Yesterday we learned that the last remaining ardent supporters of Former Fire Dude Sherwood Smith have all but given up Jackson County election hopes.
All of the top Kansas City political consultants have Sherwood Smith losing by no less than 10 points and as much as 30.
In the aftermath, there's now a plan to put Sherwood Smith on the City Council in the 5th District.
To wit . . .

There's a lot of reasons for this call but we've seen FIRST HAND that the "fight" has left the campaign and Sherwood Smith loyalists are now focused on angling for a City Council spot.
Count this as a big win for Jackson County Executive Mike Sanders who was able to play both sides of this race and get by without making an endorsement.
Mr. Peanut also can put another W in his victory column and he remains well-represented @ The Courthouse.
Finally, this is major LOSS for Missouri Democrats and labor who simply weren't able to overcome name recognition and the deep pockets of Mr. Peanut. The "star power" of AG Chris Koster, Sen. Claire McCaskill, And Secretary Of State Jason Kander wasn't able to move the dial for this highly skilled Democratic Party operative and now the Smith billboards that have FINALLY gone up around town really represent a campaign that simply didn't connect with the public during a strangely hopeful baseball season and in the shadow of one of the best bits of political signage ever devised in local politics during the modern era.

Developing . . .
-12 points for Sherwood Smith seems to be the consensus.
ReplyDeleteWell yeah, if coon can't do anything else, get on the council. ...
ReplyDeleteHe can read the stitches on a fast ball.
ReplyDeleteTime for a change up.
Hopefully he doesn't strike out with his City Council bid.
Must have been that Frank White had the better views regarding unsolicited bulk e-mail.
ReplyDeleteDon't agree with T's observation that this makes Nutter a political powerhouse. Point 1: Sherwood was done the day White announced he was running. Point 2: Getting politicians to endorse your campaign sort of works against you since they're not held in high regard.
ReplyDeleteBut when you really have nothing to say or even any idea of what someone in the office you're running for can do, endorsements are about all you have left.
ReplyDeletePretty much sums up candidates in Jackson County and KCMO.
Don't be surprised by the election results.
Polar Bear analysis of the players involved:
ReplyDeleteKoster = Clown
McCaskill = Clown
Kander = Hot Wife - otherwise Clown
Mr. Peanut = Old but still the un-disputed KING of Jack Off and Killa City politics.
Nw to the business at hand. Killing that fucking Train bullshit.
Vote NO on the Toy Train aka The Grifter Express
Sherwood really never launched a campaign did he?
ReplyDeleteSherwood has to run for 5th district at large. Endorsements from Kay Barnes, Kander etc. did not help.
ReplyDeleteThere is not good choice in that race. You have Sherwood the Crook, who turns out to be a coward who cannot call a series of press conferences to put the the county ring on notice -- and put his opponent on the defensive. Then you have Frank White, who has no idea why he is running except that a small group very rich white guys told Uncle Tom to sign the papers. If Frank White had to answer questions about county government, he would piss his pants and curl up in a fetal position crying. Sherwood could have walked into the office after a couple of those freak shows. But for that to happen, Sherwood would have had to actually raise issues. Sherwood did not do that.
ReplyDeleteTheresa Garza ends up being the big loser following Sherwood's implosion because she still plans to run for the council seat that Cindy Circo is vacating -- even though she is not legally qualified to file for it. Sherwood will bank the money he has left, and move it to a new committee to fund a council campaign for the same seat that Theresa wants. That means that even if she is able to find a judge that will ignore the city charter and allow her to file as a candidate, she will have to beat Local 42's candidate in the city. Theresa Garza cannot pull that off.
Wow the above blogger is right on point congrats.
ReplyDeleteFrank White is an intelligent, successful black man, not a professional Negro grifter. The choice is obvious. Vote for Frank White.
ReplyDeleteFrank White for County Executive!!
ReplyDeleteFrank White is an Uncle Tom for Nutter I would rather lose and have my self esteem.
ReplyDeleteUncle Tom: That sort of attitude is why so many blacks are standing around on street corners with their pants dragging. Frank White has achieved much more in his life than most of the Negro "activists" in this town. People like you always attack the successful black man and imply that he isn't black enough. You probably think that being good at reading, writing and arithmetic means a black person is trying to "act white."
ReplyDeleteTaking the White mans money and then do his bidding is an Uncle Tom sorry it is what is.
