Remember that our TKC blog community was FIRST to break news of an effort to push back on so much clandestine Kansas City toy train streetcar work.

And now it has come to pass . . .


Here's the language:

"Petition for initiative to enact restrictions on requesting, implementing, advancing, furthering, funding or fostering any plan or study to construct any fixed rail transit system for a period of six years"

Click this link for a look at the petition circulating and filed with the City Clerk.

A note from organizers . ..

"The City Council recently set the stage for spending more public funds for expansion of the streetcar beyond the downtown line; something 60% of the voters voted against just this past August. We are now circulating an initiative petition that would require the City to put any expenditure of public funds toward the study or construction of an expansion line to a vote of the residents of Kansas City. We are trying to get approximately 7,000 signatures on the petition in the next couple of weeks. To that end, we will be gathering signatures at local markets and will be holding an event to collect signatures in the very near future."

Developing . . .


  1. Good for them, it's about time somebody stood up to Sly and his cronies.

  2. It'd be a real shame to lose out on 6 years worth of tourist revenue.

  3. At the cost of $100 million for a few pennies? No thanks, I'd rather have that money spent in the city.

  4. Amen. Can that include getting rid of Troy and company for 6 years too?

  5. We need a better manager and a better Mayor. Is it too early for a KC Christmas list?

  6. I hope I'm wrong but my gut tells me it will never see the ligh of day...

  7. I'd be glad to sign. How do I contact this group?

  8. Golly, what will the director of public works and the city engineer do now? Maybe they can start paying attention the the crumbling city infrastructure and get back to basic services.

  9. What color is the sky in the world you all are describing? Is there gravity there?


    Schulte gets fired.
    Sly is thrown out of office.
    The light rail construction halts.
    The municipal agenda turns solely towards pot hole repair.
    Only whites live in the City.
    The marathons are cancelled.
    Every man, woman, and child are armed with handguns resulting in zero crime.
    A Public Works Department equipped with 3,000 snow plows stands on the ready from December to March awaiting orders to immediately clear any snow on streets.
    We get EXACTLY the level of government service we individually expect without regard to the reality that we each have differing priorities.

    The discourse here has gone beyond ludicrous. Shit, you all know if anyone had to be friggin HONEST and identify themselves, the posts here would dry up in about 2 hours.

    Seriously, an arrogant, rambling Polar Bear? A Cum guy who thinks he is funny when he is just sick? And various trolls who don't have the sack to do anything other than to capitalize NIGGER?

    What is funny as crap (which I enjoy reading), is that you think your comments are relevant. You yell at each other and if anyone posts a conflicting comment, they get F-Bombed into submission.

    Do any of you think that real people that make a difference, care about getting cursed at by a few trolls on Tony's KC?

    Tony, keep posting as though you have meaning. Of course, anyone can say anything here.

    And if you see, "Comment Removed By Author" later, you will know why.

    Carry on.

  10. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^

    If you really didn't like it so much, you wouldn't dedicate a few hundred words, enter the captcha and read this blog 1st thing in the morning.

    Mensa Boy, you've got some issues that aren't conservative or liberal. Just angry.

    Let's talk about YOU now!

  11. Where do I sign?

  12. Ah dang, I forgot about the "shift 6" guy.


    Sorry. I know you are proud of yourself.

    Back to your reality.

  13. Let's start another petition to limit the runs to only 8 per weekend.

  14. Rails will be coming out soon!

  15. "The discourse here has gone beyond ludicrous. Shit, you all know if anyone had to be friggin HONEST and identify themselves, the posts here would dry up in about 2 hours."

    No one would accuse you of not doing your fair share to make the conversation ludicrous, would they, Mensa boy?

    As for the petitions, will they be at the Brookside Price Chopper this weekend? I'll sign. This practice of not accepting the results of elections is getting a tad tiresome, not to mention expensive. It costs money to hold an election.

  16. my mom says, reality sucks.

