A couple of days ago OUR KICK-ASS TKC BLOG COMMUNITY WAS FIRST THE PEREGRINE HONIG PANTY RAID BY HOMELAND SECURITY since that time the lurid tale of confiscated Kansas City Royals panties has exploded all over the media scene.

Everybody has taken a whiff of this story and it's probably the most exciting thing about the game . . . Given that the TV ratings were the second-lowest ever for a Game 2.
Some of our most AWESOME TKC READERS remind us that she probably "couldn't buy this kind of publicity" and they're probably right.
Check the aftermath . . . Royals panties confiscated from Kansas City lingerie shop by Homeland Security Homeland Security confiscated a bunch of panties because they were illegally using the Royals' logo Kansas City lingerie shopowners in a twist after Homeland Security's panty raid Hopefully, we'll have more BREAKING/EXCLUSIVE NEWS, discussion, debate, discourse, maybe some more panty peeking and all kinds of good stuff coming up in a bit . . . STAY TUNED!!!
TKC, i think you need to refer to the column that YOU linked from Bill Tammeus. Listen to the good Protestant.
ReplyDeleteNot shocking. This is not the first time Honig has stolen other people's work and ideas and tried to profit from them.
ReplyDeletePeregrine is one of the City's better visual artists. Regrettably, the ill-informed class that supports the arts typically prefers bad art. So there is little reward for showing off your rendering skills because the people who buy art are so painfully backward that "fine art" is seen as less interesting than a black square on a black background (aka, F- art).
ReplyDeleteAnd even though she probably should have known better than to use a copyrighted / trademarked logo on her panties, the involvement of Homeland Security is such a gross misuse of government power (and $) that I cannot help but feel that we live under the boot of an oppressive and, frankly, stupid federal government.
Meanwhile the girl who was shot at the 7-11 gets no attention whatsoever - aside from what TKC is giving her. Where are the FBI and DHS agents when you need them? Ans: Trolling Facebook looking for trademark violations.
I feel safer already.
DHS does not solve murders, they do customs enforcement. And they do this every year as a show of force in the super bowl city. It is as standard as your dont-buy-tix-off-of-craigslist story.
ReplyDeleteI think it is funny that Peregrine Honing, who loves to take pictures of Peregrine Honing doing Peregrine Honing things to perpetuate the Peregrine Honing brand got busted because she couldn't just sell some bootleg merch on the cheap. Because when Peregrine Honing farts the Peregrine Honing brand decides how to monetize it and how to alert the coasts of the brilliant artist in Rube-ville. (usually by something involving selfies)
Her Nelson carts were PUNS! Puns!
What the Homeland Security panty raid really showed was what the World series, MLB, and professional sports are are really all about, and that's money.
ReplyDeleteWhile the KC region is all gaga over the Royals, the big boys roll into town, fill up their accounts, and fly to the next destination.
And no one who watched the games on television have the faintest idea about anything in KC except for the inside of the stadium.
Thanks for playing.
I am so glad Homeland Security is protecting us.
ReplyDeleteAnother victory for the War on Terror.
ReplyDeleteMurica is saved! Praise Jeebus.
Tell me again how Obama is different from Dubya.
5:54 -- NAILED IT.
ReplyDeleteThe once interesting Ms Honig simply isn't anymore. Neither is her "art."
I believe "Narcissistic Self-Absorbed Media Whore" is now much more accurate.
She -- and her "art" -- were once charming, now simply annoying.
DHS was established to do anti terrorism work. It is presently comprised of agents from many Federal agencies. What has happened in reality is that laws designed to go after terrorists have been used to violate the constitutional protections afforded citizens and the majority of work done by Homeland Security is pure law enforcement and had little to nothing to do with terrorism. DHS was another over-reaction to 911 that will have Americans paying for decades and will result in uncountable assaults against the U.S. Constitution. Although DHS needs to be abolished, it will flourish for decades as bureaucrats use everything from gum stuck to school desks to pot busts to justify the horseshit war on terrorism.
ReplyDeleteOf course there are those who think applying the full force and effect of the nations truly hugh law enforcement agency against a local pissant who may have violated a pissant market's baseball teams's logo is a great way to spend tax dollars. The job probably could have been handles with a warning from a meter maid, but who is better suited for panty raids than the college boys at DHS?
Logo rip-off aside, its a lame design.
ReplyDeleteHomeland Security is child's play. Just try making "Gentile Giant" Mike Brown merch and see what happens to yo bitch ass!
ReplyDeletePenegrine should make some "Gentle Green Giant" shirts.
ReplyDeleteTop Photo Caption:
ReplyDeletePeregrine fine details her newest creation....SNATCH--the scratch and sniff panty.
How embarrassing to get busted for such seriously weak art.
ReplyDeleteHey,,,,,, hipster slut........suck some Polar Cactus