So far this year Kansas City proper celebrates a statistical anti-crime victory while the rest of the metro copes with increased violence and villainy.
To wit . . .
Check the deets:
KCTV5: They were told a man approached the victim in the parking lot, displayed a gun, demanded her car and drove off with it.
FOX4KC: The victim said she was approached by a black man armed with a gun who demanded her keys and then drove away in her silver Ford Focus.
KMBC: The woman was not injured. The suspect took off from the JC Penney parking lot.
KSHB: Police say the suspect stole a silver 2013 Ford Focus with Missouri plates HJU-B1L and left heading westbound from the scene. The Oak Park Mall told us they are unable to comment on police investigations.
Let's remember that Meth Town Police officials have previously argued against Kansas City, Missouri police and crime "displacement" into their community.
Still . . . The point of this story is that Overland Park is starting off the year with a noticeable increase in violent crime that has now set the whole community abuzz and might reveal a bit of consequence for KCMO anti-crime efforts.
Developing . . .
This isn't a new trend.
ReplyDeleteBut I will agree it's getting worse.
there simply isn't anywhere in the metro where a young woman can walk to he car by herself and people need to be made aware of this fact .
Of course, the actual data suggests the opposite:
ReplyDeleteViolent crime is waaaaayyyyyyy down all over KC and all over America.
But it's more fun to be afraid all the time.
There has been a lot of crime over the years at Oak Park Mall that the city fathers do NOT want you to know about. As more and more blacks go to the mall, more and more crime is committed.
ReplyDeleteThis is not exactly a surprise, what is important, is now there is so much more crime, that people are going to notice.
Stay away, avoid, get away from...NIGGERS! There, it can't be more plain. These stinking animals are not to be trusted for anything. Stay away from not interact at all!!!
ReplyDeleteThe truth is, if you are NOT a racist, you are either a liar or just stupid.
ReplyDeleteBeing a racist isn't all bad...Actually, it's just being a realist but the do-gooders and the cowardly media won't have it. So, stick your head in the sand (or up your ass, if you prefer) and ignore the truth of statistics and facts.
ReplyDeleteLet me be as clear and as blunt as possible: an abusive police state is necessary in order to hold a “multicultural” society together.
ReplyDeleteIf you go to one of the few white areas left in this nation, or anywhere in the world--the ranks of police necessary to keep the peace plummets, because crime goes down astronomically.
The results of what is happening right now will be turning a blind eye to non-white crimes, and a refocusing of resources into policing whites for revenue generation purposes. This is easier, more profitable, and much safer for cops.
Crime will explode, of course. Politicians, psychologists, the MSM, and other assorted idiot savants from the left will double down with their suicidal stupidity, and blame whitey for the sad state of affairs and demand even more money to solve the mess.
Eventually the pendulum will swing hard in the other direction, people will beg for a police state; even most of those who are ideologically opposed to one now.
So basically, a multicultural society is ungovernable, unpoliceable, and unsustainable.
We are already teetering on full-blown bankruptcy, with many tens of millions of unemployed around the nation, while this government insists on importing half the third world, no matter what the costs or consequences, ALL THE WHILE with automation destined to take 1/3 of all present jobs within the next decade alone. Talk about packing the dynamite.
It really doesn't take a genius to see what is in store for the nation from the ever angry, entitled and infantilized low-IQ negro population that has low-to-no impulse control--who will not be able to compete in an increasingly technological environment, while simultaneously being squeezed out of the job market by foreigners.
Total hell awaits, because no one in power wants to deal with reality, as they are either chicken-shit cowards or fools who have drank too much Kool-Aid and actually believe their own BS.
A militarized police force is part and parcel of being a third world country (which Uncle Sam wants the USA to devolve into). If blacks are so very opposed to a militarized police force, they should consider staying home and doing their school homework and/or learning a trade and stop their criminal behavior. The blacks have every opportunity in the USA to live productive lives, if they want to. Every school and every company in the USA is trying desperately to recruit and hire blacks. In some ways, the blacks have more opportunity in the USA than most white Americans have. If white liberals/leftists are so very appalled by, and so very opposed to, a militarized police force, they need to stop making a million excuses for black criminal behavior.