  17. Paternalism grows out of the “big man” societies in which there is a top-down system for wealth redistribution. All wealth flows to the chief, and he doles it out to his subjects, often favoring those who support him or otherwise please him.


    Ultimately, in some cases, this led to the development of a formalized system of patriarchy, in which it was legally recognized that each male householder had a privileged status in regards to his own family, if nothing else, which gave rise to the practice of patrilineal descent. This laid the groundwork for the development of civilization from barbarism, as taxation and patronage now required recordkeeping and certain conditions. A shift then began to occur away from a purely paternalistic society to one in which rulers had to adhere to laws that placed controls on their wealth collection and redistribution. Thus, social hierarchies flourished, social organization solidified, and increasingly large and complex forms of government evolved.


    To increase revenue and political support, [politicians] have promoted and passed laws that shatter the concept of the patriarchal family. A few examples include preferential maternal custody, decriminalization of adultery, introducing no-fault divorce and preferential welfare to single mothers. Gay marriage, which is essentially a formal declaration that the government does not recognize patriarchy as valid or supported by any law or policy at all, is the latest example.


    So, what we’re really facing today is not matriarchy, but an increasingly despotic paternalism, in which men’s autonomy and authority is being steadily eroded in the interests of those in power. Our intimate relationships, our conditions of employment, and taxes all conspire to subjugate us to the powerful, who are working steadily to remove any checks on their own power and challenges to their authority. Almost every government-led initiative, whether it be population replacement through immigration, women’s “empowerment,” or highway checkpoints leads in this direction.


    In the meanwhile, as men, we should hold out not for “equality” with women, which will never, ever, turn out equal, but a more desirable system of democratic patriarchy, in which all men are afforded equal rights to independence in their own homes and affairs and freedom from arbitrary paternalism.

  18. If by "fixed rail" they are including real light rail or regional transit trains over existing RR tracks I would be against this plan.

    If it was just against expanding the tourist trolley and leaving light rail on the table, I'd vote for it. I would rather have horse drawn stagecoaches for visitors "KC experience" than the inconvenience this slow electric bus is going to cause us citizens for it's life.

    Kill it before it spreads.

  19. 5 things stopping you from saving money (KSHB)

    Apparently forgot to mention Sly, Russ, Dave Matt, and Glorioso

  20. Why would I sign a petition limiting my right to vote on whatever I want whenever I want?

    I votes against the streetcar expansion because I wanted to see the effect the downtown line had when it was up and running. You can pretty much see the effect it is already having on development though, and I would live to see the many vacant and used lots along the Main Street corridor in midtown see the kind if development that's already happening downtown along the route.

    Isn't that what the anti transit zealots pretended we should do during the expansion vote? I'm sure not signing away my right to vote so that CRG and othe Sinquefield front groups can be assured their agenda goes unquestioned. Ironic cause these are the same people who force is to vote to renew the e tax every five years, but made it illegal to ever renew it if it fails even once. Not a group I trust.

  21. It's really quite simple The CITIZENS and VOTERS of KC will decide how and when and what their money is spent on, invested in, and what for.

    Not Sly, Russ Johnson, Staubio, etc, etc, etc.

    Any Questions?

  22. What I find as funny is when someone like 7:29 runs in here thinking what they have to say makes a difference then rips almost everyone in here for posting under Anonymous while doing exactly the same themselves.

    Thats like standing there pissing in the gutter and yelling at the guy 50 feet from you to stop pissing in the gutter.

  23. Byron Funkhouser1/29/15, 10:20 AM

    Don't they ignore petitions they don't like? - Chastain.

  24. There's not going to be a Strong Arm Railroading Mayor brandishing a big stick pushing wasteful politically motivated projects based on favoritism and cronyism down peoples throats anymore.

    Things Change. And Quickly!

  25. Hates Child & Sheep Molesters1/29/15, 10:24 AM

    Why do you give a fuck Bryon, you live 1000 plus miles away and never come here? Plus to boot you're a fucking liar so anything you say is a lie.

