So, earlier this year we reported a rise in Flash mob activity and now mainstream media is paying attention to the trend . . .
KCTV5: Kansas City Police Chief Darryl Forte said 150 juveniles had to be cleared from the Plaza Saturday night after things got unruly.
This event elicits promise of a crackdown . . .
KMBC . . . Forte: Public should expect more enforcement after Plaza brawls
And once again in Kansas City we learn that even slightly nicer weather has negative consequences.
Developing . . .
Such a shame, the Plaza used to be such a nice place.
ReplyDeleteSo, Jermaine didn't stop this one???
ReplyDeleteYes it did. They better clean it up immediately and with force! Everybody knows what the problem is.
ReplyDeleteThis activity ONLY continues because the perpetrators are not punished. If the police, city leaders, and merchants really wanted it stopped then it would end. It's that simple.
ReplyDeleteThem Amish again?
ReplyDeleteThey said on the news last night that there were arrests. The herds of kids I saw looked like black kids. So were they black kids that were arrested? If so, is Reed throwing a fit about that again or does he not want to get schooled by Forte again?
ReplyDeleteThis is when the high-rollers in this town need to have a meeting with Sly and Forte. At this meeting they exert considerable pressure on these two clowns and tell them the bullshit stops today. The line in the sand is drawn at 47 & Troost. They can go to the KFC on the corner but that's it. No going to the Nelson and fucking around, no going to the Plaza either. The merchants there have to be beside themselves pissed-off. The Plaza is what we have. It's what is shown nationally during Chiefs games. It's where tourists go. Look at a crime-ridden, thug-infested city like New Orleans. Go in any direction other than towards Canal St. outside of the Quarter. Within three or four blocks you are in the ghetto. Yet the Quarter is pretty safe. Does some shit happen there? Yes. But it's mostly safe. You know why? Because even a dangerous and corrupt city like New Orleans knows where their bread is buttered. It's white people with discretionary income spending their money. Just like the Plaza. They better get their shit together and stop the bullshit. You ever seen New Orleans cops in action? They DO NOT fuck around when people are fucking up. And that's what KC needs to do before it's too late. Once everybody decides the area is like Bannister Mall and they can get what they need elsewhere without risking their lives, the Plaza is done. I personally don't think that can be allowed to happen. When are we going to allow black people to stop ruining everything simply because they are black? We have to stop worrying about being called "racist" because we take a stand against the decay that black people bring to everything they touch. And to Byron and others who will call this racist and deny reality I have a couple of questions: What is being said about black people that isn't true? And name me the places in the world that are nice, safe, and black? Don't name some two block area of Atlanta that is black either, though I doubt that exists.
DeleteAgreed. I saw these little fuckers about midnight down at nelson and the cops had the roads blocked off. They looked.like 100s of cockroaches.going in and out of the hedges
DeleteI was at the cinemark for a movie right around 8 pm never had I seen so many school aged black children in once place at one time. Out of probably about 100 people in the lobby, ticket line and the concourse maybe 4 or 5 couples were white - and looked horrified might I add. Won't be going back there any time soon.
ReplyDeleteWhere are the parents? Where is the responsibility among the community? What are these kids aspiring to? Who cares about their futures? CKMO and Smilin' Sly certainly don't.
No one will want to shop at the plaza when shit like this becomes routine.
Becomes routine?? We are past becomes
DeleteSo black kids running amuk at yhe Plaza. You know what that means. There will be tons of 14 year old JOCO white girls being arrested so guys like Alonzo wont cry racisim.
ReplyDeleteSmilin Sly is a disaster...and KC taxpayers better figure it out before it's too late!!! This town is about to be left in financial and social ruin!! Toy train and new $Billion airport terminal...do your job, SLY, and pay attention to this disorder!!!
ReplyDeleteLet's just call it what it is....niggermob.
ReplyDeleteI still don't get why we ley hardly 12 percent of the population hold Us hostage like this.
ReplyDeleteYep, the cops were out in full force last night. Lights flashing and kids dashing to the nearest bus stop and they were equally unruly on the bus heading out of the Plaza. Those kids were there. The cops blocked off the street at Broadway/Nichols and Cleaver.
ReplyDeleteShow me a peaceful and mellow time and I'll show you some young black scholars who will soon be ruining that good time.
