Tonight we bring surprising word of locals and students willing to put up a fight to save the life of a death row inmate in one of the most racially divisive murder trials Kansas City has ever witnessed.
To wit . . .
The effort seems to be organized with the help of this crew . . .
Missourians for Alternatives to the Death Penalty
Check the website just launched . . . And put on blast FIRST in Kansas City media here on TKC tonight . . .
Here is the reasoning behind the effort:
- Michael pled guilty to this crime even though, for the first time since 1976, Jackson county prosecutors would not make a deal to avoid the death penalty.
- Michael's trial lawyers were fired or quit in the middle of his case and not replaced.
- No jury ever heard Michael's case, and no jury ever decided he should be executed. He was sentenced to death by a judge.
- It has since become law that death sentences must be imposed by a jury, not a judge. In response the Missouri Supreme Court vacated the death sentence of every inmate--10 in total--not condemned by jury. Only Michael and his co-defendent were not afforded this opportunity.
- Nine former prosecutors and judges have urged the Missouri Supreme court to vacate Michael's death sentence.
Mission statement call to action for the ONLINE PETITION . . .
"Michael’s unequal treatment is discrimination—which is intolerable when applied to society’s most serious punishment. I am troubled by the state's actions in this case. It's time to give him the same treatment you've afforded so many other convicts and commute Michael's sentence."
For local legal eagles who are really interested in this one. Check out the Taylor Amicus brief.
Also, let's remember the old school brief that noted the WELL-DOCUMENTED RACISM that exists in this case.
Developing . . .
Pretty soon they are going to have to start doing these killings completely in secret.
ReplyDeleteHe has had more appeals and more justice than his victim got.
ReplyDeleteHe should have been executed years ago!!
This guy deserved it more than the last.
ReplyDeleteAnn Harrison finally deserves her justice!
Pootie Tang sayz "cook dat lil niggers ass". Hez a kid killer anz needz to dies. Hang his black azz.
ReplyDeleteDon't care what color, race, ethnicity, or sad story he has. He should die for what he did to that little girl.
ReplyDeleteYou fuckheads don't get it. Of course the crime was horible. The point is the u.s. is the only western democratic country that still executes. I suppose you would be happy in Iran or China where they have thrown human rights out the window. Of course I would not expect a bunch of backward ass hillbillies to understand that.
ReplyDeleteOh so that makes things better doesn't it Mr bleeding heart. So the idea accordg to you is go ahead murder rape mayhem and we'll make sure you never have to pay for your crime. What if it was one of your family members? I guess Hitler shouldn't gave gotten the death penalty either right? When you see what shitbags like this axillary do to their victims firsthand you don't know shit. you were not there to see that dead little girl were you?? No, because you live in a bubble with your liberal ideas, whet you can call us names, while the ready of see first hand what happens when pond scum like you are allowed to make decisions. Again will you have the same view I'd it was one of yours??
ReplyDelete6:13 is Byron! Nice try scam man!
ReplyDelete6:35 probably shouldn't compare two POS from Germany. Like what will happen to you if you say you don't like the kid from Mizzou, pink slip no matter what!
ReplyDeleteHe said I did it, so do him and be done with it.
ReplyDelete6:13 You all know what I meant.
ReplyDeleteListen you fucking reactionary shortsighted ditto shithead. I never said we should allow murder and rape. Don't put words in my mouth try to come up with some words to make yourself smarter. Do you think executions have deterred one fucking murder or rape?
ReplyDeleteLook at civilized democracies and how low the crime rate is you fucking idiot.
what happened to Conservatives against big government? giving the state the power to kill as judge over life and death is the ultimate power.
ReplyDeleteYes, it has a deterrence as the pos will never do it again. And its the criminal JUSTICE system., its supposed to be about justice. Somewhere along the line people have like you have twisted the shit out of the system so now the only thing we worry about is the rights of the criminal, forget about the victims they don't count. If we streamline the system and you know that you would be dead next month not twenty years from now, then it would be a deterrent. We know Taylor did it, why are we still worried about his rights and not the victims?
ReplyDeleteRacist conservatives that monger for the death penalty could not follow a line of logic to save their souls. When your thoughts are formed by Rush Limbaugh on an oxycotin binge, it is hard to follow reason.
ReplyDeleteThrow his black ass in the lion enclosure...cut his nutt sack first to draw blood...then watch his black ass scream in pain as my large, feline brothers munch on blackened negro.
ReplyDeleteThis is a soon-to-fail legal maneuver. It does not argue that Taylor didn't commit the heinous crime worthy of a death sentence, to which he plead guilty, but that other convicted criminals had their cases handled differently.
ReplyDeleteThe overwhelming problem with these death sentence cases is that the punishment is not delivered in a timely manner. Just recently, we've heard news reports concerning death penalty cases from several states, whereby the original sentence stretches back 20-30 years! And in this particular case of Taylor in MO, the crime was from what 1976? Ridiculous!
