There's no denying that there's a great deal of racism in Kansas City and our rep for intolerance might have now put us on the map for other Nazis looking to drum up a bit of media attention for themselves.
To wit . . .
Background . . .
David Irving is described by the world's most accurate encyclopedia this way:
"David John Cawdell Irving (born 24 March 1938) is an English writer and Holocaust denier, who specialises in the military and political history of World War II, with a focus on Nazi Germany. He is the author of 30 books on the subject, including The Destruction of Dresden (1963), Hitler's War (1977), Churchill's War (1987), and Goebbels: Mastermind of the Third Reich (1996).
"His work on Nazi Germany has been widely condemned because of his sympathy for the Third Reich, antisemitism and racism. He has associated with far right and neo-Nazi causes, famously during his student days seconding British Union of Fascists founder Oswald Mosley in a University College London debate on immigration. He has been described as "the most skillful preacher of Holocaust denial in the world today"."
Check the unrest that David Irving caused when he visited a similarly sized town: DAVID IRVING ROUTED IN MINNEAPOLIS
Behind the scenes, it sounds like anti-fascist forces are already organizing to confront this guy.
Related: Springtime for Hitler
Developing . . .
Hope everybody kept their signs from the last rally!
ReplyDeleteBuddy Rumble get your fat ass on a diet!!!
ReplyDeleteIf you don't give them any press then almost nobody know about them. But then again, the media just can't help themselves.
ReplyDeleteStill they are better than a bunch of niggers running around shooting and destroying shit
+ 2
Delete6:40 is dead on the money.
ReplyDeleteYes lets all get on the band wagon about all the niggers and the stuff they do to destroy this town.
ReplyDeleteThose Nazi's are harmless, hell even Byron is one and we all know what a spineless bastard he is.
Looks like another opportunity for the CK council to debate and pass yet another embarrassingly worthless resolution.
ReplyDeleteCertainly a better use of their time than working on crime or street repair.
CK: the laughingstock of the plains.
How many CK's killed by Nazi's ? How many CK's killed by Negros? Enough said...
ReplyDeleteDenying the holocaust is like saying the sun doesn't exist. 6 million people were murdered. Their bones, their bodies, their ashes are all over Germany and Poland. I don't get it, but then again I'm not retarded.
ReplyDeleteByron spineless bastard Funkhouser, now that's some funny whit !
ReplyDelete7:59: 12 million, of which 6 million were Jews. In round numbers, of course. I say we follow 6:29's advice and just deny that David Irving exists.
ReplyDeleteI hope local antifas are also giving their congressional reps their two cents on whether the us should condone a violent far right led revolt in ukraine.
ReplyDeleteI'm more concerned about the Nazis at 18th and Grand and at KMBC and KMBZ and KCTV5 that people still pay attention to as if they had something to say than I am about an idiot everyone knows is a fool.
ReplyDeleteIf you want to make a sign and protest Nazis go stand in front of The Star, or KMBC.
"Byron spineless bastard Funkhouser, now that's some funny whit !"
ReplyDeleteWhat's even funnier is that I use my real name & you use anonymous!
The holocaust happened. It was humanity's worst work, our very bottom.
CK is the destination city.
ReplyDeleteWe need to get a new airport up quick so this guy can get something to eat before the cab arrives.
ReplyDeleteGive the tv stations something to cover that will distract attention away from all the shenanigans going on at City Hall.
ReplyDeleteHere is an idea, why dont they rally down on the plaza once it warms up say on a late Friday or Saturday night.
ReplyDeleteThis guy Irving is probably part Jewish and hates that part of himself (like Hitler).
ReplyDeleteDenying the Holocaust is a fool's folly. However, where one can make an argument against the media's continuous anti-Holocaust publicity machine is to compare and contrast other historical atrocities:
49-78 million in China Cultural Revolution
20 million Russians dead in WWII
10 million Chinese dead in WWII
7 million Russians/Ukranians by Stalin
5 million Japanese civilians WWII
2-3 million Armenian/Greeks by Ottoman Turkey
1.7 million by Cambodia's Pol Pot
1-2 million by Kim Il Sung North Korea
Most people use the number of 6 million Jews killed in the Holocaust, and this was a genocidal tragedy. Where the lingering problem comes in is the fact that land was stolen from the Palestinians and they were/are displaced to give the Jewish people their own country. This was unfair, illegal and wrong, and is why we continue to not have peace in that region.
