In the aftermath of Bishop Finn's resignation what was shamefully missing from local coverage was an honest look at what Kansas City Catholics really believed about the painful episode.
Sure, people say a lot of things on camera but it's only in private written correspondence that folks offer anything close to a genuine perspective.
Accordingly . . .
Signed "In the Sacred Heart of our Crucified Lord" this memo from Fr. Gregory J. Lockwood, Parochial Administrator at Christ The King Parish doesn't pull any punches.
Here is the most relevant passage and the thesis of the Kansas City Catholic missive:
Fr. Lockwood: "One of the most disturbing things I have seen in my years as a priest is the glee and meanness of many of our brothers and sisters in the aftermath of Bishop Finn's resignation. Champagne corks popped, celebrations begun, more mean and vicious things said by people who Lord Jesus said to them, "love one another."
There is no forbearance or forgiveness for this man who pled no contest to a politically motivated charge filed by an ambitious prosecutor with strong ties to the abortion industry, so that he might save his local church the pain and cost of a public trial.
The statute used was not even applicable to what happened, but such is our legal and political society. He is a man who loves and cherishes children, and would never for one minute hazard them for any reason: I know this as I know the man himself. But the outrage of many was managed by the designs of a few and here we are."
"What has the whole thing done to us? Is our love and respect conditional? One of our former teachers here at CTK school put up a post on Facebook, "I hope Bishop Finn rots in Hell forever." We have become mean, low and self-involved. The vicious attacks by Christians against Christians that we see today have become the norm. Whatever happened to praying for your enemy, blessing those who persecute you? Who are we and what have we become? No one has won anything here; we've all lost. An honorable man has been unjustly disgraced, and we have sacrificed his dignity and our own in a rush to punish and destroy, things antithetical to everything our common faith represents."
Again, on camera interviews are always a pleasant affair and people have learned to guard their real feelings. Typically, Dead Tree Media didn't even attempt to offer an honest perspective about what Kansas City Catholics really believed about the incident.
Local media often celebrates politicos like Jackson County Prosecutor Mean Jean Peters Baker and doesn't offer any glimpse of real neighborhood sentiment about her Administration . . .

This is an UNFILTERED look what locals really thinkabout her motives for the faithful and everyone else on this Sunday.
Developing . . .
Better title: Catholic priest shows his version of truth to power.
ReplyDeleteAll this sounds good and fine; however, the truth remains that this church and most all of the rest are concerned only about money and little else. If you don't tithe, you don't belong. Fuck you!
ReplyDeleteHey there, Father Lockwood.
ReplyDelete10 years ago many Catholics were run off by Finn, his lackeys and people like you. And it was done with glee and self-righteousness.
Paybacks are hell, aren't they?
I wonder about those people who were "run off."
ReplyDeleteWere they really "run off" or did they decide on their own to leave because they didn't happen to agree ideologically with the guy who happened to be in charge at the moment?
Says something about the foundation and depth of their faith, doesn't it?
By the way, this comment cuts both ways. It applies to 7:08 above who contends that "liberals" were run off by the "conservative" Finn, as well as Father Lockwood's contention that the diocese was "dying" because "conservatives" were run off by Finn's "liberal" predecessors.
Shame on Peters Baker for letting her prejudice get in the way of her job. She needs to be removed. She is not a representative of the people.
ReplyDelete"Religion" sold its soul to the Rethuglican Party. That's how good Catholics became thugs.
ReplyDeleteA better fight would have been a Polar Bear beat down on Byron "Shagger" Funkyhouser rather than dropping a duce and a half for a May Pac ticket.
ReplyDeleteBiggest rip off in history. Now, jetting back to Killa City to finish Byron off.
Let the real beat down begin.......
It could have been summarized, like all liberal-conservative disputes, in once sentence.
ReplyDelete"Liberal Agenda wins again".
Anyone wanting to a perspective from someone who has no axe to grind, can go here:
Does anyone think this women will be interviewed. Has anyone interviewed anyone other than anti-church, pro-abortion, pro-homosexual / liberal agenda?
The answer is a "no".
Those of you who did NO research into this, but believed the media (when have you ever believed ANYTHING in the media?!!), are the ones this Priest is calling out.
Took some guts.
Bear will the Byron beat down be on pay per view ?
ReplyDeleteThat would be worth a hundred bucks.
ReplyDeletebut who really fucking cares?
Also where were the riots you promised us?
