Nikki Leigh And The Kansas City Early Links

Nikki Leigh and her blonde hottie ambition start our look at Kansas City morning links. Check it:

- Tragic South Kansas City Discovery: Firefighters found the body of a swimmer reported missing in Longview Lake on Wednesday night.

- Merriam, Kan. Paperwork Mistake: Personal records found in dumpster

- Medicority On TV: Amazing Racers have KC 'Royal' connections

- Strangeness Out In The Stix: Family asserts that man in jail for spanking child wasn’t abusing him

- Pious Editorial From The Same Paper That Hasn't Disliked A New Tax In Years: Kansas City's use of special tax misleads the public

- Kansas Overseas Advoacy: Leavenworth woman makes case for action against Syria

- Baby Murder Adverts: Kansas radio station (finally) OKs abortion clinic ad

- Marking Another Local Tragedy: Vigil held for 11-month-old that died at day care

- Civil Rights Era Rally Follow-Up: Rallies in Washington and KC call on Americans 'to redeem the dream' of King

- Fighting Doggie Discrimination: Groups against breed-specific legislation, known as BSLs, are taking to Twitter to gain support to end them. They're using the hashtag #SayNoToBSL.

- Mother Of The Local B-List: Kansas City's travel star has family ties to Tinseltown stars

- How Missouri and Kansas link to Syria . . . Short Answer: Military Bases That Will Do The Bombing.


  1. Exactly, what is the point of these fucking "vigils"?? Are you dipshits just waiting around for the body to come back to life, or what??

  2. The point is to get you on the evening news. Nothing like some tattoo'd fat chick in tank top wailing and crying on cue, to boost those ratings.
    The art of grieving with privacy and quiet dignity is as dead as a corpse.

  3. troosty nigga8/29/13, 10:03 AM

    niggers want dey 15 sekonds of fame on de TV! de news be betta dan being on COPS! Nigga always git kaught on COPS.

  4. Fucking Syria will be out of toxic chemicals before Obama get a freaking clue.


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