It's a tragic fact Kansas City fact that mainstream media newsie ladies don't have a very long career lifespan.
To wit . . .
Like all lady newsies . . . This decision doesn't really reflect on her but instead represents a clear pattern of gender bias and employment disparity that exists throughout mainstream media and at nearly every media outlet. What's worse is that the viewing public casually accepts these Hollywood beauty standards enforced upon female reporters in KC when IN ANY OTHER CAREER PATH that kind of decision making would encounter serious consequences.
Think about it . . . There's just no "Old timer's day" for hottie blondes once they're past 35 even in this cowtown media market. And there's only one obvious reason that just about every on-camera lady newsie in KCMO is A MEGA-HOTTIE!!! Hint: Given all of the state of local government, it's NOT because of their investigative skill. Also, is this really any worse than TKC bikini and lingerie hotties who almost have much more independence, fun and a longer career trajectory than most KC lady newsies. Example: Pam Anderson is still whipping'em out for cash:

There are a few confirmations of this news from social media but here is the best quote:
"Karen Fuller of KCTV5 gone and escorted out earlier this week. No mainstream coverage. KCTV5 wants a prettier face."
Her twitter account is gone and she has been wiped from the company website that still doesn't have a decent RSS feed.
This is a shame because Ms. Fuller was STILL a hottie and her departure raises more questions about the core newsie values of TV reporting i.e. dedication to the public trust and accurate reporting that KCTV5 mostly provides needs to come before vapid lookism that's mostly the result of unchallenged MSM stereotypes.
Developing . . .
Let me guess some young big boobie girl is replacing her.
ReplyDeleteIf you were HIRED because you were a hottie, it might not be too tragic of an injustice if you end up getting FIRED for no longer being a hottie.
ReplyDeleteThe job is not now, and probably never was, to be skilled and insightful --- the job is to keep eyes on the screen, to sell more ads for more money.
It remains important that one recognize what line of work one truly is in.
And that's how it is ...
Bringing in a fresh batch of heifers.
ReplyDeleteThis is the way it's done now.
Also check out the Hallie Shulman bra outline offering.
TV 5 has been fucked up for years. I quit watching them and visiting their website since Leanne Smith went there and they went uber liberal.
ReplyDeleteWell, at least Harris Faulkner is still shaking that big old black bootie around the Fox studios.
ReplyDeleteShe always reminded me of a robot.
ReplyDeleteHer replacement needs to be ultra-hot to deserve to sit next to that hunk of a man,Brad Stevens.
Maybe this could our own Sophie Sassafras's big break if she shoots in a quick application.
ReplyDeleteI suspect the only reason Lezac still has a job is because of his Gayness.
ReplyDeleteIt's not gender bias to prefer a beauty queen to read the news. It's just normal human nature
ReplyDeleteTony is compulsive about the activities of people actually making a living in the media business.
ReplyDeleteI guess, she could start a blog, pander to racists and gun nuts, and gain 50 pounds in return for nothing and you would find reason to ignore her?
Honestly, I left my wife at a hair SALON in Zona Rosa the other day, and I witnessed 8 or 9 women, all highly attractive, who apparently worked there standing around yapping, with 2 paying customers in the place. The lease rates must be huge. I could not figure how the business model would work. Then I thought of Tony and it became clear; people doing nothing in return for adding no value.
And you actually have ass hats who take value from setting the tone here.
US.....the next three generations that will take the Country into economic 3rd world status while charging $6.00 coffee drinks while earning $11.00 a hour.
You can't figure out how renting a stall in a salon works, really?
ReplyDeleteI can. I also get the independent contracting works.
ReplyDeleteThe point is, the lack of incoming money.
Sorry to hear this. Unfortunately that's the way the news is. Look at our weather or traffic girls. They are all in their 20s nice to great bodies and ware skin tight cloths. The oldest in the city is Erin Little and she's still very hot.
ReplyDeleteMakes scene now that Dana Wright left 5 for that train wreck at KMBZ. Seen her in person lately? Her looks have faded and she has gained a few pounds or two.
Biggest question is whether who's next??? Kim Byrnes, Loren Halifax, Susan Hiland, Kelly Eckerman, Lara Moritz and Christa Dubill? Out of all of them Halifax is the hottest of them but I can see more of them getting her walking papers soon.
She needed to get some training in pageant walking from the gang at KSHB.
ReplyDeleteMight have saved her job!
This is a no brainer. Just turn to the #1 rated news organizations in the world (Fox in the US & Sky in the UK) and count the young chickies sharing the airwaves with guys twice thier age. The flip over to the worst rated news on the air and gaze at butch Rachel. It does not take a genius to figure out the formula that make a broadcast news organization the King. This is exactly why equal experience and equal work will never equate with great looks, ass and hooters. It is also demonstrative of how easy the public is to control.
