TKC Note: Tonight, our pal Craig offers his perspective on the mogul who might be the next leader of the free world. 

Take a look:

Craig Glazer: Has The Media Made Trump Our Next President

Donald Trump is just a 'Super Tuesday' away from being the Republican nominee for President Of the United States. He is the most talked about candidate by media in history. No close second. First they just wanted more ratings before he faded, but he never faded.Now he is a 'rock star' candidate like nobody has ever seen or been. The media loves him. Donald Trump has turned what is normally a lackluster bunch of debates and primaries into television gold. Viewership is off the chart and 'climbing.' Trump and now his family are on the cover of 'everything.' Yes the Clintons are still a luke warm media boost but Trump has crushed them with his popularity and national interest. He seems bullet proof.

Mitt Romney has called for viewing Trump's tax papers. This was an issue Romney had problems with when he ran for the high office. When you are super rich like Mitt, the Clintons and Trump, things get complicated when it comes to paying your taxes. Donald's many businesses and vast holdings will always make his paperwork a bit of a mystery. It may be he doesn't want to show his taxes cause it will prove by his own hand he is not as wealthy as he says he is...? Who knows. Does it matter? Not likely. It's not a question the voters are really seeking an answer. They think they know Trump and you either like him or you don't.

In fact today Donald blasted out that Romney is one of the dumbest nominee's in history and just plain well 'a dope.' Harsh words,not very presidential and nobody cares that he acts this way. That's Trump.

As president he will play to the media and 'numbers' he just wants 'affirmation' on his moves and choices. Hey you can say that about most leaders, right. Trump has never been clear on his policies or beliefs on much of anything. "I'm going to make America great again," is his main brand, and its working. "We don't win anymore," he says, also working for him.

With Bernie Sanders now falling so far behind Hilary Clinton in the delegate count, barring a legal problem she will also lock up the nomination after Super Tuesday.

Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio are still fighting for second place. Without winning several states and delegates that won't matter much. It appears that Cruz is likely to fade and Rubio become 'the other candidate, but its looking to be too little too late.

With Clinton's negatives and a growing lack of trust by voters, coupled with media being in love with Trump, it appears a Donald Trump presidency is likely. It's similar to the 'Arnold' win in California for governor. He didn't really stand for anything but 'trust in Arnold.' He was a media star as is Trump and people felt they knew him. They don't really know Cruz or Rubio. Hilary is of course a household name but not a 'media rock star' like Donald.

What will a Trump presidency look like? Can he manage America to be better? Is he the great leader so many think he is and will be? The way its going we will soon find out.


  1. Craig said Trump would be the republican nominee. It looks like he's going to be right.


  2. I agree with Craig about one thing. Mitt Romney doesn't have a clue. His tax arguments are phony and the only thing they do is make him look bad.

  3. Trump Glazer 2016?

    I've vote for it!

  4. ^^^^^^^^ And you would prove stupid people are everywhere

  5. Whose story did you rip off for this story Glazer? Just wondering how much your writer charges you to write this stuff for you. Is your or you I mean going to be posting as AJ again?

  6. Thank god, Trump will run the niggers back to Africa! They're such a drain on our country already.

  7. If bullshit was rocket fuel Glazer would be on Uranus in someone anus! He still misses that jailhouse sex.

  8. Craig is the man. Don't be jealous! He was right about Trump. I think that at least earns him a cabinet post.

  9. Has the Media Made Trump Our Next President?

    Hmmm...well. The media made a traitorous lying empty suit non-US Citizen our current president, so why the hell not?

  10. 7:47, so has thousands of other people you dipshit, he is just repeating what the experts have been saying. CG is to stupid to have an original thought.

    1. CG is "too" stupid, you fat, stupid moron. If you're not doing a plagerized cut and paste comment you come off like the illiterate asshole you are.

  11. Ha Glazer, can't be anything other than what he is. The only person in Kansas City banned from a radio station for calling a woman a cunt. SD is right, Glazer is stupid!

  12. Is Tony trying to get in Glazer's britches or something?

  13. He's going to pay off my mortgage and put gas in my car.

    I'm here for money, Obama money. From his stash.

    ---Obama Voters in 2008

    Libs thought Obama was going to give them free money, heal the sick, exercise the demons, make muslims love us and get us into the United Federation of Planets. Yet we're dumb for voting for Trump.

