Once again we have more insight into the fact that Kansas City crime and violence impact residents throughout the metro and even on the nice side of the bridge.
Check it:
Here's the message . . .
"TKC I don't know if you were aware of this but the recent weekend violence is impacting the Northland too. For instance, it's now common knowledge that KCPD has been so busy with all of the violence out South, they have moved officers from Northland stations to deal with it. AT ONE POINT THERE WERE ONLY 4 OFFICERS PATROLLING THE ENTIRE NORTHLAND OF KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI OVER THE WEEKEND! This is bound to have negative consequences for our community. Out South they need get their act together or we need to develop new policies that don't sacrifice the safety of one community just because another demands so much attention.
The Northland is the fastest growing community in Kansas City, we have been for 10 years. Most of this city's revenue growth is out north as well. We deserve to have police protection that isn't sacrificed for Plaza problems or constant shootings. Leaving this part of the city vulnerable to crime and without our fair share of police puts us at risk . . ."
Again, this info confirms our longstanding assertion that the consequences of local violence don't just stay in one zip code but effect the quality of life throughout our city.
In the very near future we expect that the fight for resources will dominate upcoming City Council elections.
Tonight, the topic of police protection and community competition inspires our playlist.
As always, thanks for reading and have a safe and fun Saturday night.
Nice list. This is probably why so many people move to parkville.
ReplyDeleteTotal bullshit.....the Northland will police itself. Act up in the Northland and you will be wearing some lead. Nothing here.
ReplyDeleteNorthland will police itself?
ReplyDeleteSounds like something a senior citizen would say. You're getting old P. Bear. Time to give it up.
damn-- I lived in JoCo , and supported all the rural outstate moochers..
ReplyDeletenow in Northland..paying for all the Obama voters south of the bridge!
I thought everything was supposed to be so great in the Northland and all the crime was south.
ReplyDeletethis is why people are leaving kcmo. too many civic mistakes and horrible management. i don't care if the city has a streetcar but i do want a safe neighborhood with good schools. not going to happen in kc. sorry.
ReplyDeleteBlacks are so intent no criminal activity in the shouthern part of the city, that the Northland suffers.
ReplyDeleteBlacks are so, so very expensive.
Of course, people aren't leaving the city. People are leaving the east side of the city. Downtown is growing faster than anywhere in the metro, midtown Brooksise and waldo are stable despite smaller family size and the northland is the fastest growing suburba area in the metro. So we must be doing something right. You joco dick riders should probably worry about the shrinking northern half of your own county and the increasing blight of your abandoned retail and neighborhood centers.
ReplyDeleteLotsa hillbillies up north. Get em drinking and anything can happen.
ReplyDelete6:46 get mental health help. Your bear stalking is too obvious. Furthermore, nobody gives a fuck what you have to say about anything. Around here the bear rules and your a douche bag stalker.
ReplyDelete7:17 Guess you don't have a car so you can't go out to south JOCO. Retail and neighborhoods are BOOMING ! Stay downtown and keep telling yourself it's a wonderland. The bear is right, the northland will police its self, if we could vote on leaving KCMO it would be the largest voter turnout ever!
ReplyDeleteI have to believe if the North land could secede they would in a second.
ReplyDeleteThe obvious role of the northland is to stay successful, keep growing, and keep the tax money flowing to city hall so that Sly and the gang can blow it on grandiose projects, keeping the millenials' dreams of making believe the sterility and boredom of downtown is really a dynamic urban enviornnment, and subsidizing the Chamber swells.
ReplyDeleteThe northland much more resembles Overland Park than KCMO south of the river and if it weren;t for that success, the population in KCMO would just keep going down as the failure of the easy side continues to spread. And with all the tax abatements and TIFs, KCMO south of the river would be even more upside down financially if it weren't for the northland.
And as for the silly notion that downtown is gtowing so rapidly, when you start at zero, any addition is a big percentage bump. Fun with numbers, but mostly BS, just like all the streetcar hype and claims. Out of a metro population of 2.4 million, the downtown KCMO population is less than 20 thousand.
Do THAT math.
ReplyDeleteKeep telling yourself that. If there so BOOMING, why does everything built there need a subsidy so big it makes the downtown TIFFs look like spare change?
JoCo is not booming, its shuffling the same cards in the deck. You suburbanites are basically locusts, and inner JoCo is on a fast track to becoming Ruskin Heights 2.0.
