Like it or not, Kansas City, Missouri isn't making any effort to dissuade the latest tidal wave of undocumented Latin American immigrants making their way across the border.
In fact . . .
Here's a bit of a primer on the topic for those who have been living under a rock . . .
Following our lead, Mary Sanchez and the newspaper are calling it "migration" not illegal or undocumented immigration . . .
CS Monitor: Far from US-Mexico border, communities battle over child immigrants
USA Today: Some cities open arms to children caught on the border
Star Tribune: US communities diverge on response to unaccompanied child migrants; some welcome, others shun
And so . . .
Remember, not so long ago Kansas City passed a resolution that STOOD UP AGAINST TOWNS THAT LEGISLATED AGAINST UNDOCUMENTED IMMIGRANTS
Therefore . . .
The reality is that they're joining their parents who are already here ALSO it's summer building, outdoor work and construction season so this town needs all the cheap labor it can get.
Accordingly, here's our TKC Top 5 Resources For The Undocumented Next Gen . . . Along with the realization this election year gambit isn't bring conservatives any closer to defeating Hillary Clinton slouching toward the White House.
Developing . . .
ReplyDeleteTexas Governor Rick Perry deploys up to one thousand National Guard troops to southern border.
At least someone has some common sense.
They can't stay or camp in the bushes now at the Kite Singleton Streetcar Maintenance lot downtown.
ReplyDeletePut the tamales in a can and kick it back across the border where they belong.
ReplyDeleteMaybe we could put them to work hunting down and chasing hipster transplants and parental subsidized millennial streetcar dooche bags out of town.
ReplyDeleteCheap labor for slapping up pretty looking but ultra low quality stack em and pack em apartments.
ReplyDeleteMissed opportunity here. Should have posted that topless photo of Salma Hayek!
ReplyDeleteWelcome to Clusterfuck Kansashity young future MS-13 members!
ReplyDeleteCindy Circo can start a refugee camp on all that empty land behind her place. They can use her swimming pool to wash. And her gas grill for cooking.
ReplyDelete"Immigrant" will be a bad word too, if they keep calling a refugee a immigrant. If we are in the refugee business, call it that, so America can fuckin deal with it appropriately The thought of children with no supervision traveling through Mexico is horrifying and preventable.
ReplyDeleteHow will Dirty Mary feel about it when she gets her car jacked, raped or a case of TB. They ain't your brothers and sisters, Mary. I would put that in Spanish but I doubt if you speak Spanish being a professional media Latina.
ReplyDeleteAnd how are all these people going pay the bills and compete in the workplace?
ReplyDeleteIt’s anticipated that 60,000 children will be sent up–or sent for–to sneak into the United States in 2014, and the number is expected to more than double to 130,000 in 2015. {snip}
ReplyDeleteWe, the taxpayers, are paying to house, care for, and transport these illegal aliens to parents and relatives in the United States. The White House has projected a staggering cost of $2.28 billion to care for and resettle child migrants from Central America, and they are asking for another $1.4 billion to keep the kids here. On top of that, U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder Jr. announced that the Obama administration would pay for 100 lawyers to help these underage illegal aliens remain in the United States.
In 2010, the DREAM Act (Development, Relief and Education for Alien Minors) failed to pass the House. It specified a six-year path for illegal alien “children” between the ages of 12 and 35 to eventually become US citizens. Nevertheless, in 2012, President Obama unilaterally implemented a new program called Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA).
ReplyDeleteNow, Obama is renewing this two-year amnesty for a half-million illegal aliens.
The message is clear to those who listen. Everyone knows that Obama isn’t enforcing immigration laws. In particular, foreigners in South American countries are quite attuned to which way the immigration wind blows. They know that the US isn’t deporting illegal alien children, so their rational response is to send even more. Central American newspapers are reporting that kids sent to America will be fed and cared for and will get to play Pong-pong and Foosball. The Center for Immigration Studies summarized interviews with 230 of these migrants, who stated that they came here to “to take advantage of the ‘new’ U.S. law that grants a free pass or permit.”
Tibetans still protest the Chinese occupation and even small countries like Belgium attempted to resist the German invasion when WW2 started but our government encourages it. It didn't start with Obama but he sure is the best at at. The US is over.
ReplyDeleteKill them all and process them into free dog food for the pets of actual citizens of the U.S. - and send photos and video of the process around the world (especially the places this human garbage is coming from) so they know what kind of welcome awaits them.
This is all going as planned by the Bildebergers. Slave labor for the plants that will be built since the Chinese are now wanting higher wages and to unionize. The best part for the ultra rich is the middle class pays for all of this cluster. I mean does anyone really think Bill Clinton thought up NAFTA? Obama is their spokesperson. Their downfall and now their transparency was picking such an incompetent joke that we see their game plan now.
ReplyDelete7:50, I like your creativity, but I love my dog too much to feed her shit.
ReplyDeleteThrow the stinking, unclean, heathen, Mexicans out. They are ILLEGAL. Adults, kids, relatives, if they fly a Mexican flag, deport their worthless asses.
ReplyDeleteReally, they already fucked up the country they are from, now they want to do the same here.