    Get the fuck out of here with your Obama phone.

  14. Craig nails it. This is a conspiracy.

    Trump has more in common with Obama than you would dare believe!

  15. I prefer commentary from Mary Sanchez or Jenee Osterheldt. ...not sure who glaser is,didnt his family destroy the fabulous Wishbone Restaurant

  16. Trump is the media wonderboy. Right along with Mitt's fits over speculated Trump tax troubles, Romney's failed run of '12 gets YUUUUUGE play. Look for more stories like Morman leaders abusing church members' food stamps and such. Zip it Mitt, the Donald DOMINATES!

    GOP establishment and the HillyBilly will go for the beat up big on Trump playbook. They're dredging up long ago Stern show talks about Donald's view of women. Get your ringside seats folks and watch the bloodlust. Bill Clinton's Troopergate and a dozen or more flights on Pedo Jeff's LOLITA EXPRESS to ORGY ISLAND is gonna make Trump look Ward Cleaver.

  17. The thing is that in November Democrats get to vote, too.

    The Dump will lose for the same reason that Romney lost.

    Its simple demographics. You can't be the party of exclusion & win.

  18. Trump for president

  19. ^^^^^^^^^^ Yes I agree spot on with your opinion of Glazer.

  20. It may be he doesn't want to show his taxes cause it will prove by his own hand he is not as wealthy as he says he is...? Who knows. Does it matter? Not likely.

    Seem like Glazer suffers from what he claims other are attempting to do. Craig wants you to think he is flush with money but in all reality, he is just barely scraping by. Don't you just love it when a loser tries to point out someone better than him is maybe a loser?

  21. Republicans! Wake the eff up! America WANTS Trump! It's all clear now; stop plotting to attack him and just suck it up. Weeks or months of infighting will just weaken us now; clear the deck, nominate Trump, and guide him towards the issues we care about: deport illegals, crush crime (inner city niggers first), strengthen 2nd Amend, jobs back to USA, widespread discussion of the genetic differences that make niggers act like savages and explains all the problems they create, etc.

    Go Trump!!

  22. When the moderators ask the simple question of how long will it take the fence to go through pre-development, we might be on to something.

    You deep thinkers need to ask, when will the fence have preliminary designs completed so you can start the NEPA process? Then, how about the engineering, drainage, soils reports, supporting environmental docs?

    Whose land are we going to build it on?

    Jebuz, I did contracting work on a project 1-1,000th of this scale, and this project took 0 years.

    Problem is, no one is fucking interested in facts anymore.

    The R's keep talking about getting rid of Obamacare ON THE FIRST DAY IN OFFICE. How about Congress? You know, the legislative branch the strict constructivists keep ignoring.

    Anyone watch the debate tonight? Trump pulls this shit out of his ass and the hillroads and gearheads with NASCAR caps actually think Trump with his negotiating skills is going to get textile manufacturing back from China.

    History tells us, that the center of the economic world changes every 100 years. it's been doing that since the Roman Empire. But Trump and the simple will of the Duck Dynasty fanboys will simply will it to be.

    Trump loves the poorly educated. No fucking fooling.

  23. Ruby Slippers Rubio is going desperately knockdown dragout on Donald. Marco says Trump hired illegals. Whoa, Friday with the newsies will bring the backstories on who has been lying. Faked identities of bold border jumpers and other visa fraudsters took advantage of the Trump Holdings generous hiring staffs.

  24. Craig is right about Trump.

    He will win. He is our next leader.

  25. Fun debate. Craig is right, Trump seems to act like he has already won. I'm not sure the debates matter now. I think its too late for Rubio and Cruz. No clue why Ben and Ohio guy are still on stage or in this thing. They have no shot.

  26. I'm a comic from KC. I work everywhere but started at Stanfords. I'm friends with AJ. He is a comic and was at Stanfords last week. Asked him about what happened at that radio station. He told me the guy at the Buzz, Lozlo had Craig banned from the building. AJ said Lozlo was attacking Glazer on air and online. No reason he knew of. It led to Lozlo being scared of Craig and he went and told his boss not to have him in cause he was worried about Craig. No using the foul language on a female ever happened. Simple. I also see the same lies on here from the same hateful people over and over. Guess if you say it long enough and loud enough someone thinks people will listen.

  27. Stump the Trump. Rubio did. Cruz did. But that bastard Trump will still beat them out. Damnit.


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