ReplyDeleteSorry Karen, but in spite of what you may have believed about your skill set you were trumped by some young ass. I don't see Obama hiring to many old broads either so get over it. Beefcakes are here to stay.
I am praying that Eckerman and Moritz get axed soon; these two are the most appallingly superficial and fake news anchors I have ever witnessed, and that is saying a lot considering how worthless this lot is. Really, is there a profession lower than local TV news anchor?
ReplyDeleteYes, lawyers.
DeleteIt’z a tragic fact Kansaz Citee fact dat mainstream media newsie beotchz don’t be a very long carea lifespan.
ReplyDeleteTa wit . . .
Dis be a shame cuz Mz. Fulla wuz STILL a hottie an' da beotch departua raizez moe quesshunz about da coa newsie valuez uv TV repoatn' i.e. dedicashun ta da public trus' an' accurate repoatn' dat KCTV5 mos' providez needz ta come befoa vapid lookism dat’z mos' da result uv unchallinge' MSM ztereotypez.
Moritz and Dubil might survive if they sexy it up from the waist up.
ReplyDeleteThe building in that first picture is the ugliest thing I've ever seen (well, except for Rush Limbaugh's face); the 51st & Oak rendering is not what was shown to the neighbors, and it is not LEED certified--big error in this day and age. Looks like UMKC still kills neighborhoods, with our tax dollars. Buildings like this belong in Johnson County, not historic and uniquely charming midtown neighborhoods.
ReplyDeleteMaybe they'll replace her with Geri Gosa.
ReplyDeleteLol..bring back Geri!!!! are saying that Dana has gained a pound or two? Say it ain't so! What about those Dr. Teague spots she does?
ReplyDeleteThe oldsters can always be reassigned to the less prestigious weekend assignment positions.
ReplyDeleteKalee Dionne hot weather girl
ReplyDelete didn't work. Now she's a chubby ex Beauty queen with ugly mom hair. If she still had s job on TV she might be the one to get their pink slip not Karen.
ReplyDeleteI'd still fuck her
ReplyDeleteHell, you'd fuck a door knob.
ReplyDeleteIs fuck Karen Fuller in her ass. Then cum all over her face and tits.
ReplyDeleteEveryone could have stopped reading after the 2nd comment at 10:53AM brilliantly summarized the situation.
I will simply add a few words.....
RE: "What's worse is that the viewing public casually accepts these Hollywood beauty standards enforced upon female reporters in KC when IN ANY OTHER CAREER PATH that kind of decision making would encounter serious consequences." TV broadcast news "personalities" are very similar to the young women who get hired at Hooters and TwinPeaks for their T and A assets. Pretending anything otherwise is self-delusion.
Here comes a black tranny at KCTV 5
ReplyDelete▼ ◄ ▲ ► ▼ ◄ ▲ ► ▼ ◄ ▲ ► ▼ ◄ ▲ ► ▼ ◄ ▲ ▼ ◄ ▲ ► ▼ ◄ ▲ ► ▼ ◄▼ ◄ ▲ ► ▼ ◄ ▲ ► ▼ Doritos anyone? ▼ ◄ ▲ ► ▼ ◄ ▲ ► ▼ ◄ ▲ ► ▼ ◄ ▲ ► ▼ ◄ ▲ ▼ ◄ ▲ ► ▼ ◄ ▲ ► ▼ ◄▼ ◄ ▲ ► ▼ ◄ ▲ ► ▼◄ ▲ ► ▼ ◄ ▲ ► ▼ ◄ ▲ ► ▼ ◄ ▲ ► ▼ ◄ ▲ ▼ ◄ ▲ ► ▼ ◄ ▲ ► ▼ ◄▼ ◄ ▲ ► ▼ ◄ ▲ ► ▼◄ ▲ ► ▼ ◄ ▲ ► ▼ ◄┐
ReplyDeleteAnd they can't dump that disgustingly perky ex-cheerleader that they have on at 4pm who injects her little personal comments on every story?
ReplyDeleteLet's keep her and dump Karen Fuller who has real talent.
No wonder that station is in the toilet.
These are just the old people the Mayor says we need to get rid of. We're building this town for the next 75 years not them.
ReplyDeleteTV News Station Directors Have No Guts!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteThey'll fire an experienced woman when she's in her mid to late 40's, yet let the equivalent man go until 65!
And the excuse is always that "polling/focus groups" prefer an attractive young 20 to 30-something woman.
If they're going to be so spineless and sleazy, why not just go all out and have on-air bikini-clad news readers and weather "girls"? Answer: Because they're hypocritical gutless wimps!
KCTV5, state controlled media. Was she replaced by a Muslim?
