Here's a bit of Kansas City literary news that no other local media outlet would dare report . . .
We talked about the tome last month but now it's available for purchase from Amazon and probably nowhere else . . .
Mr. Cashill is on the warpath this week given that he's also pretty much blaming Prez Obama for Ebola.
CASHILL: Ebola crisis puts Obama’s credibility to the test
Clearly this local Conservative dude isn't pulling any punches when it comes to his criticism of the Obama Administration.

Still, the reference is from the 1st term of the Prez and this screed might be something that only hardcore right-wing political junkies really want to examine . . . While reactionaries represent a solid niche market, it's also probably more profitable to sell those folks big belt buckles and t-shirts with questionable slogans.
Check the link:
You Lie!: The Evasions, Omissions, Fabrications, Frauds, and Outright Falsehoods of Barack Obama
You decide . . .
I'll take two!
ReplyDeleteAnd give them both to loved onese that you secretly hate?
ReplyDeleteHas he unearthed Obama's position on unsolicited bulk e-mail?
ReplyDeleteObama's bad. Cheney was nightmare.
ReplyDeleteIf you want to keep your doctor...
ReplyDeleteIf you want to keep your health care plan...
We will enforce Immigration Laws...
There was no Benghazi cover up...
We will shut down flights from Israel becsue of Hezbollah missles, but continue to take all flights from Africa into the US...
"That Health Care System is working pretty well..."
"I am angry and will get to the bottom of the IRS Scandal..."
"There was not a smidgeon of wrong doing at the IRS..."
"If I had a son, he would look like Trayvon..." Finally, some truth from the nation's First Liar.
The list is still compliling and I have missed a great deal, but you get the idea.
"I am not a faggot, have not patronized chicago bathhouses for 10 plus years, do not know what penis tastes like, this is my wife michelle..."
DeleteWhat will the Obama rage industry do when he fails to become Universal Dictator and Antichrist? Go back to Andy Griffith reruns I guess.
ReplyDeleteHa ha! Thanks for the silly post. Guess I'll be seeing a few of these vanity press waste wash up at Half Price Bookstore.
ReplyDeletePoor Cashill. And thank you God for not making me anything like him.
You stupid NIGGER, nobody wants to be you. Go ahead and curl up with a good pipe O dope and fucking die. Or better yet, please allow some decent white, police officer to blow your dumb-assed brains all over some street.
ReplyDeleteCrazy man is too lazy to come up with his own title. Had to steal it from another asshole.
ReplyDeleteAh, the N word guy. Living the good life! We are all envious of your wealth.
ReplyDeleteSaid it once, and I'll say it again: never trust a cock-eyed bugger.
ReplyDeleteN word guy, did you move your stocks before the Dow dropped 300 points?
ReplyDelete"a local writer and hilariously inept conspiracy theorist..." - The Pitch
ReplyDeleteObama didn't write his own book.
Or his own love letters.
Countless birth certificate nonsense.
And of course Jack needs Photoshop lessons.
Cashill is actually a pretty accomplished liar and fabricator on his own. Sort of like TKC but without the calming effect of Zoloft.
ReplyDeleteYeah, well, Jack, you Right Wing pain in the *ss conservative dickhead, you suck.
There was a great generation in this Country that created great wealth for their future generations. While recognizing political differences they had the capacity to understand the positions of others, and even respect, while not in agreement.
ReplyDeleteThat was 2 to 3 generations ago. Now we live in a world of "what's in it for me?" and making threats of violence against elected leaders.
And these people contribute exactly nothing for anyone other than themselves.
Jack Cashill is a long-established source of twisted thinking. The Ebola story in the Washington Times is a particularly outstanding example of "stupid-think."
ReplyDeleteApparently, 501 did not get the Wal Mart position and instead of finishing his GED, he continues his rants on this site.
ReplyDeleteJack Cashill has proven to be the best investigative journalist in his discovery of the lies Obama twisted and turned throughout his life.
God bless you Jack and please watch your back.
And 501 prays, ironically, that there is not an afterlife and that the Christians have it all wrong.
