Maybe the most important Kansas City weather event so far this year . . .
Check her "Dear John" message to STL . . .
"Dear St. Louis friends,
I have moved back to KC. My children needed me to be home full time. KMOV was supportive of my need to go home. They have been awesome.
Meagan makes a great Storm Team member. They've got you covered!
Thank you for your viewership.
You're a fantastic city!!
Katie Horner"
Now, we're guessing a very smart local station might be ready to snatch her up . . . It would be the smart thing to do and I'm pretty sure KSHB could add her to their staff of 2 DOZEN weather newsies.
Developing . . .
This is a victory for freedom.
ReplyDeleteShe's pretty. She's the queen of weather porn.
ReplyDeleteI hope she ramps up the drama just to piss off her critics.
ReplyDeleteI thought I'd never say it, but after watching Brian the Buzzard hog the news slot last night with his gay ass drama, even Katie the Horndog us looking like good news for KC.
ReplyDeleteWait for the perennial commenter...
ReplyDeleteRun for your lives !!!!
ReplyDeleteI blame the Streetcar!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteMILF weather at Ten O'clock. She ought to do the show interruption in a bikini. Older and bolder.
ReplyDeleteIt isn't a streetcar, it's a monorail.......old simpsons joke. Oh phil Hartman
ReplyDeleteStill, she won't be blowing Tony.
ReplyDeleteThe only thing I remember of her was interrupting the Chiefs games in tight blue jeans and a baseball cap -- playing "Chicken Little" and interrupting the game for a non-event in northern Missouri.
ReplyDeleteI how I have longed to eat her sweet pussy like a thirst stricken dog.
ReplyDeleteWelcome back Kate
She's a wonderful woman, this city is better for her!
ReplyDeleteGawd, keep her OFF the air, PLEASE!
ReplyDeleteI like Katie.
ReplyDeleteps channel 9 people please leave the THIS movie channel off your stupid over kill coverage.
Bitch couldnt hack it in a real city. Welcome home slure!
ReplyDeleteI thought I told you, STL is not a real city!
ReplyDeleteNazis fuck up every comment section.
ReplyDeleteMmmmmmmmmmmmmm those fantastic meat flaps and that sweet camel toe!!!! i want Katie back on the air!!!!
ReplyDeleteHow many husbands?
ReplyDeleteWill she be pregnant when she gets here or soon after?
Like Tony, I live in a basement. I'm always ready to take cover.
Lol @ "St Louis is a real city". It's basically Kansas City made of brick.
ReplyDeleteBut a little less cool.
what's Katie's position on "unsolicited bulk email"?
ReplyDeleteThat's the million dollar question.
I'd fuck her in the ass. Then cum all over her face and tits. I bet if you do it during a big storm, you could hear her cum two miles away.
ReplyDeleteLOL.....dude you are not right......too fucking funny
ReplyDeleteI want to fuck her before Glazer jumps up claiming he has.
ReplyDeleteI wonder which married guy at the St. Louis station she got caught fucking. bet the Nigro clan is just hapy as shit to see her slut pussy back. Put her on with Gayzak. Gayzak and the Slut. Gayzak shows her how to take it doggie style.
ReplyDeleteI heard she was a squirter, thirsty dog.
ReplyDeleteYou'd like that,wouldn't you?
I'm for anything that brings decent looking party girls to KC.
ReplyDeleteI hope her and I can pick up where we left off now that she is back.
ReplyDeleteTo the "anonymous" misogynists that can't find a way to have meaningful relationships with the opposite sex, it's not to surprising that you call this place home.
ReplyDeleteNot all that far removed from the mindset of the nut bar that just killed 6 in California.
But I guess you have been called on it enough, that you have a response that justifies it in your own mind.
@958. Lost on these. You are chatting to a 14 year old with a bear avatar.
ReplyDeleteWell, the "alarmist" Katie Horner is returning to KCMO!! Why don't some of the people who spent years trying to get Channel 5 to fire her ask the doctors and nurses at the hospital in Joplin who had five minutes warning that an F-5 tornadon was about the hit their hospital how they feel about "alarmist" weather reporting? Remember, the Joplin tornado, and the lack of warning that characterized it, took place ten days after the widely publicized firing of Ms. Horner over her alleged "weather alarmism." Also, the Joplin tornado took place at about 6PM on a Sunday afternoon--the night before SNL had been delayed because of weather concerns, and the morning blogosphere was full of furious people demanding to know why SNL had been delayed. Now, I assure you, any evidence that the Joplin disaster was related to Horner's dismissal has long since been destroyed--that is how bureaucracies operate. But, to all of the people who attacked Ms. Horner here is something you ought to reflect upon: If this Joplin disaster was due to her being fired at your instigation, then you have blood on your hands. And, to paraphrase Lady Macbeth: "All the perfumes of Araby will not sweeten this little hand." Take care. Sincerely and Respectfully, Ernest Evans
ReplyDeleteYou wanna hit it too,huh Ernest.
ReplyDeleteCan't blame you.
nobody gives a fuck about Joplin. And they have their own weather stations. So there is absolutely no reason why channel 9 should be showing Joplin weather.
ReplyDeleteWeather Wars. Who will hire Chicken Little? (Not to be confused with Erin Little.)
ReplyDeleteI wish Karli Ritter and Michele Bogowith would do a porno together. They could retire off of the sales of that one!