  26. Nice seeing the Great Toy Train Robbery continuing to go down in flames.

  27. Byron Funkhouser1/29/15, 10:36 AM

    Idiot 10:24

    I have never lied. Calling a me child, & sheep molester, makes you liar, as well as an asshole.

    Je seus Charlie.

  28. 10:10: Yep. 355 CITIZENS and VOTERS have us on the hook for the starter line. That's how democracy works herabouts.

    Any answers?

  29. Saying you've never lied makes you a liar, Byron. Anyone with a 128 IQ should know that.

  30. Any answers?

    Yeah END IT. Doesn't matter if Sly doesn't like we the people getting in the way of his political aspirations to freaking bad!!!

  31. I started the day thinking 729 was full of shit.

    Now, a genius.

  32. ah, loopholes. they left a number of gaping ones that means everything they want to block can still happen.

    the authority is a seperate nonprofit corporation within the state so they wouldn't fall under this proposed ordinance.

    A TDD is a seperate politicial subdivision so it's board may do whatever it wants include collect revenue. sales taxes are with the state, property taxes with the county.

    to expand the TDD it just takes 50 registered voters to sign a petition or two local transportation authorities. this would be the port authority and the KCATA, neither of which are city agencies.

    these petititons go to the county court so city ordinance doesn't apply there either.

    isn't the law fun.

  33. " Byron Funkhouser said...

    Idiot 10:24

    I have never lied. "

    So Byron, when you said that you would leave this blog when your mom's favorite son Mark was no longer mayor yet here you still are, you don't consider that a lie?

  34. Byron has serious mental problems. His life is a lie.

  35. clause B is unconstitutional.

    state law says that property owners without a resident (i.e. a shopping center) may form a TDD for the purpose of taxation for transportation. these owners don't need to live in state

    clause B requires these votes to go before voters of the city.

    state law would overrule this clause. it's unconstitional.

    this ordinance won't be allowed to go before the voters as-is.

  36. oh, and with forming a resident voted on district clause B is unconstitutional.

    under state law only residents inside the district may vote, not the entire city. this is because a TDD is forming a new entity at the state level not the city level.

    so that's one clause gone entirely as being enforcable.

  37. clause C is fair and wouldn't apply to TDD formation elections

    the cause of a TDD may be
    A. residents
    B. transportation authorities (the kcata and port authority work here, they're not city departments)
    C. business owners

    so because the city wasn't the cause of the election in any way then city funding may be used to support it.

    and since no elections may be required by this proposed ordinance it's irrelevant anyways.

  38. Byron Funkhouser1/29/15, 12:49 PM

    I have never lied on this blog.
    I'm not a child molester.
    I'm not gay.
    I'm not a sheep shagger.

    I am a better person than the people who call me these names, & yes, they are assholes & idiots.

    P.S. This petition will be ignored!

  39. 10:36: I have never lied.

    12:49: I have never lied on this blog.

    Ah. The qualifications begin. But have you ever lied to a sheep?

  40. I like 729 and Byron.

  41. Byron, you have lied. By your own admission you said you "changed your mind" about continuing to comment here after Mark was no longer mayor. Telling us one thing then changing your feeble mind is lying. So how does it make you feel that your mother loved Mark more than you?

  42. 4:34: He didn't lie. He just took his cue from Richard Nixon and declared his previous statements inoperative.

  43. Also need to get a Petition going to Oust Mayor Sly James in a recall ASAP, and thru a Law Suit if necessary this idiot is Trash, and needs thrown out of office !

    So the people voted NO, but, Mayor james the LIBERAL Asswipe he is, is going to go against what the Voters voted on anyway, that's illegal right there !

    Sly James is NO Leadership Mayor, he is a low life scumbag tho and this city is felling the effects of that Big Time !!!

    Time to Shove Sly James worthless ass out the door - ASAP !!!


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