ReplyDeleteCashill is a bend over take it up the butt closet tranny. And not that nice a guy.
ReplyDeleteHow do you know this 6:01, you been in the closet with him?
ReplyDeleteYou might as well get started hating on Hillary, because there is no way we will have another Republican President any time soon. The good news for us is that you have no clue as to why, so you will do the same things again & expect different results.
ReplyDelete"You lie." Unfortunately that would cover just about all politicians including not having sex with "That woman," weapons of mass destruction, etc. It seems to come with the territory.
ReplyDeleteI will tell you this, Cashilll is fair and accurate in his reporting. He has sources that give him great details. At least Jack stands for something, most other writers in KC are just looking for a handout or a free meal.
ReplyDeleteI may not agree with Jack Cashill all of the time but I respect his information and his legacy of hard work.
Hate on Byron, but he is correct.
ReplyDeleteChelsea will be coming for your guns, so hurray down to Wal Mart.
It's early Byron. Hillary is old and unexciting. If the Republicans run a young nonconformist (Rand Paul, for example), she could lose. If the Democrats go for Elizabeth Warren, on the other hand, she could win.
ReplyDeleteIf your tired of 25 to 50% of your pay going to these guys in the form of welfare and other government assistance? Vote Republican.
If you want to see cops continue to do their jobs without the fear of being sued or worst...killed? Vote Republican.
Are you tired of the main stream media turing thugs into saints? Vote Republican.
Are you tired of black bitching about being poor yet they at a whole still have kids out of wedlock, have high unemployment and don't value education? Vote Republican.
Are you tired of blacks bitching about there being no black cops, one of the few government jobs blacks don't swarm too like a bunch of locust? Vote Republican.
Do you believe there is a thing as a black on white hate crime? Vote Republican.
All Byron knows is that he sucks like a leach.
ReplyDeleteWhatever is Obama view on unsolicited bulk email is, for one thing you are not sure that is his real view and two, you are not sure that what he tells you now will be what he says or does later.
ReplyDeleteDon't go crowning Hillary just yet. She has to get nominated and you don't factor in Clinton fatigue. Second, she has to get elected and again, you don't factor in Clinton fatigue. Obama is fucking things up and he could fuck them up so bad that Jesus could not get elected as a Democrat.
ReplyDeleteBoy, this has to be one thick assed book. Hopefully Cashill got Emmanual "Carwash" Cleaver to write a forward for it. He spit on me. Ha Ha Ha
ReplyDeleteAmerican Intelligence Agencies Control The Media-----Myth or Fact?
ReplyDelete“Non-official cover” occurs when a journalist is essentially working for the CIA, but it’s not in an official capacity. This allows both parties to reap the rewards of the partnership, while at the same time giving both sides plausible deniability. The CIA will find young journalists and mentor them. Suddenly doors will open up, rewards will be given, and before you know it, you owe your entire career to them. That’s essentially how it works. But don’t take it from me......
LEAVE BYRON ALONE!!!! he likes sucking my dick cheese and I lke him doing it.
ReplyDeleteHave not read the book, but I have listened to President Obama and he HAS repeatedly lied to me and to you, whether you want to acknowledge it or not.
ReplyDeleteYea, 655 , I am waiting to elect MITT ROMNEY.
People that don't like Jack Cashill or his writing are too scared of the truth. Jack is a serious and well-sourced journalist who gets a lot of respect. You might not agree with him or like what he says, but he's usually correct. And Obama is a lying, incompetent POS.
ReplyDeleteJack Cashill makes money writing hack pieces.
ReplyDeleteTo that stupid fuck that thinks Ebola is a are a fucking idiot.
ReplyDeleteJust ask those fucks down in Dallas....
Idiots like you could not be so lucky as to find a "Ebola sandwich" in your lunch tray at UMKC.
Washington Post is good for wiping a crack whores ass....nothing more.
2:27, Jack makes money writing investigative books.
ReplyDeleteJack Ca$hill writes red meat for the hard core right wingers, many of whom are racists. Almost all his WND columns are smears about Afro Americans.....has be ever trashed a white person?