The dust is starting to settle and now it's time to settle some scores among those in Kansas City's political landscape.
To wit . . .
This should be fun . . .
Freedom, Inc.

Kansas City's longstanding political leaders in the urban core proved to be "the linchpin to formation and mobilization of the opposition coalition" according to insiders. In plain English: Freedom, Inc. earned their money, once again PROVED THEIR POLITICAL POWER and delivered the urban core and many more to the NO vote side while helping to spread the "regressive" tax talking points far and wide among locals.
KC Man Of The Moment: Marcus Leach

Seen here to right of millionaire Brad Bradshaw . . . Marcus Leach was the point man on Question 1 opposition. Still in his 20s, Marcus Leach organized a citywide coalition against this tax and won despite having far less funds at his disposal.
Kansas City Neighborhoods

More than anything else this victory was a grassroots movement . . . Neighborhood activists and tax fighters found common ground in rejecting a tax that wasn't clearly defined and favoring the corporate elite.
Bishop Finn And Local Catholic Loyalists

TKC was FIRST to break the news that Bishop Finn and his Catholic Crew came out against Question 1 as if on a mission from God. This was important win for Finn & Co. that put them on the right side with their broke-ass and financially struggling flock.
Mayor Sly James

This is the easiest and probably one of the sweetest political victories Mayor Sly has ever won by wisely choosing to do NOTHING. The KCMO Mayor sent tax and spend advocates across the street and watched his political rival take an embarrassing loss, saved himself a lot of heartache AND positioned himself away from the taxpayer revolt that now might be taking hold in Kansas City.
Jackson County Executive Mike Sanders

More than anyone else Jackson County Executive Mike Sanders has been tagged with Question 1 defeat. He lost more than $2 million worth of campaign money and there are a great many people who will hold him responsible given that the blind and sick people used in the marketing campaign aren't going to be around long enough to return any favors.
GOP Consultant Jeff Roe
This is a step backward for a GOP political juggernaut who was heretofore touted for his journey into the "mainstream" thanks to better relationships with KCMO power broker Democrats. Mr. Roe lost double on this one given that his support of the tax struck hardline Republicans as a bit of a sellout. The silver lining is that Axiom remains one of the most respected consultancies in town and now has an even greater client base from which to draw . . . But there's no way to make this "L" look good on a highlight reel.
Jackson County Legislators Theresa Garza Ruiz And Crystal Williams

These so-called lady reformers lost big last night and their help putting this monstrosity on the ballot shouldn't be forgotten.
One TKC reader writes:
"When do we start holding Jackson Co. legislators accountable for this complete waste of money?. I can't wait to hear their excuse for spending over $800k on an issue that obviously nobody cared for. How can we trust their judgement moving forward?"
That question should start with legislators Garza-Ruiz and Williams given their otherwise fiery rhetoric regarding Jackson County reform.
Civic Council & Kansas City Corporate Elite

Even among Kansas City's 1% . . . Nobody has $2 million to throw away. The major defeat for Kansas City's ruling class is a setback that's best summed up by this EPIC quote from a TKC reader:
"That was such an arrogant display by the Civic Council and their leadership. The architects Jewel Scott, Jason Dalen and Pete Levi should never be able to direct anything again. The plan was flawed from the start but to ignore everything and tell everyone they knew better and we should all just listen to them while roping people into doing this in the memory of Adele Hall is just awful. They should all be out of a job today."
Ouch . . .
Local Democracy

