Kansas City Link Pool With Jenny

Pr0n hottie Jenny McClain inspires this collection of Kansas City Friday afternoon links. Take a look:

Curbing Kansas City's Killing Spree
KC NoVA seeks to deter cycle of violence
TV Lady Stands Up For LGBT Community
April 15, 2016 Editorial: SJR 39
Texting Publicity Stunt Worked Perfectly
Public's voice is heard, AMC will not allow texting in theaters
Kansas City Wi-Fi Tech Note
Google must be open, transparent in its new Kansas City experiment
Golden Ghetto Democracy In Dire Need
Johnson County Still Needs 90 Precincts For November Election
JoCo Drunk Watch Tonight
Overland Park DUI Saturation Patrol Friday - Kansas City infoZine
Rock Chalk Political Tomb Coming Soon
Former Senate candidate Greg Orman releasing new book
And this is the OPEN THREAD for right now . . .


  1. "In a number of states across the country, laws are being passed that allow discrimination against gay couples."

    Is this Smith bitch a fucking lesbo or something? Since when is it discrimination to protect the privacy rights of millions? Fucking sick ass libtards and their pandering bullshit. They ought to make wacko cunts permanent potty police.

  2. Quick. Someone call Martin Luther king or Ghandi maybe even Lincoln
    This is such an important civil rights issue that it can't be left to wonen with a butch haircut

  3. Sarah Smith of KMBC is quite late to the LGBT rave party which has been ongoing for weeks now. Guess she had to hold a finger to the wind and make sure there was enough support existing before she dared offer a public opinion.

    Reminds me of Mary O'Halloran outing herself on Ruckus, decades after the Gay Rights movement, and at an age when she'd face little repercussion, besides the fact that everyone already knew.

    Sarah Smith states, "Discrimination is illegal, and creating laws to allow it in any form is wrong."

    Now that's a real doozy for metro residents with a memory! Because it was none other than the very same KMBC (local TV channel 9) which was found SUED FOR DISCRIMINATION in a lawsuit brought by three female employees of the station!! The lawsuit stated -- "The environment at KMBC-TV has transformed over time, from one of cooperation into a hostile environment, permeated with threats, intimidation and disrespect."
    see: http://www.bizjournals.com/kansascity/stories/2008/11/10/daily49.html

    Sarah Smith should go back into hiding, and allow others to pontificate on the travails of discriminatory practices, lest she draw the ire of another lawsuit-happy aggrieved party.

  4. The first mistake rests with those who would have you believe that Smith is any more qualified to render an opinion than the dog catcher.


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