This morning we've got EXTENSIVE, COMPREHENSIVE AND EXCLUSIVE TESTIMONY  from KCFD Insiders regarding an EMT and union rebellion against Chief Berardi as well as other word and news of an administrative and operational restraining order against KCFD Top Brass that hopes to stop retaliation against EMTs and other workers.

To wit . . .


Our blog community stood against the Kansas City political establishment in order to identify this bit of politically motivated mismanagement and we've been proven correct time after time in our opposition to this move.

Now, check the round-up and recent RESTRAINING ORDER HOT MESS that reveals a victory against for some in addition to an increasingly fractured KCFD.

Here's the word and the most important municipal news in KCMO by way of our blog community. Check it:


HUGE win today for President Michael Cambiano and Local 42. Chief Berardi better start looking for employment elsewhere because it's only a matter of time. The colossal EMS takeover failure has come to a head and those responsible are finally being held accountable. On September 22nd US District Court Judge Beth Phillips approved a settlement agreement for $1,950,000.00 to be awarded to the EMTs and Paramedics. After weeks of harassment and bad faith negotiations on the part of the City, today the EMS personnel were granted a favorable injunction by the Jackson County Court.

Here's a summary of what's been going on:

• On September 9th 2014, Kansas City Missouri Firefighter’s Union Local 42 was granted a temporary restraining order against KCFD TOP BRASS due to several weeks of failed labor-management negotiations.

• Local 42 feels that due to the Chief’s inability to create an amicable EMS deployment plan and unwillingness to cooperate with Union officials after losing a recent lawsuit brought on by over 100 EMTs and Paramedics, this was a necessary action to protect it’s members.

• On June 25, 2014 a ruling was issued by US District Court Judge Beth Phillips stating that since KCFD took over operations in 2010 they have been illegally classifying former MAST EMTs and Paramedics as firefighters, thus not entitling them to overtime compensation after 40 hours per week.

• EMS personnel filed suit in 2011 claiming that they did not receive the training to be classified as firefighters for FLSA (Federal Labor Standards Act) purposes. The firefighter’s union under President Michael Cambiano fully supported the employees and in November of 2011 withdrew a motion to intervene . . .

• At issue is what’s called the 7k (or §207(k)) firefighter exemption. While most employees are entitled to overtime compensation after 40 hours per week, under §207(k) of the FLSA firefighters may be required to work 53 hours per week (212 hours in 28 days) before overtime is required.

• Regulations issued in 1999 allow cross-trained firefighter-EMS personnel to fall under the §207(k) exemption. However, EMS personnel who are not dual function firefighter-EMS are entitled to overtime after 40 hours.

• On July 24, 2014 the Kansas City Council approved and authorized a settlement of the lawsuit (Ord. 140577) in the sum of $1,975,000.00.

• Despite having nearly 3 years to prepare for an unfavorable outcome, when the ruling was issued the Chief chose to unilaterally make an abrupt and disruptive change in the EMT and Paramedic’s working conditions, causing major concern for Union leadership.

• The proposed changes would have accounted for a significant loss of unit hours on the street. Since taking over ambulance operations in 2010, KCFD has failed to meet the response time requirements as set by the city charter.

• Union officials feel that having such a drastic loss of ambulance coverage would have a negative impact on response times.

• President Cambiano stated, “Local 42 has a duty to represent our members and see to it that their working conditions do not deteriorate. In addition, we have a duty to see to it that our members are given the resources to provide the best care to our community. We feel that the Chief’s decisions were retaliatory in nature and made with complete disregard of public safety and our employees well being. It is unfortunate that our Chief has chosen not to work with us on this matter, but it is unacceptable that our hard working EMTs and Paramedics be punished any further for the erroneous decisions made by our

• October 3rd, 2014 Jackson County Judge ROBERT MICHAEL SCHIEBER ruled in favor of Local 42, granting them the restraining order against the Chief. The Court concluded that "Local 42 has demonstrated a reasonable likelihood of success on the merits of its action, and that the Plaintiff will suffer irreparable harm in the absence of injunctive relief." The Court has also ordered that the City cannot proceed with any type of shift bidding for a "dynamic deployment model" for our KCFD EMS members.

See attachment


  1. Such a mess.

  2. Daily firefighter drama.

    It's just not like this in other cities folks.

  3. Actually, it is more often than you would think.

    Tony's zeal to "expose" news motivates others to use him to spin one side of the story.

    Take nothing from this.