Nobody should be bragging about 14% voter turnout. If Kansas City's Democracy was really vibrant . . . This thing never would have made it to the ballot.
A TKC Reader writes:
Tony, You should write about how much money this election will cost the taxpayers of Jackson County who will now pick up the lions share of the election boards' costs for this election.
The County Executive who approved the election ordinance and County Legislators who voted to put this on the ballot really wasted taxpayers money on this turkey!
How much did this cost??
Find out from the election boards and write it up. Hold them accountable!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(TKC NOTE: Easy . . . Most experts put the cost at around $800K . . . As for holding people accountable . . . That's mostly up to voters who mostly stayed at home.)
Accordingly . . . Locals face more taxes for transit, safety and KCMO bonds coming down the pike . . . Taxpayers shouldn't get cocky (hehe) about this win given that the will of the voting public will be tempted time and time again in the very near future.
- KC Biz Journal: Jackson County's translational research tax flatlines at polls
- Fox4: Research institute sales tax proposal soundly defeated on election night
- KCTV5: Clay County, Jackson County measures fail
- KSHB: $3 million spent on Jackson Co. election
- KMBC: Jackson County voters reject medical research sales tax hike
Developing . . .
Curse of 3 terms already starting for Mike.
ReplyDeleteexcellent observation. The 3 term curse.
ReplyDelete"These so-called lady reformers lost big last night and their help putting this monstrosity on the ballot shouldn't be forgotten"
ReplyDeleteWTF how can you say that?
Garza and Williams cut a deal with Calvin Williford to get a job for a drug-using and otherwise unemployable girlfriend named Lisa Honn Bindley -- who has spent the last several years dominating the Candy Crush Saga on Facebook (and toking deep).
Smell the glove Mike.
ReplyDeleteMike Sanders let himself be passed around by the power elite like a $2 Whore during Fleet Week, so I do not mind that he is taking the blame for what was Jeff Roe's campaign.
ReplyDeleteRoe is untouched. Axiom is a national company and doesn't depend on KC to make payroll. He still won big on the Zoo tax. The med tax was DOA before the ballots were printed.
ReplyDeleteGee I guess Nutter will have to leave HIS money to Children's Mercy Hospital -- AND NOT OURS!
ReplyDeleteNutter killed Mike Sander's political future by ordering his wigged-creature to put that public abomination on the ballot.
ReplyDeleteSadly three more losers are the hospitals that supported this. Children's Mercy looks more like some greedy corporation than a compassionate hospital.
ReplyDelete8:00 AM
ReplyDeleteLaw enforcement should look into that hire.
(At the very least the prosecutor from Nottaway County should be brought in to investigate it.)
8:09 AM
ReplyDeleteWhy didn't Sanders tell Nutter NO?
We did! Booowhhaaaaahaaaaaaaa
Children's Mercy didn't need this; St Luke's did.
ReplyDeleteIt may be hard to believe but the Luke's Healthcase System will continue to lose (shed?) employees.
Pat O'Neill did the polling.
ReplyDeleteYa did a hell of a job Patty!
Will Mike Sanders run for re-election next year?
ReplyDeleteLosers: Cathy Jolly and Scott Taylor
ReplyDeleteBob Kipp's take "In part there was a subterranean, organized opposition of people with other agendas!"
Go back to Leawood and quit promoting this crap in Jackson County.
Eat your shit pie and enjoy it Jason Dalen! Eff the civic council!
ReplyDeleteSave some shit pie for Pete Levi also. It takes balls to write a letter to the star promoting a tax in Jackson county with the byline "lives in leawood"
DeleteHe should also eat some of the shit pie today
14% Turnout
ReplyDeleteWell at least they came through this time for all the broke Jackass Countians getting economically raped by this current crew running the show.
Sly is shopping for Mikes replacement as I write this. Sly let Mike destroy himselve.
ReplyDeleteCalvin Williford told mike that if they rained money on Jeff Roe that Jeff would never attack Mike. Think again. Roe knows a lot about Mike's twisted operations now. Expect leaks about ugly operations. Very soon.
ReplyDeleteCrystal and Theresa good job NOT.
ReplyDeleteCertainly someone other than old grey people showed up to vote didn't they?
ReplyDeleteThe toy train will produce the windfall revenues this tax would have produced. The toy train is gonna save us all!
ReplyDeleteSorry 9:05, but Roe took a major hit.
ReplyDeleteWe can pretend Axiom is "too big to fail" but the truth is, he was never going to get significant business from Democrats no matter how "mainstream" he sought to be, and now that he has actively supported a tax increase, he's alienated his neo-conservative Republican base.
This defeat was an utter humiliation for all involved, including Roe and Axiom.
The consultants will now begin the process of knifing each other which will results in deep wounds to several elected officials.
ReplyDeleteThe fight will be ugly after this one.
"Expect leaks about ugly operations. Very soon."
ReplyDeleteYes, and expect those ugle leaks about ugly operations to appear in TKC, dutifully typed up without the slightest bit of fact-checking first, just to get the snowball rolling downhill.
Poor Tony doesn't even realize that he's a tool.
