Take a look at this clip touting the comeback of EVERYONE'S favorite Latino Civil Rights organization with a local connection.

Check it:

NCLR President and CEO Janet Murguia kicks off the 2015 NCLR Annual Conference in Kansas City


- One of you white people will ask to take me out for tacos in order to share your feelings on the topic of Latino unity. I will politely decline because TKC is powered solely by coffee, Chinese food and snack cakes.

- KC NCLR Protest by a great many German-Irish people who are uncomfortable with so much ethic identity politics with better dancing skillz and far more tasty cuisine.

- Reassuring interview with token Kansas conservative Angelo Mino that should reassure white people about the unworkable "legal" immigration. 

- More horrible Mary Sanchez columns where she lies to herself about her tokenism by way of liberal dead tree media corporate types who aren't really as "progressive" as we would all like to believe.

- Kansas City Mayor Sly in a sombrero . . . 

And there will be even more silliness with the possibility of a Marc Anthony performance that nobody really wants.

Developing . . .


  1. Glazer at Woodside one day was going on and on about how bad he wanted to suck Marc Anthonys dick with it's spicy man juice. Glazer being Glazer, was also implying he could suck the chrome off a trailer hitch ball while trying to impress the Pussy Posse followers.

  2. ^^^^^^^^^^ Just spewed coffee all over my keyboard

  3. 6th expectation:

    John Fierro will be running around the convention without mentioning that he was a vocal defender of Mayor Funkhouser and Frances Semler, whose racist ideals caused the convention to boycott KC a few years ago.

    John Fierro is like token Jew at a National Socialist Party rally.

  4. her shit looks like refried beans1/29/15, 9:20 AM

    Murguia needs her asshole stretched without her consent by one of our fine local useless niggers.

  5. Uhhhhh Tony? Have you tried authentic German Schnitzel, Bratwurst or Schweinehaxen? I think you'd like!

  6. what is so sad about this whole organization, is it is not progressive about making a better community for everyone in any particular neighborhood, its about what can be done for the advancement of the hispanic people above any other race in a country that pretends to be a fucking melting pot, the only so called melting thats being done is the deterioration of communities.
    People should recognize that LaRaza, NCLR, KKK, NAACP is nothing more than groups that promote one race over another but woe be the mother fucker thats says "lets promote being white"

  7. ^^^^^^^ Very True

  8. Byron Funkhouser1/29/15, 10:40 AM

    Doesn't the KKK presume to 'promote being white'?

    Mexicans are a protected class for good reason. Demanding equal rights does not make one a racist.

  9. Don't worry the taxpayers will pick up all the bills for all the illegals and space cases coming into the country with no money, contacts, passport, work permit, purpose in general, or all the other required details they are supposed to have handled ahead of entering the country!

  10. u have the equal right to buy cheap chinese junk in the good ol USA!

    but otherwise, i agree with Byrom.

  11. The KKK boogey man shit is so fucking played. The MSM incessantly trumpets the threat of the KKK and the chickens in the barnyard start clucking and refuse to keep eating each other's shit. Then, once the feathered electorate is scared into voting Progressive, Socialist politicians into office, we can all start laying eggs again for our Borg Thought Leaders, comfortably ensconced in our wire cages.

    The Fox in the fuckin henhouse, is Ethnic Criminality and the unambiguated evidence of that criminality is there for any to see except the willfully impercipient and those too stupid to wipe their fuckin asses.

    La Raza is a racist organization, period.

    The KKK is zero threat to anyone. It ain't white people killing, murdering, robbing, raping at a disproportionate, escalating rate.

  12. 1-White people have a right to be unique and different, to be themselves, and to love, value and be proud of what they are.

    2-White people have a right to have their existence and identity recognized, respected and protected, to define, affirm and celebrate their existence and identity, and to promote their legitimate rights and interests.

    3-White people have a right to racial life, a right to live, a right to exist as what they are and preserve what they are, a right to exist as a separate form of life, and a right to the conditions they require for continued life, existence and evolution.

    4-White people have a right to independence and peaceful self-determination, to racial freedom and liberty, to separate development, to exclusive control of their own life and existence, their own future and destiny, free from domination, control or interference by other races AND their government.

    5-White people have a right to their own living space or territory, to possession of their own racial homeland, to exist within secure borders, to have and hold their own country, separate from and exclusive of other races, as a condition required for both their continued life and independence.

    6-White people have a right to self-government, to their own sovereign and fully independent government to govern their own country, their own life and existence, and determine their own future.

    7-White people have a right to the affections and loyalties, love and care of their members, and this right takes precedence over any ideology — or system of beliefs and values — that would promote disaffection or alienation of loyalties, or censure racial love and caring--such as what today's media is promoting.

    8-White people have a right to exclusive control over the creation, upbringing, development and education of their own children, to control over their own reproduction — the renewal of their racial life, the transmission of their genes and culture to successor generations — free of interference by other races.

    9-White people have a right to racial integrity, to exclusivity, reproductive isolation and geographic separation, to be free, safe and secure from the racially destructive effects of racial intermixture and replacement.

    10-White people have a right to the material product of their own creation, and to use that product for their own benefit, free of any claim upon it by other races.

    The designation of a racial group as a "minority" does not grant it a special status that permits it to deny or violate the rights of White people like that label does today in what was once majority White nations, cities and neighborhoods.

  13. LA Gaza = racist hate group.
    They should not be welcome here.

  14. I demand equal rights for white people. According to Byron I am not racist! Glad we got that cleared up.

  15. Summary of what I heard from the above clip of Janet Murguia:

    "Me, me, me, my, me, I, me, me, me"

  16. There has never been a wall between Mexico and the US until 10 years ago. Where are walls set up to keep white people out in the US?

  17. Whats her opinion on illegal immigrant smuggling, along with unsolicited bulk email?

  18. If your caught in Canada, Australia, or the UK working without a guest visa it's game over you are deported IMMEDIATELY. No matter where in the hell your from.


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