I wish every day could be Tessa Fowler Tuesday . . . And here are the Kansas City mainstream media links we're checking right now . . .
- Kansas City Northeast News Question Of The Day: What would you change about the City's laws?
- Gov. Jay GOP Pushback: Nixon sets personal record: 33 vetoes
- Golden Ghetto Sickness Spreads: Two in Johnson County contract painful mosquito-borne illness
- Forbes Enters The Fray: What's The Matter With Kansas And Its Tax Cuts? It Can't Do Math
- JoCo Killing Investigation Continues: Lenexa PD interviews wounded man in double homicide case
- Suburbanite Crime Fighting: Police: 4 arrested in string of Overland Park car burglaries
- Show-me Secret Killing Delay: Federal judge grants stay in Missouri execution

- Long-term Eco-Devo Legacy: The History of Kemper Arena
- Rock Chalk Winning: KU Hospital tops U.S. News rankings — again
- Tribute This Town's Favorite Middle-Class Tragedy: Leonard Rose: Surviving Hyatt skywalks collapse leads to hope for a memorial in Kansas City
- Pancakes And Equality: KC Chamber Power of Diversity Breakfast Honors Local Businesses and Employees
- MUST READ Football Forecasting: Potential Playoff Pitfalls For The 2014 Kansas City Chiefs

And this is the OPEN THREAD for right now . . .
Jay Nixon is a criminal and should be locked up for life for crimes against the people.
ReplyDeleteOverland Park Police actually stopped a crime in progress. They must have a new Chief.
ReplyDeleteChiefs and playoffs. Now that's some funny shit.