We were fortunate enough to hear about this story FIRST and talk about it quite a bit on this blog . . .

KCTV5 offers important follow-up . . .

It's an important topic . . . And this is probably the most objective take so far . . .


"The Fraternal Order of Police Lodge 99 is aware of the KCPD Black Town Hall meeting scheduled for this Saturday. The FOP respects all officers' rights to meet and discuss issues affecting their employment. 

The FOP is an organization that strives for inclusion, and it is legally required to represent the interests of all police officers and sergeants of the KCPD regardless of their race, gender, religion or political affiliation. The FOP would be violating its legal responsibilities to its members if it placed the interests of any one group above the interests of all police officers and sergeants. 

While the FOP hopes that this planned Town Hall meeting has positive results, the FOP is concerned that this type of exclusive meeting may prove to be more divisive than progressive. The FOP will continue to represent all police officers and sergeants and will work to make the KCPD a better place to work for all employees."


  1. Is anyone surprised the PD is a mess? And I'm not talking about the good cops in there who actually do their job well and try to make a difference. I'm talking about the black insider "leadership" and the sense of entitlement. It's just like the school district or any other city ran by the black establishment. We all know how that goes. KC, Memphis, Detroit, Africa... Name me ONE thing ran by black people that is ran well. Just one. They ruin everything they touch.

  2. all you got to do is look how the chief and assoicates treated kye when he got into trouble. he even got a ride home in a police car. some pd i know said they would rather take kyle into a wood shed

  3. 5:56

    In South Africa, the whole world stands by as white genocide continues. I guess Springstien and Bono are too busy to sing songs about the White Holocaust now that blacks are running the country.

    Look at this --

    It is almost like Science Fiction how fast a once thriving city that compared to all of the great cities in the world, has now, in just 20 years, turned into a nightmare far worse than Detroit will ever be.

  4. Will the city council pass a resolution condemning this? What is the difference between this and the natzi meeting?

  5. "Name me ONE thing ran by black people that is ran well. Just one. "- 5:56

    The 100 meter dash.

  6. 6:20- How is this any different than ANY city? It's not, except in SA, the timing is coincidental with the end of Apartheid.

  7. 7:06

    Yeah right, tell that to 5000 dead white farmers, the cratering economy brought on by cronyism and corruption which is typical of all Black Run Cities and fiefdoms, the precipitous drop in productivity and the list goes on.

    South Africa as a nation is now a net importer of food for crying out loud.

    Johannesburg and South Africa slipped off the edge of finacial viablilty the day Mandela and the corrupt ANC took over.

    For the REAL story of South Afirca, read "Into The Cannibal's Pot" by Ilana Mercer, who supported Mandeal, marched to end Apartheid and now sees the disaster from ground level in a country that looks more and more like some circle of hell in the Inferno.

    While pockets of civilization still remain, most of the country is lost in a dystopian reality that seems all too familiar to folks who live in Black Run Cities.

  8. There will never be any such thing as "we the people" "all men are created equal" or "equal rights" as long as blacks continue to scream for rights afforded no other race based solely on a tragedy that was far less than that inflicted upon the American Indian... you have civil rights, equal rights, naacp, aclu, eeoc, bet, urban league, the list goes on and on and despite a larger share than percentages are equal, you dominate all fields up to and including the presidency and still demand more .. you people .. and I'll be clear on this the black people are the greatest racists to walk this earth, if the revrunds al and jessie stand up and scream racist and call everyone BUT blacks racist, we are ordered to listen, let a white guy say hey what about whites, they call him the "clan" and call him racist, I recall louis farakhan calling for the death of whites and not a single sole including the white liberals said a word about racist, yet whites try and do anything for whites only and they are trash, racist and not worthy of anyones time ... We have become programmed to be absolutely afraid to confront these issues.

  9. 8:38- The reason the issue isn't confronted is because if you do, they will make your life a living hell.

    They have more in common with the NSM than many would like to believe.

  10. They run the "killing machine" in the urban core to perfection. Very efficient in killing one another.

  11. A big "thank you" to Chief Forte and Board President Alvin Brooks for effectively killing the discussion to allow the Chief to pick his own commanders. Your race based leadership has been exposed in public and your plan to use the race card to shame the board and FOP into allowing it to happen has been shoved back in your face. Again, thank you.

  12. The FOP is ignorant of the black agenda.

    South Africa is indisputable evidence of the black agenda.

    Whites in America are truly ignorant also. The Blacks want all that whitey has and wants whitey to pay for the grievances they have for not being whitey.

    Blacks hate whites and are more racist toward whites than vice versa.

    This Black town hall is solely to advance the interest of black officers over white officers if you can imagine that under Forte and his cronies now running the PD and Sly running the City and Thug life running the city.

    This is an unbreakable circle of insanity.

    Whites need to look to china to move and find civility and productivity.

  13. "It is what it is"? That's the best Alvin Brooks can come up with to justify this subtle form of racism. Shameful.

  14. The racist shit has been going on in KCPD since before Steve Bishop took office, he helped propel the black commanders to promote his own sick agenda, he was a sellout along with Uncle Jimmy Corwin, the likes of Julia Bush, Jim Nunn, Greg Watkins all promoted by Bishop only to all walk away with large sums of money.

    KCPD should have brought in a Chief from outside, but then they would not be Sly's puppet. White and Hispanic Officers will leave and do leave KCPD all the time for early retirement, private sector etc to get out of this cesspool of a department. Let the blacks have it, Kansas City is the next Detroit.

