Kansas City Mayor Sly James and City Council just unanimously passed this resolution against an upcoming National Socialist Movement rally in Kansas City.

Check it:

RESOLUTION NO. 130873 - Expressing the City Council’s unanimous opposition to the racist and anti-Semitic beliefs of the neo-Nazi National Socialist Movement (NSM) and urging Kansas City residents to morally confront those beliefs through their words and actions but not to physically confront these neo-Nazis.

A bit of Council talk on the resolution:

Councilman John Sharp: "We have to make it very clear that we're morally outraged by this. We certainly don't want people to confront them phisically. This resolution will express our moral outrage . . . And confront these people with our deeds and words but not physically confront them. We have to challenge these people, we have to make our moral outrage clear. That's why I introduced this legislation."

Councilman Johnson invoked Ben Franklin and a need to stand up against these "wolves."

Councilman Glover: Spoke a bit of WWII history and plainly said "You gotta stand up and say something is wrong before it gets going." We're pretty sure he was noting The Godfather as well.

Money passage:


Section 1. That the City Council strongly and unanimously opposes the hateful racist and anti-Semitic beliefs of the NSM.

Section 2. That the City Council urges all residents to express their moral outrage and morally confront the NSM’s hateful rhetoric through their words and actions on November 9 and every day of the year, but not to physically confront the neo-Nazis which only plays into their hands by generating more publicity for their vile and violent group.

Important note . . . Mayor Sly stepped out because he "had to take a conference call" and then the Council passed $10 Million for streetcar expansion and $17.9 million to buy 4 new streetcars. Don't think we didn't see that . . . Still . . . 

Read The Full Legislation against Nazis after the jump


Expressing the City Council’s unanimous opposition to the racist and anti-Semitic beliefs of the neo-Nazi National Socialist Movement (NSM) and urging Kansas City residents to morally confront those beliefs through their words and actions but not to physically confront these neo-Nazis.

WHEREAS, the National Socialist Movement (NSM), a violent white supremacist organization identified by the Institute for Research & Education on Human Rights (IREHR) and Southern Poverty Law Center as one of the largest neo-Nazi groups in the United States, plans a rally in Kansas City on November 9 supposedly to protest illegal immigration; and

WHEREAS, November 9 is the 75th anniversary of Kristallnacht (the night of broken glass) in Germany, Austria and occupied portions of Czechoslovakia, which is remembered for the murder of nearly 100 Jewish persons, sending about 30,000 Jewish men to concentration camps, the destruction of 267 synagogues and the vandalization of thousands of homes and businesses of Jewish residents; and

WHEREAS, this organization founded by members of the American Nazi Party specializes in theatrical and provocative protests such as this one that have resulted in violence in other cities; and

WHEREAS, NSM members protested until 2007 in full Nazi uniforms, but now protest in black “battle dress uniforms” carrying swastika flags and banners; and

WHEREAS, the real intent of NSM’s rally is to raise the visibility of the organization and to recruit new supporters and members who may be unaware of the group’s idolization of Adolph Hitler and its true purposes to forcibly eject all persons of color, Jewish persons, and gays and lesbians from this country; and

WHEREAS, a community’s silence in response to this group’s vile and hateful rhetoric can be interpreted as agreement with them, while physical confrontations only play into their hands by generating more publicity; NOW, THEREFORE,


Section 1. That the City Council strongly and unanimously opposes the hateful racist and anti-Semitic beliefs of the NSM.

Section 2. That the City Council urges all residents to express their moral outrage and morally confront the NSM’s hateful rhetoric through their words and actions on November 9 and every day of the year, but not to physically confront the neo-Nazis which only plays into their hands by generating more publicity for their vile and violent group.


  1. My tax dollars at work. *sigh*

  2. You notice Skippy Sanders has not said a word against the NAZIs.

  3. And the clowns fell for the bait...SweetvJesus is every so called leader in this town walking around with a steaming pantload or what?

  4. Misdirection. This was nothing more than a cheap attempt to get the streetcar money passed. You all fell for it. Follow the money. That's the most important thing!

  5. Jesus fuckin Christ. Nazis for fuck's sakes.

    Perfect, it is Halloween and the Liberal Media fuckin loves it when Nazis show up and threaten to turn back the clock so we can scare the fuck out of all the dumbazz white boys out in JoCo into beleiving that a nascent, powerful, "OH MY GOD THE 7TH SEAL IS BROKEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" nazi movement is about to be unleashed on Craig Glazer and his family.

