Kansas City neighborhood groups are busy organizing an effort to thwart politicos from stealing another toy train streetcar vote.

Background: In Kansas City, issues are never won or lost they're only recycled or delayed. After a recent toy train streetcar defeat, the winning side hasn't rested amid the CERTAINTY that a new effort was already underway to try and extend the toy train under the guise of a new plan and/or yet another smaller TDD voting district scheme just like the 1st stolen downtown election.

This isn't rocket science . . . Consultants supporting the toy train promised a new effort almost immediately after voters rejected their failed plan.

To wit . . .


There's more than a bit of community support for this effort given that Kansas City has said NO to rail transit almost a dozen times over a decade in citywide votes before architects of the Downtown TDD found a way to subvert the process in a move that Crosby Kemper III called "the single-most undemocratic election in Kansas City since the Pendergast era."

Developing . . .


  1. They need to do this with all local elections and taxes. When voters say NO, there shouldn't be an instant attempt to put the same question on the next ballot.

    it's a shame that kcmo counts on voter fatigue to win elections.

  2. Good! There needs to be a lot less construction and a lot less progress around town.

    I started to hear sounds in my head about the time that the first cell tower was erected in the suburb where I live. After much research I somehow stumbled on a list of patents that claim to be able to affect everything from sleep patterns to emotions and even one's behaviour, from our brain waves to our nervous systems. Many of these patents use ELECTRO-MAGNETIC WAVES, radio frequencies, and microwaves.
    There are and have been government representatives who say it would "be possible - and tempting - to exploit for strategic-political purposes the fruits of research on the brain and on human behavior. Gordon J. F. MacDonald (former science adviser to to President Johnson and) a geophysicist specializing in problems of warfare, has written that timed artificially excited electronic strokes could lead to a pattern of oscillations that produce relatively high power levels over certain regions of the earth.... In this way, one could develop a system that would seriously impair the brain performance of very large populations in selected regions over an extended period..." This quote comes from Zbigniew Brzezinski, former National Security Advisor to Jimmy Carter and Co-founder of the Trilateral Commission. The technology to manipulate the brain and nervous system through rf's, microwaves, and EMF's is well documented. Google Microwave HARASSMENT and MIND-CONTROL Experimentation by Julianne McKinney, Director of the Electronic Surveillance Project. Google Patent "5,507,291"

    1. I see the little 'nutty provocateur' is up early today. What a lame and obvious strategy.

  3. Letting people know that I was fighting streetcar expansion is all it took to get people to sign my city council petition with enthusiasm. Creating divise strategies and loopholes for approving expensive projects with impacts to the entire city budget is harmful to building a city that works, and it is extremely short sighted although it claims to be the opposite. I'll help circulate this petition while I'm out campagning, talking to and meeting new people.

    1. tell 'em about your participation in the most racist site in town el bryan that'll go over big.

  4. I sleep well at night knowing that city hall knows what's best for me and how to keep the city from becoming gross like, dare I say, Tulsa. Keep doing your jobs. Don't let us citizens get in your way.

  5. Father Guido Sarducci1/16/15, 10:15 AM

    Methinks a certain MENSAN HARDCHARGER has gone to cutting and pasting Art Bell inspired rants after being clowned off of twitter by denizens of this blog.

  6. Sly has to go

  7. Hey guys!!
    Remember me?
    It's Caleb Michael-Flies, the never-wanting-to-own-a-car guy.
    Don't lose your streetcar passion, the car-free lifestyle is AWESOME!!
    Just yesterday I went from my Streetfunk HipHop aerobic boot camp all the way across town to meet a buddy for snow cones!! Never thought about driving once!!
    Having a house is so lame, us Millennials want to be out there doing cool stuff!!

  8. Best news you've posted all week.

  9. Where do I go to sign?

  10. A nice thorough and complete TIF audit to find out how much much money the taxpayers are hemorrhaging would be excellent also.

  11. And you 10:27 are as guilty as hell then yourself.

    Anymore comments asshole?

    1. I'm not running for public office Superdave. you're not either but everyone's going to know who you are shortly I hear.

  12. Clang, Clang, Clang went the trolley. Ring, Ring, Ring went the bell!

  13. And they couldn't at least buy American Made Trolley's? Not really sure why Sly James hates America?

  14. My theory is they are building a retirement community on the train line. The old rich folks can get their Martini, doctor's and spa work and never have to leave the farm.

