Diversity efforts in the Kansas City Police Department are creating a ruckus among rank and file officers and right now we've been encouraged to share a controversial interdepartmental memo that has some cops seeing only one color: RED.

To wit . . .


Check the description of the sitch from an AWESOME TKC TIPSTER:

"A minority cop sent a memo to black sergeants only pleading with them to take the captain's test. No white sergeants received such encouragement. The memo went to black and female sergeants. No white male sergeants."

Now . . .


Click these links or the photo for a bigger, better view . . .

Here's the most articulate objection to this KCPD tactic: 

"People get upset when specific groups are encouraged more than others to achieve, based on race or gender. Everyone should be encouraged to advance and succeed, and the most qualified should be selected to do so. Race or gender should not ever be a factor. But in KCPD it is."

We've long contended that real diversity initiatives don't involve quotas but more importantly, this perspective offers and INSIDE AND EXCLUSIVE vantage into the inner-workings of the KCPD as they struggle and confront diversity challenges that have garnered increased priority in the aftermath of Ferguson, Missouri unrest not so far away.

Developing . . .


  1. the quota system creates nothing but hard feelings. this is just another example tkc.

  2. Hard Charger9/6/14, 12:45 PM

    Those of you holding September 6, 2014 in the raffle as the first day in the calendar year, for Tony NOT to post an article focused at baiting bigoted comments can tear up your ticket.

    In the interest of accurate information, the last sentence is acknowledged as probably too long.

    There is the opportunity to get into the raffle for the month of October.

  3. "Unprecedented Opportunities" in a yet to be defined process means that it will be a subjective process designed to promote the ignorant and unqualified to higher ranks. That's the answer to all the problems with race and diversity - LOWER THE BAR!!!

    1. Forte wouldn't be where he is today if he where white. He was promoted several times solely based on race and now he will do his part to continue the cycle. It perpetuates the disdain for minorities because they promote based on race instead of qualifications which really magnifies that persons ineptitude. It also causes that person to be way in over their head which leads to poor decision making which leads to demotion or termination. KCPD has a long history of promoting solely based on race which lead to that persons early demise.

  4. I understand the officers frustrations. Was the person who wrote this email a high up supervisor' or in charge of the testing process or what?
    Only an idiot writes something like this to one select group.

    1. The person that wrote this is a black Captain

  5. Diversity?? You mean, let's don't hire the most qualified person, let's hire someone based on skin color? That's it, let's keep racism alive and bitch about racism on other issues. Ain't this country just fucking great.

  6. There is a perceived need for more diversity in the police department? I am shocked, I tell you, shocked!

  7. Remember the group of white firefighters(not KC)who filed suit when they weren't allowed promotion try-outs? Rigged.

    They won, on the basis it was discrimination. Now if they get promoted, the others can't scream "unfair!". Let the cream rise.

  8. The person who wrote it is a captain in the Chief's office. He is called the Diversity Commander, and has been sending emails like this for months. There should be no shock that this was coming. The chief put human resources under his office for the first time in history.

    1. Kind of like how Holder is to Obama. Disregard all rules and laws and let race be your guide.

  9. whats so difficult about this is that blacks absolutely cannot stand whites, a black police officer will tilt in the favor of a black person here in KC every single time.
    No different than TK will fight for the rights of illegals here simply because they are hispanic, not because they are family, not because they are friends but because they are hispanic and for no other reason. Blacks are exactly the same way , they hide behind the word "diversity".
    At some point whites are going to get fed up with this treatment by the black community and will most likely do - nothing.
    I know I'm pretty well fucked if I am pulled over by a black kc police officer and theres is nothing I can do about it except eat it.

    1. @1:32... Disagree there is something you can do. Vote Republican. Vote Libertarian . Anyone but Democrat.

  10. Fucking niggers must have extra, otherwise they fail. Fact!

  11. Look at any city where the blacks control the polease, city hall and the schools and you will find a dying city.

  12. This is new? To who? There's been years of this. Documentation of this. From mentoring recruits, to specialized units without processes, to disciplinary differences, to promotions. This is as only new if you're new to KC. Cry all you want, it won't change and the courts have already set the precedence that they don't care. Racism is growing but now it's an acceptable kind of racism.

  13. There should be no such thing as race quotas in public service. In fact there shouldn't have to be in any company. They all and that means everyone takes a test to be hired and those with the better scores are those who should be hired over lower scores. Those with the most education as well move to the head of the class. Those with most experience again move to the head of the line. All this can be documented as to rather anyone is cheating on who they hire. If this was the practices that was followed by all then everyone from public service down to the burger flipper got their jobs by being the best. Then all the rest can be given a trash bag and a grabber and clean up our streets and highways instead of sitting around on public aid get rid of this free ride shit. You want help from the government then be ready to work as well in some form or another.