    You dumbfucks. You have a better chance of a Sasquatch stealing Craig Glazer's Ferrari and rear ending you at 29th and Olive after picking up some Sherm than you do of EVER being realistically threatened by Nazis!

    I am sure the fuckin idiots down at City Hall were humming "we Shall Overcome" as they passed this momumental piece of fuckin trash.

    What a fuckin disgrace. If the media wants to actually do some fuckin reporting, they might want to actually look into the low level civil war in our American Streets right now, where ubiquitious Black on White Hate crimes are not only NOT prosecuted by the United States Attony General, but the media obfuscates, lies and makes escuses in the face of genocide.

    Fuck off.

  6. Tony, you should use my color version of the city hall shot. I think it's much better looking.

    Then again, maybe you like the grim reality of the black and white shot.

    Try the color version sometime.

  7. DIVERSION - we're "morally" outraged by these folks who won't actually get anything done but while you're paying attention to them and our "outrage" in print we'll go ahead and pass all kinds of tax burden on to you silly poor and semi middle-class dummies. If they had any morals or really cared about people they wouldn't lie, cheat and steal at every possible opportunity. This just shows how stupid they think we are.

  8. Pussies at City Hall! We NAZI's fuck you in the ass and cum all over your face! Hahahahahahaha!!!! and NO Byron, you can't join in!!!

  9. I don't think it's misdirection at all. Sometimes it's important to stand up to hate!

  10. I'm being hated on my a Nazi. That's an honor. You're only the lunatic fringe.

  11. Waste of time. This Mayor and Council waste more time and energy doing absolutely nothing. Most nothing-doers simply stare off into space. Not these overzealous retards.

  12. We're there any resolutions passed about congressmen not texting their cocks to random whores?

  13. Totally agree with 5:44 & 6:17. Misplaced priorities and a waste of time and money. As usual.

    And Byron, that's not a Nazi, that's the fuck (fill in the blank) and cum all over their face guy. Please don't feed the troll.

  14. It would be funny to get "Springtime for Hitler" choreographed and performed across the street from the Nazis. Maybe by drag queens. Jewish drag queens would be even better.

  15. Can we "morally" confront niggers on the Plaza and in Westport and on the Eastside and, and, and?????

  16. We at 100 murders yet? Damn Nazi youths! Or Tea partiers whatever they call themselves

  17. Wish city counsil would denounce Communism and the Afordable care act. Hell of a lot bigger threat then these halloween attired Nazis

  18. If we are going to have a joke city hall then we they might as well do the right thing every once in awhile. This is a good ordinance, the streetcar was not.

  19. Glad the City Counsil could proclaim how much bullshit they truly are. Pick a topic everyone aggrees on, and diareha kicks in

    How about unanamous shame on the anti-train crowd, they have no moral ground....

  20. Good for them. More people should reject hatred...the concept or morality is lost on many of TKC's commenters.

  21. Those silly nazis keep killing innocent people in KCMO in drive by shootings. Make sure we get that resolution out there.

  22. Worst council EVER. Did they condem the Black Panthers too?

  23. A Nazi walking towards me on the street does not scare me. A nigger doing the same and my hand goes to the butt of my gun till he passes.

    Stupid fucking city leaders

  24. How about a resolution against Freedom Inc. and Aim for Peace. They are just as worthless a cause as any Nazi group, but funny nobody making any moves to stop them.

  25. Nazis arent going around killing people in the streets like some do in KCMO. So who should we really be afraid of?

  26. the gigantic floating head in tonys moms basement known as XALTI10/31/13, 7:27 PM

    (sound of CANAANITE WOMAM circa 2500 BC screaming as shes clutches her child as she is being slaughtered by the sword of one of the.CHOSEN PEOPLE!!!!)

    SILENCE, PUNY MORTALS!!! It is time for the EXALTED XALTI to vent his WRATH at these VILE TAX COLLECTORS, Sly "The Serpent" James and John "Not Too" Sharp!!! Ye both point out the speck in.these neo nazis eyes while ignoring the BEAM in thine own eyes, namely the MURDERS and VIOLENCE perpetrated by the neo ETHIOPIANS which occurs on an almost daily basis in.THINE OWN.HOME!!!
    And refrain, Not Too Sharp, from defending the JEWS!!! If thee had bestseller- The BIBLE- thee wouldst know that my chosen ones are perfectly capable of perpetrating GENOCIDE and RACISM!!!
    And ANTHONY: Ye need halt being cowardly by casting stones at POLITICIANS and NOT weilding thine poison pen at the BLACK COMMUNITY on the Eastside, which is responsible for more VIOLENCE than.has been perpetrated by any motley crew of Nazis!!! Ye will have to ANSWER one day for not using your pulpit for constructive GOOD and not just gleefully bashing the people that take ACTION, lest I cast ye to the fiery furnace that is BYRONS SEXXXX TOOOYYYY TRUUUUUNKKKK!!!!!!!

