Here's a look at a local protest movement taking shape.

In the media, police have been under fire for deadly shootings. KC is part of a national wave of push back against this trend. 

Statement from organizers seen FIRST here on TKC . . .

Not One More KCPD Killing

In the last 10 years, KCPD has killed 47 local residents. KCPD has one of the highest rates of officer involved killings in the nation. Recent comments made by KCPD to local press indicate the 47 police killings are acceptable and that the Kansas City community supports the police actions.

This joint action, co-sponsored by One Struggle KC and Metro Organization for Racial and Economic Equity, serves as a public display that the community does NOT condone the 47 police killings. We are outraged and we will not tolerate KCPD killing our residents.

Find out more about the #47GoneKC and recent fatal police shootings

The protest is scheduled for Monday @ 4:30 PM - 27th Street & Prospect Ave. KCMO

Developing . . .


  1. Look at the reasons why people are killed by law enforcement. Not everyone is a saint just because they are killed by the police, some of them were endangering the lives of their family and neighbors.

  2. I remember when the National Guard killed four students at Kent State. Everyone the media interviewed said that the killings were justified.

    You see the victims were tried, & found guilty of demonstrating against the war. Oh, & they might have thrown rocks.

    How many of the 47 were tried, & found guilty of being black?

    I have benefited all of my life from White Privilege. I know this, which is why it disgusts me so much to see people deny that it exists.

  3. Another lame ass protest. That'll change your culture of violence and degradation

  4. Byron=tony

  5. I heard that uber-cunt Professor Click from Mizzou and student body president Peyton Head will be making a special guest appearance.

    You know, for all of those MIZZOU CUCKS who didn't get enough of their schtick the first time around.

  6. Byron. If you have benefited from "white privilege" then give up your comforts you've reaped from that privilege. Live the oppressed life you so covet and free yourself of all those ungodly acts. Your the worse kind of hypocrite preaching the "white privilege" but having no problem taking all the benefits it has to offer. Seems you have a nice comfy white class apartment there in WV. The privilege of your brothers political name and you sit on your high horse while asking everyone else to give up their privilege while you milk the system.

    1. The theory of white privilege was invented by the sociologist and historian W.E.B. Du Bois in 1935. His argument was, despite the similar disposition of lower class blacks and whites, it seemed that whites were granted a position of privilege in the public sphere that their black counterparts did not experience. Du Bois also believed in the racist theory of Pan-Africanism, which states all people of African descent shared a common destiny. Regarding whites, Du Bois stated, “they were admitted freely with all classes of white people to public functions, public parks and the best schools. The police were drawn from their ranks, and the courts, dependent upon their votes, treated them with such leniency as to encourage lawlessness.”
      White Privilege doesn't exsit in todays failing middle-class. "Brother Code " in the black community is what is at the root of all the self inflicted problems

  7. So the inaccuracies begin with these statics in the first shooting profile. It lists a Hispanic individual but the chart above shows no Hispanic individuals were killed in officer involved incidents.


  9. So what is their solution?


    Ok so let's imagine this, KCPD at the request of this so called "movement" decides that they will no longer respond to parties armed calls, active shooters, and other calls involving weapons where criminals are actively endangering others and the public. Let's see how that works out for the homicide rate and this "movement".

    This logic would also include the type of incident in South Kansas City in 2014 where the male was actively shooting elderly persons in their neighborhood. By this logic the police should wait for him to run out of ammo and kill as many as he can before eliminating the threat.

    By this logic active school shooters and terrorist acts would be included.

    The real question here is why are they ignoring black on black violence and homicide in Kansas City where over 80% are the victims and suspects of violence.

  10. ^^^^^^^^Very good argument 1027. The link at 1019 is also a good read

  11. The Ward Parkway mall active shooter who murdered his mother before shooting others, regardless of race would not have been approached by the police and killed under this logic.

  12. Ask for the stolen land back during the protest and for Miles to deported back to Arkansas, too

  13. we as a city would have very little crime if it wasn't blacks killing each other daily

  14. Thanks for sharing this, Tony. We always see the "why are they ignoring black on black violence" kind of moronic statement when we say we don't want those we pay to "protect and serve" to kill us. 1. Those are two different issues with different solutions 2. Almost all violent crime is race on race so it's quite ignorant to keep saying 'black on black' crime 3. The organization I lead and yours truly have actively worked to reduce violent crime both directly and indirectly for many years. We are the same people who held public events all over the with kcpd and the NOVA partners in 2014. We actually can work on multiple issues at the same time. I'm not sure why people assume that we don't care about crime because we want accountability in policing.