The closest thing we have to this in the USA is that Mormons control the state of Utah, though they did it peacefully and via migration of their faithful. No offense to Mormons intended, just using that as an analogy.
12:52, your comments are intended to minimize the fact that 6 million people were rounded up and murdered. Showing that other people were murdered doesn't minimize what happened. The reason we're talking about jews here is that the topic is the holocaust denier. Try sticking to the topic. When the Ottomon genocide deniers come along, feel free to comment.
ReplyDeleteThe land, BTW, wasn't "stolen" it was jewish land that was originally stolen from them.
1:35 comment is BS.
ReplyDeletePay attention and don't miss the point! Read my comments again. I'm not minimizing the death of 6 million Jews in the Holocaust, I said it was a genocidal tragedy, and this Irving guy is on a fool's folly.
Post-WWII, you don't attempt to alleviate the suffering of the Jews by stealing someone else's land! And if you don't believe the Palestinians have had, and continue to have their land stolen, then you are very ignorant of history. Please do some research.
Another analogy: if you are beaten up, robbed of your phone and car outside a jazz you think it would be legal and equitable to have an innocent third party's phone and car seized and turned over to you as reparations for your suffering? Hell NO!!! You would be a victim, turned into a persecutor!
If the world wanted to punish the Nazi regime and Germany for their atrocities, why weren't the Jewish people given a large chunk of Germany? Please educate yourself my friend.
A few months ago I would have agreed with all of you. However, I've stumbled on to a few of this guys videos and he does not deny the holocaust. There are some elements of the holocaust history that are inaccurate and in some case utterly false. Even Auschwitz replaced its 4 million killed plaque with a 1 million plaque. Nazi's didn't make lamp shades out out people's skin or make soap from people.
ReplyDeleteUnfortunately, if you bring up these inconvenient truths you become the enemy of the Jews and the hero of the Neo-Nazis.
Take a look at what a really happened at the Nuremberg trials.
I wonder if our shiny new DOJ taskforce is taking any note of this at all.
ReplyDeleteFuck the DOJ and fuck you, you Nazi fuck, we'll kick your fucking asses!!!
ReplyDeleteI have heard that he is scheduled to speak in KC on March 25th. I don't know where. The message I received about this says he can be reached at 877 442 7904 for information.
ReplyDeleteMost of the media will rapidly launch vicious attacks against anyone who makes an attempt to intelligently question how the state of Israel came into existence. Immediately you'll be called anti-Semitic, or worse.
ReplyDeleteIt's like a small subset of American Blacks who rapidly pull out the N-word to accuse you of being racist, if you're questioning programs like affirmative action.
An innocent person's property should be confiscated and given to a crime victim.
An innocent person should be discriminated against in the workplace to provide preferential treatment to a special class of citizens.
Trying to rectify a crime, by committing more crime, will only cause perpetual problems. Peace will forever be elusive.
You already lost the argument you dumb fuck.
ReplyDeleteByron spineless bastard PUSSY Flunkhouser.
ReplyDeleteI definitely want to know if there's going to be an official meetup/rally for this event. I live in south Arkansas but I would definitely travel for it!
ReplyDeleteSo are Leonard Zeskind and the black and brown "leaders" going to organize an alternative protest at Liberty Memorial for this guy too?
ReplyDeleteDavid Irving sounds like a Jewish name, but there are self-hating Jews, just like there are self-hating whites like the one we frequently hear from.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteHeebs, Nazi's and Niggers...pick your poison.
ReplyDeleteNazis were members of the National Socialist German Workers' Party of Germany, which in 1933, under Adolf Hitler, seized political control of the country, suppressing all opposition and establishing a dictatorship over all cultural, economic, and political acitivities of the people, and promulgated belief in the supremacy of Hitler as Führer, aggressive anti-Semitism, the natural supremacy of the German people, and the establishment of Germany by superior force as a dominant world power. The party was oficially abolished in 1945 at the conclusion of World War II.
ReplyDeleteGermany lost and the Nazis won.
ReplyDeleteAnd now we know the story of Koch Industries.
ReplyDeleteHitler killed the Jews using the Nazi's. Sort of like Jim Jones killed all those people by convincing them to drink the kool aid. Freaks who gain control of other people.