  27. Isn't Russ Johnson the very exact same wolve he ridicules? The pot calling the kettle Black.

  28. Sly Churchill10/31/13, 8:03 PM

    We will fight them on the Plaza and in Waldo and in Brookside. We will fight the Nazi menace in the Power and Light and North of the River and we will never, never surrender.

  29. Can we morally object to the KCPD black only officer forum or the black expo? Once again if a group of white people meet it must mean they are racists. Just like the KCPD Black Forum or the Black Expo, why can't white people gather for the same purpose, to better our recuiting, better our retention, to better our race in society and whatever else the other side touts

  30. it's a little ironic. the city council resents this group but they are happy to take their money. typical of our policitians, shake your hand, take your money and stab you in the back. I haven't heard any racial remarks from this group (yet) but sure hear negative racists remarks from our city council about them.

  31. You haven't heard any racial remarks from the NSM? You are a fucking moron.

  32. Byron is the idiot fringe.

  33. Never heard of Byron. Is he with the Galloping Gooses

  34. Don't know who Byron is either?

  35. Thanks to our local African-Americans, every night in Kansas City is a night of broken glass.

    Will the City Council pas a resolution condemning it? Doubtful.

  36. NSM actually denounces violence. So they're just like any other group touting perks for their people.

    CDR Jeff Schoep Denounces Violence & Domestic Terrorism
    Acts of Violence & Terrorism are Dishonorable & Will Not be Tolerated!

    I want it made perfectly clear to all of our members, supporters, prospective members, readers, etc. that the National Socialist Movement condemns illegal actions and in such we do not endorse any acts of violence or terrorism. The NSM is a White Civil Rights Movement that adheres to Political activism, and a legal means to restore America to its former glory.

    Acts of violence or terrorism against America, or its Citizens is unacceptable, and not tolerated within the ranks of the National Socialist Movement.

    Those of you, who are Party members, know that the NSM operates within the laws of the United States, and those that break serious laws will be expelled from our Ranks.

    Any individual, whom feels compelled to act upon, or advocate illegal actions on their own accord, is expected to resign from the Party, as those goals are clearly not in line with NSM policy.

    Most of you already know our stance on these matters; however after reading disturbing articles in newspapers and websites of people that claim to be National Socialist, I am concerned that some members of the American public (whom we are trying to reach with National Socialism) may believe that our Party supports such violence, anarchy or other such vigilantism, therefore I am clarifying our stance once again. Let me be clear, no act of violence, vigilantism, anarchy or any other such off the wall behavior will be tolerated by the National Socialist Movement and if any Member or Supporter is found to violate these rules they will be immediatley dismissed. Thank you for your attention in this matter and remember to always think twice before you act as you have a duty to act with the utmost honor in ever facet of your lives as that is what it means to be a National Socialist!

  37. Sound like a bunch of pussies to me

  38. I am gratified that the council said something. It is worth what it is worth. I would mention though for some reason the council describe the intent of the NSM to "merely" ..."forcibly eject all persons of color, Jewish persons, and gays and lesbians from this country;". If that were the limit of their real intent it would make their hero Mr. Hitler ashamed. Their intent is genocide. Let's be clear about that.

  39. Should someone really have the right to call for your murder, my murder, the murder of Jews, Blacks, Roma, gays, etc. etc. Really?

  40. No one has the right to call from my murder. No one has the right to call for genocide

  41. What is the point of spending time arguing with each other about free speech, non violence, ignoring nazis, how to demonstrate, what to carry, what to say. Let the people who show up decide how they want to express their feelings. We don't need to be told how.

  42. "We stand in solidarity with the Jews of Kristallnacht, November 9, 1938"


  43. Fuck your ego boosters, fuck your aggro needs to feel important, I WON'T pretend like any of you 9 to 5ers give a fuck about what happens on this planet. All the sudden some racists show up and you all know how to hate, hate something that will change nothing.

  44. Why are we rallying against nazis, a DEAD FUCKING DEAD movement, and not obamacare, SOPA, NDAA, PIPA, the NSA, the CIA, the FBI, the IRS, the goverment shutdown, the tax rates, minimum wage, good food rotting in the trash cans, drone strikes, our hostile international affairs, bank bailouts, OR LITERALLY ANYTHING ELSE THAT WOULD ACTUALLY MAKE A FUCKING DIFFERENCE IF SOMEBODY DID A GOD DAMN THING ABOUT IT?