Decide if your state will use the death penalty. If yes, then implement it swiftly.
Yes. Let's give them two days like they do in China. That is a great idea. Meanwhile in the real world, three people were exonerated in Missouri last year after spending decades in jail for crimes they did not commit.
ReplyDeleteCould you possibly be any more fucking stupid?
He should already be dead. He showed no mercy, he should receive none.
ReplyDeleteHate to agree with these comments about the guy. But I do.
ReplyDeleteI don't give a damn about the racial stuff but this man really needs to be brought to justice at long last.
6:13 comment
ReplyDeleteYou're way off-base and likely won't find a sympathetic ear here.
If someone has been convicted of committing a crime so terrible that they're sentenced to death, because society deems them to dangerous to ever be released, why would you want them to live out their life in prison instead? Isn't that pointless? Are you into torture?
How many criminals have been executed in the United States since 1976? A = 1366
In KS? A = None
In MO? A = 71
Recently, 1 in 2014, 2 in 2013, 0 in 2012, 1 in 2011, 0 in 2010
Top 3 Execution States = TX 510, VA 110, OK 110
Other western countries don't let every halfwit own a gun, or a whole shitload of guns. Other western countries don't have large populations of violence-prone, poorly educated, semi-feral types (of all races).
ReplyDeleteGood point. me on this one fucker...If we kill enough of them at some point there will be a whole lot less crime. I for one don't give a flying fuck how many we have to kill to reach that point. And to the argument that they dont care they got no life anyway.....well let me end their misery for them and quick. Yeah, if you kill enough of the mother fuckers at some point this shit will stop. Wild wild worked then, it will work now.
ReplyDeleteThere should be an iq minimum to post on his blog to keep stupid ass comments such as this from wasting anyone's time by reading this drivel.
DeleteDude, go back to the wild west and forget you have a computer to post your stupid opinions.
613 you deluded cunt. If your wife, child, anyone you loved , was repeatedly sodomized, raped, beaten, stabbed, and brutalized like this 15 year old girl was, would you still give your little speech about civilized countries? You arrogant fuck, people like you love to talk down to anyone who doesn't share your cowardly world view. I hope true evil never touches your life like it touched this girl and those who loved her.
ReplyDeleteThank you. Just tell me why you think we should be on the same page as Iran and China on this?
DeleteFlicnt Lock is right, kill this fucker before lunch tomorrow. He is symbolic literally and metaphorically of the exact type of puke that capital punishment was made for.
ReplyDeleteThen, dig that fucking piece of shit up the next day and kill him again.
Kill more, more, more and more until, like Flintlock says, they are all fucking dead.
God bless the Harrisons. The state should apologise for the wait.
For those of you that are part of the I love a scum bag program, when you look into the eyes of a 5 y/o rape victim, come talk to me out her family about the rights of the rapist, when you've seen innocent people slaughtered for no reason, come talk to me. When you know that the average life sentence is 35 years or that prison is now more like a country club, of you've seen the guilty set free due to a technicality our because the prosecutor dormant want to do their job, or because the judge is part of the same scum bag love system, then you can come talk to me. Taylor is a unrepentant rapist and killer whose fighting this hard because he knows there is special place in hell for him. You get to preach your bull shit because you don't have a clue about what really happdns on out here in the real world. When you've seen what police officers see every day, then maybe you'll have a clue. Until then you're full of shit and your defending a piece of shit, again, would you be preaching about the scum bags rights if it was your family member?? Strangely enough I never get an Answer to that question.
ReplyDeleteFuck this nigger and Byron kill them both.
ReplyDeleteLight the match. Taylor should be let loose with the AB. White or black the sooner we cook them the better……
ReplyDeleteExecuting this monster is a deterrent because he won't kill again if he's dead. Fry'em now.
ReplyDeleteThis asshole is just another nigger and, like every other nigger in the world, needs to be put down NOW!
ReplyDeleteThis asshole is just another nigger and, like every other nigger in the world, needs to be put down NOW!
ReplyDeleteKill the nigger child murder/rapist but just torture that worthless Byron. Better yet, let Flint Lock lay some old west on his pervin ass.
ReplyDeleteMichael Taylor is no Jesus and he committed a heinous crime no doubt but listen to these comments by the blood thirsty crowd. I can imagine this is what the crowd was like as the state executed Jesus Christ.
ReplyDeleteI assume at least some of you profess to be Christian as you call for this "nigger" to be killed by the state. News flash, you may call yourself Christian but you do not know the word of Jesus Christ.
Hypocrite, racists are so damn silly. Do you kill in the name of God like the blood thirsty Jihadist?
This guy should be repeatedly raped and then stabbed repeatedly until dead.