ReplyDeleteThe blacks cry about racism, yet blacks have the choice to go to ALL-black colleges, or so-called “white” colleges. ALL white, or so-called “white” colleges, are legally required to be integrated. Black colleges are NOT legally required to take in NON-black students. Blacks have scholarships just for blacks, and NO ONE else. Us Whites are legally prohibited from having scholarships for White students. With the college situation, especially, we see clearly it’s us Whites who are being racially discriminated against, NOT blacks.
The President of the USA is black, the Attorney General of the USA is black, the head of NASA is black, many big city mayors are black, there’re many black congressmen and women, and Hollywood is now mainly black -- mainly inspired by black music and black sensibilities, the world of sports is now mainly black.
The supervising police officer at the Garner arrest, by the way, was a black female police officer [Sergeant Kizzy Adoni]. Also, never mentioned anywhere, many corrupt and abusive cops are blacks and minorities cops.
The blacks want to integrate into every White neighborhood in the USA, yet they do NOT want any NON-blacks in their black neighborhoods. Whites who don't want to live in black neighborhoods are “racist”; Whites who move into predominately black neighborhoods, the “gentrifiers,” are “racist.” Asians who open stores in black neighborhoods are “racist.”
The choice now, we have been pushed into this choice, either a militarized police state or a black African hell.
We should have more guns. That will help.
ReplyDeleteHere is what our government wants cops to do, and they are already doing it.
ReplyDeleteIn black neighborhoods, you should do nothing at all in response to anything. This just shows a decent respect for the desires of the population, who do not like white cops, or any cops. (Chanting “What do we want? Dead cops”, would seem indicative.) Find a good bar or doughnut shop. Stay in it.
In mixed regions, arrest only middle-class whites over forty-five to avoid profiling. As for the neighborhoods of rich white liberals, they do not need police because they live in gated communities, so you probably will never be assigned there.
It is simple democracy. In regions that are almost entirely diverse, people do not want to be policed. It is unmistakable. Why force outside cops on them? It leads to chaos, arson, and armored shoe-stores. Should they not be allowed to police themselves as they choose, to the extent they choose, as towns once did? Live and let live. It is the American way.
With an luck at all, next year's black murder counts in cities all over the US, should double and that is a good thing.
ReplyDeleteAs much as the bigots will tell you otherwise, most blacks are law abiding citizens, AND the amount of criminal activity is disproportionately high for blacks.
ReplyDeleteThese are not mutually exclusive beliefs. Look at the crime statistics for KC and you will see the lions share of activity in the east central part of town, and it's predominately black. This is not a KC thing, it's endemic to most urban areas. Our entire criminal system, paid mostly by whites, is largely represented by blacks. None of this makes me the smartest guy reading this blog.
Deeper question is, what role do bone head bigots who lump together all blacks based up on the criminal behavior of the minority of their race (albeit, a significant percentage of the overall criminal activity)?
Like most cultural matters these days, the far ends of the political spectrum drown out the reasoned people trying to find solutions. That's what is disheartening with this whole freedom of speech dealiio. Everyone talks, but those that could possibly move the metaphorical ball forward are F-Bombed until they simply move on.
This site used to be a lot more civil, but in order to promote unlimited, anonymous "free speech", the format here has lured the haters at a disproportionate level.
And it's not just public policy. I used to follow/post/discourse at a couple of KU sports sites. When they started, they were fun because they drew knowledgeable fans trading insights or thoughts or ideas. Now, when I check back in, the posts are largely spun up by people who know little about the game, but oddly, have a tone that they could do Bill Self's job better. Really?