  45. Really? because in Europe (especially Greece) the fascist movement came back and they waited way to long to try and stop it. Now it has taken root and people are being killed because no one except the radical left tried to do anything about it until it was too late.

  46. I was in a nursing home and I heard the stories of people who fought against the Nazis and I heard the horrendous tales of a woman who suffered in the camps. Good people must speak up and out or allow the evil to fester thinking that it is OK. We must speak out.

  47. This is not just a rally for the NSM movement. If you read any of the material provided, you'd know this is co sponsored by the KKK and Aryan nations. This is like a racism conference, and they have big plans. If we let this type of thing go unchallenged, undoubtedly racists will begin to rally more in this area, teach more classes in this area, and poison the minds of children.

  48. We can choose to be over run by racists and let them try to assert power in our city, or we can let them know Kansas City is not going to allow them to set up hate conferences.

  49. I don't see why we can't stand up against ALL issues. I hate to say but racism is still as big of an issue as it was. And regardless we want to make sure to keep them down as much as possible (I don't know if you've paid attention to history, but these are a very dangerous people, especially for people of color, and they should not be ignored in any instance) so this is just as important as any other issue. The main things we should be standing for is freedom, equality, humanity and peace, regardless what is under this category. Your post is ignorant and offensive to people who are affected by racists like me and my family for instance. True, the points you've brought up are very important but don't belittle this action because it doesn't affect you. Guarantee it's very important to others regardless.

  50. As far as the people who want to kick some Nazi ass, I'm kind of indifferent to that. I'm not planning on doing that myself (not least because a 6th grader could probably kick my ass). I also just don't think it's productive, although I'm sure it's satisfying.
    One thing to consider, though: at some of these rallies, fascists are known to march afterwards and sometimes attack minority passerby on their way. If that happens and the police are not around to stop it (or choose not to, which sadly is totally possible), then we should be there to step in and keep them from hurting someone. Defense of oneself, defense of another: I'm totally down with that.

  51. How does this assumption of violent reaction continue to be a recurring theme in debate over whether or not we should do something? People have kept our streets clean of this garbage for a while now, the least we can do is try to maintain it. Doesnt mean we need indulge in the violent methods of the past, but it does take a lot more than sitting at home ignoring the issue simply because it isnt directly affecting you, or because there are other issues. We have more influence in the affairs of private groups than we do in politics anyhow.

  52. And it is our right to counter protest. Also you should really look into golden dawn. They started with low membership but now they are a serious threat to people's basic freedom. If people would have stopped the nazis(the national socialist party of Germany) in the streets we wouldn't of had the holocaust. They also started with low membership. I'm not saying it's going to take of here but we can stop it from being a threat to freedom early by doing these counter demonstrations.

  53. If we do NOTHING, then the Nazis, the KKK, the Aryan Nations and other racist groups will be emboldened. That is part of the problem now in Greece. People ignored them and now it is a real and present danger for all. I will not say that I am not violent. Every person has the propensity to be violent. The truth is that we can be NON-violent.

  54. Go or don't. Just shut the fuck up already.

  55. I was just talkin abou how in Columbia, when the neo nazis do their march- cops go on a rampage beating counter protestors exclusively.

  56. The First Amendment applies only to government. The GOVERNMENT cannot curb "speech." Individuals and even private industry can and do limit speech. As individuals, we have a right to assemble and shout down and shut down these motherfuckers. I think it's highly important to nip hate in the bud whenever you can. There are countless instances throughout history where good people sat by and said, Oh, these bigots are no threat, I'll stand up and say something when they start doing something more significant, like killing people. There are memorials around the world dedicated to those who perished due to the passivity of apathetic people. Fuck that. At a minimum, these racists need to be shouted down and the message needs to be sent that hate will not be tolerated in our community.

  57. Also, I find it quaint how several posters here have the privilege of not having to worry about racists and fascists or having to deal with the threat of being beat or killed due to the color of your skin. Must be nice. Check your goddamn privilege.

  58. Solidarity from St. Louis!

  59. I agree that systemic racism is a much bigger problem than individual racists, however, fascism is more akin to systemic racism than is it to individual racists. Neither fascism nor systemic racism should be let to stand.

  60. One of the groups that is coming to KC is called Sadistic Souls Motorcycle Club.

  61. just a little more info

  62. Buddy Rumble is a regional organizer for the NSM, and the primary contact person for a number of states, including both Kansas and Missouri.