Here's your "math", 8:41, inconvenient as it may be to your weak suburban propaganda feed:
ReplyDeleteKCMO south of the river is over 50% of the metro economy. The Northland, JoCo, East Jack, etc. literally would not exist without the urban core of this city. It is the ONLY thing that attracts jobs and thus residents to the metro or anchors the ones who are here.
50% of the economy and over 50% of the Tax base. It takes a lot of cheaply constructed Northland McMansions to equal one Ward Parkway home or Plaza Condo, and there's a lot more of them in a much smaller area.
Math, motherfucker. I guess they don't teach it at Staley...
Yea, look at Power and Light. Oh wait, that's costing us 12 million a year. Try again reject.
Delete8:42 & 47 Talk about a shuffle. At least they are playing with the full deck! Downtown KC is dealing from the bottom of a stacked deck.
ReplyDeleteOld JOCO is absorbing everybody that can scratch a down payment or deposit together to escape the epic failure that KCMO has become. Just the facts.
8:47 must have gone to a KCMO school. Fuzzy math and false numbers.
ReplyDeleteAll in favor of North of the river seceding from KCMO say aye....
ReplyDeleteAye. Can I vote twice?
ReplyDeleteMaybe someone needs to contact an attorney and review the city charter about secession options. If there's nothing that specifically prohibits secession, then get a petition drive started. Any part of KC north of the river (minus the airport) becomes a new city -- Northland, or Heartland, or Upper Kansas City. Put it on the ballot for next year. No more Sly, no more Russ Johnson and his BS, no more idiots like Airick West and the 523 anti-crime groups. Offer Forte a 20% pay increase to be the police chief of the new city. Works for me.
ReplyDelete10:04 Lets demand some accountability . Ok ,we did that. None.
ReplyDeleteNothing is prohibited , the city voted and passed light rail and the powers said fuck you. Lets talk back!
Does anyone here ever get in a circle, hold hands, and say out loud, "we don't know shit, but boy, do we have an opinion on everything"?
ReplyDeleteSo, after this secession, where are we going to get our water services? Sewer? Police? Fire?
Oh yea, we are just going to contract for those. Right. And who pays for the transmission lines?
2014. Anyone who has a keyboard has the right to pull this stuff out of their ass.
8:42 & 8:47 lay the meth pipe down. Dude, dancing like that went down with Soul Train... what the fuck did you mix up in that bowl tonight. I got's to try some of that.
ReplyDeleteHopefully your not that totally stupid to believe your own lame rap. Drive thru the Northland from Liberty to the Missouri River on the West. There is building everywhere. While only a small portion of the KC metro, it's the only growing area and the Negros haven't discovered it yet. Takes too much gas to get up there and there is NO TOY TRAIN to haul the worthless hood rats to the mighty Northland of the Metro.
But then take another couple of puffs and get back to that Soul Train shuffle. Fucking idiot. Nothing here.
The hood rats got cars and gas... ask about the new crack epidemic in the northland... I know of a few guys that sold crack to whites in good old white northland. Then brought the money back to the hood... bought more gas more crack, and back to the the good old white northland.... take the dope out the hood and sell it to the white folks... ghetto robin hood selling to close minded CRACKERS(pun intended)
DeleteI think that all of you disciples of Ann Rand should fund your own damn police force. Maybe, build a big wall, too.
ReplyDeleteWell you northlanders just need to get your conceal and carry and man up if you think its going to be that bad.
ReplyDeleteWithout the Northland, KCMO isn't even Detroit…it's Gary, In.
ReplyDeleteByron must have some good dope, popping off. He will melt down before morning. Tell me Byron, you claim that you only have 5 years to live because of Asthma , but you smoke. Why? Are you stupid?
ReplyDelete11:59 SMACK!!! Got that right!
ReplyDelete11:13 It would take little time to put that together. Remember what side of the river the water comes from. Idiot! Transmission lines come from Weston.
ReplyDeleteSewer, baa shit flows downhill, you own it. We win!
AND let the police and fire guys that live north of the river work there.. oops 11:13 you lose again. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
ReplyDeleteStop the hate. Forgive each other. I grew up in the Northland and had a peaceful easy childhood, left KC for the Marines, later college, and then moved back to KC, this time in the south and East of Troost. Even with all the crime I enjoy the living in south KC more than I did up north, part of it is the independent restaurants down here, I just hate Applebees, Red Lobster, Olive Garden, Big Box Restaurant Chains. I feel like I have more choices living south of the river, and I bought a big house with a large lot for next to nothing, and I have terrific neighbors. I still have my roots up north, so it pains me to see all the hate.