Just a theory, but Tony reads this crap all the time and I think he "gets it", but the traffic to his site is all so important that he sacrifices the meaningful content. You really think he does not know what posting this entry will invoke? You think the insights attributed by 740 come as a friggin' surprise?
When Tony started this blog, a lot of the other City Hall employees, the ones that actually show up and do the work, were hopeful that this blog would provide a conduit to daylight the crap frequently never exposed in the press. That's no more, and it's a shame.
What's alarming about this is the man jacked a Ford Focus, a Ford mother fucking Focus!
ReplyDeleteEveryone is allowed to have their own opinions. But NO ONE is allowed to have their own set of facts.
ReplyDeleteThey are what they are. So consider this:
Blacks represent just under 13% of our population, yet are accountable for 63% of all murder, rape, violent crime, etc according to FBI statistics. THAT IS A FACT.
"Hands Up. Don't Shoot." NEVER HAPPENED. THAT IS A FACT.
8:53 is an a-hole looking to put the blame on anyone but the black race. Very typical response from a nigger.
ReplyDeleteI am white 928, and thanks for making my point.
ReplyDeleteAnd the blame largely rests with the blacks.
ReplyDelete"Bone headed bigot"?
It gets cold in the winter, wear a coat, it gets hot in the summer, take it off, blacks are so dramatically disproportionately represented in crime stats, if we say that out loud, we are "Bone Headed".
You are the bone head, for freezing in the winter, metaphorically for the subjective privilege of considering yourself better than every one else, because you insist on being willfully impercipient. Your issue with free speech, as you see it, is because the free speech you find distasteful is common sense to most people who are not deceiving themselves over the matter of race, violence, crime and who commits it.
Your philosophy, the same Liberal philosophy that brought us to this place and time, is the same philosophy that excuses that same criminality, 2nd parties that same criminality and mitigates that same criminality.
The reason no one has a solution, is because fucks like you have wrecked this country to such and extent, that there IS no solution.
We can only watch to see what your initiatives and stupidity has wrought and wait for the inevitable.
This is a very good message for all you blacks out there from another black who isn't afraid to point out the truths.
ReplyDeleteMychal Massie says, "I grow weary of the repetitious mantra of how bad blacks had it or have it. Not everyone came here in chains, Africans included; but nearly every immigrant came here to escape bondage and/or participate in a new life, Africans included. ... Because America is viewed as if she is responsible for the accouchement of slavery, a couple points bear mentioning. Arab Muslims were the first slave traders; trading for African slaves on the East Coast, then trading them throughout Western Africa. (Small wonder many blacks are buying into Islam as their true religion, sarcasm intended). ... Secondly, while ships from America were amongst those carrying slaves, it should be noted that whites weren't running through the jungle with nets and chains. That was left to the pre-colonial empires of the Dahomy and Ashanti tribes located in modern day Benin and Ghana. ... In this man’s opinion if America is to hang her head in shame, let it be for the murder of millions of unborn babies. Let America hang her head in shame that vile usurpers of truth distort history and corrupt minds to make gain and oppress the ignorant. ... It has been said that “whites need to learn black history. I’ll concede that point only if we add blacks need to learn their history also. It was white Americans who locked arms with Dr. King; it was a black American (none other than jesse jackson) who used blood from King’s lifeless body to feign importance. It was white Republicans who fought for the 1964 Civil Rights Act. It is obama, who is half American but 100 percent neo-leninist and eric holder (who told America he was black before anything else) who are destroying our Constitution.
I think 8:53 is a nigger as well.
ReplyDelete8:53, Haters hate everything. I myself only hate niggers who feel that they have the right to do whatever and break what ever laws they can then turn around and blame it all on whitey. I do have a fair amount of black friends who know all to well I hates niggers. They do as well, but just can't bring themselves to admit it in public because they think it makes them a traitor to their race.
ReplyDeleteDID YOU SEE
There's a way to completely eliminate the risk of carjacking or car theft, even in war zones like Overland Park.