  14. How about only black police in black areas and white police in white areas? Problem solved.

  15. Would the suggestion be taken as an encouragement effort versus racial. The term Black tends to turn some folk OFF. Think about this example: I've seen TV commercials with car races and would you believe the WHITE CAR wins over the BLACK CAR. Shame on the mentality of some folk!

  16. 2:03. Good idea. Question, where are these white areas? I need to move there.

    1. I live in one and it's heaven. We try to never leave our ZIP code.

  17. George Wallace9/6/14, 3:17 PM

    I was right bitches!

  18. Tony your opinion always seems to swing a different direction when it comes to the subject of KCPD. Who's ass are you kissing down there on this one?

  19. 3:22, maybe no one's?? Maybe it's just good reporting of a situation that needs to be brought more into the light?

    Why are cops, or anyone, selected or hired based on color or chromosomes rather than qualities?

  20. This is American, land of opportunity. No one gets to hire the best qualified person any more. If you think equal opportunity isn't on tilt just walk through a state or federal office and see if it doesn't feel like a field trip to the jungle.

  21. You got that right 3:52, 3:22, 1:58, 1:44, 1:32 and 1:03

    See there really are smart people in this town.

  22. Breaking news! Police department encourages blacks and women to seek supervisory positions. So insightful,award winning reporting. how did you ever get your hands on this story. zzzzz

    1. You failed to read and comprehend the whole story.

  23. I still remember Katrina and those black New Orleans police officers pushing shopping carts around looting stores.

  24. In 1975 I went to apply at KCPD and was advised they were not accepting applications from white males. I subsequently went with another department and was amazed at the low quality minority entrant officers from KCPD attending the regional academy. I lost a great deal of respect for KCPD at that time, and more over the years as I worked with their affirmative action officers. The problems within KCPD and with Kansas City crime in general is directly related to the low quality of these officers. Kansas City knuckled under to political correctness and is paying the price. Look at any major city with minority leadership (mayor, police chief, etc.) and you will see exactly the same thing. That's why the cities are dying and people continue to flee these cradles of crime. The truth hurts. Tough. Live with it.

  25. The guy complaining has a genuine complaint. For some reason, Kansas City and Kansas City, Missouri Police Department believe that creating other instances of racism is the cure to racism. True leaders do not attempt to justify this circumstance. The idea that "well, it was done to me, so this is my opportunity to do it to somebody else" does not work to bring forth unity. They should have sent the memo to everyone letting them know that diversity would take precedence. They could have left it there and been done. Joan Rivers was right about Kansas City... it is the apex of stupidity.

  26. 1:32 PM

    Wrong! I fear being pulled over or having a Black cop do anything to me. Black people are more hateful towards other Black people. I'd rather take my chances with the Klan members on the police force. Chief Forte is no Saint. He got his position for one reason; and one reason only. He was willing to shit on other Black people.

  27. 2:03 PM You mean more problems created. I can't wait to leave Kansas City. It is assed-backwards. I tend to agree that there should be no hiring or firing based on the hue of skin. People who share the same skin color disagree all the time in major ways. Ever heard of Korea (South and North). What about the Africans. Doesn't matter what skin color you have on the force. Do people need diversity and sensitivity training... absolutely. It is of no comfort to see someone who shares the same skin color as me. People are people no matter their shade.

  28. Study, study, study means these folks are too dumb to pass the test. So, anybody afraid of promotion of dumb-asses need not worry.

    1. You missed the part about "unprecedented opportunities". That means forte will choose who (black) he wants. Testing will not be a factor.

  29. NIGGERS are just bad news. They're bad as cops and anything else too. Look at the White House, Mayor's Office, Police Chief, Attorney General.....ALL screwed up!!! No, NIGGERS are not competent to do much of anything, except to rob, rape, murder, riot, steal, etc., etc.

  30. Study, study, study means the fifth grade level test is the only thing standing in the way of a free ride. The Chief moved HR under his office so he could design and manipulate the process. The outside accessors will be handpicked by him to come in and score the process. I guarantee you the people coming in will have agreed to their marching orders before they hit KC. Time for a vote of no confidence FOP!!! This guy has got to go.

  31. KC has allowed NIGGERS to dominate their lives now for some time and any change is too far overdue. The result will be a Detroit-like ending to KC. Just watch, maybe five or ten years but we'll get there. Or rather, you'll get there. The rest of us humans will probably leave before then.

  32. This is a spoke in the wheel that turns and guides us all into a Detroit/Hieronymus Bosch rendition of a life in the New Demographicly run America.

    The monolithic African American 14% voting block, who essentially vote for a "Bread and Circus" living, will never cut off the benefits which are birthed through a decadent, Civil Rights Baloney Curtain, the stench on the newborn on their finest, Brandon Howell.

    That Liberal Lubrication Machine, which greases the "White Guilt" wheels for more horrors is unabated and unimpressed. The news in this town, according to the KC Star and TV stations who quake in the face of African American violence, is the "White Racist Cop" who killed a "Gentle Giant".