Religion is a relic of the past. Magic ceremonies performed by grown men in costumes. Mega Churches which rake in money for what might be called motivational speaking. Religion is good for children and fools. No, I am not an atheist. I am an individual.
ReplyDeleteLet's remember the "Ratigan Case" was about molesting children. In this case, not only was one man guilty. The parish, the school, and the diocese supported a climate for this to occur. Then there was an effort to sweep it under the rug. This was about hurting children in one of the most despicable ways possible. I wish the Catholic Church would show some concern and shame over what was allowed to happen to innocent children.
ReplyDeleteRatigan and Finn aren't the only culprits. I am not buying, "Whew, Finn's gone. We can all go about business as usual." This priest demonstrates that the Catholic Church will not take responsibility for their depraved actions and have absolutely no concern for the well being of children.
Anyone who gives a penny to the Catholic Church is participating and supporting a very sick organization.
Would have never even heard of Finn if it wasn't for this blog.
ReplyDelete8:42 and 8:52 prove the point of the letter. Reading it in it's entirety I can only tell you that when mistakes are made, and the Ratigan case was initially a mistake by several people, you of course have fallout.
ReplyDeleteThe facts do remain however that Judy Thomas, Rebecca Randle, JDP, JDC, and Chlossey have all conspired to create a story and create 'facts" that have made the situation only worse in the public's eye. If you are perfect then continue to post hate speech and vicious words. If you too are human and intelligent then stop hatred.
In the years I've gone to church I have never heard words of hate come from the church or it's leaders. Always from knuckle dragging idiots like those who say Fuck you to the church and "if you don't tithe then you don't belong. All false statements meant to inflame the general and ill informed readers.
No, the Ratigan case wasn't about molesting kids. It was about child pornography. He made and possessed hundreds of "upskirt" images of little girls, many of whom had no idea he had photographed them.
ReplyDeleteI think it's a pretty good assumption that molestation was a line he was approaching, but we can all be grateful that he was stopped -- regardless of how that happened -- before he progressed to that point.
8:08, your post tells me a lot more about your ideology than anyone else's, including that of the church.
ReplyDelete"Theology" is just another way to spell "fundraiser".... Really!
ReplyDeleteLet me guess. We'll have to stare at this pathetic post all day now.
ReplyDeleteThanks Tony
Sure he's scum bag but I don't understand the TKC obsession with Finn here.
ReplyDeleteSomeone please enlighten
Come on, padre. If there was really a court for the monstrous crimes of the church throughout history, this would be pretty mild by comparison. Take your poisonous superstition and excommunicate yourself.
ReplyDeleteI think Mexican's here are mostly Catholics.
ReplyDelete9:23, as far as I can tell, Tony thinks of himself as an iconoclastic populist who will always, in knee-jerk fashion, oppose "conventional wisdom."
ReplyDeleteNothing wrong with that unless it becomes so automatic he stops bothering to think for himself.
This time, it's hilarious. For years, Tony has been calling for Finn's resignation. Now that he's got it, he's going to build the case that Finn was railroaded.
I doubt he realizes how stupid this makes him look.
Byron you West Virginia loser, I'm not a Republican because I grew up rich, but because I didn't want to spend the rest of my life poor, waiting for the government to rescue me.
ReplyDeleteMaybe as well Tony is just showing both sides of the story.
ReplyDeleteYeah no riots this weekend on the plaza, fuck this shitty blog. Rot in hell.
ReplyDeleteSomeday you idiots will realize that all this Catholic-bashing was being orchestrated by SNAP, who was working with lawyers to cash in on priest abuse to make millions of dollars.
ReplyDeleteIf you follow the money SNAP is complicit along with the news media. And all the lawyers who are cashing in.
Because the holy mother Church never supported the Nazis, right? That's just hate and bashing.
DeleteOne thing for sure: The brain dead hickster numb nuts of KC will still vote for Jean no matter how many passes she hands out. The little libtard princess.
ReplyDeleteI'm not saying there is no God and that churches are bad but I have always wondered how so many can worship and support a God who has killed more people or allow just as many more to die than any other known leader, religious or not on this planet.
ReplyDeleteI will probably die never knowing with no doubt the real answer here, just as many before me have died wondering the same thing.
Penal Colony Earth comes to mind
ReplyDeleteTo pretend that the Bishop Finn resignation is only about Rattigan is deliberately obtuse and forgets about the multiple confidential civil settlements entered into by the Diocese and victims of child sexual abuse, artfully negotiated by Wyrsch, Hobbes and Mirakian as counsel for the Diocese.
