Kansas City "At-Large" Council Districts serve to disenfranchise minority voters.
This isn't a matter of opinion. It's fact . . .
Critics of the current Council system and minority leaders have long lamented that it has been almost a generation since there has been Latino representation on the Council despite the fact that Latinos comprise Kansas City's fastest growing demographic group.
Kansas City's 5th District has been a predominately African-American District but for more than 4 TERMS there has not been an African-American able to win "at-Large" in a citywide election.
More stats to prove disparity:
Kansas City is 55% white . . .
But City Council is 75% white . . .
African-Americans comprise 1/3rd of Kansas City's population HOWEVER . . . The composition of the Council has only allowed for 25% Black representation.
And so . . .
It would require a charter change to fix but that's the most difficult route . . .
Instead . . .
Perspective . . .
A very RESPECTED Kansas City Insider said . . . "I don't have much faith in the voters of Kansas City to correct a problem that they have tacitly endorsed for so many years. Seeking a remedy in Federal Courts or with the Justice Department might be the only way to redress this long standing attempt to dilute minority votes."
At a recent immigration Town Hall . . . Congressman Cleaver praised previous cooperation between Kansas City's Black/Brown Coalition and hinted that: "We plan to unite again very soon in order to work on a key Kansas City issue . . ." An insider confirms that COUNCIL DISTRICT CHANGE is that issue . . .
Even better for tonight . . .
The highlight is mine . . .
Subject: Citizens Association - Three Additional Agenda Items for Tuesday's Board Meeting
Two board members have reported that the Black and Brown Coalition (African-American and Hispanic-American membership) at a recent meeting discussed changing the City Counci's membership from 6 in-district city councilmembers and 6 at-large members to 9 in-district city councilmembers and 3 at-large members and/or asking the United States Department of Justice to investigate the matter for racial disparity. This is the first I have heard of this.
In addition, more people are hearing about a charter amendment that may be on the August 2013 ballot to increase the mayor's powers vis-a-vis the city manager, e.g., have the mayor, not the city council, hire and fire the city manager. We have been hearing about this off and on for several months now.
We will discuss these two items at Tuesday's Board of Directors meeting to find out who-has-heard-what, who-knows-what and what should be done next to confirm the facts.
We will also discuss whether, what and when to take a position on "local" control of the police department.
Dan Cofran
Law, Mediation & Project Management
Kansas City MO
And so . . . Kansas City's long standing pattern of election discrimination could soon end thanks to cooperation between African-American Leadership and Latinos who seem enthusiastic to cooperate on this legal issue regarding voting rights.
You read it FIRST on TKC thanks to Kansas City Insiders. NATCH.
Agree with the Insider. Only courts can change this. KC is satisfied with the status quo.
ReplyDeleteBravo, Tony. I think this is 255 days in a row with at least one racially motivated post. If you were an old record, the grooves would have worn out long ago, and the needle would be grinding its way through the surface of the turntable.
ReplyDeleteYou keep talking about how whites have failed the rest of Kansas City, how they're not doing enough to help people out. News flash, hermano: everybody is hurting. White, black, brown, yellow -- everybody is getting shanked by the mayor, by the City Council, by the city manager.
That said, are there any real leaders in the black community? Sly James can't keep his own house in order. Derron Black is a criminal. Jermaine Reid cares about himself first and second, with everyone else a distant third. No one takes Alonzo Washington seriously. Airick West barely made it through high school, couldn't get through his first year of college -- and he's on the public school board. You've got thirty-odd organizations, all trying to fight crime and reduce violence, but practically none of them are working together.
The elected leaders and the so-called community "leaders" alike have failed themselves and the people they claim to represent. No wonder this city has destroyed itself from the inside out over the last couple of decades.
next..the city needs to make the Chiefs start a 55% White team.
ReplyDeleteTony, your conclusion may or may not be correct, but your analysis is extremely over-simplified.
ReplyDeleteFor example, what Latinos have even run for a Council seat, at large or otherwise, and to whom and why did they lose?
Who also did Cindy Circo beat in the 5th district at-large race and how?
I'm sure dingbats also account for a sizeable portion of the KC population.