Telephones will be exploding for the next six months.
ReplyDeleteWell the good news is that, this potential Ponzi Scheme is not gonna happen.
ReplyDeleteOne "Big Idea" down: Four more to go!
ReplyDeleteRoe has carried water for the more taxes crowd twice now. The liberal elite republicans may find him favorable but he's damaged goods in conservative circles. He's in a cutthroat business so he knows what's ahead. 'Not a good time to be Jeff Roe.
ReplyDeleteMike and Calvin will regret messing with Roe. He will not take the fall for this.
ReplyDeleteWe don't need medical research. We need more bars, booze, and entertainment.
ReplyDeleteJeff Roe:
ReplyDeleteThe paid champion of the Med Tax and the Funkhouser Second Term!
Power and Success
The best post Tony made on this election was the one where Jeff Roe told the conference call that this issue had no chance in passing. That was two weeks ago. The Star never had the news.
ReplyDeleteThe Star never had that news because they couldn't get anyone involved in the conference call to confirm it on the record.
ReplyDeleteThey have different standards than Tony, who'll rush any "tip" he gets into print.
Poor little Cindy Circo must be upset also. Since she's on the Board of Directors Truman Medical Center.
ReplyDeleteLess gravy for Cindy
You gotta admit that Roe was correct in his assessment on that conference call to the TEA party groups. Hell, he took the money from the business Republicans in the full knowledge that he was not hurting the Party base.
ReplyDeleteMore power to him. The money spends.
What!!! We needed this to attract the creatives so we can be a vibrant city!!!!!
ReplyDeleteGood try at passing the buck onto Jeff Roe. Everyone knows that Pat Gray ran this (terrible) campaign. As usual he was given horrible advice from Steve Glorioso. They paid Roe to not oppose the tax and now everyone sees why! When faced with real competition these two ALWAYS lose.
ReplyDeleteI can imagine some of Leawood's residents must be upset today.
ReplyDeleteAll the consultants got their cut and they are happy.
ReplyDeleteWhy was James Tindall ignored as winner or loser in the script?
ReplyDeletePete Levi and Polsinelli are beside themselves today
ReplyDeleteAs far as I am concerned the Civic Council, Hallmark and the executives at Children's Mercy and St Lukes owe the taxpayers of Jackson County $800,000.
ReplyDeleteMike Sanders and all but two of the county legislators should resign today.
Damn there goes my new boat and the new six car garage I need!
ReplyDeleteI needed it to pay the wifes most recent $125,000 visa bill.
ReplyDeleteThe bottom 82% has spoken.
ReplyDeleteVictory Gin and Cigarettes for all.
ReplyDeleteIn all seriousness, somebody needs to answer for the money spent on this issue. I'm not pointing fingers or blame at any one politician like so many before me on this post have, but somebody needs to explain what happened. How did this make it to the ballot? Why was so much money spent on a loser? Are the people at Jackson County that out of touch with their constituents?
ReplyDeleteStupid sirens.
ReplyDeleteI would even question the importance of translational research to the metro area. Why must research that can be done anywhere in the world be done in Kansas City? If it is about "economic development" I doubt that the future of our city rests on a few researchers. The Civic Council and Chamber of Commerce should quit trying to determine the future of our city and instead focus on making our area a good place to live and do business.
ReplyDelete11:03 AM
ReplyDeleteThe Jackson County crowd wanted to make some rich people happy by giving them access to working class people's money for the next 20 years.
They like to think that selling out to the power elite is
"working across the aile."
They do not see it as throwing the public under the bus.
This election was different. There was no "Yes" vote.
If the proposal was anything other than a special interest fucking for the general public, a tax proposal would have drawn at least 30-35 percent.
But this proposal was always a naked and over-weaning fucking for the public.
That is the only way you lose an election that bad.
The jig is up Sanders ... Garza ... Williams and any FELON who holds Jackson County office. When you act like you acted you are all the same.
Crawling to the rich and asking to be their whore gives off a smell that voters cannot get past when they enter a polling place.
How is Pete Levy explaining this?
ReplyDeleteNext up vote out corrupt City Council members & fake "city youth leaders".
ReplyDeleteCost of $800K? That could have extended Sly's streetcar by almost a .1 mile.
ReplyDeleteDavid Westbrook (Children's Mercy) is "blind" to the reality of the overwhelming REJECTION of Question 1:
ReplyDelete"We don't feel dejected or rejected, we're going to be energized for the popularity of our agenda. We're going to be more creative about how to pay for it."
"Yet hear me, friends! we have now to deal with another people, small and feeble when our forefathers first met with them, but now great and overbearing. Strangely enough, they have a mind to till the soil, and the love of possessions is a disease in them. These people have made many rules that the rich may break, but the poor may not! They have a religion in which the poor worship, but the rich will not! They even take tithes of the poor and weak to support the rich and those who rule."