ReplyDeleteJust get a Prius. No mofo wants to ever be seen inside a Prius. Even thinking about a Prius makes a hood rat's dick shrink four sizes. Safest car on the motherfuckin' road, bitches.
8:53, you are right on the money with pretty much your entire post. Chuckkk and his Frazier Glenn Cross fan club hijacked Tonys blog a long time ago. Now i just come here for the fairly comprehensive list of links to local stories, and to get the Aryan Brotherhood riled up from time to time. Doesnt take much to do that since the inbred fucks are some pretty sensitive guys. Watch. In response, Chuckkk will be calling me a cunt pretty soon now. Why? Its all that decrepit piece of shit has. Part and parcel. My my, thats deep.
ReplyDeleteWe, as white entitled folks, need to search for the real truth in why our African-American brothers are acting out.
ReplyDeleteThe solution lies within each of us, if we truly yearn to seek it.
Blacks "Act out" because they are genetically inferior, sub human beings with not ability for impulse control.
ReplyDeleteCriminal activity, such as murder, rape, assault and theft, are not "Acting Out."
Next question.
I'm so far beyond hatred that it's not hot rage I feel, but cold determination. I yearn to terminate so many . . . in my dreams. One would like to think, were we normal people with normal reactions, that this whole insane edifice would come crashing down. Yet on it goes.
ReplyDeleteRemember, you CAN do things - small things, but they add up nonetheless - to resist BRA. Patronize only White businesses. Hire only White men. Do not give to any charitable organizations. Go out of your way to let a White car get in front of you in traffic, or a White individual go before you in line. Do not provide these courtesies for any non-White individuals. Go out of your way to praise White mothers with young children, while reminding them they're an endangered species. Make a point of thanking any White man you see working in public. Essentially, reserve your White, American behavior for other White Americans, but extend nothing more than perfunctory courtesy and a steely glare to everyone else.
Believe me, they'll notice. If looks could kill, I'd have racked up quite a score by now. While I smile at/speak with White children while I'm out and about, I glare at all the others. Kids can tell when they're disliked - they pick up on it quite quickly. All the mincing little Asians, the jabbering Mexicans, the dusky Muslims, the wild niglets . . . just freeze them out. It's surprisingly effective in a public place. I can feel I've had an impact without saying a word, which is the only thing that makes dealing with the cesspool of diversity bearable.
This is an excellent read from a Public Defender. It really opened up my eyes. The man says he is a Liberal, although I am sure that you guys will call him a member of the KKK. I don't think so, it is really chilling.
Who do you suppose all the racist commenters voted for? Interesting they don't tell us that.
ReplyDeleteDon't "Notice" this or you will be called a "Racist".
We are only allowed to notice Michael Brown and put our hands up so our "Thought Leaders" don't fire us from our jobs or embarrass us in public.
Lynne Bratcher is WATCHING YOU NOW!!!!!!!!
The only place for blacks in a white country should legally be as fertilizer for hemp plantations. The law should be that negroes found in America should be fed directly into the woodchipper and sprayed into compost piles. If it were legal, I would love to personally have the job of throwing groids into the chipper. It would be a dream come true. Should I be nominated exterminator, I'd pull the lever all day and watch the rainbow form as the liquified negroes sprayed out of the woodchipper into the sunshine. In their new function as compost they would never again rape, murder, rap or create more EBT card users. They'd instead stop stealing oxygen and help plants provide oxygen.
ReplyDeletethis website gets more repulsive with every passing second.
ReplyDeleteMaybe you should go sing Kumbaya to that 67 year old grandmother who got beaten, raped and robbed 3 days ago.
so Chuck you actively support the woodchipping of a race of humans?
DeleteGood for you. You must be very proud.
I obviously didn't write that.
DeleteI am writing this though.
10:57 & you are predictable, pig ignorant, crushingly stupid cows whose support for destructive, pernicious Progressive ideology is a tribute to your rank in the American barnyard where you peck and eat each other's shit in the form of the latest White House talking points.