ReplyDeleteThat doesn't mean Tracy Ward deserved a seat on the Council.
This whole entire system is corrupt, from top to bottom, people of color in leadership positions are people of color leading the corruption. Latinos running for city council ain't going to fix shit because city council can't do shit.
ReplyDeleteThat last comment made me laugh but seiously: Why do we need at large districts?
ReplyDeleteThey make no sense! Why not have more repesentation for neighborhoods? This isn't a racial idea, it seems like a good neighborhood group idea. Just my 2 cents.
With the level of corruption surrounding to the current Black elected, I hardly believe creating more problems with more Black elected officials is the right answer, either. They just don't know how to behave; suit or none.
ReplyDeleteThe other thing is the only people running for elected office are Black, gay and bi-sexual males. That's hardly the example anybody would want to set for their children.
You know, if I started a "White Coalition" someone would come along and call me a racist. This is so typical of minorities in Kansas City. They preach unity, but the practice seperatism.
ReplyDeleteLooking at the CA letter and the issue of the mayor wanting authority to hire and fire city managers without council approval... If we are going this direction, why continue to have a CM?
ReplyDeleteIf Dan "the Douchebag" Cofran is involved in anyway, there is something wrong with this coalition. I want nothing to do with it. You can bet it is corrupt if he is involved.
ReplyDelete@ 5:45 - Because someone has to run the city and no one trusts Sly, or the 12 city council members to do it.
ReplyDelete@ 5:48 - Interesting that you bring up DC. I'd like to know how DC qualifies as either Black or Brown? Last time I saw DC he looked as white as a snowflake. So, why is he involved in this coalition, and what angle is being played?
ReplyDeleteDon't tell me Dan Cofran is heading this nonsense. Unsuspecting white will fall for almost anything. Meanwhile... If I had to guess, I'd think the insider was Clinton Adams. Tell him and his brother, Gwen, to quit race bating. According to the numbers in this post. AA's are at 25% and need to be at 33.33% Let's throw a couple of boobs on Jermaine Reed and a bad, blonde wig... that will bring the share of Council seats up by the needed 8 percentage points.
ReplyDeleteI like 5:16's point, but I wouldn't start with the Chiefs, I'd start with the Water Department. If the city is 55% white, why aren't 55% of the Water Department employees white? I mean we have to be fair right? What about the KCFD? Are 55% of their battalion commanders white? If not, why not? What about the police force? Are the numbers of police commanders reflective of the cities population? Or have they been manipulated to a 50/50 ratio, or worse? Have the politicos played the "protected class" card to discriminate against white males in all city departments? I mean if we are going to open up this can of worms, maybe we should really open it up and have the DOJ investigate everything across the board! It might open the city up for all kinds of discrimination, or reverse discrimination law suits.
ReplyDeleteI took this from a minority organizations website here in Kansas City that has begged to be included in the minority process, it was part of an open letter to city hall:
ReplyDeletesurely you don’t believe that Civil Rights are exclusive only to the black community? Civil rights are personal rights guaranteed and protected by the U.S. Constitution and federal laws enacted by Congress, such as the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. Civil rights include, for example:
freedom of speech,
the right to vote,
due process of law,
equal protection of the laws, and
protection from unlawful discrimination.
Criticism of the government and advocacy of unpopular ideas that people may find distasteful or against public policy are almost always permitted.
Its been written into law that Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
To quote Pope John XXIII, “every human being is a person; his nature is endowed with intelligence and free will. By virtue of this, he has rights and duties of his own, flowing directly and simultaneously from his very nature, which are therefore universal, inviolable, and inalienable. If we look upon the dignity of the human person in the light of divinely revealed truth, we cannot help but esteem it far more highly; for men are redeemed by the blood of Jesus Christ, they are by grace the children and friends of God and heirs of eternal glory." Pope John XXIII, Peace on Earth (1963) 9-10.
it troubles me that you as a public servant does not or cannot move past your prejudice to see that in the exercise of peoples rights, individual men and social groups are bound by the moral law to have respect both for the rights of others and for their own duties toward others and for the common welfare of everyone, not just a select few.