    Cops, more specifically, white cops, have to be insane to try and solve ANY murders in 64131, or ANY urban area in the US.

    Earnest Evans is dead on the money when it comes to law enforcement in an area with a large proportion of African Americans. Law suits and crys of racism are part and parcel of what any Police Department must deal with. Fuck it. Let African Americans kill each other at an exponential rate. What would be the result?

    Will we, or will we not, figure out that pesky Cold Fusion problem?

    Will we, or will we not, find more cures for cancer and other deseases?

    Will we, or will we not invent new and important technilogical devices that make life better?
    Screw that, lets talk about Black inventions, there are many.

  33. I am glad, happy here in heaven, that Michael Brown is digging the shit out of the Devil's outhouse.

    Michael Brown was a black male MONSTER just like Brandin Howell.

    This small comfort to my family is appreciated. I see the "Gentle Giant" sucking up the devil's shit and shoving it up Al Sharpton's ass to vomit out at the next "No Justice No Piece" riot.

    Eric Holder is beating his meat as he reads this post.

    1. White liberals will justify Brandon Howell's murderous behavior by saying he was mistreated by whites so his victims deserved what they got.

  34. hi chuck, because if anybody is "Harry Stone," it's you, and if anybody is beating their meat over their race war boner, it's chuck.

  35. Public Service Announcement9/6/14, 7:26 PM

    Harry isn't chuck lol

  36. sure he is.

    Both chuck and "Harry Stone" use the same phony grandiose words, spew the same tired right wing diarrhea, and echo each other.

    Only difference is Harry Stone is dead and chuck wishes he was because LIEBURLS RUINE THE CUNTRY

  37. 7:44 PM you better stay anonymous
    you better learn to keep your mouth shut when you don't know what you are talking about.

  38. 6:56

    Ok, but is he wrong?

  39. Hell no he isn't wrong some ass wipe comes in here (Byron) hating on chuck all the time.

  40. Kansass City:
    All Negro All da Time.

  41. From a former police officer this program was tried years ago and resulted in the promotee being demoted a year later. Not sufficient training for the promotion. Wtf

  42. so,obama won because he is black,uneducated,and way more stupid than palin and all her smart republicans. good thing,he didnt have to face that white genius bush.he also wouldnt have had to deal with all those smart decisions those classy white guys that about right?

  43. People who disagree with Liberals, excuse me, Progressives on the issue of race, diversity and Affirmative action are called haters. What do the haters hate? They hate watch 13% of the population hostage through violence or the threat of violence. They hate watching their hard earn money they pay in taxes going down a rat hole of govern programs and the 13% of the population not improving. They hate having to worry about having their homes invaded when they are home or burglarized when they are away. They hate having to worry about being car jacked if they have a nice automobile. They seeing the knock out game and having to worry when they are around the children of the 13%. They hate being called names and being blamed for the plight of the 13% by the race pimps and the politicians because they work hard and want to live in peace.

  44. Correction to the second sentence:

    They hate watch 13% of the population hold the rest of the population hostage through violence or the threat of violence.

  45. you
    talk like you live in kc proper,lock your doors,and,(i know going to your car is sooo scary,but go north, south,and if you believe your own spew,you'll feel safer and safer as you get to bridge where its of course white,i mean safe. i've worked just other side of river for 30 yrs.Projects with white trash,babies with babies,that card they whip out to pay for pop,candy,and sure,""kids get what you want".then they pull out their dollars for their cigs and blunt wrappers,i myself know of 2 projects where rent is 3$ or2$,!,right out of my check! used to be a handful of blacks,but, nooo,now we got muslims. Welcome to america,you're not mexican,are you? come on in. btw,all rent is 0$ for them,and they get the card,and,Bonus,heres a stipend just for you!well,golly,they love genius bush just like you bigots.take a drive,its true,im not liberal because i like paying for them,i'm just disgusted that gop,and followers actually believe its better to hate and blame rather than use sense. ok, be sure to duck when you get there because they get crazy quite often and you know how your white race needs your guns..then you go to church:}

  46. What pisses me off most about KCPD is the abuse of take home police cars at taxpayer expense. I see Carl Oakman all the freaking time hauling his kid around in his cop car. Before you tell me that he is on call, do you really think if he was at Applebee's with his kid and he got a call that he wouldn't take his kid home first? Abuse abuse abuse abuse ........

  47. I know more than one KCPD officer who are very smart and well-qualified officer's who are happy being patrolmen and wouldn't take the Sergeant's exam for all the tea in China.

    They view promotion's as one giant pain in the ass. As they get older though, they might get sick of chasing crooks and change their minds. Then again, they do have a decent retirement and they could easily retire after 20 years and move to a slower paced agency.

  48. There are tons of those emails. THIS email says it all. Certain Sgt. white/minority already know they are getting promoted. THEY WERE TOLD AT AWARD CEREMONIES, PRIVATE MEETINGS, ETC... REQUEST EMAILS THRU SUNSHINE LAW!


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