Yes, the racists continue to use racial slurs and tell us they hate liberals. But who do they vote FOR? What political party are they FOR? Yes, you hate blacks and liberals. We have established that. The question is who do you prefer politically?
ReplyDelete@1134, Tony calls it "Blog Community".
ReplyDeleteMore like "Aryan Nation"
You reap what you sow, Tony.
Get a pic of a local female and we will show you "Misogynist Nation".
Make sure you have a release on that picture and that she is not a minor.
What is a racist? That is a person who just won an argument with a LIBERAL.
ReplyDelete11:21 I voted for Obama, Gore, Kerry, Clinton, and Michael Dukakis. I am what you would call a "racist." Do I watch my ass around black people? Damn right I do. Do I feel the odds of a violent crime occurring in the presence of black people? Damn right I do. I wasn't always this way though. My dad, who went to Paseo High School (which you probably couldn't find without GPS) was prejudice. In high school I used to tell him he was wrong. Then I went to college and saw the true way of the violent black race. I was an unwilling participant in a few fights where we were outnumbered at least two-1 by black guys doing nothing but looking for the littlest, drunkest freshmen they could find. I witnessed literally dozens more. More than once a gun came out by said black guys despite the fact they outnumbered the guys they were fighting. This is at a small D2 school, not some big urban college. My experiences "working" around them have been equally sorry. It is completely common for them to smoke weed and sleep on the job. One time in college while working for Belger they actually split the crews up between white and black guys. Most of us white guys were college students. We loaded four trucks to their one. It was quite funny what Belger must have been doing. Every other work experience I've had around them has been equally as bad. Like most people, almost all of my experiences around black people have been negative. My "racism" has been earned. You ever interact at a store with a black lady? You can feel their contempt for you. It is palpable. I'm betting you don't live at 20th & Topping. I bet you never go East of Troost. I used to work on Troost. Bunch of winners, let me tell you. Without looking it up, where is the Green Duck? How bout Chicken Mac & Cheese? Know where that is? Of course not, you're throwing stones from your house in Leawood. The people I know that like black people the most never interact with them. Go ahead and tell yourself that you're not racist despite the fact that the only time you see a black person is when you're watching a football game. As for my Obama vote, I didn't think he would be puppet for Wall Street that he's turned out to be and I wouldn't vote for him again. Has nothing to do with his color. Another thing, I bet you tense up like hell when you get too close to a group of black males. Not that I blame you but you aren't "racist."
ReplyDeleteLets show the KC Denizens are made of. Lets all get together and protest Selma, which is coming out next week! We can show Tony that we are not a bunch on Nancys who only have a sack when they post anonymously on this blog.
ReplyDeleteLets do it! David Duke and Tony will be proud!
Homicides are down in KC because they have changed what they count as a homicide.
DeleteTonys Johnson county/ Stormfront reject amateur internet statisticians strike again...
I am there if my mom will let me out on a school night 1242.
ReplyDelete12:34, I have never met anyone like you. I spent a couple decades in the inner city, then the last decade in Overland park. I know lots of racist Republicans where I live now. I know few Democrats and the Democrats I do know are not racist.
ReplyDeleteRacist = those who don't agree with ethnomasochistic Democrats and their apologies for black crime.
ReplyDeleteRacist = realist.
1:14 you're a fucking idiot, I have lived in OP all my life and there are many like 12:34.
ReplyDeleteJust keep telling yourself that 1:43. I noticed you had to resort to name calling to make your point. Well done. I wonder how many folks around here watched the GOP debates last time around? The participants and the audience would have fit right in with the racists posting here.
ReplyDeleteFuck You 1:49, every week your mom whines about how pathetic you are to me.
ReplyDeleteThat's it 227. WES BE ARYAN NATION and f-bomb all.
ReplyDelete12:16 for the win!!!!!