  4. KCK dumped MAST years before KCMO did. Why is the fire based ambulance service running so smoothly under their fire chief over there as compared to KCMO?

  5. Every single one of these "fire hose" jockeys should be replaced with Mexicans.

    Give the beaners a garden hose, a couple of shovels and some 5 gallon buckets and you have a quality Fire Department without all the bullshit.

  6. This is why cities outsource EMS. This kind of fighting is going to hurt us all. Everyone. It's not helpful to have this splayed all over social media, either.

  7. It was outsourced for 30+ years. That was a failure.

  8. From gay court room drama, to naming rights bitch fests about a goddammed police station, to this EMS horse shit...I'm imploring the adults to please take this city back.

  9. Why is the Chief allowed to retaliate against the ambulance workers? Fire Troy!

  10. Every once a blind squirrel finds a nut.

    Maybe once a month, this post comments section hits a 50-60% meaningful response, that escapes the trolls, haters, perverts, etc. and actually gives blogging a meaning.

    My 2 cents worth, this is the one.

    Cities EMT departments exist for the benefit of seriously ill or injured persons, not for the employees or politicians.

    A truly insightful leader would step back and at least ask the question "have we lost our way?"

    BTW, good luck Royals.

  11. Democrat firefighter greedy union slobs join together to sing their anthem -

    "We Be Scammin'"

    set to the tune of Marley's "Jammin"

  12. TKC readers...especially KCFD union firefighters!: This little boondoggle is gonna cost Local 42 ten thousand dollars a week until the end of the injunction. If you think your toy train is a waste of money, wait til you see the bill for this bullsh:t lawsuit!

  13. Well it's nice to see City Hall is working on a Saturday

  14. 1238, explain please. I am curious what you mean.

  15. Miss Sweetie Pie10/4/14, 2:17 PM

    Mr. Tony,
    Could you please ask Cindy Circo and Jan Marcason to please resign effective immediately as this was their pet project. They assured the residents of KCMO that transferring MAST to the KCFD would be a seem less transition and save 13 million dollars. Further they said that they put their full faith into Smokey Dyer to carry out their wishes.
    Puff! Smokey is gone but that snake in the grass Louie Wright wants a council seat. No!
    Mr Tony, I have some boxes for the council ladies to pack up and get gone.
    Thank you.

  16. Miss Sweetie Pie10/4/14, 2:18 PM

    Oops seamless!

  17. I bet Jan Marcason wishes she could take this back:


    Integrating MAST is the Right Choice for Kansas City
    Post date: April 9, 2009 10:14 AM
    By Jan Marcason

    In an effort to ensure the highest quality care, the City Council designated a committee comprised of medical professionals, financial officers of the city, and union representatives to study the city’s ambulance system. The issues considered by the Emergency Medical Services Advisory Committee were patient care and governance.

    We are fortunate that the current EMS system in Kansas City provides excellent patient care. If that were the only consideration, there would be no compelling reason to change the current system.

    However, the public utility model that has governed MAST for more than 30 years is no longer the preferred governance structure across the country. There are only a few cities that still use this model. Most cities have either incorporated emergency medical services as a city department, developed a structure under their fire or health department, contract with area hospitals, and some directly contract with private providers. The reasons include eliminating duplicative back-office functions, ensuring seamless coordination, streamlining management, and cost-control.

    The recommendation of the committee was that MAST should begin the process of integration as a stand-alone city department. The City Council voted to develop this plan over the next 6-12 months. There are many issues to work out in the plan: legal, financial, and personnel issues.

    The city is committed to maintaining its quality MAST personnel. The City Council agreed to allow MAST employees living outside city limits to remain in their current homes. If an employee moves, he or she must move into Kansas City. Consistent with current residency requirements, all new hires must live in Kansas City.

    Kansas Citians are fortunate to have excellent quality emergency services. Integrating the EMS as a part of the city’s total emergency response system will reassure our residents that in the case of an emergency we can address a single event or a major catastrophe efficiently and effectively.

  18. The issue isn't the city but the ones running the city.

    The issue is the way people have become disrespectful greedy pricks who no longer give a damn about anything other than themselves.

    The issue is the lazy who won't work but demand the working class to pay for their way and are the ones it appears that get out and vote the most, for those who will give them more freedom and goods.

    The issue is that until Americans get back to being a nation under one, that being Americans, this lack of proper respect and grandstanding politics will go on till this country lies in ruins from civil unrest.