5:49, that's the point.If Sly has the exclusive power to hire and fire the CM, the CM becomes Sly's assistant.Nothing more; nothing less.
ReplyDeleteGo ahead and give the city to the fucking NIGGERS. They have ruined it anyway and there's nothing much left but to shovel dirt on it. Oh yes, those honest, hard working, black folk are sure enough, wonderful.
ReplyDelete"Kansas City "At-Large" Council Districts serve to disenfranchise minority voters.
ReplyDeleteThis isn't a matter of opinion. It's fact . . ."
Actually it is an opinion.
This after redistricting that actually enhanced segregation by gerrymandering the 5th to be blacker and the 6th to be whiter. Ridiculous!
ReplyDeleteLook at the numbers, it is FACT.
ReplyDeleteAND why can't we get any asian cooperation? Where can I sign up?
AtLarge districts don't make any sense. Get rid of them.
ReplyDeletePower grabbing at its worse, especially given the white influence of Dan Confran. It is disgusting. The post eludes to Cleaver involvement and Dan Cofran was on City Council when Cleaver was Mayor. This explains the connection.
ReplyDeleteThis is just gerrymandering to ensure that the city stays under continued black control for decades.
ReplyDeleteWrong. it is gerrymandering to suppress the black vote.
ReplyDeleteRead the voting rights act! This kind of minority voter suppression should not be allowed!
Will the Feds risk turning KC into detroit? I think not.
ReplyDeleteJust another step towards becoming Detroit. When the black kids destroy the plaza then you will see White flight again. Face it. KC Mo is doomed. The Mexicans will get their seat in the council as they should. Just in time to see blacks destroy it all. Enjoy.
ReplyDeleteOn weekends the Plaza is 60% black. KCMO schools are 70% black. Ever seen any white people working at Gates? KCMO jail is 80% black.
ReplyDeleteactually kc's jail has a big white gang. it's kind of disturbing.
ReplyDeleteWatch KC crash and burn just like Detroit.
Now that John Joseph Rizzo has officially been found to have stolen his 2010 election. I am sure he will quit and run for City Council. I wonder if John Joseph Rizzo 's uncle will help him steal that election too?
ReplyDeleteWrong thread. But it won't help Will Royster.
ReplyDeleteTracy Ward was gerrymandered out of her district, so now she fights her battles in the 5th ghetto.
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ReplyDeleteYou know who can change the city council? The uncle of John Joseph Rizzo. He will vote anywhere. So will his family. They did in 2010 to get John Joseph Rizzo elected. The FBI already has one of John Joseph Rizzo 's uncles pleading guilty to voter fraud.
ReplyDeleteSpam is posting hundreds of the same message with a computer program. Keep a topic at view is something completely different. Pretty creative.
ReplyDeletedoes the term "military asshole" ever come to mind when anyone thinks of Sly James?
ReplyDeleteNo, but Will Royster was in the Navy and lost a plane.
ReplyDelete"Look at the numbers, it is FACT."
ReplyDeleteNo, 6:20 it's an opinion.
actually tony, KC is 59 pct white
kind of Helling-esque facts you are using.
The first major issue that Freedom attempted in 1961 was to increase the City Council members from six (6) district council members to twelve (12) council members, by adding six (6) at large districts. This was known as the “12-0″ issue and was designed to help African Americans have an opportunity to be elected to the City Council. There were none on the council. This issue failed on the ballot was later negotiated with the existing City Council and a City ordinance created the twelve member council that we have today.
Nooooo!. This will only make every council person dig in more for their own districts. No one will have to account to the city as a whole sans the mayor.
ReplyDeleteI am black and there is more to this than just needing more black faces on the council (or rather more friends of black leaders).
I like the fact that the at large person from the whiter districts also have to at least take the needs of the 3rd and 5th district under consideration becasue they need votes from there as well.
So whites elect the one person from the black district they relate to. Blacks need to do the same for the at-large candidates from the other districts. We may be small but that percentage can tip the scales in that race. So two white guys from the Plaza neck in neck will suddenly see backing that project on the east side might be the one thing that tips the scales in their favor.
Bring back Carol Coe!