  15. Streetcars are dangerous like Vaccines are Promoted Junk Science Like Tobacco and Root Canals/Caps and Mercury Fillings that Kill and make ill many more people than they help. If the Government says they have a vaccine to keep you from getting Ebola; point out that The Chicken Pox Vaccine has not worked since people who have gotten it can and have gotten Chicken Pox / Shingles later in life. If the Vaccine WAS effective then they have nothing to fear from the un-vaccinated.

    People who have "taken" the Polio Vaccine have been paralyzed or suffered partial Paralysis.

    RE: CDC“We are losing the battle on convincing people to get vaccines through science and facts."

    That is because Science and Facts do not Support Vaccines.

    Some vaccines may provide short Term immunity against a small specific number of specific Viruses, But All Vaccines Weaken the Immune system by bypassing normal Exposure methods through the Lungs or GI Track.

    All Vaccines have Risks that may include Allergic Reaction, Immune system degradation or Over stimulation resulting in Illness or Allergies.

    When DNA is used such as Human Embryos, or Animal Tissue to grow the Viruses on, it can cause the Immune system to attack the Body as segments of the Foreign DNA may be similar enough to be targeted in the vaccinated person. God never intended DNA to be injected into the bloodstream.

    Additives to vaccines such as Mercury, Oils, MSG, Unknown and unintended Viruses etc. etc. etc. can have serious side effects including Death, SIDS, Brain Damage....

    The Latest type of Flu Vaccines are GMO grown with/on Insect DNA. They are Altering peoples DNA and Immune system with these Bio-Weapons they call Vaccines.

    The Stress, and Fake Foods full of chemicals and Toxins are weakening peoples ability to resist disease, along with radiation like Cell/WiFi/Microwaves/Radio etc.....
    as a Ebola that looks engineered to Kill, like it came out of a Lab is spreading throughout the world.

    21 day incubation period for new Ebola strain, last 3 days with symptoms followed by quick death usually.

    If the Government Did not Want US to die in the Coming Engineered Pandemic of Ebola, they would not allow the attack on American Immune systems by their Endorsement of the following.

    Government approved/promoted WEAPONS used against People
    1. Radiation (Cell, WiFi, Nuclear Fukashima, D.U. Weapons)
    2. Fluoride
    3. Streetcars
    4. MSG
    5. GMO (Wheat, Corn, Soy, Cotton seed oil, Canola, Sugar Beets)
    6. Hydrogenated Oils
    7. Chemtrails
    8. Vaccines
    9. Aspartame
    10. Refined Sugar
    11. High Fructose Corn Syrup
    12. Big Pharma Industrial Complex
    13. Abortions (The Birth Control Pill, Morning After)
    14. WAR/Drugs - Military Industrial Complex/CIA Drug Cartel
    15. Obama Care (destroying full time jobs making them part time)
    16. Addictions (Video Games, Sugar, Pop, Rx Drugs, ssri drugs)
    17. Rx Prescription Drugs(Mask symptoms cause Disease)
    18. Sterilization (GMO Foods, BPA, Fluoride, Vaccines)
    19. False Flags (93 WTC, 9/11/2001, Oklahoma City Bombing)
    20. Food Dyes
    21. Laced Tobacco
    22. E - Cigarettes Nicotine, some have Propylene glycol
    23. Alcohol
    24. Increase STRESS Levels (bio-weapons labs incompetence)
    25. Antiperspirant - aluminum compounds - breast cancer
    26. Processed Foods (Microwave Ovens cause Cell Protein Destruction)

    1. You do know we see through this, right? No matter how many times you spam the faux schizophrenia routine, we still know it's you. Care to try another tactic?

  16. Methinks Russ is going mental.

  17. Not a Robot You Assholes1/16/15, 12:39 PM

    11:34 you're fucking loser did you know that? You just proved it by admitting you read KCC a losers hang out and are not worthy of a public office. Where you fucked up dipshit is that Tony's Kansas City is a free site to be read by all. It's not against the law for anyone to read it. Has Tony ever told you you're wrong? Has Tony ever banned your comments? Has Tony ever beat a dead man a hero none the less into the ground just for hits on his website. Has Tony threaten to expose you because he does not like you speaking the truth? Does Tony call you names and so forth when you post something? Just because someone is running for office is not a reason to not be able to read or look at Tony's Kansas City. You just might be surprised at the people who do read this blog.

    But you feel you have the right to chastise what someone else said who is defending the rights of another to be able to read this. How about we the readers say you have no right to read Tony's Kansas City because you spread lies, hate and above all are really stupid.

  18. ^^^^^^^^^^^ I don't really care for el bryan but I agree he has every right to read this if he wants. 11:34 I bet is Glazer his style of pussy attack. Like his fake set up to fight smartman.