ReplyDeleteIf it wasn't for them they'd be auctioning off the altar for all of the digits that got dropped into kids in the 60s and 70s and their subsequent coverup.
The sad thing is that no matter how many settlements and awareness campaigns happen it will continue because something about the Catholic Church attracts pedophiles, either because of their easy access to children or because of something more ancient and sinister.
Yes, Superdave. Tony has spent years pimping only one side of that story, and now he's going to spend one post on "the other side."
ReplyDeleteHow "fair and balanced" can you get?
Yes, Huckabee. I am sure that the taxpayer supported education you received from K through college (assuming you are educated), nor the nation's infrastructure put in place by the taxpayer had absolutely nothing to do with your success.
ReplyDeleteIt was all your hard work, and only your hard work.
10:22, I'd like to point out that the vast majority of child sexual abuse occurs in the home.
ReplyDeleteThere is also a huge scandal, or it should be huge, in public schools which also seems to "attract" a lot of people who can't seem to keep their hands and other body parts off kids.
I think it is rather ignorant and foolish to think that child sexual abuse is unique to the Catholic church, as well as blindly cruel to the people who have been victimized by trusted adults who were not only not priests but not even Catholic.
My wife, who was molested as a child by an uncle, wanted to join a SNAP support group thinking it was for all victims and survivors of childhood sexual abuse.
She was told, point blank, that being molested by an uncle wasn't "as bad" as being molested by a priest, so she would have no idea what the others in that group went through or were feeling.
I see. Well that makes it all better then. Io te absolvo!
ReplyDeleteS.N.A.P. (Survivors Network of the those Abused by Priests)
Why would your wife try to join a group that specifies "Priests" in their title?
There are other groups to join that deal with family sexual abuse. These groups are easy to find on line.
Slow news day. Finn always pops up here on a slow news day.
ReplyDeleteLockwood seems to be in denial, blinded by loyalty to his old friend. In the second paragraph he summarily dismisses the idea that Finn was protecting a child molester, then closes by proclaiming Finn an honorable man done wrong. That seems to fly in the face of reality.
ReplyDeleteFailing to stop a molester is not honorable.
While the level of glee upon Finn's departure might have reached an unbecoming level, that's not really the issue that matters.
I get more lasting value reading just one Monday morning Kunstler post a week then I do here.
ReplyDeleteBut yes here I am. Why? At this point I don't have a clue. I must enjoy punishing my intellect or something.
You just have to get used to sorting through all the bullshit lowest common denominator crap 11:37.
ReplyDeleteEvery once in while a daisy pops up through the pile.
In five years blogs will be as relevant as the horse and buggy. Even the big mega blogs are rapidly going down the tubes.
ReplyDeleteRobots will replace bloggers. More efficient.
ReplyDeleteRelax! Our tax delinquent mayor will fix everything!
ReplyDelete10:22 AM and Others...
ReplyDeleteYour facts are wrong. There were a great many suites that were settled by KC-ST JOE diocese. They were settled by Finn when he took over as Bishop. They were NOT settled by Bishop Boland. Nearly 90% of the cases took place BEFORE Boland ever took office.
Cases that were settle by Finn were before both of them. He did it thinking it would promote healing and not to give credibility to "repressed memory syndrome" which anyone will tell you is Bull Shit.
Instead, he caused a feeding frenzy Rebecca Randalls.
Abuse DID take place in the church, but no more so than the general population (wrong is wrong).
However, no child was hurt because of any action Bishop Finn took, and his demise was not because he didn't take correct actions. -- Funny how the media never reports the principal's immunity in this whole thing, since she was the one responsible for contacting the civil authorities.
This is political grandstanding and the liberal agenda.
Makes me proud to be a Jew.
God damn grills. Can't even open your windows without some cavemans grill smoke ruining a nice day.
ReplyDeleteBaltimore is the reality show of democrat infighting.
ReplyDeleteFinn is the reality show of religious infighting.
We watched and enjoyed the big fight last night. Church this morning to repent for our sins.
ReplyDeleteFinn was never found guilty of protecting a molester nor did anyone who investigated the case accuse him of doing so. He was found guilty (by agreement it seems) of failure to report suspected abuse. The punchline is that there was no suspected abuse to report at that time. No one had accused Ratigan of abuse nor was there evidence of abuse.
ReplyDeleteThe catholic church has zero moral authority. Never will again. All the rest of this is just political/sociological boola boola boola. Go blog about it.