  15. This is just a cluster fuck, IF the majority in KC is really white THEN maybe the whites should vote this city council out, vote that mayor out and get rid of these representatives that don't represent you! You can't be a person that thinks "well, its not my person causing this" because it IS, the Mayor Circo all of them .. shit can the bunch of them and put a person in that is going to represent your agenda! we are swirling around the toilet bowl in ankle deep water screaming "I'm drowning!!" when all you have to do is stand up

  16. I am so glad I do not live in kcmo. It's just one thing after another. Sure, I drive down to the Kauffman center, plaza, city market, but then I'm going right back south to Johnson county.

  17. EXCELLENT POST 8:38!

  18. White, Black, Hispanics, Jews, Germans, and other ethnic groups meet from time to time. Why is it suspect when Black people meet? Let's not make KC and the state of Missouri the most racist city and state in the nation.

  19. Its to late, KC is one of the most racist cities in the nation and most times these people you mention are not meeting as a single race as public servants and if the KCPD said they were having a whites only off duty police officers meeting it would be seen as suspect and you know it! because you CANT have a whites only anything or even mention the word in preference, I am personally sick to death of all the lies you hide behind, as 8:38 said, there is no equal rights left especially in KC

  20. 12:20 Can you provide some examples of these white "ethnic group" meetings you reference? Just as 1:00 stated, if whites were to assemble based on race it would be a scandal.

  21. Yes and the freaking bleeding heart white ultra liberals are the reason why too. Let a conservative white lady with a cooking show admit that sometime in her life she used the "N" word and she is a racist for life according to Rev A and every one who ever wrote her a check is supposed to crucify her. Let a left wing white Hollywood actress blacken her face and tweet photos all over the Internet, she apologizes and gets a pass from the left wing press. These stupid left wing white motherfuckers are not going to be happy until the entire human race is digging supper out of a trash can - all in the name of black rights.

  22. 1:36

    You are dead on the money pal.

  23. Leave those black police alone!!

  24. 12:20

    What planet r u living on?

    If a WHITE group organizes based on race, the media will crucify u.

    Shut the fuck up liar.

  25. Don't the black KCPD officers have enough black crime to solve without dragging their black asses off to some black town all meeting with the black chief, black commanders and black police board member?

  26. So let me get this straight, there is no such thing is white separatism, really? So, the department can't go on a minority push cause it's racist. Really? I guess the department going below 70% percent white is too scary. Let look at every minority transfer with a fine tooth comb. Wait, is there any black in career criminal, snu, bomb and arson, k-9 Sgt doesn't count, intel, home land security, more than two blacks in Tac. Wait I guess they all need to hang out in pal. This blog is a prime example of the racist if this city that don't want to see anything other than what whites allow. Put up your pointless stats, put up your ideas, put up your view points. Doesn't make a difference. In this city you can be gay, be a child predator, be corrupt, be a liar, be a cheater, but let's bring hell down if you are black and try to do anything.

    1. Many of the units you listed don't have lists. The others have little if any blacks put in for them. God knows that when blacks do put in for many processes, the list will be made as long as it takes so that the blacks make the list. And rest assured, they will be taken from the list. Protected means protected. And special treatment runs rampant on this department and pretty much every government job at every level.

    2. Many of the units you listed don't have lists. The others have little if any blacks put in for them. God knows that when blacks do put in for many processes, the list will be made as long as it takes so that the blacks make the list. And rest assured, they will be taken from the list. Protected means protected. And special treatment runs rampant on this department and pretty much every government job at every level.

    3. Huh, that's what white people say. Same ol tired line.

  27. 12:20 too late

  28. There are so many officers on the department that fail sergeants's tests over and over. They screw up specialized unit processes over and over. The truth is white, Hispanic and black alike think there is some reason they didn't make those lists. White officers look at lists and see minorities and blame some unknown factor why they didn't make it. Black officers look at those lists and say they didn't make it for some unknown factor. Both groups think race is the biggest factor in their failures. Both groups couldn't be more wrong.

    Real answers, they either studied the wrong information, or most likely there is another answer. Those officers are just too damn lazy to work hard enough to beat those that aren't lazy. It's easy for both groups to claim some sort of racism, it makes it easier to swallow than looking in the mirror and doing some self reflection.

    Now, the above poster details 5 units that either lack black members or are under represented. 4 out of the 5 units have lists that provide members opportunities to test and make a selection list. It could be that the people who made it worked their asses off and deserved to make it. It could be that the others worked their asses off and sucked.

    It's not a race issue, work harder and don't suck. I don't think that is the answer you are looking for though. The lazy from both groups want the same thing.....handouts.

    It's just that one group holds a meeting to address failures and calls it a minority push. If the other group should ever hold a similar meeting it would be called racism. Regardless of the name you use the courts will decide.

    1. Career criminal, intel, and homeland security has a list? Must of missed that.

  29. While reading the above posts, there is special treatment that happens based on race and sex. It is unfortunate. In the past 20 years, lots of good officers have come and gone. Yet the worry is not about retention, recruitment or respect as morale continues to sink.

    The treatment of individuals on the KCPD is horrid. A prime example is the micro management up at Shoal Creek. It has been brought to the attention of the Chief and staff, yet good officers and supervisors continue to be abused, harassed and manipulated.

    I would say a good forced house cleaningis in order. No One likes change, but there is light at the end of a tunnel normally

  30. The department needs leadership and needs to train leaders. No rubber stamps...

  31. I had no idea we had so many racist cops in the com police department. Non-whites racist that is. What else is going on we do not know about?

  32. Here is another tired line. We don't get treated fairly. Black mayor, president of the BOPC along with two females, Chief of Police, Two black and two female colonels. Guess with that type of screwed numbers you are upset with the wrong people.


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