Check an interesting bit of gossip that's working it's way through Missouri and might impact Kansas City Proper.
To wit . . .
Admittedly, this is a long shot but throwing this out there will make Gov. Jay look bad for just giving the job to one of his buddies and I'm down with that . . .
Anyhoo, the chatter suggests that they might beg Alan Wheat to take a break from consulting and enjoy the temp job that could be historic in the Show-Me state . . . If this does come to pass, it'll probably be somebody from STL but you read it here FIRST on TKC.
So . . . The GOP and Gov. Jay will bicker about the process for a bit but insiders acknowledge that a way to settle this debate could be with a GROUNDBREAKING effort to improve diversity among elected officials in Missouri, strengthen Gov. Jay's credentials within the Democratic Party and maybe make Jeff City representation look more like the people of this State.
Whens Glazer's how to increase your dick size article being posted here at Tony's Scumbag City?
ReplyDeleteA company or individual can build a solid reputation for years only to see it evaporate in a few hours.
ReplyDeleteIsn't that the truth
The Steve Bough appointment worked out so well -- why not go big?
ReplyDeleteI want to take my name out of contention for Lt. Governor because I am very busy working MORE THAN 20 hours a week doing God knows what at the Courthouse. I broke a nail yesterday trying to be the best future county executive that Mike Sanders ever had.
ReplyDeleteI mean if anyone asks.
Obama to announce immigration reform plan in Vegas~~!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteMa Fullow Murcians,
Where will the Jobs come from for all these newly minted Americans? Who pays for their Obamacare and all the rest they will most assuredly need. How can anyone with a brain expect these segment to "hit the ground" running and be able to make it here, when almost half the "native" born can't, and don't pay any federal income taxes?
Welp, we got us a new plan called cheap labor constructionism . . .
Here's a novel about if the President focus on the ECONOMY instead of pandering to Illegal Immigrants?
ReplyDeleteIt has to be said, because Jay Nixon wants to make history by naming a minority to be his "political bitch," or Lt. Governor. May I give you two little names to bring to mind the greatest political mind that Missouri has ever produced. He is tanned, rested and ready:
ReplyDeleteChris Moreno
Our Next Lt. Governor and Jay Nixon's BFF
There's no African Americans. You can't be born in two places at the same time.
ReplyDeleteSure, let's have a NIGGER Lt. Gov....That President thing sure has worked out well. Oh, how about that Mayor, Police Chief, etc??? They're all working out equally well.
ReplyDeleteWho cares who he picks long as they can do the job and not be a token show off.
ReplyDeleteJay needs to take some roids. So his balls don't shrivel up and drop off.
ReplyDeleteI nominate Jason Kander - the one and only true King of Kansas City!
ReplyDeleteI need to git me one of them 45,000 a year part time jobs advising these politicians. I could work one hour a week> Just put in a black person Jay to make it look like you give a shit . . .
ReplyDeleteOh and don't forget a mexican. Can't be to white.
ReplyDeleteJay needs to get some Glazer's "HerbalRoids".
ReplyDeleteWhy is it ok to judge someone by the color of their skin?
ReplyDeleteIts NOT okay to judge people based on skin color.
College admission
Medical school admission
Law school admission
Political appointments
Municipal jobs
State jobs
University employment
We need more of us Scandinavian Americans in MO office. Or German Americans, or French Americans, British Americans, Swiss Americans, Norwegian Americans, Dutch Americans.
ReplyDeleteWhat about African Mexicans, American Mexicans? White American studies?
ReplyDeleteAll of the whitey rednecks in Jeff. City would like black Lt. Gov. They need someone to park their cars on the days that they are in session.
ReplyDeleteJeez! All these racial slurs... Is it REALLY nesessary?
ReplyDeleteYou know something? I don't give a shit what color a politician is, or a person, or a fucking dog. All I care about is: Is the fucking thing any good or not. Can the dog sit, stay, roll over, bark when someone is on the property? If yes, then fuck what color. Is the politician innovative, involved in policy that matters to the people, not on the "under the table" take, and willing to put in the hours required of the office? Then who cares what color they are? Go blow the "race" (there is no such thing as race, it's a social construct) horn up somebody elses ass. What the hell did that one guy who did a lot for a lot of people when it comes to civil rights say, and I think he was quoting Jesus or something, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. (a real man by the way, even with a mistress, or maybe that made him even more real) say, judge a man not "by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character." Maybe people think that's a cliche, but it is a resounding truth that people should live by in their day to day lives.
ReplyDeleteOf course not. They are never necessary, but they ARE funny when you are not the one that is being slurred.
ReplyDeleteThat "content of character" quote is lame. NIGGERS have NO character, none whatsoever.
ReplyDeleteHey 3:34 PM
ReplyDeleteNeither does your mother since she gave birth to (instead of aborted) your ratched a**!
Hey 4:29, fuck thee!! 'Thought you might need a little church talk, you insipid dick brain.
ReplyDeletePraise be to God that we might finally have our first african-american LT. Gov. in Missouri! Now all we need is our first woman LT. Gov. BTW, what does Jay Nixon consider himself? German-American, English-American, Italian-American?
ReplyDeleteWhite trash Kansas City speaks again.
ReplyDelete6:27, no need to be a racist.