Check this protest sign over the Southwest Trafficway pedestrian overpass near Kansas City's Westside.
The sign of support for Bradley Manning reminds us of the many alternative ways that Americans are fighting for freedom on this 4th of July.
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- The Management
How about a free us from Glazer protest
ReplyDeleteFree George Zimmerman and Paula Dean while your at it.
ReplyDelete#FREEPAULADEEN SHE MAKE THE FOOD US DADS LOVE. I would make her casseroles my wife amd we have Cassarole kids
ReplyDeleteTony, here's a better link than the wiki page:
More patriots, less loyalists.
ReplyDeleteFuck Bradley Manning.
ReplyDeleteGet ready for 40 years in the pen asshole.
You sound like an inside man
ReplyDeleteRemember "Collateral Murder". Remember the jokes behind the canon fire? Remember the people trying to rescue the wounded getting mowed down?
ReplyDeleteChuckle, Chuckle, sneer, sneer.
What we murder we can't hear!
Before 9/11 I would have said shoot the little bastard. Looking that the shit that has gone on since then, I would say free the little bastard, promote him to captain and give him the Distinguished Service Medal. We are going to fuck around in the Middle East until we have no army and China and Russia moves on us. George W. Bush was afraid that if we lost the Middle East to the terrorist, we would lose the Midwest to them. Yes, that’s a joke and so was Dubya. I thought could we have a worse president than Dubya? Unfortunate, God answered my question and gave us Obama.
ReplyDeleteManning is a hero, Snowden is a hero, Kiriakou is a hero, Ellsberg is a hero. Hero is an easier pill to swallow than martyr
ReplyDeleteFree Bradley Manning!
ReplyDeleteProsecute the REAL WAR CRIMINALS!
Manning should be shot for what he did! As should Snowden...
ReplyDeleteHang the fucker by the neck till dead.
ReplyDeleteHere is to the guys who stand on that fuckin wall.
Fuck Bradley Manning.
What do you know you stupid fat fuck
ReplyDeleteYou're a real patriot mowing the lawn with your army of one cap, the sweat rolling off your back fat with your ass crack sparkling in the sun.
ReplyDeleteYep. Im sure that sign will push them into letting the traitor go.
ReplyDeleteHero? Traitor? Narcissisic glory seeker? Ruth is somewhere in the grey areas.
ReplyDeleteManning could have been a lawn mower man, a dad, and a consumer of products. He disclosed information the major media didn't think to inquire about during an illegal war.
ReplyDeleteHas the Alzheimer kicked in on how these wars got started?
ReplyDeleteThe Gipper Ronald Reagan was a P 29 Pilot and a war hero and that's all I care about war. We all served in the Gilded War For Civilization. Everybody did their part..
ReplyDeleteFree Bradly Manning!
ReplyDeleteReagan was a great in many ways, but P-29 pilot ain't one of them. They only made four of the damn things as prototypes, and it never went into production.
ReplyDeleteHis near-sightedness got him reassigned stateside, and he spent the war making hundreds of training films.
If you're going to post, post with two hands on the keyboard and your head removed from your ass. We get enough of this shit from Tony.
Fuck that queer Bradley Manning. A total disgrace to the uniform and an embarrassment to the country... Keep the fag in jail!!!
ReplyDeleteYou're an angry little man
ReplyDeleteFRee bradly manning
Who is Bradley Manning?
ReplyDeleteHe is a tranny soldier who thought that he was being cute by, leaking a bunch of secret files onto the internet. Not so cute anymore, is it Bradlena?
ReplyDeleteIf Obama had a son, he would look like Bradley.
ReplyDeleteI am Bradley Manning.
ReplyDeleteI am Bradley manning
ReplyDeleteIf you think the war was illegal, take the government to court!