Kansas City Tessa Fowler Friday Link Pool

Tessa Fowler starts our Kansas City early morning with her curvy hotness and our quest to highlight all the important stuff in Kansas city right now . . . Check it:

Rock Chalk Ride-Share Compromise
Uber is back in Kansas
Show-Me The New Boss
Missouri Republicans pick Richardson as next House speaker
Sunflower State Booze Crackdown
Kansas Senate blocks bill allowing regular beer sales in supermarkets
Local Victim Outcry Over Ripoff
Multiple victims speak out after man accused of multi-state scam
Flames Engulf Kansas Family Over Generations
Shawnee family faces terrible loss when two more family members die in deadly fire 25 years after first
Fatality In Sister City Tragedy
One man hospitalized, three pets killed in KCK house fire
Up To Date Report On KCK Fire
Kansas City Kansan: Man dies after Kansas City, Kansas fire

Somewhat Discriminating Golden Ghetto Allergy Market
Overland Park Gluten-Free Food Pantry Opens Doors, But Not To Fad Dieters
Hipsters Abuzz To Help Save The Planet
New local effort aims to help dying bee population with 'bee hotel'
Old School Kansas City Profile
Sam Montague, who was instrumental in much of KC's history, still has stories to tell
JoCo Memorial Backstory
Officer's sacrifice leads to popular family attraction
Groundbreaking Legislator Detail
George Haley, one of the first African Americans elected to the Kansas Senate, dies at 89
Local Tribute Report
Wounded Warrior Project Soldier Ride Winds Through Kansas City, Kansas

And this is our OPEN THREAD for right now . . .


  1. Nothing under the sun they didn't destroy, corrupt and poison5/15/15, 8:41 AM

    The fact that this is still even being debated in 2015 just shows what an absolute clown show our elected representatives are.

    Just completely fucking asinine... as the world changes daily you can look to the BABY BOOMER generation to maintain a white knuckled grip on all pointless prohibition era legislation such as this.

    TRULY the biblical plague of locusts these BOOMERS are.

    Rest easy, however... senility and failing hearts are setting in even as we speak and big angry Kenyan nurse's assistants will be stealing their jewelry and roughing them up at nursing homes in the coming decade.

    Small, but some comforting consolation to the absolute desolation they've left the world in.

    Good day.

  2. As a member of the boomer generation I'll just say I agree with your sentiment, but maybe for different reasons.
    My generation inherited a country that didn't owe anyone a dime, an economy that had full employment and politicians that knew who they worked for. Civil rights were fought for by our parents. And what did my generation contribute? I could list all the degenerate behaviors but it would take to long.
    Your generation sad to say, must live your life with fallout from boomers who leave you a bankrupt country, no employment, polititions who do not serve the public and a country who's lawlessness shows no mercy for human life.
    There's good and bad in each generation. But boomers threw out the good while trying to change the bad. So is it any wonder that you see boomers who don't have a spence of right and wrong?
    As a boomer myself, I know that the only way this country will fix itself is to wait for boomers to due off.
    But you can start fixing thing by not voting for any boomers in the next election. That means find the youngest candidate and elect them president regardless of party.

  3. serve a tossed salad next time

  4. Liquor stores provide plenty revenues and teen cashiers aren't holding up the line.

    Gomers is the best for knowledgeable staff. Grocers -- not so much.

  5. Silvester and friend get real. The Greatest Generation was far more self sacrificing for family and country than the X & Y tots.

    Gimee dats of all demographics have it much easier than Johnny leaving for foreign service to far away lands where inadequate food and tainted water threatened as badly as enemy fire. And Janie stepped onto the factory line toiling at least 40 hours in harsh environs only to return to farm chores and children.

    The Greediest Generation 'puts it on plastic' by way of credit card and SNAP in highest ratios than their predecessors.

    Spare us the "entitlement" lectures.

  6. I'm in complete agreement with you my beef is with the lousy boomer generation


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