief: Reducing positions while maintaining service
To balance our budget, we had to decrease our 1,457 sworn law enforcement positions by about 8 percent. As a comparison, that’s about the equivalent of the staffing of a whole suburban patrol division (like South, North or Shoal Creek patrol divisions) and then some. Of course we spread these reductions out to minimize the impact on neighborhoods as much as possible. And not all are in patrol. Some will be detective spots, others are training officers, and more.
Here is how eliminated positions break down in some of the most visible bureaus – Investigations and Patrol:
24 from the Investigations Bureau (includes Violent Crime, Violent Crime Enforcement and Narcotics and Vice divisions)
85 from the Patrol Bureau:
- Central Patrol reduced by 24 positions to 162 officers
- Metro Patrol reduced by 14 positions to 150 officers
- East Patrol reduced by 17 positions to 155 officers
- South Patrol reduced by 13 positions to 94 officers
- North Patrol reduced by 9 positions to 92 officers
- Shoal Creek reduced by 2 positions to 92 officers
- Special Operations Division (includes Tactical Enforcement, Canine, Mounted Patrol, Helicopter and Bomb & Arson) reduced by 2 positions to 81 officers
- Traffic Division reduced by 4 positions to 85 officers.
Read the whole thing at the Chief's website.
You decide . . .
But we passed the earnings tax. Suckers!
DeleteWasnt his cheerleadering in support of etax suppose to resolve all of their bad money managing and accounting - I mean stealing - I mean budget issues? This guy tells more lies than a homeless man panhandling on a street corner.
ReplyDeleteYou are forgetting we have a street car and soon to have a new airport. These two items will drastically lower crime in our city.
ReplyDeleteThank God you stupid fucking KC peckerwoods let that E Tax pass. Without it you would have lost 100 police positions protecting your fat, apathetics asses. With it you just lost over 100 positions. Jesus fucking ! When are you KC morons going to get a fucking clue and put a stop to this lying and swindling by your own local government?
ReplyDeleteHey is a brilliant idea. How bout you completely cut the Traffic Unit...thus putting 85 officers on the street to patrol for crime. You know, instead of making money pulling over working citizens going a little too fast...and sucking up all the Federal and State grant money instead of doing real police work. I mean, when one of the Sergeant's in that division almost makes more than the Chief, someone should do something. Looking at you Podraza.
ReplyDeleteReducing the number of Officer's when we the KCPD is so damn top heavy they have a dozen Captains with no personnel to command and no responsibility other than to be "Mentor's"??
ReplyDeletei feel bad for those four traffic cops..sad sad deal
ReplyDeleteim sickened,actually..gonna go lay down now.
All the positions that are being reduced this year already were vacant or are expected to be vacated through attrition. Many of these spots have been vacant for years, so it's not as though we're embarking on a sudden reduction in force.
ReplyDeleteAnd in the picture he is smiling.
ReplyDeleteThere's a half dozen houses in the city that are allowed to deal crack to keep the addiction rate high. Throw in one or two slum lords that allow the gun traders.
ReplyDeleteIt's keeping it " contained" then a snitch , a bust, swat, slows business down. It goes back to normal. Regular pay- offs. What' s new? Lived through it. Survived . Seen what it can do to a neighborhood and family. What gets done....?
ReplyDeleteHard to believe that with the renewal of the public safety sales tax in November 2010, that the police department is still talking about layoffs, insufficient tools to get the job done. This obviously isn't a money problem, it's abuse of power problem and/or too much of a good thing. It's nice to get paid to sit on your arse.
ReplyDeleteAssuming the spin that the E tax was going to police services turned out to be the world biggest typo ever. Exactly what are the shit heels at city hall spending the E Tax on? Please don't tell me more of Sly's pipedream bullshit. What a crop of sheisters running shit hole KC.
ReplyDeleteAnother reason to live in Johnson County
ReplyDeleteThe perfect excuse for the rise in homicides.
ReplyDeleteUs sheeple are so stupid.
In the mean time, how many $135,000 deputy directors, $120,000 assistant city engineers does the public works department have?
ReplyDeleteIf you're a KCPD officer, retire if you can. If you can't, find another Department. GTF out before these overpaid idiots get you killed.
ReplyDeleteThis department is top heavy with brass. Crime is going up and cops are being cut, great job Forte' and Sly.
As crime goes up and cops can't respond and people get beat worse or even killed where will Sly be; behind a podium touting the new toy train
Now Forte wants to add another Deputy Chief to the largest command staff in the history of the department. When will this BOPC step up and do their jobs? Why do you even ask to be on this board if you won't lead? This department is rotting from the top down. I wish I could retire.
ReplyDeleteShow the list of names or a photo of the people being laid off, otherwise it is just a big political show moving people around. You think they laid off or retired that many people and the Union didn't even mention it? LOL
ReplyDeleteIf you lazy peckerwoods don’t get off your asses and vote that police department is never going to get cleaned up and REmoralized.
ReplyDeleteWhere do I go to request my 1% back?
ReplyDeleteDon't worry folks! Things are safer than they've ever been in Kansas City. KCPD has a new crime lab, new police facilities, new tools to fight crime and an over-paid staff, specifically the Police Chief. All of these things were intended to make Kansas City safe, safe, safe; and bring jobs, jobs, jobs! KCPD is the economic engine that couldn't... ever! But you fell for it hook, line and sinking ships! Now back to your regularly scheduled propaganda, urban gunfights and stray bullets!
ReplyDeleteIn five years you will all have forgotten about this and vote the earnings tax in again. Suckers all!
ReplyDeleteSuch dumbass comments from people who have no clue. Post photo's of people who have left the dept or retire not thanks and have some crazed ass munch who hates cops or any dept member come to my door. fuck that. Yes once someone leaves or retires from the dept they may not fill that vacancy and it stays that way due to the cutbacks. There is a hiring freeze right now. To the comment get rid of the traffic unit and leave hard working citizens alone. Hmmm wonder if you would change your mind when someone cuts you off and is speeding hits some family and kills them. Then it will be where were the police. Give me a break. As far as new facilities. Try working in mold, and every time it rains you literally need an umbrella and buckets. Why don't you look and see how old these building that are being replaced are and the condition before you go spouting off. I'm so sure you would love to work in those conditions. Everyone wants to bitch and moan about stupid shit. Do you know they hours these officers and dispatchers work. You give up your life, no time for family....for what unappreciative peckerheads who talk out their asses.
ReplyDeleteMake the choice to find a better job. You chose to work there under those conditions. You're no hero for dling it and accepting less than you think you deserve. Buh-bye, 12:30am! You probably are at work in one of those comfortable buildings now chatting it up on TKC.
DeleteGood about time KCPD was cut. :) This is great news.
ReplyDeleteGet rid of the Computer unit and Planning and research. Make your cuts there.
ReplyDeleteHold on a second. I thought if we passed the E-Tax we wouldn't have to layoff cops?
ReplyDeleteS'lie James strikes again.
Oh but I know we have money to throw at out of town millionaires/billionaires to develop in Killa City.
Just like any other organization, too top heavy! I chief, 2 deputies, and a captain or major to run each division. More cops on the street.
ReplyDeletePolitics at its best right here!