And this is what we were talking about earlier this morning . . .
KCMO Councilman Michael Brooks accused of choking staffer; city confirms independent investigation
"41 Action News obtained a copy of a police report filed by Tonia Titus in which she alleged Councilman Michael Brooks choked her and forced/dragged her into his office. She alleges Brooks then also choked her with her belt.
According to the report, Brooks approached Titus in her cubicle and stated, "I really don't like your hair short or long." When Titus responded that both she and her boyfriend liked her hair, she alleged that Brooks grabbed her by the hair with one hand and "grabbed her by her throat with his other hand." Titus alleged the incident happened in front of multiple co-workers.
Titus alleged she was "dragged into the (councilman's) office," and closed the door. She said she was choked by Brooks with two hands before being choked with her own belt. She said after getting up, she was pushed onto Brooks' desk and was choked again. She said she screamed and Brooks stopped the attack."
File photo of Ms. Titus in better days . . .

This is more than just HE SAID/SHE SAID . . . Turns out there are bruises and marks that have been documented.
Moreover . . .
Developing . . .
If guilty, he shouldn't be able to serve out his term.
This is pathetic. Kansas city missouri has some really stupid voters. All he has to do is run as a democrat to win. Isnt this the penis photo man? I doubt kc will do anything serious. This is called "war on women" right? Choking a woman with her own belt and kcmo does not immediately remove him? He should be in fromt of a judge right now.
ReplyDeleteThat woman is butt ugly. You should have warned us before we see that picture.
ReplyDeleteniggas bein' niggas. Nothing new here and there will be no consequences.
ReplyDeleteThey are all fucking animals.
So Channel 41 told us the facts, not you.
ReplyDeleteInsiders say you're about to be the subject of another civil lawsuit that's going to make what Louie Wright did to you look trivial.
I told you so.
Never elect a black man that calls himself reverend, bishop, deacon or anything similar, to a public office. He is ordained by an easy buck and will surely be trouble.
ReplyDeleteShe so ugly, she should choke herself!!
ReplyDeleteI want to meet that car tho
ReplyDeleteAbsolutely, this is more NIGGERS being NIGGERS! These animals act like this everyday and in thousands of situations where they are allowed to run amok. This Brooks NIGGER should be behind bars, waaaay behind bars. If this coon stays free, they'll be more serious crimes later....GUARANTEED!
ReplyDeleteZoo Bars
DeleteI can see snathing a bitch up and grabbing her around the neck...but goddamn,choking her with a belt?!?
ReplyDeletethis mofo is dangerous.
ReplyDeleteWhen Councilman Pastor Dude Brooks wasn't quickly forced from office following his nude pictures fiasco, the ENTIRE council became a BIG LAUGHINGSTOCK!!!
It doesn't matter what happens now, the damage has been done, all credibility lost, and they ALL are LOSERS!
More than he said she said? If so, and if there are bruises, and multiple witnesses, then why were the police not called and Brooks arrested? Brooks is a shit heel of epic proportions, yet there was no push back from the council or Mayor after the 15 k debacle and the dick picture texting scandal. Bottom line, Brooks was held to a different standard based solely on his race. He got a couple of passes. Given his previous misappropriation of city funds, it would not surprise me to find that this alleged attack is a scheme cooked up between the 2 parties, wherein the victim gets a payout settlement and divides the proceeds with Brooks. I cant think of any other plausible explanation for a woman NOT calling the cops if she was attacked in the workplace in such a manner as alleged.
ReplyDeleteMark has absolutely nailed it. Brilliant.
ReplyDeleteThe guy knows he is cooked this coming election and figures out a Golden Ghetto Parachute to comfort him in his political senescence.
Oh chuckles you phony I bet this lady had it coming to her. Isn't that what you said about Ray Rice after hitting his girlfriend and knocking her out? You condesending asshole.
ReplyDeleteAfter denying the charges, Reverend Brooks then jumped up on a nearby table and shouted:
ReplyDelete"Fuck her right in the pussy"!
You know I checked out the local news stations about this and they all seem to be covering for this guy. I have noticed over time that local news media does not cover things like this. Compare it to NBC/CBS/ABC and their protective coverage of the President.
ReplyDeleteI have truly lost faith in local news to be trustworthy when covering KCMO governance.
Sly is judge enough to take guns away from law-abiding citizens and oversee Land Bank and a $100,000,000 train, but too poor a judge of character to move to eject this pastor-clown from the council following the sexting!!!!
ReplyDeleteShould've ejected him when he f@cked up the first time. This is a total train wreck for Sly and the council.
No pun intended.
Pay close attention to Mark Smith's comments. He's an expert on the criminal mind, as he himself has one. He's as shameless as Mr. Brooks and his scary tongue that Tony loves to show us.
ReplyDeleteFuck You 1:26 Mark only stated whats fact and what most of us are seeing as well.
ReplyDeleteYour sentence structure and writing tone are strikingly reminiscent of Byron. You also need to quit swing from Chucks nuts to mine. You've been on em so long I tripped this morning and nearly broke a hip.
ReplyDeleteOk, convict.
ReplyDeleteWho's the guy on the car hood?
ReplyDeleteMr Penis man is choking and assaulting women on city property? What else does he have to share with us? Where are all the womens rights groups at? Silent of course because he is a (D). What is really messed up is women in his district would vote for him again. What does that tell you?
ReplyDeleteTony: You should live-tweet from Brooks's sermon this coming Sunday. That would definitely get in excess of a hundred comments!
ReplyDeleteThats "quit swinging" convict or did they not teach you that in jail asshole.
