Like it or not, Kansas City has always been enamored with local lady politico Cathy Jolly.
As a former Council Lady she earned more citywide votes than the Mayor at the time and she consistently managed to avoid so many negative perceptions aimed at this town's political elite.

However . . .
Check it . . .
"Ms. Jolly is being hired at some outrageous salary and will not have a specific function other than to wait for Sanders to move on and then become the next County Executive."
Reaction from insiders has has been harsh . . .
- Amid ongoing cutbacks, talk of this sweet gig has engendered even more hard feelings.
- A virtual media blackout over talk of this hire has more than a few people suspicious.
- And yes, just about EVERYBODY at the County is up in arms over parking lot troubles that are circulating through the grapevine . . . I'm not gonna get into it but just like jobs at The County . . . The addition of Cathy Jolly creates scarcity that makes everybody angry.
Anyhoo . . .
TKC is a longtime supporter of Ms. Jolly's political winning and in the long run this will be a good move for JaxCo Exec Mike Sanders . . . Still, there's no use pretending or trying to keep quiet about the ruffled feathers created by a local political lady taking her game to the Courthouse.
Don't be such a fanboy.
ReplyDeleteJust one thing no one will be talking about today. Mzzzzz Jolly
ReplyDeletehired to do what skippy?
ReplyDeleteShe'll die from the inoperable brain tumor that's gleefully beginning to crowd her pons before she can fuck up that political office.
ReplyDeleteOh great, he comes a smoking ban on the entire county!!!
ReplyDeleteOh great, he comes a smoking ban on the entire county!!!
ReplyDeleteToday is all about basketball again. That's what Kansas City's is all about this time of year.
ReplyDeleteWow man them Jayhawks are really sumptin!!!
Tony, you have just defined "POLITICAL HACK". Thanks
ReplyDeleteThere SHOULD be a smoking ban on the whole county. In fact, the WHOLE COUNTRY!!! Smoking is just fucking stupid and harmful to everyone's health...
ReplyDeleteMy guess is that she let Skippy look up her skirt and wank himself, so she gets a plumb job with no responsibility.
ReplyDelete7:49 - a better quality coffee would have less tendency to over-caffienate you.
ReplyDeleteCathy those of us who are career county employees do not appreciate someone like you, without administrative experience, coming in to take a no-work job, at a high salary, with a county car, and pushing long-time employees out of their parking place. No we cannot stop you from getting this job, but we can watch you: show up late, leave early or screw up on some make work assignment and we will let everyone know. Oh and welcome to the Courthouse, bitch!
ReplyDeleteRight on public servant! You have my support! Keep all eyes on this trough grifter and let us know how our taxpayer dollars are being wasted. God Bless You!
DeleteWhat a slap in the face to Crystal Williams! Cathy Jolly worked like hell to defeat Crystal for state senate, and now Sanders is rubbing Crystal's face in it by making her vote for the money to fund a patronage job for Cathy.
ReplyDeleteSMACK DOWN!
This is exactly why I don't live in Jackson County. What a corrupt backward shithole.
ReplyDeleteWhy can't Ed Martin and the GOP call attention to this?
ReplyDeleteRed Light cameras for Jackson County. That is how they will pay for Cathy.
ReplyDeleteSo this blog is basically a way to bitch about someone if a "tipster" doesn't like them? If I just email you some names of people I don't like, will you publish all my complaining and petty bitching so I can be passive aggressive?
ReplyDeleteYou damn right TKC will. He may have no guns, or bullets or balls but he is the sheriff in these parts of the internets.
Delete9:20 is... Cathy Jolly
ReplyDeleteFuck off, cunt.
Look at that fat, old woman, sitting there, behind Cathy Jolly. Oh wait, that's Sanders...Yes, it is, a fat, old woman!!
ReplyDelete1/23/13, 9:20 AM is Mr. Jolly. Cathy can't type.
ReplyDeleteCathy is busy helping her Fag-in-Training son get into his too-too.
ReplyDelete1/23/13, 7:04 AM
ReplyDeleteOf course, the best question has not been answered. What job is she up for? Was it posted? Were there other applicants? What were her qualifications that made her better than other applicants? Did Mike just want her around for "hummers" when he wants decides to drop by the office?
Why not do it? The lame ass Jackson County voters won't get up and put a stop to it.
ReplyDeleteSo whats she doing there trying convince the council the city needs another parking garage?
ReplyDeleteGod help us with these clowns calling all the shots.
ReplyDeleteWhat is she going to do?
ReplyDeleteWhy is the public hiring her?
Well if you all knew Cathy like I knew Cathy not a one of you would have a nice thing to say about her.
ReplyDeleteBetween her and the pink haired wonder I wonder which one wastes the most breathable air. I'd have to say Cathy I guess.
Something dirty is going on here for her to get that job. Remember she was the one wanting to get out of public office to be a mom and spend time with the family, so is a divorce soon to be made news?
Is Skippy helping a girlfriend earn another pension?
ReplyDeleteDoes she have any office skills or administrative experience? No, legislative experience is not the same thing.
ReplyDeleteThrow out the ruling class!
ReplyDeleteA cynic would think Jolly is there to assist Gwen Grant and her brother Clinton Adams with their HUGE NEW MONEY CONTRACT with the county.
ReplyDeleteYep, those sub-humans are getting county money.
I wonder how Crystal will vote?
ReplyDeleteI'd fuck Cathy Jolly in her ass. Then cum all over her tits. She doesn't seem like the kind of bitch that takes it in the face.
ReplyDeleteAs usual, getting paid for doing nothing. Hated her when she "represented" us in south KC and she is even more worthless now.
ReplyDeletewashed up.
ReplyDeleteWhile Ms. Jolly is indeed a great looking woman, she's not royalty. Jesus, what ever happened to be qualified for a job? Are we all subjects??? It's beginning to look like it.
ReplyDeleteTell us more about the Gwen Grant/Clinton Adams contract! Post a copy!
ReplyDeleteWant to hear more about Clinton and Gwen's contract. Details, Tony!
ReplyDeleteCathy is as worthless as tits on a boar. She accomplished zilch on the City Council except giving Steve Glorioso blow jobs. Does ANYONE at the County have the guts or ethics to call Sanders out on this crap??!
I would say, "No."