ReplyDeleteMore cops, no streetcars.
ReplyDeleteUnending nightmare of Black culture all over the country on a daily basis. Here, from the Drudge Report is a riot over a pair of panties at a Victoria's Secret.
This quote is typical.
"Valentine’s Day. A large group of people fought in the Victoria’s Secret store. One guy pulled out a gun and shot someone in the leg.
In urban lingo, shooting someone in the leg is called “leg warming.” It is often a warning about cooperating with police or selling drugs in someone’s else’s territory or even refusing to give someone a pit bull puppy.
The victim’s aunt told a different story to WAVY- TV:
“They were just walking in the mall, and the guys came up to him and wanted to fight DaQuan and his friend,” Towanna Stovall said. “They said, ‘No we got our kids with us.’ They basically said, ‘We don’t care whether you got your kids with you or not, we are going to do this.’ They hit my goddaughter and punched her in the eye. They also jumped on DaQuan and his friend.”
On Twitter, several people said the fight started over a pair of panties. Whatever the reason, black mob violence is a regular feature of life at this mall – and others in the area."
There is no fixing this, because Politicians and local, state and federal government feel that it is far preferable to risk law abiding citizen's safety than it is to drop the hammer on feral thugs and get called a "racist".
This is not news around here.
ReplyDeleteThe fact that this shit continues SHOULD be news. Why aren't the local TV stations all over this? Oh wait, I forgot. We have to listen to the fucking weather every three minutes and listen to the "disease of the week".
Goodbye, Plaza.
Who the hell would go to to the Plaza anymore? It's nothing but loud, obnoxious niggers. Tearing up whatever they can.... Nah, I'll stay home or go elsewhere....Thank you very much.
ReplyDeleteDon't you just love those black folk? They always make things better and clean up after themselves. Oh yes, the black youth are wonderful and should be encouraged as much as possible.
ReplyDeleteSo what is this guy doing to lead these kids? Not much of a bio.
Tell Jermaine to look at the news video and see WHO and what race was causing the problems.
ReplyDeleteKudos for Chief Forte for coming out and saying it's not about race, it's behavior.
Jermaine should take some notes from the Chief on how to show some integrity and not be a race baiter!
3:05 nailed it.
ReplyDeleteIf the plaza was a nightclub the city would yank it's license and close it down. So what is the hold up?
ReplyDeleteWhat 3:05 said. Considered going to the Plaza for dinner last night and didn't because of these problems. Now I'm glad I didn't. Cops need to put a few of them in body bags. So sick of these pieces of shit fucking up everything that's good.
ReplyDeleteTime for billy clubs, tazers and more than a few bullets. Send a few home in body bags and you'll solve the problem. Whatever you do, don't wound them, then we'll have to pay for their medical care also.
ReplyDeleteI will not go back! Place used to be the "special date night". Now it's a war zone. I'm sure Byron would like it.
ReplyDeletePlain and simple, African American kids are wrecking the Plaza with intimidation, assualts, violence and the usual thug behaviour that our society lionizes and excuses.
ReplyDeleteThis is turn, will run off business and business' on the plaza and wreck even further a weakened tax base already over burdened by a desultory City Hall whose ability to provide goods and services to the East side will be mitigated even further by the behaviour of thug East Side residients.
Soon, we will live in a reasonable facsimle of Detroit and Baltimore. Both cities infested with criminality and crammed full of people who want others (YOU) in the United States to bail them out becuase of their totally fucked up sub culture.
The only, only, only thing that thugs respect and will appreciate is violence.
ReplyDeleteThe culture is like the Terminator.
"Listen, and understand. That terminator is out there. It can't be bargained with. It can't be reasoned with. It doesn't feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And it absolutely will not stop, ever, until you are dead."
Kill the Terminator.
ReplyDeleteI used to run a store on the plaza but left due to this sort of thing. It kills your business. I'm glad I relocated outside the City limits. Business has been much better. People seem willing to drive to an environment where they feel safe.
ReplyDeletekill the Terminator
ReplyDeleteI agree, kill the Terminator.
ReplyDeleteSaw some dumb ass black guy on TV saying "just a few youth having a good time"
ReplyDeleteWait till the ecomomy slips and the ebt cards and welfare are cut. It will be head for the hills then.