ReplyDelete2:07 FTW
ReplyDeletewhere did 2:07 comment go???
ReplyDeleteIt was just here I saw it.
ReplyDeleteI saw it too was something about KCC douchebags staying over there.
ReplyDeleteHA HA and Tony don't delete comments.
1:51 that would be worse then a Alonzo story
ReplyDeleteWherever this NIGGER is, there's a scam and it sure looks like Mark has hit this one on the head. Too bad somebody else hasn't hit the NIGGER of head and HARD!
ReplyDeleteMaybe he was a doing a religious move on Titus and trying to squeeze the devil out of her. Those exorcisms get a rather kinky sometimes,
ReplyDeleteI always wondered why do white people look like the devil or demons after 20mins in the sun and now I know you people are evil. I thank God every minute of every day that he has blessed white people with skin cancer melanoma because you and your children deserve it.
ReplyDeleteWinning friends!
Delete2:42, Your postings are tiresome, unoriginal, and unfunny: clearly, you are a burden on even infidel society. Please do something worthwhile, such as drowning yourself in the basement of an outhouse.
ReplyDelete@2:55pm, did your wife, mother or child die from skin cancer, if so that's awesome news!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteThank Gawd for the Sickle Cell and Lupus. They kill almost as many of you moon crickets as you do each other.
ReplyDelete3:00, Listen you wrong turn buck tooth nigger, don't be mad because your uncle daddy knocked your sister and girlfriend up again. Kanye West sucks and his white trash fat ass wife does to!
ReplyDelete@3:04pm, you got me confused with your family in Kentucky. I rather be buck tooth nigger then me and my kids suffering from ALS, down syndrome, cystic fibrosis, Huntington's disease and not being able to conceive a child altogether. Heard crazy white women are having egg freezing party so they can have kids that have these diseases. You people are evil and messed up.
ReplyDelete3:15 you clearly dont belong here.dont be mad at us because you couldnt snag a white man so you settled for a lousy nigger and made babies with him..thats your own fault.your bitterness over your situation is so obvious.
ReplyDeleteHave you found a cure for ALS since the ice bucket challenge lol or are white people still suffering and dying. White people always want to throw out Lupus and sickle cells but I could take up two pages of the diseases white people are blessed with, it's so many they started naming the disease after them. Lol
ReplyDeletei lik chokin ma chikin!!! wanna watch????
ReplyDeletedamn the niggers trying to change the talk about the elected nigger who needs to be fired into something else.
ReplyDeleteJust have to chime in here. How does it make you feel that you're still a slave? I mean you cling to this story about black dudes having bigger dicks. It's an urban legend but even if it was true it doesn't bother me a bit. You'd impress me a lot more if you could take my business instead of borrowing some sad, desperate white woman who wants to sex up a field hand. Think of it. The only natural advantage you may have, and it's useless for anything but fucking. Sad really. Now get to work servicing those hordes of white women. Snicker
ReplyDeleteSomebody forgot the safe word...
ReplyDeleteWho wants a white man their dicks are so small even white women are jumping ship and they will screw anything especially if they're drunk. Probably why so many white men are gay cause that's the only hole in will fit. LMAO
ReplyDeleteBeing gay is way better than rolling the dice with one of your hood rat hoochie mamas, who are about as attractive as roadkill. Let's not even get started on the tragicomic nightmare of black women. Keep laughin though! Maybe that'll give you generational wealth, bigger brains, or future tine orientation. Now get back out in the field and hurry up about it. You've at least got the genes for that.
DeleteMark Smith you are a world class idiot. She did call the cops and that's why there's a police report. Please grow up and learn how to read.
ReplyDeleteThis whole thread makes me laugh and cry for my city.
ReplyDeleteWhy argue with devils history has shown the world that white people are evil soulless devils that won't survive another 100 years especially if you keep going out in the sun.
ReplyDeleteYeah, I don't know. I think breeding volume is definitely on your side. Your biggest achievement is creating mouths for others to feed.
DeleteMr. Tony,
ReplyDeleteBottom line.. This is awful! It has the feel of an out-of-office relationship that was ending. However, Brooks should spend time in jail if he is brought to court and found guilty of assaulting that woman. No matter the circumstance, no one should be attacked.
How many city employees banged down the door to come to her defense? Sounds like the altercation lasted more than a hot minute.
We have a poor quality of elected officials in City Hall. We will replace some of this lot with equally inferior council members this Spring. And the beat goes on.
Where is sickle-cell when we need it??
ReplyDeleteMr. Brooks is KC's version of Monica Conyers.
ReplyDelete2:55, Nigger please.
ReplyDeleteCome on by the zoo and get you some big, white Nikata polar bear cock up your black ass. Stupid fucking nigger, shut the fuck up and go do a drive by on your own house.
Suspend Brooks without pay pending the outcome of the investigation.
ReplyDeleteTony's TKC, the last bastion of free speech.
ReplyDeleteBoy we couldn't live without you.
At the end the day you niggers are still niggers
ReplyDeleteAt the end the day you niggers are still niggers
ReplyDeleteshe filed a complaint 5 days after the incident,. Sorry sport but thats not calling the police , at least not in any normal way that a crime victim would, you ignorant troll.
Now do you really think Pastor Brooks is this stupid? It sounds like maybe they had a relationship that went south. He was just putting the old pimp hand on that ass. Nothing see here. She'll be back at work on Monday.
ReplyDeleteCouncilman Brooks, nothing but a low life Degenerate Scum Bag idiot as usual !!!