ReplyDeleteShe could have saved her career if she had fucked Glazer. He would have made a star of her.
ReplyDeleteI'm all for the bikini idea!
ReplyDeleteStarting with bogo..mmmmm
6:17 I'm sure Glazer will be along to tell us he used to "date"her.
ReplyDeleteGlazer says"that's showbusiness folks.hate to see the old broad lose her job but let's face it..she's really only about a 6 and I'm being nice.gotta be a 8.5-10 to cut it"
ReplyDeleteYep "real shame" glazer says
They get rid of th women before they are 40 so they can't claim age discrimination. Duh.
ReplyDeleteThe smart ones bounce through KC and land the gravy gigs. The bimbos stay here and have their numbered days counted for them and without their knowledge. Life's a bitch ain't it?
ReplyDeleteKids 323. STFU.
ReplyDeletePathetic you get something out of your crap here. But now you have been noticed.
ReplyDeleteNo word from Cum Guy so court is adjourned.
ReplyDeleteAww karen fuller is still beautiful and a good broadcaster.
ReplyDeleteI'm not sure why we insist on having young hot women newscasters. Does it make all the negative news go down easier? Cause if that's what they are looking for, we can just do like family guy suggests and have a barbershop quartet sing our news. I personally like anchors like Karen fuller, Kim Byrnes, Lora Moritz and such. Cause I prefer experience over hotness. Nothing against hot ladies, but time in the city makes the concern they show reading horrible news seem more believable. Not a scripted show of sadness. (And I think Karen fuller is still beautiful. Ch.5 are just sexist jerks! I'd sleep with her, and would really enjoy it. :-) )
ReplyDeleteKaren had bigger boobs before surgery but she was still a great broadcaster!
ReplyDeleteWe're glad to hear she's gone. Karen Fuller often put the emphasis on the wrong words in a sentence. Looking forward to watching more of KCTV5 now, if they get someone who can read the news correctly!
ReplyDeleteI agree! She stammered and stuttered every other word and had no personality.
DeleteThey did the same thing to Ann Peterson an she sued them.
ReplyDeletewith all this said, what happened to alan slope on kctv5?
ReplyDeleteI'll bet it was because of a report she did some time ago with that Degenerate low life Mayor at City Hall, Sly James. As I recall last year and KCTV5 the Degenerate Liberals they are that Cater & Pander to the Criminals and that Degenerate Liberal City Hall who's Fleecing everybody, that it had something to do with her reporting on how KCMO City leaders are lying to the community.
ReplyDeleteKCTV5 Provides cover for those douche bags down at city hall as well as the Thug Criminals involved in violent crimes, they never report the truth or facts.
right now theres a report up on a DOG that was stolen at Gun point - KCTV5 reports it as 2 suspects armed with a gun.
FOX 4 reports it with more information that 2 Black Males armed with a gun stole the Dog.
So If theres criminals that the PUBLIC and Police need to be aware of that are Dangerous to the community and children and need to be on the look out for, HOW are we supposed to know what to look for when KCTV5 will only report Vague Facts with lousy information and reporting ???
Apparently KCTV5 has taken the Leftist Liberal Agenda to such Extremes they are no longer Qualified to report the news correctly, and the reporters, Anchors and web moderators play into that bullshit as well, like they think nobodys going to notice ????
Time to call KCTV5 out on the phony bullshit reporting !!
Frankly, I don't care what color the suspects are they could be purple with green stripes and yellow & red poka dots, for all I care, but at least report it as such so the damn public can be aware on what to look out for, that's the least they could do as a community news station, but, they aren't even capable of doing that !!
KCTV5 is done finished, I'd advise nobody to ever talk to those degenerate reporters or news anchors, don't attend any of their sponsored phony events either and give them the finger whenever you see them !! :):)
Their phony as hell and always trying to push that Phony PONZI-SCHEME Obamacare too, along with how great that Michelle Obama supposed school lunch program is too that's went Flop Big Time, food isn't even fit for a Rat to eat, not to mention your kids !!
KCTV5 gone down hill Rated worse station in Kc news history with the management and news anchors they have now and reporters they Suck !!!
It seems the male anchors can stay on TV in KC as long as they want. Even after their looks have faded and they stop doing a good job of anchoring. Will this double standard ever end?
ReplyDeleteLeezak is hot, I get a moner whenever I see him.
ReplyDeleteI get wood when I see Gary.
ReplyDeleteBring back Cheryl Jones, & have her do the news.
ReplyDeleteI hope Karen sues them like Ann Peterson did! (I wonder if TV5 would make mention of her lawsuit ~ lol)
ReplyDeleteMy 18 year old daughter works at Hooters, & I am going to encourage her to apply at KCTV5. I would bet that they'll hire her, but she may not be young enough