Lucy Collett And The Kansas City Early Links

Lucy Collett begins our Kansas City early morning with a great deal of hotness to inspire the news day. Checkit:

MUST READ: More Evidence Against Bad Downtown City Hall Deal
The Convention Hotel Deal May Cost Kansas City Conventions
Tech Help For Local Lost
Nationwide operation saves young Kansas City sex trafficking victims
Old School Crook Allegations
62-year-old man is charged in Kansas City bank robbery
Public Housing Cancer Stick Crackdown
Housing Authorities smoking ban on could go nationwide
KC Ripoff Allegation Report
Driveway repairman con artist cracks trust of metro homeowners
Student Athlete KC Check & Balance
State lawmaker proposes bill to prohibit schools from showing favoritism to some students
Kansas City Tribute Long Overdue
Hyatt skywalk memorial provides victims' families closure and relief

And this is the OPEN THREAD for right now . . .


  1. "State lawmaker proposes bill to prohibit schools from showing favoritism to some students"

    This guy is right, except the cheating that goes on with college athletes is much worse than described. I can tell you that in the Missouri system instructors are pressured to allow athletes to miss classes, to make unscheduled classes, to receive extra tutoring from instructors, to be coached on test contents and then allowed do overs or even given verbal "clarifications: to make sure they pass. The NCAA is supposed to have rules against this kind of bullshit, but they are moire part of the problem than the solution.

    The problem is that the minute you clamp down and make athletes tow the line you have the fat cat alumni lobbying and calling their state politicians to get more slack for these athletic slugs. This is not only unfair to achieving, hard working students, but it ends up costing tax payers even more. It's a shame Missouri is so corrupt, but this is how college business is done here.

  2. All white people are now instructed to report to the nearest "school" and henceforth hand over any and all of their property to the nearest NIGGER. The NIGGERS will then return to the hood and build a better country for all concerned.

  3. Hillbillery Clinton11/13/15, 2:22 PM

    What is wrong with equality white boy? Vote for me and I'll show you even more.


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