Take a look at the latest work from Kansas City's foremost Conservative author . . .
The title:
You Lie!: The Evasions, Omissions, Fabrications, Frauds, and Outright Falsehoods of Barack Obama
Publisher description:
"A devastating catalog of Barack Obama’s numerous evasions, misleading statements and blatant lies, from statements in his national bestseller Dreams from My Father to “You can keep your health plan,” PolitiFact’s 2013 “Lie of the Year.”
"During President Obama’s address to Congress in November 2009, Representative Joe Wilson of South Carolina shouted, “You lie!” As Jack Cashill details, the president has been lying about his personal history and his political philosophy from the beginning of his political career. Yet throughout his meteoric rise and the first five years of his presidency, the liberal media turned a blind eye to his numerous evasions, contradictions, misstatements, deceptions, untruths, and outright falsehoods.
"It wasn’t until the disastrous Obamacare rollout that the president’s lies caught up with him. Finally, it was impossible even for the mainstream media to ignore the president’s repeated assertions that all Americans could keep their health care plans and family doctors if they so chose. In You Lie! conservative journalist and author Jack Cashill provides a devastating compendium of the president’s false and misleading statements on matters great and small, from the deliberate distortions in his celebrated memoir, Dreams from My Father, to his rise to the White House and his years as president."

And here's a social media word from the local author:
"When my publisher, HarperCollins, suggested this theme, I wondered if there was enough material. I ended up writing a history of this presidency simply by stringing all the BS together. Very entertaining for all that."
The book will be released Oct. 7th.
Developing . . .
Obama lies? Say it isn't so.
ReplyDeleteUnless a significant portion of this book is devoted to detailing homobamas gay lifestyle in chicago bathhouses and the down low culture nurtured by jeramiah wright's so called church, this book is not worth the time.
DeleteThe Main Stream Media, which makes up the lion's share of how Americans get their news, has not, is not and will not EVER hold Obama's feet to the fire for the blatant lies, obfuscations and every day legerdemain that Obama and his Facist phone and pen administration administers to we plebes 24/7.
ReplyDeleteHave you stopped beating your wife chuck? Answer yes or no.
DeleteThis word "fascist". Not sure it means what you think it means.
DeleteComming from a "butt ass ugly" hoo like Cahill, this book is a good read if you like the truth about O'blama.
ReplyDeleteThe Bear personally thinks that O'Blama is ample reason to have a Constitutional Amendment against MIXING the races.
How come all these half crocked, full retard teabaggers are Irish American? Cashill, Touhey, Coffey, McLiney...what a bunch of inbred clowns. All that preist fucking must really give a man an inferiority complex.
ReplyDeletenow THAT is a good point my friend
ReplyDeleteJack Cashill is crazy? Say it isn't so!
ReplyDeleteRead his book and get slapped with a dose of what Obama is all about.
ReplyDeleteBut then you dipshits don't like the truth unless it supports your limited Liberal agenda and has a big dose of black cocksucking included.
It's good that you're comfortable with your vivid fantasies.
DeleteRead his book and get slapped with a dose of what Obama is all about.
ReplyDeleteBut then you dipshits don't like the truth unless it supports your limited Liberal agenda and has a big dose of black cocksucking included.
Ahh, the teabagger term. It's getting more popular than Nazi or Hitler and just as lame. It reminds me of when preschoolers first learn to curse with words like "poopyhead". And it shows the same maturity level.
ReplyDeleteAbout as stupid as naming your idiotic, bottom feeder red neck base the Tea Party, really...
DeleteI think a book like this could be written about any of our presidents. Remember weapons of mass destruction? "I did not have sex with that woman?" Etc.
ReplyDeleteLiberal, the cunts of the 21st century.
ReplyDeleteHmmmm take Jack a long time to figure out the Neo Panther Muslim Barrak Hussein Obama was lying?
ReplyDeleteAgain Chuck absolutely covers it.
Cashill should know about BS since he's been slinging it for years. Oh and the bear can go fuck himself-what a douche bag.