ReplyDeleteSherwood was set-up from the word "go", he just didn't see it coming...
ReplyDelete9:56 just described what "Freedom" did with the streetcar (that serves the east side) and the state highway tax (that doesn't).
ReplyDeleteLuckily, everybody over here knows "Freedoms" game and don't nobody listen to them motherfuckers anymore.
"Frank White for County Executive!!" - I agree, 2018 for this.
ReplyDelete"Sherwood was set-up from the word "go", he just didn't see it coming..." Callahan and Garza did their best to coax him into the race so he was used up, then they walked away from him. They didn't want him running in the 5th v. Garza, and it looks like this plan may work as Sherwood has used up all of his good will and Callahan is knifing him in the back by tellin the trades and labor that "we've already given to Sherwood." Sherwood never saw it coming.
Sherwood was screwed, he never should listen to Vic who secretly doesn't like him.
ReplyDeleteGarza is about to be nameed as Chair of the County Legislature. Crystal is pissed off.
ReplyDeleteWait, Sly also endorsed this loser. Big ego loss for him as well.
ReplyDeleteWait, Sly also endorsed this loser. Big ego loss for him as well.
ReplyDeleteIf Frank White is so bad, why is Sherwood not ahead by a big margin?
ReplyDeleteKarma bit Sherwood in the ass. Just where he deserved it. He's been shitty to a lot of people.
ReplyDeleteKMBC reports that guys in Air Force One jackets picked up takeout orders at Oklahoma Joe's!
ReplyDeleteSherwood will win a City council race
ReplyDeletewho is running efforts against Sherwood. They should be awarded a key to the city.
ReplyDeleteIf Sherwood and everyone else is DUMB enough to let Mike Sanders get away with playing both sides, like he always does, then he deserves to loose!!
ReplyDeleteSherwood for City Council. The 5th district would be better served by him then some voter frauding political hack with ties to the Mayors office.
ReplyDeleteSherwood for City Council. The 5th district would be better served by him then some voter frauding political hack with ties to the Mayors office.
ReplyDeleteI like Frank - he is against the Streetcar!
ReplyDeleteGood to know how Lee's Summit residents feel about Kansas City issues!
DeleteTo 10:16 Douche Boy: Sadly you don't know jack shit about what you're talking about. Fact is the East Side gets the Prospect Max if Amendment 7 passes. It is a stand-alone project and is not dependent on the TDD passing for it to happen. The TDD campaign is misleading on the Prospect Max.
ReplyDeleteTo 10:16 Douche Boy: Sadly you don't know jack shit about what you're talking about. Fact is the East Side gets the Prospect Max if Amendment 7 passes. It is a stand-alone project and is not dependent on the TDD passing for it to happen. The TDD campaign is misleading on the Prospect Max.
ReplyDeleteFrank White is a good man and will be a good elected official. To call him an Uncle Tom is insulting.
ReplyDeleteFrank White is a good man and will be a good elected official. To call him an Uncle Tom is insulting.
ReplyDeleteWhen I see this line up on the ballot, the names Amos and Andy come to mind.
ReplyDeleteLook it up children.
Frank White is Nutters Uncle Tom deal with it, look at his money.
ReplyDeleteI's gonna be Da Cownties Legislature Man. Whooooo Wee I's gonna have a job where I's don't need to wear a cup.
ReplyDeleteUnless Crystal is at work.
I see Callahan is back to posting his sensitive rants.
ReplyDeleteDennis Anthony
ReplyDeleteCandidate for KCMO City Council, 5th District At-Large in 2015
We'll see on August 5th, talk IS cheap.
ReplyDeleteHoly Shit!
ReplyDeleteNo one told me that getting The Star's endorsement is just like being on the cover of Sports Illustrated!
O'Neill you asshole!
Oneill only picks winners.
ReplyDeleteI think Brice Stewart will enjoy working with his childhood hero.
ReplyDeleteSherwood has been Louie's Uncle Tom for years! Just imagine, Sherwood Smith and Louie Wright on the same city council. Sherwood would be taking orders from Louie again.
ReplyDeleteSherwood would be the man in the Legislature! He has been rolling Shelly Kneuvean for years. That's OK, because she rolls Mike Sanders all the time. JACO insiders say she can make Mikey weep and out of fear he will name her his number two.