This seems appropriate for the Kansas City Sunday . . .
Remember that recently TKC reported a change in ownership for El Torreon.
Now . . .
Interestingly, it seems like there's a real move by more than a few local congregations to buy up land and important buildings throughout the urban core of Kansas City - There's no telling if that's a sign of urban core revival or the last resort of a so-called real estate renaissance that has failed to materialize.
Here are the deets:
"Hi there, This is Sam Newby, Pastor of Bridgeport Community Church. We have located off 18th St for our first 5 years as a church and to accommodate the growth of the community we have bought a building for the church.
The building is the KC Icon El Torreon building at 31st & Gillham Plaza We are exited to be part of the neighborhood and as we have always been continue to be highly involved in the community - hosting concerts, art shows, and all sorts of events beyond just regular church activity.
In terms of the transition from the building being a flea market and now transitioning into a church, our position is " "We recognize that the El Torreon has a rich history in Kansas City culture. It has been a dance hall, a roller rink, a concert hall and most recently a treasure trove of a flea market. All of these uses reflect a love of life and passion for creative expression that we admire and enjoy. Our desire is to continue those traditions as we pursue God's kingdom here"
Here's an update from the Church on the rehab:
Bridgeport has moved! – March 2nd Gathering Details
For more info check their website: Welcome to Bridgeport Church
Finally some good news.
ReplyDeleteMidtown is starting to look like Olathe.
ReplyDeleteNot enough jobs but plenty of preachers talkin' about Gawd!
ReplyDeleteThe band sucks.
ReplyDeleteGreat, grifter training center coming soon. Another Rev. Huckster in play.
ReplyDeleteSupport the Bear.
Pray for Kansas City, we're broke.
ReplyDeleteI thought Canelo Alverez knocked out el Torreon last night in the battle of the bean farts.
ReplyDeleteWhat a waste of a perfectly good building.
ReplyDeleteEmpty commercial buildings being turned into tax-exempt churches and half-empty office towers being converted into apartments.
ReplyDeleteDowntown renaissance.
World class.
The superstition crowd moves in and there goes the neighborhood.
ReplyDeleteYep. Bring back the Ozark Mtn. Daredevils.
ReplyDeleteThere was to much community at the flea market on Sunday morning's. it had to be broken up!
ReplyDeleteYou can't stand on any street corner and not hear about spirituality
ReplyDeleteQ: How are you?
ReplyDeleteA: Oh, I'm blessed!
Nothing says eat my ass like the Methodist city boss preacher palaces in leawoos when they dump a hipster Dick worship dive on us at midtown.
ReplyDeleteBet the boss is laughing is cock off
Mr. Tony,
This might turn out to be a good thing? I doubt it. Looking at a glass half full perhaps all of that dope I smoked at the Cowtown Ballroom is hanging around. Church people need to lighten up a bit.
Don't forget to et your cocks back
ReplyDeleteOn Martini Corner!
ReplyDeletethis is totally fucked up....down...and sideways...
ReplyDeleteCheck in with your leader!
ReplyDeleteWatching that demo is like a Creed video.
ReplyDeleteJesus died for our sins but he did it ironically.
ReplyDeleteThat place had to have been the origin of the phrase "contact high"
ReplyDeleteNot anymore. You'll be lucky to get a Martini on Martini Corner if this keeps up!
ReplyDeleteBridgeport Men’s Breakfasts, widely known as Brofests
ReplyDeleteRev Sam has a B.A. in writing and an M.P.A. in urban administration
ReplyDeleteTo this end, we are constantly barbecuing, throwing parties, haunting local shops, and hanging at each other’s houses
ReplyDeleteOur primary modus operandus is to partner with existing operations to bring life to the spiritual, physical and emotional needs within the context of Kansas City’s financially destitute, imprisoned, underprivileged and afflicted.
ReplyDeleteCity Union Mission, IFI prison outreach, the Kansas City School District, Freedom Fire & a variety of Adoption initiatives are just a few of the places you can get involved
Satan rebelled against God, taking a multitude of angels with him, cast out of God’s presence and at work with demonic hosts to establish a counter-kingdom of darkness and evil here on earth.
ReplyDeleteevenings consist of corporate worship?
ReplyDeleteWe need to lift up everything we do as a church and seek the Lord for the full operation of His will in our community (actually yours .. we just moved in!)
ReplyDeletewith Freedom Fire Urban Youth Ministry and the other with Attucks Elementary School, which we adopted last year. Both of these opportunities , plus others that we are involved in, offer the chance for Bridgeport to pour into the spread of the Gospel
ReplyDeleteSounds like IHOP?
ReplyDeleteThe pastor assured the flea market vendors they could stay and then evicted them as soon as the papers were signed. And I didn't get this information from a "kickass tipster." I was there for the flea market closing party. You should really verify your information instead of posting a bunch of BS, trying to act like you know what's going on.
ReplyDeleteI thought churches weren't allowed within a certain distance from a liquor store. Or is it the other way around? I hope this doesn't mean Costco's going to lose its liquor license. And 1:12-1:21, isn't it past your bedtime?
ReplyDeleteJust what Kansas City doesn't need... another church. The religious schemes are taking over this town. Sad.
ReplyDeleteHaving spent many hours in this building in recent years I know how much work it needs. Shouldn't that money be spent helping those in Midtown who need it?
ReplyDeleteThe preacher man has a Master's Of Public Administration?
ReplyDeleteThat's spiritual man!
ReplyDeleteLike Manifest Destiny.