  19. Where do I sign?

  20. KCMO needs the kind of government structure where people vote on an issue and then the elected leaders follow through on the voters wishes. What is that called?

  21. 12:50 it's called living somewhere besides Kansas City.

  22. Poor Russ, all those surplus IQ points and he's reduced to cutting and pasting Art Bell rants on a blog site.

    I've always heard that Mensan's were great if you need a test passed or in a chess game, but in the end it's pretty much a roomful of people without the spark to really accomplish something.

    Now get back to work setting the world on fire, you WORLDCHANGER HARDHARGER you!!!

  23. Your city working just not for you.

  24. 12:28: Methinks that train left the station long ago.

    Remember the road rage incident?

  25. Yeppers, our mandatory light rail post for the dysfunctional that can't move through the stages of loss.

    But this is the one that will unwind the entire project, and get every restaurant business in downtown thriving again.

    What you lack in effectiveness, you make up for on repeated redundancy.

    I hope I don't have to smell farts from the self loathing numb Nutz.

  26. Spooks will take over the train and ride it all the time decent folks be to afraid to ride it

  27. 2:41: Isn't "repeated redundancy" redundant?

  28. People that Vote for this Phony Junk over priced Toy Train are not only Dumb & Clueless, but are Definetly short a Few Taco's of having a Full Combination Plate !

    Their Elevators don't go to the Top !

    They are a few bricks Shy of a full Load !

    They've got Soup in their Milk !!

    They couldn't Wipe their Asses with out Directions wrote on the Toilet Paper itself !! :)

    That's the kinds of people that would Vote Yes for this Phony Toy Train Fiasco - Total Idiots !!

    Just Admit it !!!

  29. The KC Star actually wrote two excellent pieces about this fiasco... here on

    and here:

    Both are worth a read.

  30. Hahahaha! Which amateur internet lawyer cooked up this piece of constitutional scholarship! Fucking precious.

  31. Nebrasky is calling you home, Mensa boy.

  32. I ain't signing NO petition I like beating the stuff out of those fern bar train boys every year or two. It is so much fun to see them moan and groan, and come up with new reasons why the latest toy train deal lost at the polls. You would think that with 15 years of trying they could have figured it out but they haven't. We've been getting the NO side ready for the next fight, this petition will ruin the fun.

  33. 7:53, like most teabaggers doesn't understand the difference bewteen news and opinion. Shocking.

    And 9:59 doesn't seem to know he lost (take a trip downtown, you south ward parkway loser), and is going to lose again, just like the transit haters have lost EVERY election ever in the midtown, downtown, brookside and waldo corridors.

    Save it for the suckers on the east side and the sheeple in the north, sparky. No one in the city listens to you and your ilks bullshit.

  34. The streetcars return on investment in the Main Street corridor downtown has already exceeded it's expense.

    Fucking suckers.

    Downtown is in the middle if a building boom and you morons have your head so deep in the sand or are so willfully bent on confirming your incorrect biases that you don't or can't admit it.

    Glad you saved the east side and temporarily prevented midtown from seeing reinvestment and a growing residential and business tax base! Way to go, hurf derfers! Smartkc!

  35. What economics school did you go to? The reinvestment is simply what it says it is reinvestment. The initial investment in downtown property is 30 years behind. In other words fixing up a building or two does not provide any revenue to offset the initial investment in a fixed rail system. The growth provided by a new business or reuse by an expanding business does not mean that any of that money pays any of the new debt. The growing tax base will not make up the new investment ever. If the thought process you seem to have was true there would be NO need to purchase bonds. The bonds are a way to spread out the initial investment over thirty years as NO new funds are provided by a "growing" tax base. You need a fully developed tax base just to stay even with the bond indebtedness.

  36. 3:39: Mensa boy don't need no economics schooling. He passed the Mensa test!

    The "building boom" and streetcar are heavily subsidized by taxpayers, and the "return on investment" claims would make Bernie Madoff look like a piker.

    Nebraska called. They don't really want him back, but I-29 still goes north.

  37. Keep trying with the CATO regurgitations Pay-Me boy! You an Art Laffer are fucking both laughingstocks.

    You cut/paste hack with a marketing degree from Liberty university.

  38. Methinks thou doth protest too much, Mensa boy, by accusing anyone who disagrees with installing 19th Century transportation in a 21st Century world of having ulterior motives while you're gonna be out of a job in a few months.

    Maybe you could concentrate on selling canal construction next. That makes just about as much sense as streetcars.

  39. Cars are 19th century transportation, too, red herring boy.

  40. Crabby today aren't we?

  41. Where do I sign?


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