    When something as simple as EMS service can't be ran correctly, you as a group of people have failed and the failure can be blamed on nobody but the residents who live there. When you as residents sit back and allow the most important public service for the people to remain below par due to certain peoples ego's you're doomed as a city.

    Get out and vote and vote and vote till you send a message you’re tired of egos and poor representation. Make your dislikes known loud and clear with signs in your yards and on street corners. Politicians can put up signs saying me, me, me, me, me, vote for me, well you as citizens can do the same saying we want, want, want. Everyone in public office and all cities’ have e-mail accounts now, so send a message a day to all if need be. It can be the same message but send it every day anyway. Sending e-mail messages is a very simple and easy way to let your voice be heard. Come election time if those in office have been duds and only working on special interest projects that fluff their bank accounts then vote them out. If judges are voted into office and are rolling crooks back onto the streets along with idiotic rulings, then vote them out as well. I remember the time when city hall meetings had people attending to keep abreast of what was going on. Now people only go when it pertains to them and seldom even then.

    The people own this town and one would have to and would want to believe, there are a lot of really great people living in it. Change can be had; change can be good and now is the time for change. Make your voice heard, make those votes count, or sit back and watch it get worse than it is now.

    Building political monuments such as Toy Trains, Sprint Centers, unneeded airports, and P&L Districts don’t really provide jobs for people in the city. If you take that same money and used it to hire workers to fix and repair and keep maintained what you have the residents then are blessed with a nicer city and lower unemployment rates. Think I am stupid, just take the toy train alone and let’s say it costs 100 million to build for 2 miles. At a salary of 60 k a year to start, add some raises, you could alone have a work force of 250 people for over 5 years to fix and repair what we have now. What in the end would be better spent money?

    Get ego’s out of city government, make across the board equal hiring rights, promotions based on ability and education as related to the job being applied to and not good ole boy hiring. Demand correctly ran public services; accept nothing less and change will happen.

  19. Firefighters sit around and have too much time on their hands to stir the pot.

  20. 2:11 pm...10:38 meant that the judges order also included instruction on how Local 42 must provide a ten thousand dollar bond for every week of the injunction. And IF the arbitration goes against the union, Local 42 loses the money as well. Way to gamble those Union Dues away!

    1. Incorrect asshole, the city has to pay it! That will come out of troy's pocket

  21. Holy crap I find myself agreeing with a character named Superdave. At least it's not polar bear.

  22. 432, no hateful race oriented theme to this post which is why the signal/noise ratio is decent.

  23. Superdave use to comment a lot but not much of late he does show a lot of common sense for the most part when he does say something. Polar Bear has his
    moments once in a while when he hasn't been on the stump juice for a few days.

  24. Who is in charge of KCMO government??? Apparently not Troy Schulte. Why does that worthless lying asshole still have a job?

  25. Save Kansas City10/4/14, 5:40 PM

    Super dave comment wins it, this is such an f-d up situation. Shame on city hall for letting things get so bad. We need better local government and this fight MUST stop.

    Do something Sly!

  26. I applaud Superdave.

  27. 432, correct

  28. stupid dave,correct me if im wrong but you dont even live in kansas you? SO STFUP!!!

  29. 6:55 do you? He may not live in the city but I sure wish he did, I'd try and talk him into running for Mayor and cleaning this town up. The issues as he said are people such as yourself 6:55, more worried about where the message came from than paying an attention to the damn good advice given.

  30. Dan is the cure

  31. Dan cured Ebola, which was introduced by Korrupt Ape Liar to kill all toy train boondoggle oppostion and rig the election so CK (get it?) can have hipster renter coffee shop fags things, and he called us names! Brookside is mad as hell. It's impossible to predict what CLEVARKC will respond with (all though it certain won't be the bus plan we promised you would do EVERYTHING STREETCARS DO only BETTAR and FREEEEEEEEE).

    Also, streetcars kill firemen. Think about it people! They have El Trains in Chicago and that's where Backdraft happened. They have light rail in Baltimore, and that's where Ladder 49 was. Shit 9/11 was in NYC which is like Portland's Portland!

    SAVE OUR FIREMEN, stop the quintuplemegboople boondoggle downtown "finisher" line!

    Join us on Facebook, help make sure Sherry gets to keep "her" portion of ATA property and Marsha gets to keep her nieghborhoods privately owned fountain maintained by the city and Patty T can keep his job making sure his St Louis masters are happy.

  32. He's everywhere! He's everywhere! It's chickenshit mensaman!


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