ReplyDeleteNothland Restaurants I love:
ReplyDeleteCascone's, Malay Cafe, Hayes, Giovanni's. Yum. I just couldn't leave here without giving them credit. Now I am hungry again.
@853. Thanks for your service.
ReplyDeleteAlso, your positive outlook is a breath of fresh air on this blog.
Just wish it would represent the majority view point on this site.
I would give Strouds a shout out no?
@9:27, Strouds does pretty good fried chicken, but I have to say I prefer Niecie's and Go Chicken Go. I think Strouds has the crispy chicken just right but I want more seasoning. It is just a matter of personal taste though. I do like the old time atmosphere of Strouds, a great place to take out of town guests. Lots of food for your money too.
ReplyDeleteThanks for your kind words.
@207. Point made.
ReplyDeleteYou don't know anything about the complexities of urban infrastructure development, nor the contractual elements of utility service. Just for openers, who is going to repay the debt instruments issued for the major service distribution systems for water and sewer?
Tony's world is made up of people who have a limited understanding of issues but a wholehearted simplistic opinion on everything from crime, race relations, transportation, airports, light rail, and the list goes on and on. And, don't let the facts get in the way of our visceral response to stimuli.
Why your anonymous posts no longer influence rational people, is that most every complex, intractable, 21st century problem is met with a broad brush, overly simple, and frequently bigoted hateful, response.
Come back to this blog in a year and the issues might be different, but the 40 or so trolls will still be posting their same old shit with the frequent F-bombs that are in response to people who look at things objectively.
And now, back to the cum-rape guy, and the bear bigot to set the tone of the TKC world where the sky is not blue but we get the opportunity to vent, anonymously, against people who get off their asses and do something, anything, in a honest way not cloaked by a stupid ass avatar.
ReplyDelete10:04 can you suck a AVATAR COCK ? If that is possible, get fucking busy.
ReplyDeleteReal talk!
ReplyDeleteThe quickest way to get more than 4 cops back north of the river would be for citizens to handle crime their own way. Cops don't like that.
ReplyDeleteYou called it 10:04. There's your internet leadership.
ReplyDeleteThey don't like it when you talk above their reading level.
Makes 'em mad.
Suck cock""? Jeebuz, what are you like 14?
ReplyDeleteGet back to studying for the GED and get back to the Wal-Mart job.
Makes my eyes hurt to read some of the minor league crap that comes from the group of deep thinkers.
10:04, FTW. "For The...What everyone in the real world thinks of this blog/hatespace"
ReplyDeleteBiRon you ignorant welfare mooch, it's Ayn Rand, not Ann. You're such a dumb bitch. Go play in traffic.
ReplyDeleteNorthland has little to no flood control and EPA does nothing.
ReplyDeleteNeglected the Northland year after year.
Bus service just now catching up.
Ed Ford doesn't like taxpayers input they should be seen and not hear.
No plans for streetcars on the East/West on Barry Rd from I-29 to Liberty and I-35, Has AMC theater/Hospital,grocery stores[2] ,drug stores[2] restaurants [to many to list] yet the Northland is left out again.
More than once some meeting have talked about seceding from KCMO.
McMaster for Police Chief of the Northland T.Loar for Mayor and no lawyers can run for any office or developers
TIF is out of control,just what the Northland needed another food store [Wal Mart] across the street from another food ,with 2 more within a 2 mile stretch [Hy Vee and Price Chopper.
So much for wasted tax dollars with less money for the schools.
Moved to Gladstone instead of paying higher taxes and the every increasing tax on the sewer bill.
ReplyDeleteThink a lot more will change in the Northland sooner than later if the KCI Airport and Streetcars and transportation tax go into effect.Seceding from KCMO could be a big topic up North. With the 1% earnings tax and the many other taxes when you get up to 12% you are giving more to the city tan the church people get up set.
ReplyDeleteN.A,G, might come alive again [Neighborhood Action Group]
With only about 15,000 people riding the bus I don't see how getting Streetcars will save the day without enough riders. The property tax will have to go up year after year to pay for the increased cost. That along with the year after year and increase in water and sewer taxes there will be people leaving year after year and property taxes will go up even more.
ReplyDeleteThere are not enough jobs downtown to get much more people down there.