I guess today is journalism review day for Kansas City and our blog community is calling out a strange trend among local news organizations . . .
We noted this trend at the outset of the case and still can't seem to understand the strange effort to suppress public information.
Seriously, mugshots are part of public websites, protected journalistic fodder and found all over the net noting allegations against suspects pending their trial.
C'mon . . . The iconic Nick Nolte mughshot was the first bit of public info to nearly break the Internets.

Strangely, in a far more tragic case without a fashionable Hawaiian shirt . . . Mugshots connected to a deadly shootout in Shawnee were seemingly pushed out of the news-cycle rather quickly.
For our TKC Blog Community . . . It's no big deal, from baby stomping charges in other cases to this alleged deadly robbery-- Posting mugshots is part of keeping the public informed.
Sadly, the latest development in this case has the media reporting without providing a visual for their own reasons . . . Whatever they may be . . .
Anyhoo, here's the update . . .
From left to right in the photo at the top of this post: Hakeem Malik, 18, Nicquan Midgyett, 19, and Londro Patterson III, 20, are charged with first-degree felony murder in shooting death of Jon Bieker during an alleged attempted robbery of the Shawnee, Ks. "She's A Pistol" gun shop.
Mr. Patterson's mugshot recently became available after he was released from the hospital for injuries sustained during a gunfight that authorities allege was part of a robbery attempt.
Deanthony Wiley, 19, remains hospitalized and is the 4th suspect in this alleged crime.
Developing . . .
it's not right that you didn't photo shop in hawaiian shirts for the others.
ReplyDeleteReading the Star these days is a lot like reading Pravda in the time of the USSR. You have to figure out the real news by parsing code words, comprehending why some photos are omitted from stories, connecting the dots why important facts are mentioned only below the fold and after the jump and guessing which facts are left out entirely. It is likely that Pravda 2015 is more honest (at least, less dishonest) than Star same year.
ReplyDeleteFor $14 for 26 weeks I get all the important content the star has to offer. The weekly grocery ads and the star crosswords on sunday. If I still had a fireplace it would also be useful for starting fires.
ReplyDelete@2:52 Really? You get all that? I'd like to say the same but unfortunately I cannot. We canceled our subscription because the paper delivery man had a terrible time placing the paper in our yard. Our yard is 128 feet wide so I can sort of understand why the paper more often than not ended up in the neighbors yard. We had requested delivery to our driveway but that seemed an unreasonable request when speaking with the fuck faced customer service representative at the Star. I hope that you at least enjoy a reasonable newspaper delivery service. And that's my whiny rant for today. Thanks for reading.
DeleteIf the Star knows anything, it knows putting them online will unleash on THEIR site what happens on YOUR site.
ReplyDelete"Let Tony Botello keep his little pen of white supremacists," they'd say. "Just as a matter of principle."
They have some. As proven time and again, you have none.
ReplyDeleteThe Star has principles?
2:34 is dead on the money.
The Star's raison de terre is the Progressive, Liberal Agenda forced by pen and phone fiat down our throats by anarcho tyranists elected by a solid, take-it-to-the-bank African American vote for free shit, in conjunction with government unions, unions, politicians and those seeking sinecure and position in symbiotic professions (Lawyers, professors etc etc).
Pictures of these pieces of shit flies in the face of that same Liberal Narrative which insists that diversity and multiculturalism are good things.
These pos running our streets, are a plague, a biblical curse that destroy any and everything they touch.
The presumption by most of the hoi polloi that the MSM tells the truth with no agenda is the imprimatur and de facto permission for those millions of “Gentle Giants” to pillage at will, the lives and treasure of law abiding citizens. That same permission, given now, to avoid and ignore “compliance” when encountering law enforcement will open the door to new and more senseless atrocities while the Kansas City Star’s reporters, continue to eulogize Emmit Till dozens of times a year. The complete abrogation of the 4th estate to report the dramatically disproportionate amount of African American criminality, while at the same time, obfuscating, excusing and 2nd partying the blame for that same criminality, is, again, de facto permission for that level of crime to continue and increase.
There is now, in the streets of America, a low level black on white intifada that goes unreported with the exception of a few guys like Colin Flaherty and Jack Cashill. Were the situation reversed, those sanctimonious, self righteous reporters, so fair and even handed, would be apoplectic in their ceaseless search for the genesis and perpetrators guilty for the slaughter.
That is the most salient example of the disgraceful, contemptible, incessant Progressive spin that the Star and a legion of so called “journalists” puke into the hypnotized chickens in the American barnyard.
Tell Jenee and Louie to ask for a raise. Anyone who can jump through hoops on that one trick pony for decades has my vote for the “journalist” of the year.
ALL lives matter.
ReplyDeleteThe MSM censors minority criminality.
So I guess this link wouldn't qualify as being "downplayed," since the guy's photo is only two feet wide.
Oh, no picture there.
Seriously, do you even bother to verify ANYTHING before you wave your Star hate flag? This shit ran on their website NINE days ago.
It takes a special kind of stupid to be wrong and brag about it.
If the KC Star has such high principles, and are against hate speech, why did they come out and support the French Charlie Hebdo newspaper and their hate speech against Catholics and Muslims? Or is it only hate speech by whites that they won't tolerate?
ReplyDeleteThe entire media is just as guilty as the Falling Star. Everyone is so totally afraid of being "racist", that they'll not print any picture of a NIGGER committing a crime or even being charged. Oh hell no, we can't begin to call a spade, a spade anymore. You just have to guess. Well, with each crime, the sure guess is it's a fucking, stinking, stupid, dangerous NIGGER.
ReplyDeleteAnd the libtards cannot understand the growing WHITE anger they call racism. I think the racists who post "niggers ruin everything" might have a valid point.
ReplyDelete"Mr. Paterson"
ReplyDeleteTony showing his respect to the thug community.
Oh, it goes way beyond being just a "valid point". It's a fact of nature that NIGGERS ruin everything they come in contact with. History will not only bear this out, but it's full of examples of it..
ReplyDeleteLet's see even one shred of documentation supporting your claim that the core has been subsidizing the Northland sprawl. Because without it your words ring pretty hollow
ReplyDeletePlunder at Will
Yes. We need a constant stream of negativity, smut, and cynicism every day to rewire our brains into a positive thinking frame of reference.
ReplyDeleteThe perfect materials for making a windchime - the sooner the better.
ReplyDeleteIf Osambo had triplets ...
ReplyDeleteDie niggers die! I wouldn't even wait for trial because foul ass niggers like that don't deserve rights. Just walk up to their cell and torture them to death.
ReplyDeleteIf Obama had sons.. theyd be niggers too.
ReplyDeletetheir nigger crack whore mama's must be so proud, their nigger baby daddies (if they knew who they were) must be enjoying waiting to see their little nigger babies join them in prison soon. Of course the nigger babies are going to be put to death soon.
ReplyDelete5:37 harsh, but 100% true!
ReplyDeleteThat OKC game tho
ReplyDeleteAnd there is chuckles again spewing his racist hate on everyone but his white criminal friends.
ReplyDeleteThugs come in shapes and sizes and races. Few are as talented as Nick Nolte.
ReplyDeleteMSM also seems to be missing or ignoring the fact that two of these guys were out and about because the Jackson County Prosecutor didn't think they were a danger to the community...thanks for not protecting the public once again, Lean Jean.
ReplyDeleteWas the dead man a paid employee and can the children file a product liability suit on the Pistol Pawn Shop?
ReplyDelete10:29, he was the owner, you douche bag.
ReplyDeleteI didn't know that Nick Nolte was colored.