ReplyDeleteHe said few youts…
ReplyDeleteEBT and welfare won't be cut. Death sentence for the liberal / Union folks.
ReplyDeleteDon't yoi bitches think you're getting a bit too worked up about this? seems like you people are just looking for a reason to complain.
ReplyDeleteWait until they get the toy train. It will be a mobile mob Plaza, Brookside, Crown Center you get the picture. More crime.
ReplyDeleteMaybe Pootie Tang can git sum deez Blu gum hos round up offa da plaza and puts em ta wook.
ReplyDeleteSmells like Byron, niggras, & poverty when the flashmobs are out.
ReplyDeletetoy train will be like a duck shoot at the fair. ride at your own risk.
ReplyDeleteWasn't the community center open?
ReplyDeleteWe had company in from out of town and considered one of the better restaurants on the Plaza, but chose another in Johnson County because it was a weekend evening.
ReplyDeleteThis scum is destroying one of the true shopping icons in the country and handing out 3 citations is a joke from a spineless police department that is much better at writing tickets to generate revenue than controlling these thugs.
Bye bye Plaza, it was nice having you before the animals destroyed it.
NI double G ERS! What a shame.
ReplyDeleteDis is nots good. Pooite takes his best earning ho'z to Plaza as a rewardz nows anz den. Nowz da youngz negros be fuckin it up for everyone. Hell, da crackers are scared to go around da Plaza. Negros wit money afraid of getting jacked. Broke ass ho's sendin der babe monkeys to da Plaza just to gets dem outta da crib. Mother fucker. I'z hatez Negros.
ReplyDelete63rd and Troost, Bannister, Indian Springs, Westport, Raytown, Independence, Olathe, Zona Rosa all been over run by heathen niggers. Zona run the hood rats out. They are the only ones doing halfway good. Bottom line truth of of the matter. Where ever the niggers show up....it's over. Done. Close the doors and move. You can't fucking run from the god damn truth. The truth is obvious. Niggers without chains and whips are worthless drains on society. Look everywhere they are. Africa...fuck, even the jungle animals are leaving. Every civilized society that has niggers has serious issues. They are like the plague. Fuck, people. Wise the fuck up. Adolf Hitler knew something. Sig Heil.
ReplyDeleteCuz be down on tha nigs. Yellow and black dont mix. No bumblebees in Chinatown. We don't put up with niggers-gone-wild.
ReplyDeleteKill, kill the Terminator.
ReplyDeleteYou're a good German boy.
ReplyDeleteMove the plaza to Johnson county! The people of Johnson Co are the only ones who can TRULY afford a overprice Oasis in the middle of a ghetto.
ReplyDeleteWith that said if you come here you will have to put up with the people who more than likely work for you who makes it possible for you to afford your lush accommodations in Joco,(because you dont pay them shit) So I am not sure why you think a flash mob is not appropriate in any place you deem you think you are worthy of travel too? If you feel you are not safe on the plaza dont go there!! start your own plaza, Westport now accommodates the ghetto and you greedy fucks own businesses there so whats the problem?
Welcome to America and don't forget your Muslix
ReplyDeleteFight club is gonna have the first go at it each year.
ReplyDeleteI guess it all depends how much they will risk their safety (oh wait they dont frequent their businesses, they pay someone to do that and they take the money bag to the bank...they are the ones who risk their simple life for the rich prick, but hey they have to pay the rent so what other choice do they have? In reality they have a ton of choices, they wont exercise those choices until they see that they have been taken advantage of, but one day they will :)
ReplyDeleteThese children are behaving like children. The only reason the Chief gets away with 'cleared' is that they are children. If they were adults, you would be powerless. Segregation simply isn't happening. Its illegal. No one is going to be using "billy clubs, tazers and more than a few bullets". These children were not trespassing, they were attending the theater. Are they not allowed to do that? If not, how is that not segregation?
ReplyDeleteI would have more sympathy, if your history of segregation had not brought you to this place. As it is, my sympathy lies with the children. They are not the problem, your reaction to their presence is the problem.
Good post Byron
Delete9:18 I am sure union folks would sell you non union folks out even if you are family, remember life is about money, money promotes power, it is a addiction that when someone gets a taste of it you may no longer be family! Just ask the Mob.