ReplyDeleteDeliver this message to Wig-Boy who you will call Michael D. Sanders.
"Creative" = Emergency city council funding?
ReplyDeleteRoe is helping to show Sanders the door. next, Roe will run an Eastern Jack Tea Partier for County Exec- and Roe will win.
ReplyDelete8:00 AM
ReplyDeleteLisa would turn state's evidence if you sent her through the intake procedures and set her in a cell for a while before you ask her some questions.
Has Skippy issued his resignation notice yet?
ReplyDeleteYou don't fool us we think your evil
ReplyDeleteAnd your methods are illegal
The adulterous drunken City Manager Blowjob Bob Heacock of Methtown is planning right now to bring the residents a sales tax. He is going to hitch hike off the police again.
ReplyDeleteAll the council now seated will support this tax. Go figure after yesterday.
12:18 PM
ReplyDeleteHuh? Explain. Sounds interesting.
Why doesn't someone ask the Wigged Creature Mike Sanders what happened to the Community Based Anti Drug Tax? (COMBAT)? We are all still paying this tax, but it has been wrested from the control of the county prosecutor to the control of the Wigged Creature Mike Sanders so he can let his cronies feed at the public trough.
ReplyDeleteDemand a COMBAT audit, and you will really see the downfall of Mike Sanders.
I would like to thank Mike Sanders, Jeff Roe, Calvin Williford, Pete Levy, Mary Jane Judy, Pat O'Neill, Steve Glorioso, Pat Gray and others for knocking my name off the top of a certain list in Political History. Thank you.
A new tax sounds interesting????
ReplyDeleteGet a face to face with BJ Bob Heacock and ask him. As time rolls by you too will realize he lied to you when they later unroll the new and improved public safety/police sales tax for the hapless Independence tax payers.
The City is beating the people to death with utility rate increases since they lost the real estate tax scam wrongly called a police tax.
They raid the utility funds for the Bass Pro area bailout then raise the rates for the next five years.
Please contact your councilmember to hear them lie to you that they are not planning a sales tax vote.
12:32 PM Here Here
ReplyDeletethe Wigged Creature Mike "Skippy" Sanders.
Sanders needs to lose that wig and get a buzz cut.
ReplyDeleteThe Civic Council paid $166 for each YES vote. This has to be a Kansas City election record.
ReplyDeleteSo much for leadership!
There are several other committees that need to be figured into that number, which will only make it worse.
ReplyDeleteWhy blame Pat Gray or Gloryohole on this tax....It lies clearly at the County Exec and his career legislators for life feet.
ReplyDeleteBut for these sell outs, we would not have had to go vote and waste thousands of dollars on a county election.
Stop blaming the paid marketeers...they did what they are paid to do. Skippy and crew did not do what they are paid to do.
Remember when Sanders said...
ReplyDelete"if you like your tax assessment you can keep your tax assessment from going up period."
"if you like the tax amount you are now paying you can keep that amount it will not go up period."
Calvin runs the Assessment department now through a team of trained junkies, so if you want a good assessment you will need to make a contribution to the campaign fund of Calvin's choice.
ReplyDeleteHmmmmm...12:53 pm....this is something I (and I bet almost all others) did not know.
ReplyDeleteThat explains alot to me.
Why has that not been investigated and reported for the public to know what a sick crew this truly is?
ReplyDeleteVery good point. The proposed translational medicine institute would not be a job creator, or do much at all in terms of economic development....certainly not for the cost, whether it be public OR private money used to develop it. That is why the local foundations would not support it.
12:56 PM
ReplyDeleteThey had to fire three good men in order to move Calvin's people in to their offices. It is totally fucking Nixonian.
1:05 is the time to keep peeling the onion and tell it all.
ReplyDeleteWith this defeat the people are more open to the the truth about Skippy's regime, corruption and cronies.
They have one of the open Assessment offices sealed off like a crime scene.
ReplyDeleteSanders HAS to run for higher office. No way he'll get re-elected CE.
ReplyDeleteIs there a list of names of the potential board members? These guys were going to get to divide 10 millions bucks. I want names.
ReplyDeleteGood news is the pro tax freaks tossed more cash into the local economy trying to buy the vote than we would have ever seen out of this tax scam.
ReplyDeleteThe Yes on 1 Campaign should have hired Chris Moreno, because he is a really nice guy and he never loses.
ReplyDeleteThis was a major set back for the Nationalist Socialist Movement
ReplyDelete10:43, I don't think Polsinelli is crying too much over this. They were a relatively small donor. Don Hall Jr. on the other hand... But at least he saved his old man $75 mil.
ReplyDeleteFreedom, Inc. and Sly James are clearly losers in this TKC. They now know not to mess with white people. All the dirty politics they throw at their own race... nobody cares about. It was Freedom, Inc. and Sly James who promoted and encouraged the tax. What Niggers won't do for a dollar.
ReplyDeleteSkippy...big loser
ReplyDeleteMean Jean...Attorney General here she comes