ReplyDeleteHow many blacks would Chuck Lowe woodchip if Chuck Lowe would woodchip blacks?
ReplyDeleteMy area of OP is one of those where housing and property speculation was very high, consequently, a large number of homes sit vacant and land goes undeveloped. Anyhow you know how it goes, to re-coup their investment some tasteless jackasses have turned their houses into section ape units.
ReplyDeleteEnter niggers; two houses in particular have been troublesome. One fambly was so niggerish I think they caused the others to move. I am uncertain as to how many belonged to the remaining groidal, no more than eight I think. This particular groidal is dark, black, beyond purple, so much so that unless you are right up near or are using a decent set of binoculars it is impossible to make out facial features.
Anyway, the niglets are always out acting like niglets, one day I see them with what appear to be pistols; I call the cops. They descend en masse, turns out they were air soft guns. They visit my home and inform me that the problem has been resolved for now. Two days later, we all repeat the scenario.
Since the neighbors saw all that happened and since they know I was responsible they took to alerting the authorities when the little bastards were just outside of their enclosure.
The niggers up and moved, tried to sneak off in the night but I let the management company know of this. For now the neighborhood is nigger free but not free of section ape housing so the problem lingers.
Personally, I do not hate niggers at all, I just correctly understand that they are not human and treat them accordingly. They are nothing more than wild niggers running around loose and one must act accordingly around them. A hundred and fifty years or so ago, people in this country treated niggers accordingly and kept them contained and controlled. We made them useful by managing their numbers, containing them, and forcing them to work and be somewhat productive. But the natural empathy of the White man caused him to unrestrain a species of animal (niggers) largely due to the fact they they mimick humans in their behavior and dress. Now that the genie is out of the bottle, he can't be put back in and we're stuck with living around 30 million wild niggers.
ReplyDeleteI am never surprised when I hear stories of TNB; stories of niggers raping, torturing, murdering and beating White people. Stories from Africa of them raping babies, toddlers, and goats; drinking lizard pee and smoking their own shit to get high. The rampant disease and famine there and watching their nigglets die off by the millions while their mammies get gang-banged in the bush to pump out another litter. Nothing about niggers surprises me at all because I do not compare their behavior with that of humans.
The only way to hate niggers and to justify the old, tired whigger accusation that racists are full of hate and spread hate and all that nonsense is only if you consider niggers human. It WOULD fill me up with hate and want to get revenge if a group of humans acted the same way niggers do and created so much misery, pain, and suffering in the world. But if you consider them as the animals that they are - a separate species from human - their actions do not surprise nor cause hate at all.
But it does fill me with a sense of bewilderment as to why we allow the nigger herd to run around completely unchecked and unmanaged. The destruction and drain on society they cause is appalling.
3:32 I wish Chuck Lowe would have "wood chipped" the sub human filth that raped, robbed and beat me this week in Grandview.
ReplyDeleteToo bad that wood chipper is just a Liberal Fantasy.
ReplyDeleteMaybe a few of the hundreds of 2014 black on white Hate Crime victims would still be alive.
But no, lets all pretend that Michael Brown had his hands up.
the folks using racial slurs and swear words would never get away with it in a public forum, tv, etc. that is where opinion really matters. not in a basement typing on the internet.
ReplyDeleteMore horrifying black on white murders yesterday, but hell, lets all hang off of the liberal nut sack and pretend that Eric Garner is a hero.
I don't think MB had his hands up either. As to the other incidents, there is room for discussion. And there were lots of other incidents. Eric Garner and many others. The black kids who had toy guns and they were thought to be real, etc. Those toy guns should not be manufactured. if they are out there, people have blood on their hand for producing them.
ReplyDeleteI don't think anyone says eric Garner is a hero. I don't think he deserved to die over selling cigs. That is the point.
ReplyDeleteniggers and white nigger lovers are the same thing.
ReplyDeleteThis blog makes us look like moderates.