ReplyDelete9:12 Do you really think the hoodrats work for anybody? They don't work period. Neither does their mom. They have no idea what/who their dad does/is. And the burbs have started plenty of their own shopping centers. In fact, the Plaza was the first shopping center of its kind in America (look it up). Another thing, just how much do you think high school drop-outs with no work ethic should be paid? I can tell you another thing. If you use the same English skills in the marketplace as you did in your post, you will never make much money either. Oh, wait. I bet you have plans on making it big as a rapper. Or a basketball player. Forgive me. There are plenty of poor white people in America. Why are they nowhere near as violent as black people?
ReplyDeleteByron Funkhouser, you are wrong. You are upset about "the reaction to their presence". Didnt multiple fights break out? Should we just pretend violence never happens when the mobs storm the streets. That IS what they do.
ReplyDeleteNow, nobody cares if people are going about their business like wanting to see a movie. When fights and yelling and juvenile behavior flourishes then its a problem.
With all due respect, Byron, you're effin' delusional. You sympathize with the children? What about the people who work on the Plaza? What about the people who live there and in the surrounding areas? Do they not matter?
ReplyDeleteWhile you're answering those questions, maybe you should read the article from the Star. The kids were outside P.F. Chang's on the opposite side of the Plaza. Any movie theaters there? No.
Your other comment - that "children are behaving like children" -- would be laughable if it weren't so sad. Fighting, intimidation, loitering ... that's what we should expect from our kids, eh?
You're blind in more than just the medical sense, Byron.
Children - juvenile behavior, oh the horror. And fights. Children fighting. Call out the National Guard. And yelling. OMG!
ReplyDeleteYou do not convince. It is your reaction that is the problem. If you want them to act like middle class children, then help them become middle class. You're reaping what you sowed.
7:05 Are you kidding? A shopping Icon? in one of the biggest homicide cities in the country?
ReplyDeleteWow your mentality is the very reason your city sucks as much as it does!
Loitering, wow. What should we do about that? These people can't just stand around where ever they want. Intimidating, wow. Should they bow & curtsey when you walk by?
ReplyDeleteAll of the action is on the Plaza. If I were a young man living in KC that is where I would want to be.
So Bannister was taken down, Independence Center was hurt and it looks like the Plaza is currently the go to place. Once it is destroyed where is the next destination?
ReplyDeleteBlacks who think the're picked on because of their color should suggest to their lawless friends that acting like thugs reflects badly on everyone of color.
ReplyDeleteWhy isn't black leadership and regular decent folks saying that outloud?
Misbehavior simply makes people fearful and judgmental people more judgmental. Asians don't have that problem. THEIR rep is that the're hard working, bright people, worthy of being hired.
As opposed to young blacks who can't talk, wear ridiculous clothes and act like dark skinned rednecks. And then wonder why people judge their brothers and sisters as all being a bit nuts?
9:25 most of your post made no sense, you should define a hood rat! I think most american workers work for far less than what they are worth...where do you work? I bet you dont I am sure the reason for your post was because you own a business and snuggle up to your plastic wife at night, and are struggling with the mistress you are fucking or the people who are working for you, I am guessing it could be both!
ReplyDeleteByron, you must be a pedophile! Children have nothing to do with a post like this wow bro you are sick fuck!!
ReplyDeleteYou must be the creepy uncle!
Yea there are no racist on Kansas City. Well maybe if you take away half the northland, the KCPD, Johnson county, and the people that call this state "missoura". Seriously you fucking idiots, there's no "a" in Missouri. Oh and before you start, what happens on the plaza doesn't represent blacks but then again all white people are racist.
ReplyDeleteRemember when Tom Beka was the morning host at KMBZ? He use to make fun of suburbanites who didn't want to go to some places like Downtown, Midtown, ect.
ReplyDeleteHe would portray them as scared suburbanites who were scared of their own shadow. Looking back, guys like Beka did more harm to this city then even the black youth flash mobs.
Because of Beka's and his ilk portrayed us as scared ignoramuses nothing got done in the mid-'00s to what was becoming a big issue of black youths running amuck.
Now it's 2014 and enough places are or have been destroyed by black youths and their thug culture. Now, it's just just a big problem it's an epidemic.