  63. The sadistic Souls Motorcycle Club were removed from the ranks of Aryan Nations for unchristian behavior. They are NOT Aryan Nations but a group of thugs,drunks and rogues. It would be fitting for them to align themselves with a group of nigger loving so called Klansmen like Frank Ancona and the TAK.

  64. Doesn't really surprise me that the SSMC is aligning with TAK and NSM...they are all pagans/dualists/non-practicing "Christians". Any group that claims to be White Nationalists and still allows drug usage (including pot) among its members, race mixed marriages (as long as no children are born), and non-whites (can't pass the brown paper bag test) is not living up to what they were intended to be. I am proud to be a member of a White Christian organization that stands on its beliefs and what the Bible teaches. Aryan Nations Forever Forever Aryan Nations!

  65. Moses Gulett, Cynthia Keene, Does this mean that the Aryan Nations will no longer be attending the Saturday evening Swastika-lighting on private property? Is the Aryan Nations boycotting the event?

  66. Moses Gulett and Cynthia Keene we do not need infighting at this time in our fight. I can assure you that the national socialist movements ranks are not filled with Drug users or race mixers, with that said there is a reason you enter into a probationary period when you join the movement. Anyone caught in these acts are immediately removed from the org.

  67. David Pope I used to be the Women's Division Coordinator for the NSM as well as the Prison Liaison. That "adopt-a-highway " sign in Springfield, some research because I am the one that did that. I know what REALLY happens behind closed doors. Now, not everyone that is NSM is bad, but I sure met a lot of drug users, alcoholics, and even a guy with mexican babies and another that was married to a non-white woman with a black child. As for infighting, you can't fight with people that are not really a part of the fight because they are hugging up on non-whites and destroying the white race with drugs and alcohol. I wish that every organization out there would clean up their act and learn to work together, but I don't see it happening as long as the rules and policies of the handbooks are not enforced.

  68. We also do not need nigger lovers, men who wear klan robes and have their photos taken with blacks they have invited to klan rallies on private property and leaders who marry outside of their race use organizational monies to fund their half-breed kids and men who drink to excess, use drugs and wear a patch they have no understanding of the meaning of let alone a bona-fide right to wear the patch. The White Nationalist movement is full of trash and the trash needs to be taken out.

  69. In addition to the Saturday rally, the NSM have also announced that they will be holding an event during the afternoon / early evening of November 8. More details as they become available

  70. You people who support groups such as this are so ignorant. Just because your skin is 'white' makes you pure? Pretty sure if you guys would've paid attention in school, you'd know we are all descendants of African Americans in the south, and that's scientifically proven. But, keep on keeping on and being the ignorant goofs you are! Cheers!

  71. 12:19- Kansas City as already been overrun by racists. They have names like Yelder, O'Bannon, Grant, Adams, McQueen, Williams, Webster, Cleaver- and the list goes on and on......

  72. Additional Antifascist Info here

  73. 7:27PM comment FANTASTIC!!!!!

    The great XALTI has spoken!
    Heed HIS words.

  74. From way up thread before the combox turned into its usual cesspool whenever the subject is even tangentially related to race:

    "Ben Lauden said...
    And the clowns fell for the bait..."


    True story: Some years back, minority community centers and businesses in Omaha began to receive hate mail signed "KKK."

    The Omaha media went wild. They even tracked down the person responsible, which wasn't hard since that was what he was after, and there were all sorts of exposes of the Klan in Nebraska.

    The local ADL finally begged the media to stop giving this guy attention he didn't deserve. He was a Klavern with exactly one member, himself, and was recruiting desperately for one more, two more, three or four who would help him spread his hate.

    Well, I have no idea who this joker is organizing this so-called "rally" or how many "Nazis" he is capable of attracting.

    But he sure got the media attention he was after, and perhaps even moreso now, thanks to the City Council.

  75. The Nationalist Socialist Movement has a chapter in 36 states. The Omaha event looked clownish but direct action in Kansas Cit is different from Omaha

  76. Putting a human face on the fascist with Buddy Rumble doesn't mean there isn't a conference on Nov 9'th start with a meet up on Nov 8th. The issue is what MC is going to run the drugs through Kansas City now that the Galloping Gooses are in prison.

  77. What about this "pink bag check". Isn't that like a union card?

  78. 5:32 AM nails it!!

  79. Sounds like everyone is trying to make this a Democrat thing. Fuck the Democrats and fuck you, you fucking fucktard.

  80. 5:32 am. Looks like Patty is up early this morning. However, I was thinking the same thing. Although you left out the biggest white racist, Schulte.


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