ReplyDeleteWhat a black person doing in joco anyways? (Cops are ignoring the 911 calls of suspicious person at oak park mall) Stay the hell in your ghetto and dont wreck the nice areas of the metro!
ReplyDeleteThats exactly why the citizens in waldo dont want trolly car expansion. Theres only 1 reason blacks travel to white areas, to spread their disease!
As 4:44 hides in the basement from the reality of Niggers.
ReplyDeleteA lot more people on media espouse my opinion than you racists. Most can't stomach racists therefore we don't see it on tv, newspapers, etc. should tell you something
ReplyDelete6:58 The media is full of PC liberals . Are you really that stupid ?
ReplyDeleteI work in city hall and i read tony's all the time. we got brooks out, we dumped sly's shitty plan. we are now in control. shame on you racists.
ReplyDeleteIf u were really in control, you wouldn't let your savages roam west of troost. They shouldn't be out terrorizing nice parts of other cities, like indepence center & oak park mall. Racial pofiling should be legal for public safety reasons!
ReplyDeleteThe media is not liberal. They reflect what most want to hear and see. Otherwise there would be no media.
ReplyDeleteIt is a free country. You can watch tv or not. Read the paper or not, etc. they sell what we want to get from them.
ReplyDelete10:13 you must be in high school, time for bed, goodnight! No libs in media, are you kidding me? Thats why media doesnt report "sensor" what we all hear and read. Theyre the main reason obama was reelected and was able to get over on the uniformed retards in this country!
ReplyDeleteWe all see that blacks dont snitch on violent crime cases, so we automatically know that blacks only voted his ass in again cause of race. YOU SURE DIDNT RE-ELECT HIM ON HIS JOB PERFORMANCE.
ReplyDeleteBlack people dont know issues, cause it doesnt affect them, even though it does. But dumb down news, so they can get that craptastic black guy in again.... like they know him. Give me a break!
@ 7:53 AM.....This deserves a second posting.....dude...are you ever on point. Dipshits, take time and read this a couple of times.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous Anonymous said...
Being a racist isn't all bad...Actually, it's just being a realist but the do-gooders and the cowardly media won't have it. So, stick your head in the sand (or up your ass, if you prefer) and ignore the truth of statistics and facts.
1/3/15, 7:48 AM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Let me be as clear and as blunt as possible: an abusive police state is necessary in order to hold a “multicultural” society together.
If you go to one of the few white areas left in this nation, or anywhere in the world--the ranks of police necessary to keep the peace plummets, because crime goes down astronomically.
The results of what is happening right now will be turning a blind eye to non-white crimes, and a refocusing of resources into policing whites for revenue generation purposes. This is easier, more profitable, and much safer for cops.
Crime will explode, of course. Politicians, psychologists, the MSM, and other assorted idiot savants from the left will double down with their suicidal stupidity, and blame whitey for the sad state of affairs and demand even more money to solve the mess.
Eventually the pendulum will swing hard in the other direction, people will beg for a police state; even most of those who are ideologically opposed to one now.
So basically, a multicultural society is ungovernable, unpoliceable, and unsustainable.
We are already teetering on full-blown bankruptcy, with many tens of millions of unemployed around the nation, while this government insists on importing half the third world, no matter what the costs or consequences, ALL THE WHILE with automation destined to take 1/3 of all present jobs within the next decade alone. Talk about packing the dynamite.
It really doesn't take a genius to see what is in store for the nation from the ever angry, entitled and infantilized low-IQ negro population that has low-to-no impulse control--who will not be able to compete in an increasingly technological environment, while simultaneously being squeezed out of the job market by foreigners.
Total hell awaits, because no one in power wants to deal with reality, as they are either chicken-shit cowards or fools who have drank too much Kool-Aid and actually believe their own BS.
1/3/15, 7:53 AM
PS: The Polar Bear supports Chuck Lowes "woodchipping" efforts.
ReplyDeleteI'm not in high school. Sensor is spelled censure when referring to information.