ReplyDeleteAbortion is bad because nobody believes orphans when they claim their raped
ReplyDeleteThe Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want
ReplyDeleteHe makes me down to lie
Through pastures green He leadeth me the silent waters by.
With bright knives He releaseth my soul.
He maketh me to hang on hooks in high places.
He converteth me to lamb cutlets,
For lo, He hath great power, and great hunger.
When cometh the day we lowly ones,
Through quiet reflection, and great dedication
Master the art of karate,
Lo, we shall rise up,
And then we'll make the bugger's eyes water.
1:29 is certainly a St Pat's member.
ReplyDelete1. There are two versions of the Finn criminal plea going around. One is a nonfactual version from the Catholic defenders people, national and local. The other is sworn testimony and actual evidence presented at Finn's trial. These two versions are at odds on key matters. One version is documented as correct and supported by testimony and evidence, the other is wishful thinking. The man committed a crime as defined by law. That is the fact.
ReplyDelete2. I believe he was a dedicated church leader and a fine human being. But one who made a criminal mistake and demonstrated he is not qualified to lead a business organization. The Bishop is both - a business leader and a church leader. On the first, he failed and had to be removed from office.
3. Remember - the Pope fired him. If you don't like it, go argue with the pope.
1. There are two versions of the Finn criminal plea going around. One is a nonfactual version from the Catholic defenders people, national and local. The other is sworn testimony and actual evidence presented at Finn's trial. These two versions are at odds on key matters. One version is documented as correct and supported by testimony and evidence, the other is wishful thinking. The man committed a crime as defined by law. That is the fact.
ReplyDelete2. I believe he was a dedicated church leader and a fine human being. But one who made a criminal mistake and demonstrated he is not qualified to lead a business organization. The Bishop is both - a business leader and a church leader. On the first, he failed and had to be removed from office.
3. Remember - the Pope fired him. If you don't like it, go argue with the pope.
"In five years blogs will be as relevant as the horse and buggy. Even the big mega blogs are rapidly going down the tubes."
ReplyDeleteThe streetcar is coming back. Maybe the horse and buggy will be next, 11:53.
@356 & 356 A M E N & Amen, again!
ReplyDeleteVick (dog killer), Rice ("wife" beater), Peterson (child abuse) and Hernandez (murder) -- their SINS do not automatically make the entire NFL to be despised.
Abusive clergy do not make all ordained nor the Church guilty by association.
Seriously, Saturday Mass and Sunday at Arrowhead are PRAYERFUL!!
Hey Father Lockwood you full of it and you know it. Your church is almost empty every Sunday. Why don't you shut up and help your daughter write some more porn!
ReplyDelete"The other is sworn testimony and actual evidence presented at Finn's trial."
ReplyDeleteExcept for one annoying fact. There was no "trial" in the classic sense where "sworn testimony and actual evidence" was presented.
There was a plea bargain which included a show trial before the bench in which both sides made brief oral arguments and the outcome was agreed to in advance, including the suspended imposition of sentence.
Jean Peters Baker is as PHONY as Shit, shes a known Criminal Coddler and a Communist LIBERAL that caters & panders to Criminals, that's a known FACT !
ReplyDeleteFor further info on this Communist LIBERAL Jean Peters Baker, refer to the Kansas City Star Investigation : Getting Off Easy
After seeing what shes really about and her secret LIBERAL Agenda, you'll demand a public Hanging !!!
As a lifelong Catholic, who is active in the church, I know literally thousands of Catholics in Kansas City. I know very few who may have "popped champagne corks" at Bishop Finn's resignation--in Rev Lockwood's words. Nearly all to whom I have spoken were greatly relieved.
ReplyDeleteThere is no single reason for this. Some were simply appalled at his handling of the Ratigan affair and believed that cause enough to require resignation.
Others were offended by Finn's heavy-handed,clumsy methods of attempting to enforce his reactionary views of "Church" on his flock. Most of those whom I know personally were offended by his arrogance at degrading the work of the last two former bishops--whom a strong majority considered superior to Finn in their approach.
None of those whom I know wish Robert Finn to "rot in hell." They are simply relieved. They see him as a man who had risen to a station above his abilities and who was not at all suited to the position--especially here and now.
I am sick of child molesters defending the king of pederasty, Finn. All religion is false but only one protects pedos and sends them out to children's parties.
ReplyDeleteHear that, Marpy Sanchez?