  15. Thanks for sharing this, Tony. We always see the "why are they ignoring black on black violence" kind of moronic statement when we say we don't want those we pay to "protect and serve" to kill us. 1. Those are two different issues with different solutions 2. Almost all violent crime is race on race so it's quite ignorant to keep saying 'black on black' crime 3. The organization I lead and yours truly have actively worked to reduce violent crime both directly and indirectly for many years. We are the same people who held public events all over the with kcpd and the NOVA partners in 2014. We actually can work on multiple issues at the same time. I'm not sure why people assume that we don't care about crime because we want accountability in policing.

    1. The Great White Hype... I mean hope.

  16. Byron a hypocrite ? Nah

  17. Lora McDonald, The organization you lead and yourself are doing a terrible job reducing crime.

  18. 11:33, that's true, but they are doing a great job maintaining funding. Give credit where credit's due - keeping funding in place while failing miserably at one's advertised function is not easy!

  19. I didn't want to waste anymore time on the dead horse Bob but you are absolutely correct. How do they sleep at night?

  20. We do not need more marches, meetings, commissions, etc.,etc.. With all the commissions and focus groups we have on crime, people are confused and so are the criminals. We need for the Chief of Police and the Mayor to hold a press conference. Just the two of them. Explain to the public: If you come at a police officer with a weapon, a car, your fists, anything that might harm the officer, YOU COULD GET SHOT! This should not be a threat but a statement of fact. It will not make any difference if you are white, brown, black, green, blue, etc. YOU COULD GET SHOT! Then as these police shootings take place, the mayor and police chief simply have to say; "didn't you hear the warning?"

    No more commissions, marches, vigils, etc. The dead individual violated the law and he or she is dead. If parents want to spare their children, they need to collect the guns and weapons their children have and turn them over to the police.

  21. How abour no more blacks killing people?

    You think we will just let that go on forever?

  22. 12:19. That makes way to much sense, won't happen.

  23. 12:37 Blacks kiling other blacks has gone on forever. Fifty years is a long time and about equal of the lifespan of many black people. That is forever by some standards.

  24. The police did not write a single state statute related to use of force and no one in this city did either. Right now the state is undertaking the task of tightening up the use of force statutes. Rather than disrupt and piss and moan the folks with objections need to be talking to their state legislators. However, as with most of these dog and pony shows, it is doubtful that the objective is to actually create some positive change, but instead to widen the gap between police and citizen relations.

  25. 12:59 is right.
    But to actually learn enough about statutes, issues, procedures, policies, and all the rest takes lots of work, which these folks have no interest in.
    Just fire up the internet in the morning, find some "outrage" taking place somewhere in the world, and grab your signs, march around, inconvenience perfectly innocent regular folks going about their business, yell and scream and cause "disruption", and most importantly, get some face time on local television.
    Do the same thing tomorrow.
    It never ends.

  26. Killing people transcends police actions. What are the underlying factors involved? Why are relatives, friends, acquaintances, the unknown and others being slaughtered? Let's get to the root of the problem. Could it be gun laws, mental health, drugs, hatefulness from Congress downward? God must be having a problem answering our prayers.

  27. 12:07+1

    The issue with all these grifter organizations is not that they're focusing on multiple problems at once, it's that they're unsuccessful on every front yet continue to land the government money. In fact, landing that money is their primary purpose, with actually accomplishing something or effecting change a distant second.

  28. Lora McDonald is the director of More2, one of the worst and least effective of the grifter organizations. Their current trade is in the use of "white priviledge / guilt" to stay relevant, but even a look at their own website makes it clear they've accomplished nothing of use. The best they've done is land a few meetings and have effected no real change.

  29. KCPD sucks.

  30. Obama lauds the "activists" as

    "True heroes in the Democrat War on Cops"

  31. Sure sounds like one and the same when you listen to Byron Funky and Chili Beaner.

    Ahhhhh, as for this bullshit against the cops. How many Nippy murders were there last year ? 103, 105 ? How many cop kills ? If you are not smart enough to do what a cop tells you, whether you like it or not, then maybe you need your stupid fucking ass shot. There is a reason the police is called "the Man".

    So fuck a bunch of protesting against the cops. While basically worthless most of the time, they have a job to do and if one tells you to get on your knees and say ahhhhh, do it. When you finish wipe you're fucking mouth off. Dumb ass.

  32. ...and if they are wrong you can join one of the many each year who share in the millions of settlement dollars PD pays out for stepping on their dicks.

  33. And remember KCPD sucks.


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