ReplyDeleteWhen you get a minute to stop hanging off of Obama's balls just look what your boy Eric Holder is doing.
Eric Holder, the Tom Hagen of this racketeering enterprise of an administration, is using the [money] that DOJ muscle is extorting from the banks to pour tens of millions of dollars into the coffers of the radical Left’s top rabble-rousers – in addition to diverting what should be public funds to pay off delinquent debts in cities that Democrats have destroyed. This from Investors Business Daily: Radical Democrat activist groups stand to collect millions from Attorney General Eric Holder’s record $17 billion deal to settle alleged mortgage abuse charges against Bank of America. Buried in the fine print of the deal, which includes $7 billion in soft-dollar consumer relief, are a raft of political payoffs to Obama constituency groups. In effect, the government has ordered the nation’s largest bank to create a massive slush fund for Democrat special interests. Besides requiring billions in debt forgiveness payments to delinquent borrowers in Cleveland, Atlanta, Philadelphia, Oakland, Detroit, Chicago and other Democrat strongholds — and up to $500 million to cover personal taxes owed on those checks — the deal requires BofA to make billions in new loans, while also building affordable low-income rental housing in those areas.
Obama is such a Facist.
ReplyDeleteThe [Investors Business Daily] editorial goes on to explain that NeighborWorks, in fact, provided $25 million in 2008-09 to the housing division of the notorious, Obama-allied ACORN – the Association of Community Organizers for Reform Now, which ostensibly disbanded after a 2009 scandal dried up its government funding. In 2011, NeighborWorks doled out $35 million to similar groups, including the “Affordable Housing Alliance,” which pressures banks to make the kind of high-risk loans that caused the financial crisis and has ties to Obama officials.
And the recent multi-billion-dollar settlement with Bank of America that promises to fatten the Obama-Holder goodie jar is far from the only exampled of corrupt practices:
IBD [Investors Business Daily] reminds us that similar funding for Democrat activists has been written into the $20 billion in settlements for which JPMorgan Chase and Citibank were shaken down. This is massive fraud and extortion. The heavily regulated financial institutions are at the government’s mercy – that’s why they were making the bad loans in the first place, under pressure from politicians and the very organizations Holder is now inducing them to underwrite.
Bottom line is high school graduates and college graduates should not have to live out their 20s in their childhood bedrooms staring up at fading Obama posters and wondering when they can move out and get going with life. The future of America shouldn't be an adventureless journey that relies on government programs from cradle to grave also.
ReplyDeleteReal change starts this November!
ReplyDeleteGood for you, Jack Cashill!
Thanks Tony for posting this.
ReplyDeleteGood for you, Jack Cashill!
Thanks Tony for posting this.
ReplyDeleteGood for you, Jack Cashill!
Thanks Tony for posting this.
FOX NEWS is a terriorist organization that preaches the overthrow of the government, elimination of our leaders, changing the fundamental ways of our lives we have lived for years, and the elimination of our unions ( the safe guard of the middle class). This network must change it habits and help all the America people instead of a very few.wtf
Move along with your BS.
Fox reports the truth.
Delete11:43 Go watch some more MSNBC. You for got to take your meds.
ReplyDeleteI thought they were just selling off the institutions of government. I think Richard Nixons boys took over long ago.
ReplyDeleteHolman Prison in Alabama has a full fledged riot going on. One prison guard taken hostage.
ReplyDeleteHolman Prison in Alabama has a full fledged riot going on. One prison guard taken hostage.
ReplyDeleteIt's actually an uprising. The cops start riots.
ReplyDeleteBut CashIll and his friends here in Kansas City are fascist and brag about it.
ReplyDeleteCashill's a literary slut.
ReplyDeleteDid Bill O Riley's publisher dump Cashill?
ReplyDeleteJackie CaShill admits to stringing all the BS together and gives himself an endorsement by saying it's entertaining stuff?
ReplyDeleteHe is a Doctor for gods sake.
ReplyDeleteCashill is a Nazi the way he denies racism is a national issue, the way he couldn't criticize President Barack Obama without attacking his family origin and not keeping to the issues of policy of the Obama Administration.
