Damiah L. White was 3-years-old when she was gunned down along with her mother during a 2013 late night Kansas City east side shooting that remains unsolved.

Damiah White is the youngest Kansas City homicide victim this year.

The story of this baby killed by gunfire rocked this cowtown for a few days but was quickly forgotten amid a busy election season and buzz regarding so many other economic development issues.

Last year Mayor Sly James rushed to the scene when a football player committed suicide but this tragedy didn't elicit a peep from any Kansas City politico. Neighborhood activists attempted to highlight the importance of this young girl's life and death but their advocacy was mostly filed along news of so many other metro homicides that are causally reported and subsequently ignored.

If anything, there was an impulse to disregard Damiah's violent death because the screams of terror from her loved ones upon hearing the news of the young girl's violent demise were so shocking.

Why was Damiah's violent death any different than so many other Kansas City homicides?

Because Damiah White's murder represents the very worst of case of innocence murdered amid an ongoing spree of deadly Kansas City violence.

If our elected officials are powerless to do anything to improve this situation then they're worthless and represent only figureheads in a corrupt system. If neighborhoods fail to stand up to bring the killers of Damiah White to justice, then they have resigned themselves to live in a nightmare scenario of their own design . . . If Kansas City ignores the murder of Damiah White this year in favor of celebrating mediocre economic development achievements, then we've truly lost our way.

At the risk of making a very rare value judgement . . . The murder of Damiah White represents the most important event in Kansas City in 2013 and in the aftermath of the tragedy it's important to note that nothing has changed.

This time of year Kansas City is awash in lists; most of them are pointless and don't reflect the reality of a wicked little town that would rather ignore the shooting death of a baby than address a longstanding homicide problem that impacts every aspect of local life.


  1. Tony, don't forget to link efforts to find justice for Damiah and others who faced similar circustances.

  2. Yours sadly is a lone voice crying in the urban wilderness.

  3. maybe babies mama should have been at home and her child should have been in bed. not riding in the hood ...just sayin. I blame her mom.

  4. Quack! Quack! There's your call, boys. Go to it.

  5. Not to rank awful murders but is this worse than Harry Stone? I'm betting Deniah and her mom knew her murderer. Harry Stone was a retired veteran that worked his entire life, was never a burden to anybody and what did he get for jogging? Murdered by two hood rats. Probably at least 100 people in da hood know who did it too. And the fact that Mr. Stone was older doesn't make his murder "better" than the little girl. The fucking cops should be using whatever means necessary to solve these murders and if the lines of what's legal or not get a little blurred, so be it. As long as they are solved.

  6. 5:08 I agree that Harry stones murder was tragic, no murder is better than the other. However, you are a racist who doesn't understand how the economy works, and your vision for bringing murder victims to justice is downright scary.

  7. Good choice, Tony.

    How about the "Damiah L White" Streetcar?

    1. You're a DIPSHIT Byron & a PIGFUCKER.

  8. Harry Stone's murder was two years ago. He was a retired veteran and lived a full life. Damiah never had a chance.

  9. What a stupid thing to say. He was also a grandpa who left behind a lot of grieving family members and friends. Also, he was gunned down by people he didnt know, thugs who would likely have gotten their asses kicked by Mr. Stone if he had been given a chance to defend himself.

  10. Great call Tony. You are a good man.

  11. I ain't seen shit!
    A baby gots shot up? You jivin ..I ain't heard shit bout it. Ya got a cigarette?

  12. 5:08 is dead on the money.

    Damiah in no way, represents, the worst of African American HIP/HOP no snitching culture. Her death is in no way the apex, the high water mark for violence and unrestrained hatred of America eminating from the lies, revisionist history, legerdemain and culture, aided and abetted by the media and race baiting cunts who live off of the deaths, the 8 to 10,000 deaths, every year, committed by African Americans agains other African Americans every year, which does not include the 10,000 deaths of whites by African Americans over the last 9 years.

    Fuck CNN, fuck the liberal media, which lies about the genesis of this African Ameriican abattoir, which kills, rapes and assaults any and everyone in it's path, excused and given de facto permission by the Attorney General, the 4th estate and the zeitgeist, now grown tired of defence, now grown used to cowardice and perfidy.

    Goddamn the lies, that encourage and permit the incessant exsanguination of innocent victims in the streets, in an effort to be re elected and daily re instated in the culture of victimhood.

    Eat shit and die.

  13. Whose to say who lived a full life? I say you've lived a full life, now jump off a bridge. Makes sense, huh? Stone didn't have a chance either. Hadn't done anything to anybody and didn't know he was being hunted. The cops think they know who killed Demiah but don't have the evidence. I bet you anything it was a man in her moms life. Again I'm not ranking the severity of the murders but they need to be solved. And if some hood rat gets a black eye giving up the name, then so be it.

