First of all, A GREAT MANY THANKS TO THE TKC TIPSTERS WHO SENT AN CONTROVERSIAL KC INVITATION OUR WAY . . . Like it or not, the invitation featured above reveals that our new City Council is going to be just as
Accordingly . . .
Here's a quote from one local political denizen:
"Now you have to go get blessed by Burns & Mac to run for City Council? It's not enough that they are sucking $100s of millions in fees for the water and sewer boondoggle, now they want to approve Council candidates! Outrageous!!!"
Again, let's not forget that Mayor Pro Tem Circo started this PAC just last year and certainly looks to influence the upcoming Council election with this effort that has important connections to the local elite.

This vital bit of info is important if only because we should all know: What is it exactly that potential candidates might learn from Candidate Prep @ Burns & Mac???
You decide . . . But don't dare think that Kansas City corporate elite aren't already at work deciding City Council elections before a single vote is cast.
Developing . . .
Is it possible that Cindy Circo is even more corrupt than Brooks? Mabye!
ReplyDeleteCindy will teach them how to twerk.
ReplyDeleteWhat a Scam
ReplyDeleteDid she take lessons from Riley or what,
ReplyDeleteIt's really thoughtful that this event will be taking place at Burns and Mac.
ReplyDeleteThat way candidates will not only be instructed as to how to give away lots of taxpayers' money and to whom, they'll even be shown the desk drawers where the envelopes with the cash should go.
Will there be some instruction as to how to tie bowties?
A city that works.
Just not for you.
She need to get a price tag and wear it.
ReplyDeleteI bet she's a minx in the sac.
ReplyDeleteI have something I'd like to teach her and it won't cost the taxpayers a thing.
ReplyDeleteYour local govt,,,democrat controlled since???
ReplyDeleteMy guess is that she is unaware of the implications of holding such an event at the headquarters of a major city contractor. They may not have covered this sort of thing at Nail Tech U.
ReplyDeleteMaybe not at Nailtech U; however, the educating of council persons BEFORE they get in place, is a damned good idea. Why should it be on-the-job training? We see how well that has worked in the White House...
ReplyDeleteDepends on the curriculum, I guess.
ReplyDeleteThere are more parasites in local government than in a pound of dog shit.
ReplyDeleteOnce upon a time you dressed so fine
ReplyDeleteYou threw the bums a dime in your prime, didn't you?
People'd call, say, "Beware doll, you're bound to fall"
You thought they were all kiddin' you
Using a room at Bernie Mac is ok as long as one they either paid for the use of it or B&M allows all groups use of the room for free.
ReplyDeleteYes it's all okay here in ol' CK
ReplyDeleteKC seems to be good at grooming political monsters. Deciding the fate of others is a drug monsters thieve on. The sucking sounds coming from other peoples bank accounts is music to their ears.
ReplyDeleteThe cunt is lobbying on behalf of several special interests when she is still a member of the body being influenced. Put the slut in an orange jump suit before you slam the door of the cell.
ReplyDeleteShe has never faced serious opposition, so what does she have to offer a candidate "running" for City Council. Over the past four years, she has been the mayor's rubber stamp, never having exerted influence or leadership of her own. So, who is really behind all of this? The Mayor, who wants to control the next city council, or Burns & Mac, who wants to control the next city council, as well as the mayor? Either way, it doesn't pass the smell test for electing the best city council next time around.
ReplyDeleteAnon 10:47
ReplyDeleteHow apropos:
You used to be so amused
At Napoleon in rags
And the language that he used.
Go ahead now,
He calls you
You can't refuse.
When you've got nothing
You've got nothing to lose.
You're invisible no
You've got no secrets
To conceal.
If they vet all of the candidates, then it doesn't matter who the people vote for. They'll be one of theirs. There's no democracy in Kansas City.
First lesson: How to drink scotch with the big nigger on the public's dime.
ReplyDeleteSecond Lesson: How to vote right.
Third Lesson: How to disregard ethics laws.
Forth Lesson: The use of fellatio when dealing with Local 42.
And Byron says he is white. He also calls people cowards for being "anon" when all the while he uses a bogus name. If you had any balls, you'd put your real name on here you ghetto piece of shit. Now, go on the defensive of your thug black teens who pillage and steal from the white run businesses. Even the monkeys in the zoo were embarrassed by the outside of the cage animals.
ReplyDeleteI belong to the human race. I am who I say I am. 'Ghetto piece of shit', that's funny.
ReplyDeleteSomeone post the link to her blow-job pic. I am at my office getting caught up or I would. The bitch deserves the public humiliation.
ReplyDeleteByron is correct. He is not a "ghetto piece of shit", he is just a "piece of shit". That better Byron?
ReplyDeleteI just took a Byron and damn if it didn't stink as well.
ReplyDeleteIs it true that Cindy was on Wheel of Fortune and missed the word E-T-H-I-C-S?
ReplyDeleteCorrupt Cindy has a ring to it.
ReplyDeleteCorrupt Cindy has a ring to it.
ReplyDelete$$$$ never sleeps
ReplyDeleteNice cop, tkc tipster!
I have a screen cap from a video where Cindy Circo is sucking cock while being taken from behind. How do I get the pic to you guys without it being traced to me and having the City and the Firefighters making my life miserable?
ReplyDeleteAh yes, the unempowered TKC comment community. Malcontents, gadflys, and tea partiers. You have no other voice outside of this tiny dark corner of the internet. You will never matter enough to say these things to someone like Cindy's face. You have no power and the elite doesn't bother to read what you outsiders have to say. Stay here where you belong.
ReplyDeleteAnd you are a tree hugging liberal who feeds off of welfare. Keep sucking the government teet you twat. Better yet, get off of your lazy whiny ass and get a job.
ReplyDeleteThank you 5:00 for playing
ReplyDeleteYou at 5:00 are very wrong, Cindy has heard my displeasures along with the idiot who claims to be Mayor.
ReplyDelete3:55 send it to Tony they he can send out to us all.
at Burns & McD
First, for 5:00pm.
ReplyDeleteIf lightweight nobodies like Crico are what passes for the "elite" in KCMO, you folks have even bigger problems than you might think.
Second, it would be helpful if someone had some training sessions for council candidates about what cith governments actually do. Of course, the trainers would have to be familiar with those repsonsiblities, which would disqualify any of those currently in office, with Circo at or near the top of the list.
Start with the homicides. It's important.
3:55 send it to the Pussy Man , Pootie Tang. 1-800-KCPUSSYMAN. He will post it on YouTube.
ReplyDelete3:55 sends da Cindy Circo pole smokie vid to :
Pootieman will get it on da streetz.
BTW Byron Funkhouser, not even the blackest, Cleveland Ave niggers would claim any of your hillbilly ass. Youz brings that chit around we be wearing your snaggle teeth on a string necklace. Honkie mother fucking hillbilly.
ReplyDeleteIt's like, get a friggin life.
ReplyDeleteHaters, cum/rape guy, racists......
Get a friggin bracket and enjoy life in the small things. This site is the gravitational vortex for sniveling.
You all think you are going to find purpose with these kind of posts? if so, I am glad I don't live near any of you.
On the other hand, the place on the corner with the foil on the windows??????
11:59, please. EVERY bracket is dead. Plus Cum Guy has taken up "hair shooting". It don't get better than shooting goo in Cindy Circos hair.
ReplyDeleteMiss Cindy seems to enjoying wrapping those nice tits up in blue silk. There are a lot of us who would enjoy equally in the unwrapping....