The 5th District attempts to overcome one of its most embarrassing terms moments in local political history and there's really not a bad option for voters on this ballot. This is one of the rare instances where a voter can't go wrong.

Alissia Canady is a well-respected prosecutor starting her political career.

Kenneth Bacchus is one of Kansas City's legendary statesmen who has dedicated his career to municipal government.

Edward Bell is a rising star in the world of both business and community activism.

Lance Conley is a respected community volunteer and non-profit professional.

Thanks to all of these candidates for talking with TKC . . .

Alissia Canady

Kenneth Bacchus

Edward Bell

Lance Conley

More to come . . .



    You fucking dumbass bleeding hearts are directly responsible for this! You have empowered these gawd damn niggers & now we all pay for it! I wish oh do I wish a filthy fucking nigger would try this on me or my family, i don't give a fuck what societal protections they have, i will kill the gawd damn nigger instantly.. You fucking imbeciles with your fascination for this nigger music & style & your despicable addiction to watching these niggers play ball, it has all evolved into this empowerment they have & they are exacting as would any wild fucking beast! You all deserve this shit to happen to you for the blatant assault on America you have committed by freeing these gawd damn niggers & endlessly giving to them!

  2. If they would try what on your family, pray tell? Voting?

    Sorry about your dick size, buddy. Stop worrying about it so much. Most women don't care as much as you fear...

  3. Won't be electing no niggers. It goes against nature. Nature always wins. The only race who has fought nature, and won some battles, is the White race. Once we White Christians are gone, there is no other race who can creditably replace us. The Chinese, while smart, lack initiative and imagination, and, compassion. The Indians, most are not that smart, and, again, lack compassion. The Blacks. Puhleeeeze. They are not even in contention. The Arabs? Yup, they could be the global winners. They are stupid, backwards, but, they have passion for their retarded religion. Compassion is what sets us apart from the rest of the savages. It is also what will be our downfall. I think compassion is a trait that distinguishes the savages from the civilized. But, I do not believe that a trait that is godly, and benevolent, should cause the genocide of the practitioners.

    What wins in today's world is PASSION for your tribe. We Whites need to stop thinking as individuals. Take a page out of the Talmud. We Whites are a distinct BLOOD group, with genomes that we share. We are under hostile assault. We need to fight back.


  4. My idea has always been to create a database of mudshark women (that anyone can submit info to), in particularly those who actually can defy their sense of sight, smell , and reasoning to fuck niggers. I think we should focus on those who go to other countries to commit bestiality, the "sex tourists", I can guarantee most of these perverts are very embarrassed of what they are doing, but also bringing up so many diseases and AIDS when they have "magical" sodomy with a down syndrome IQ Massai "warrior" .

    You'd be shocked at how fast a large portion of white women zoophiles would stop dating negroes. The slight chance of social ostracization or risk of getting hang up calls will set them straight. They don't do this because they want to , the do it out of novelty and because they have a lot of money and are bored. Although the curiosity itself is gross, it would be like getting curious about what a bonobo's pussy feels like.

    IF some kike calls it "racist" you can just argue that it has nothing to do with any moral dilemma, but rather is a resource for men since women who partake in this behavior are far more likely to be single mothers, have STD's , and be by and large generally immoral wiggers.

  5. Hey I liked these interviews. Feel like I really got to know these folks. Real down to earth people. I appreciate the interviews.

  6. How bout them Royals!

  7. Bacchus , is sending out emails against Edward Bell.

  8. Based upon this video questionnaire, if I was a resident of this district.....

    I would vote for: Kenneth Bacchus

  9. Bacchus is a deadbeat. The NIGGER doesn't pay his bills....

  10. Bachuus is a legendary statesman like Bernie Madoff is a great investor!
    Just another grifter who floats from one taxpayer-funded gig to the next, always leaving behind messes to be cleaned up and money to be hunted for.
    Just the guy to put in the same room with the $1.4 billion city budget.
    What could possibly go wrong?


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