  14. Very sad, especially for her family. This stuff needs to stop. If young black men would stop with the whole "snitches get stiches" mentality on the streets then more cases would be solved, and the numbers of violent crimes would go down

  15. Chuck, man, you need mental help. You are entitled to your anger, whether founded in experience or theatrics for the sake of self-aggrandizement. But you have been seeping dangerously deeper into a dark place where your arguments are being overshadowed by your middle-school taunts and eat shit/die epithets. You dehumanize an entire race of people without a hint of acknowledgement that you, Chucky, are an insecure fool hiding behind your Ivy League vocabulary as an intimidation tool that makes it easier to curse you silently than openly confront your barrage of seething hate.

    In other words you pathetic fuck, have a supersized portion of that excrement you wave so proudly around and slink back into your bunker where you belong.

  16. "Hi!! I am Mary O'Halloran and I live in Prarie Village and have my finger on the pulse of Kansas City's African American citizens. I know, as do all us white folks in PV, who never are in danger of violence from African American beat downs and can relate to the racist grifters who run the KC School District, waht white people should think about inner city problems and solutions. I feel really good about myself when I get home in Prarie Village, warm up some Da Hong Pao Tea and commiserate with my white neighbors about the problems I and my charges (Poor African Americans, blessed with my knowledge, my sanctimony, my self righteous edicts from JoCo.)face every day, in a white racist America.

    Once, I almost drove my car over to 32nd and Benton before the sun went down, to speak with the people I, in my mind, know so well. Then, I realized the futility of "boots on the ground" action, in the face of the excellent work, that the liberal narrative and legislation, set asides and the TERROR inflicted on the populace is working and working well.

    Al my friends are in office!! All my friends and my heroes weld the hammer!! The BLUE STATE experience is coming to us all!!

    Plus, I saw that shit about the KNOCKOUT KING on tv and I didn't want to get my ass kicked by some ghetto thugs.

    I do feel sorry for the folks, black and white, who get raped, murdered and assaulted violently by African Americans, but, of course, all my white friends over here in JoCo are safe and so am I.

    It is jsut the price of doing business.

    Happy Kwanza!!

  17. I am sure incidents like this must make people proud of a city that has such a national reputation for violence. When will your mayor and city council start trying to fix some shit? The only train (or in local talk "a toy train") your city needs is one that will get people the hell out of it!

  18. 8:19

    Fuck you cunt.

    It is not just the murders, rapes and assaults.

    Click on the links cunt.

    Here is what is worse, worse than the denial, the willful impercipience and legerdemain.

    The fuckin propaganda. The disgusting idea, that we must remain silent and respect our executioners.

    Your post accsues me of living in a dark place. As if, when presented with the sickening facts of the stats, the violence, the descension into an ever decreasing standard for civilization, I should NOT live in a dark place.

    Here is the truth, stereotypes are in fact, generalizations. They work, they are utilitarian rules we all live by. wear a coat in winter and sun screen in summer for the most part.

    Talk is cheap. So are houses in 64131. Do you live there?

    Fuck no. You live, as do all of you liberal cunts a life of useful conceit, that denies moaral agency to selected groups of people with selected skin color, so you and yuor cunt friends can pretend you are hip.

    Fcuk off cunt.

    Tell that shit to all the vicitms, black and white, dead in the ground becasue of cowards like you.

  19. 8:22 - For now! Once the homes in your neighborhood get older and start to lose value,it only takes some violence like a rapist, a shooting or a pedophile to move into your neighborhood and life as you know it will change!!! And when you drive back through 20 years from now you will call your old stomping grounds the ghetto!

  20. Of course I am not person of the year, I am white.

    I deserve what I got.

  21. In prison, dinner was always a big thing. We had a pasta course and then we had a meat or fish. Paulie did the prep work. He was doing a year for contempt, and he had this wonderful system for doing the garlic. He used a razor, and he used to slice it so thin that he used to liquefy in the pan with just a little oil. It was a very good system.

  22. Hey Chuck, 8:19 here. Using the word cunt is so dignified, you scared little man.

    You sad, pathetic, lonely man. I feel sorry for you. Seriously, get some help.

  23. Tony ... Contrary to popular opinion, You do have a heart.

    Thanks for one of your best posts of 2013.

  24. All guns need to be banned in KCMO.

  25. 100 murders year after year in KCMO and almost half of them end up in the cold case file.
    No information; no witnesses; no help.
    Until that changes the number of murders is going to stay the same even though the east side population gets smaller and smaller.
    And all the nonprofits running around having meetings and the millions spent every year aren't going to do a thing.

  26. 9:05

    Fuck off.

    "Get some help"?

    Eat shit and die cunt. If harsh language assails your sensibilities, go watch some "Housewives" programming and muscle up.

  27. Some dipship whose only claim to fame is running a local rumor board, and 30 people feel compelled to weight in on whether is is right or wrong.

    Jeeze, it like Tony's bitches running up the old ego barometer again.

    There middle eastern cabbie that brought me home from the airport yesterday has a person of the year as well, but WTFC.