ReplyDeleteCashill helped to launch the new breed of demented lunatic Republican pundits.
ReplyDeleteWas that cashill hiding behind a styrene cup at the American Renaissance with David Irving who committed fraud by sell a fake lock of Hitler's Hair?
ReplyDeleteIt looks like Rachel Maddow's fanboys are out. Her whack pack that watch her on MSNBC and beat off to her.
ReplyDeleteIn reference to The Bear's comment on mixing of the race. As some who is mix I can say you neo confederates are mother fuckers
ReplyDeleteJack Cashill is The Bear.
ReplyDeleteIf this is a book about all of Osambo's lies, it will be longer than "War and Peace."
ReplyDeleteAs for Bear's comments, he's spot on. The practice of mixing races between humans and negroes is a recipe for disaster and should have been abolished with slavery. The only good Oreos come in packages at the grocery store.
How's all that Hopey Change working out for you. Just fine if you are brain dead and smoking dope.
ReplyDeleteI can understand the libtard gay baggers getting all upset. They haven't read the book, but Al and Rachel told them to get all excited so in their almighty independence they got all excited. That is how the libtard spin machine works.
ReplyDeleteYou got it figured out maestro.
ReplyDeleteWow, still quoting Sarah Palin...winnars!
ReplyDeleteWar And Peace is regarded as one of the most important works of world literature. You claim Cashill is the new Tolstoy? Lolz
ReplyDeleteNo dumbass, I was referring to the length of the work, not the content. Stick to Dick and Jane, dick.
DeleteOK Tony
ReplyDeleteSo Jack you just now figured out he is a liar?
ReplyDeleteThis book and its author is a big joke. The difference between Bush and Obama is the speed their knees hit the floor for big oil.
ReplyDeleteSpeaking of liars: Ferguson police chief Tom Jackson was caught in a huge lie on Friday when it was revealed that he did not get “a lot of Freedom of Information requests” for a surveillance video from a local store the day 18-year-old Michael Brown was shot and killed by Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson
ReplyDelete7:28, How exactly does that make him a liar? If he did not get "a lot of (FOIA) requests" how does that change things? As far as I know it only takes one unless it's something Obama and Holder are hiding in which case it will be ignored regardless of who (like Congress) is asking. Did he ever say they got a lot of requests?
ReplyDeleteIt is worth noting that Cashill's chronicle of Obama lies takes a whole book.
ReplyDeleteThis Cashill guy looks like he does not at all have a comb over.
ReplyDeleteJack Cashill is a hack from World Net Daily, a website that contributes heavily to the long discredited
ReplyDeletenotion that President Obama wasn't born in the United States.
3:12 it has NOT been discredited when you look at the official birth certificate used at the time of his hatching.
ReplyDeleteThis Neo Panther Muslim has a modern birth certificate that could not of been used when he was hatched.
So go rucksack your sad sack ass.
@ 2:08pm cool. The Bear respects your right to your opinion.
ReplyDeleteYou, 2:08 deserve credit for standing up for your fucked up blood line.
Unlike the "politically correct (they think) ass clowns that try and defend the black boons that are ruining this country. They know one negro and suddenly are the champion of all black causes.
These sad fuck are glued to MSNBC, Rachel the Dyke, Chris Hayes and Anderson Pooper....salivating on any dribble that provides cover for the feral negro transgression that make it to press.
At least you, @ 2:09 have some backbone. Just don't move to the Ozarks and we can be pen pals.
Yeah right......
Bear out
Cashill isn't fit to shine the president 's shoes.
ReplyDeleteSilly, Osambo would be the shoe shiner in that pair. While he whistled an old spiritual.
Delete8:16, you're a loon. Cashill is so much smarter and more honorable than Obama, there is no comparison. Obama nuts who follow him and his sycophants blindly have shut down their eyes, ears, and minds to the truth.
ReplyDeleteCashill will release his undergrad and PhD transcripts. Plus there are people who actually recall being in class with him. The same can't be said for the lying Obama.