Maybe if the "Suburbanites are just scared" crowned took this seriously in 2003 the Plaza would be saved. But now, its in the late years of life knowing it doesn't have that long left on Earth.
So let me get this straight, you whites are not racist but it's okay to throw out every "truth" about the "blacks". Cause the "truth" isn't racist just like calling a black man a "thug" is not the same as calling him a "nigger". Or maybe civilized is white and uncivilized is black. Sometimes you "whites" just don't get it. But hey, we all know the world would be so much better white. Whites do "nothing" wrong EVER. Wait, not quote me your ridiculous "stats" cause we all know it only proves your "point". But I guess arguing with racist is like the definition of insanity.
ReplyDeleteBad things happpen to unsupervised children. How come none of these childrens parents are worried about pedos and stranger danger?
ReplyDeleteWhat person is going to be sacrificed at the altar of plaza violence to be the poster child of all this nonsense? When is the horrible tragic event finally happening? What is going to trigger them burning down the plaza? What is going to trigger the looting and riots?
I need to know when the bad stuff is happening.
Golden Ghetto guy here that has plenty of disposable income. I have no interest in taking my wife and spending our hard earned money to a place where there might be problems. If we wanted to get harassed by teen children, we could stay at home with ours. Clear the idiot kids out of the Plaza before they run off the customers that the merchants want.
ReplyDeleteDid anybody understand Byron tonight? That dude is a strange person. Silly fuck.
ReplyDeleteHonkeys is trippin on this board!
ReplyDeleteByron you would get an ass kicking on the plaza. Don't continue to be a stupid fuck.
ReplyDeleteCan you imagine the things Cinemark hides and says nothing about.
ReplyDeleteIf I go down to the plaza and get hurt, can I sue a merchant for not protecting me?
ReplyDeleteIf a mob attacks me at P.F. Changs, can I sue P.F. Changs and the plaza merchant association for not providing protection? Not like I'm looking to sue anybody, but where does the liability end and begin?
I also don't like P.F. Changs at all, so if somebody got hurt there by a mob of youth, I wouldn't feel too bad about them getting sued for not protecting paying customers and not providing customer protections. I also hate cheesecake factory, and they like to hang out there too.
There are so many lawyers in this town, and insurance is expensive, these kinds of activities are costly.
I know wal-mart has been sued and so has ward parkway mall for not providing customer crime protections. (they all out of court arranged stuff)I suppose this could be a good paycheck for some lawyer.
Cheese Cake Factory like Red Lobster. Turned into you no what places. What? Me? NO way in hell u cat ch me there
ReplyDeleteHaving lived on the Plaza for years, it truly is a fantastic place...it's a shame the niggers are going to end that. I know it's hard to accept by some but it's the truth. When you live like animals, with no parental guidance, and you don't have a clue who daddy might be....well you can see where this is going. Right down the shit hole. Westport. Look what they have done to Westport. It like being in Beruit at night. Thanks, niggers for totally fucking up a once great city. Welcome to the "Detroit of the Plains".
ReplyDeleteAfter reading several comments or should I say "drivels" by the blog idiot, Byron, I am totally convinced that stupid mother fucker is totally ignorant. Never has a douche bag, animal fucking, hillbilly, cocksucker brought so little to a piss off. Fuck you Byron, you child molesting, school bus chasing mother fucker. Shut the fuck up and observe animal sex in West Virginia. Inbred bastard.
ReplyDeleteSorry 10:51 but I don't own a business but I am under paid. You know what I'm trying to do about it? Find another job. You know what I'm not doing about it? Committing random acts of violence. Again, your English skills are deplorable and you should expect to work in low-level jobs, if you work at all. On another note people, if you don't see your post it's because they are magically "disappearing" here in the "free speech" zone.
ReplyDeleteThese stinking, loud, filthy fucking niggers are tearing up the Plaza. Any questions??
ReplyDeleteWell you know you're a POS when you say Daddy raped your woman and other vile things. Notice his siblings don't say crap like that.