  28. Again, click on the links and tell all that shit to the victims and their families you cunt.


  29. Move here, PLEASE GOD!! we need the tax base back!!

  30. Our lives, now gone, are of no importance. GOD BLESS THE NARRATIVE!!!!!

  31. I am a sick, twisted, self destructive culture of madness, murder and rape.

  32. Fuck You Byron!
    I bet this poor kid's parents had everything to do with her death. Anybody???? She, bless her heart was born to shit head low life fucks. Byrons type.

  33. What a beautiful picture of a lovely little girl. Tony is right to honor her. She couldn't help where she came from.

  34. Chuck does need help. He will not conform. He does not agree with most people. He needs to be stopped.

  35. Here is the real, national, PERSON OF THE YEAR.

  36. Where is al sharpton at?

  37. While not all conservatives are openly racist, almost all openly racist people are conservatives

  38. This place is a broken record. Murder is high. IMHO, no one is a more classic victim than another.

    Tony likes to blame local officials.. that's because local officials and city hall are his world.

    Why not blame the schools? Didn't all of the criminals go to school there? Or a lack of skill training for people hitting the labor force broke and with no skills beyond flipping burgers?

    Or their missing dads? Or women themselves who seem to run men off by their abrasive personalities?

    Or the federal government for handing out money to women to earn a living making babies without families?

    Or corporations who treat workers as commodities, like slaves...and care only about increasing their personal wealth than bettering their communities?

    Or a minimum wage that no longer buys enough to minimally survive.

    Or young black people who don't seem to realize that their own criminal behavior scares away companies which might create places to work...if they were safe for customers?

    And then you start arguing among yourselves! Well, that makes a lot of sense.

    So who has ideas to fix it? Why are your expectations about elected administrators to fix it so high?

    We have cultural and economic problems in the black community and in the country. I don't even KNOW Sly James. But this has been going on long before him, or the string of police chiefs, etc etc.

    This has been getting worse for fifty years. And not just here. Quit finger-pointing and blaming.

    Bring up some ideas....or change the subject. This grows tiresome because it doesn't even TRY to solve anything.


  40. Ok, I'll start. Young black men, stop being impulsively violent and valuing Air Jordans more than your children.

    Everybody get the word out.

  41. God that kid looks fucking stupid in that photo. You can really tell at an early age who the anchors are

  42. 10:07 is right. Tony is close, but 10:07 is a better choice for person of the year and she/he makes the point Tony is trying to make with a better example. RIP

  43. Bring back the McRib!

  44. Animal@12:36

    What a stupid thing to say. Your hatred even extends to beautiful little girls. Shame.

  45. she's got a duuuuuuuuuuuuuurrrrrr face

  46. Chuck is the worst example of any human being. A
    horrid individual.
    He's a mental case. A serious
    loser who needs to blame his
    personal situation on everyone else.
    This man needs help.

  47. Interesting discussion. Yes, there's a lot of hate but just a few good points worth considering.

  48. 6:58

    Harley/JoJo is watching Anderson Cooper on CNN and pounding his meat.

  49. Fuck You Byron

  50. harley /jojo got pounded in the poop tube by his grampa....true story.

  51. chuck is an animal. Read his
    words. Hate and vile comments
    are his trademark.
    This guy is unhinged with hate
    and vitriol...
    he needs to be watched by the
    intervention needed!!!!!!!

  52. chuck:
    large words don't make you
    a genius.
    They only show the underlying
    hate and disgust of your heart.
    Peace brother. You are way out
    of control.

  53. He isn't hard to find Harley. Why don't you go see him and fix him up, instead of waiting for someone else to do it?

  54. Harley is full of more shit that Byron

  55. That is true Harley, he is an old man, a short, fat little bald guy, you could straighten him out no problem.

  56. Byron. Thief of the year! Stand up and take a bow!

  57. Another dead niglet, so what?

  58. DAMIAH L. WHITE had no chance in life. Even if she was never shot lets be honest, she dark has nappy hair and comes from the hood and has a stupid black sounding first name.

    This poor girl was only going to grow up and become a Beastie.

    She was going to grow up axting like a man. Cussing every other word, fighting every chance she gets. Fooling some dumb guys to sleep with her and have a nest of bastered kids.

    And of course, she will spend some time behind bars and or a lifetime of welfair and gov cheese.

    She didn't have a chance.

  59. Ms. 1:54

    Pussy of the Year!

    Stand up & take a bow.

    1. Byron & Wife, pigfuckers of the year, stand up if you can & bow to the welfare gods

  60. Byron. Can you recommend a nice hotel in the Clarksburg area?

  61. Lots of hate here, no wonder KC is such a mess.

  62. It takes one helluva man to talk shit on a dead baby ..
    Yes sir, one brave individual.

  63. What is black and red and black and red?


  64. Since you could think of her as matryed for the streetcar, I think its only fair that the streetcar be named after her.

    Middle class @ 7:41 - No.

    Being hated on by the same scumbags that hate on this little girl because she's black is an honor. Non sum dignus.

  65. Byron, you can't reason with people of this character.

  66. Chuck is right again and BiRon you know... now gowan an git yosef a big steamin hot cup of SHUT DA FUCK UP.


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