Kansas City Tessa Red Friday Link Look

Tessa Fowler inspires one last glimpse at the Kansas City news for Friday night. Checkit:

Will Chiefs Stop The Racist Chop???
Kansas indigenous group asking Kansas City Chiefs fans to stop the Tomahawk chop
Kansas City Abuse Conclusion
Mom gets 34 years in prison for locking girl in closet, has outburst in court
E-Tax Animosity
Monday Poll: Fate of Kansas City's earnings tax is on the line
Local Fear Of Osama's Ghost
Metro couple believes man charged with extorting, stalking them has terrorist ties
Kansas City Beer Bribe
The Chiefs will buy you beer at their watch party
And this is the OPEN THREAD for right now . . .


  1. As an American Indian I am asking all you peckerwoods and other fans to continue to do the chop in relation to Chiefs actinities. Frankly these libtard screwballs would make farting in a beaner cafe a hate crime if they could.

    I don't feel it is racist or offensive, but I am sure you can find some dumb as 30 something college professor who is perfectly willing to be interviewed even though he never spent a day in his life being a real American Indian.

    What I do see as racist and offensive is protesting over the city taking your land to build a police station when my people lost millions of acres in shit deals with the government. You don't see us laying around on our fat lazy asses finding racial shit to whine about. Shut up and get a fucking job.

  2. ^^^^^^^^^^ You go dude....... We need more like you in this country. What the government did to the American Indian was/is total bullshit. Now all we do is give free shit to the boons that do absolutely nothing but kill, rape, rob and jack. Oppppps. Sorry. Went racist for a second. But then I am known as the "Bigot Bear.".

  3. I don't come here for lame stream media links. Write a god damn story once in a while.

  4. ^^^^^^^^^
    Bitch, show us your blog and if anybody visits. We'll follow your lead. I like the links and the tits.

    I say keep the tits and show less links.

  5. Vockrodt is the only local journalist that writes anymore.

  6. I like his stories too. But I wouldn't read them if they weren't LINKED on TKC.

  7. A bulge of journalism in my pants1/15/16, 7:47 PM

    A blog is a blog. You don't like it, GTFO. You'll be missed.

  8. After reading further, about that NIGGER, Jacole Prince and her courtroom antics (of course, read about it on the TV stations websites cause the Star won't let you without paying...that's another story.) it becomes more and more apparent that NIGGERS in general, are getting more animal-like each day. Shouting "Shut up, motherfucker" at the judge, really seems more like grunts and clicks.

  9. ^^^^^^^^idiot troll racist. Delete please.

  10. Deleting Jacole Prince, makes much more sense and while you're at it, you fucking moron, suicide seems to fit you too!


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