ReplyDeleteOverreact much? The one thing missing here is ANY evidence an innocent bystander got hurt. If you are afraid of being around a bunch of black kids that's on you. If you are intimidated by black kids then you have issues. I'm not talking about anywhere else so don't start posting knockout videos because that isn't happening HERE. And lest we not forget that over the weekend ANOTHER white man escaped justice for killing an innocent black man... In the mean time a Latino was convicted of a KC homicide last week and a ANOTHER white guy was brought up on child porn charges, but that will never make this blog. Only black crime makes this blog unless it happens to be a politician or really high profile. I don't care about the kids on the plaza, have been down there when there was a "flash mob" had ZERO problems. IF it were a crime, (which it's not if it's before curfew) give me flash mobs any day over a pedophile watching young girls and boys get rapped on camera. But no one who reads this blog cares about that because it's become the go-to blog for all things anti-black. And quit being a bunch of fraidy cats, sheesh.
ReplyDeleteWhite fear has been a standard tactic since the 1960's. The media helps this tactic. Let's face it whites are becoming the minority. I guess I would panic and overreact too.
ReplyDeleteIt's shameful that this is now happening on the Plaza, but not surprising. All one has to do is follow the trail of blight and destruction they've caused elsewhere. From Bannister Mall and the Landing to Ward Pkwy; as soon as they choose their latest hot spot, you can be assured that it's headed down the tubes. But in the name of liberals and white guilt, most people are afraid to deal with the problem head on.
ReplyDeleteSo long, Plaza, you had a great run!
7:54 there are 426 black murders and then one white guy and you bring up the "one white guy". Sorry. Go back to school, learn to count, then come back. 426 vs 1. Thats nigger math for you.
ReplyDeleteI don't care who it offends, I don't like being around groups of coloreds, because they do, more often than not, act like wild animals. Yes, there are a few decent ones, but the vast majority are not. My family and I are blessed to live in a part of the metro where we never have to deal with them and it's great being able to shop, dine, etc. without having to worry about them causing trouble. The Plaza was a mainstay of my life when I was growing up, and we did a lot of our family shopping there. So it bums me out to say it, but spend your shopping and entertainment dollars in areas that don't permit this sort of intimidation of its patrons.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDelete9:16 +1
Kids are kids no matter what color they are. Kids just want to be seen and meet girls and shop and eat food and hang out. Unfortunately a very small percentage of these black kids cause problems for the majority of the good black kids. The men in all the races need to be better examples for the young men to follow. When was the last time you all sat down with your kids and turned off everything and just spent time with your family.
ReplyDelete9:47 isn't it nap time yet? You are clueless.
ReplyDeleteThese kids ain't spending shit down there. They are there to start shit and show their ass.
To answer your question -every night, when we eat and I help my daughter with her homework.
you are clearly out of touch and that makes you part of the problem. IDIOT
9:47, it's your attitude of "kids will be kids" that's a huge part of this problem. When "kids" misbehave, they used to get punished by their parents, but thanks to attitudes like yours, now many parents just turn a blind eye and let their spawn run around irritating and intimidating other people. If you're so enchanted by the actions of the "little darlings," why don't you offer to babysit them at your place on weekends?
ReplyDeleteSly, Forte and Highwoods need to get their shit together if they don't want to see the plaza turned into the next sucking chest wound like Bannister. Deer creek woods, prairiefire and the other finer strip malls in the northland can easily accommodate disposable income without kcps scholars interacting with paying customers.
ReplyDelete11:41, your ideas are well-meaning, but it's too late. The "scholars" have already staked their claim to the Plaza, and the ruination has begun. Sadly, besides the pretty architecture, the Plaza is just another strip mall now anyway, with chain stores and restaurants that are found in Everycity, USA. People are going to patronize the places like you list rather than risking vandalism, intimidation or even bodily harm on the Plaza.
ReplyDeleteRead about more of them in "White Girl Bleed a Lot".
ReplyDeleteLast week alone, 7 police reports were filed with the Shawnee Kansas (JOCO) police department for incidents at Hocker Grove Middle School. That's the middle school where all of the hoodrats enroll in when they file a transfer form to get out of the 'Dotte. How many of those police reports involved black students? Hmmmmm......that's not too far a guess.
ReplyDeleteObamacare anyone??
ReplyDeleteCurfew. Must be 18 years or older after 8pm unless accompanied by a parent even on weekends. Or Go to jail. And yes we all know what the problem is. Black kids with bad parents.