Damn it to Hell . . . I did not think I was going to have to blog another Chris Moreno political race.
But every time I think I'm out . . .

They pull me back in.
To wit . . .
Earlier in the week Kansas City political insiders warned us this controversy was coming and it's even worse than what we expected.
Check the mailer that started it off . . . Look closely and there's an old school photo of Mike Talboy, Theresa Garza Ruiz and Chris Moreno before they were players in the local political scene . . . About six years ago . . . Nobody knows why Chris Moreno included the old photo in this mailer that was sent out for his current race . . .
And now . . .
Take a look:
Dear Joe,
It has come to our attention that your opponent, Chris Moreno, has used a six year old photograph of us in his campaign literature, implying that we support him in the race for State Representative in your District. As you know, this is not true and both of us support you.
We have written Mr. Moreno a letter demanding that he remove our names and/or images from any and all of his campaign literature and mailings. A copy of the letter is enclosed.
We are truly sorry that Moreno has attempted to mislead the public in this regard and suggest that you contact others he has listed as supporters. It is our understanding that he does not have permission to list some of the other names that appear on his campaign materials.
Chris Moreno should be ashamed. This is the kind of unethical conduct in political campaigns that turn voters off and keep good people from running for office. Apparently, he is desperate to disguise the fact that he does NOT even live in the district.
Clearly, we made the correct choice early on by supporting you for State Representative. If there is anything we can do to help you in your campaign, please give us a call. You may use this letter in any way you deem appropriate to clear things up with voters in your district.
The letter/mailer is signed by Jackson County Legislator Theresa Garza Ruiz and House Rep. Mike Talboy.
Just a reminder . . .
You aren't going to keep any friends in Kansas City politics.
Here's an old TKC photo from about 5/6 years ago back when everybody liked each other . . .

Good times.
But I digress . . .
Now here is Chris Moreno's response where he attacks Garza Ruiz as a lobbyist and gets REALLY HARSH with House Rep. Mike Talboy.
TEXT: Joe Runions Uses Lobbyist and Pro-Sexual Predator Campaign Donor For Smear Campaign After It Is Revealed Runions Used $21,261 in Grandview tax dollars for all expense paid trips.
Grandview, MO– This week voters in Grandview learned that Chris Moreno’s opponent, Joe Runions, used $21,261 in tax dollars on all expense paid vacations. Following the news, today, voters received an attack letter in the mail from a downtown lobbyist and a Runions’ campaign advisor, in what appears to be a desperate attempt to regain control of his race despite an 8 to 1 money advantage
In response, Chris Moreno has issued the following statement:
“This week voters learned that Joe Runions wasted over $21,261 of their hard earned tax dollars on all expense paid trips to lavish hotels, party boats, vacation spots and even a Yakov Smirnoff concert.
Therefore it is not surprising that the Runions campaign would send out a letter from a lobbyist and major campaign donor, Mike Talboy, who this spring, before retiring, helped lead the charge to remove over 5,000 sexual predators annually from the sex offender registry (HB1700).
This further proves that I will be a strong voice for the redevelopment of Truman Corners, the creation of jobs, safer communities, and a leader against government waste; all of which my opponent has opposed throughout his entire career. I will continue knocking on doors and ask for your vote on Tuesday.”
Fact Check: HB 1700 House Journal Third Read and Passed 3/29/12 Page 836
Moreno followed up his response with these attack mailers aimed at his opponent Joe Runions.
In conclusion, yet another Chris Moreno race has seemingly evoked harsh feelings and created more political rivalries among former colleagues.
As the August Primary approaches . . . A great many races are still close and the only thing for sure is that it'll be hard to create a sense of unity among Kansas City Democrats in the aftermath of this hot mess.
Kansas City Election Time!
ReplyDeleteVote NO.
ReplyDeleteSo Moreno is so stupid he thinks "even though" is spelled as one word? And he uses a six year old photo to suggest political affiliations that don't exist? If you want a stupid liar as your representative, go ahead and vote for him, by all means.
ReplyDeleteMoreno tied Mike Talboy to sexual predators! I LOVE THIS KID!
Runions campaign is spinning out of control
ReplyDeleteThis vacation mailer hit my mailbox on Tuesday. After I received another mailer on his New Orleans trip.
ReplyDeleteIt's a good picture. I can see why he would use it. Are these local politicians so full of themselves to think voters would know who they were based only on a picture?
ReplyDeleteWhat an embarassment to the Democratic Party. It is time for Chris Moreno to get out of politics. This is a shame.
ReplyDeleteAfter going to the link Moreno provided it took me to the house journal vote on the sex offender bill. Jason Kander was the only Democrat from KC to oppose this bill? That is great but what hat the hell? Why would so many of our people vote for this?
DAMNIT! I hate to admit this. They played into Moreno's hands here. Theresa should have disclosed her role in running Joe's campaign and Talboy should have disclose he was a lobbyist.
ReplyDeleteDid you read it? A outstate republican sponsored it. Really pretty common sense it sounds like.
ReplyDeleteMoreno is a rat, bt what's new
ReplyDeleteTheir is no disclosure to filed when you lie and use their names without permission. Dummy
ReplyDeleteMoreno is just a lying scumbag and always will be. Even with the vacation thing, I will still trust Runions over that fat rat.
ReplyDeleteLets get to the important stuff here: Theresa looked better 5-6 years ago.
ReplyDeleteWe need a special task force to determine what happened to Theresa.
Played right into Moreno's hand. Expected of Mike Talboy; but a very sad day for Theresa Garza-Ruiz.
ReplyDeleteAm I missing the part where Chris Moreno uses their name? From a Grandview voter's standpoint, I have never even heard of these two people until now. Why would they assume I have?
ReplyDeleteAlso, I noticed Joe Runions misleads voters on his website with photos of Senator McCaskill and County Executive Mike Sanders; neither of whom have endorsed him.
I also received a piece from Runions that said the Mayor of Grandview endorses him but I just looked out my window and he has a Nola Wood sign in his yard. Pretty hypocritical don't ya think?
As for Grandview Runions has lied to us for years. We have learned to ignore him.
Stop with the comments Moreno everyone knows its you
ReplyDeleteWhat's Theresa's bone in this race? Joe Runions is everything she was supposedly working to change. Looks like we have a sellout folks!
ReplyDeleteThat's it!? That one picture caused such a stir!? Naaaaaaa. Not buying it and neither will the voters.
ReplyDeleteTheresa let's write this letter. We can't let voters think we endorse him. I know we have never even been to Grandview or done anything poeitive for Grandview but people know our faces right? Right? Help me stay relevant.
ReplyDeleteAnyone else notice Mike Talboy's signature was copied and pasted? Unless he was shaking while signing. I can see him shaking while signing.
ReplyDeleteThis has become a sideshow, I am seriously considering voting Republican for the first time. I can't believe ANY of these people call themselves leaders.
ReplyDeleteHilarious! Think Moreno knew this reaction would happen? Of course. At this point Chris Moreno is just toying with these politicos.
ReplyDeleteNoticed Moreno included order numbers on the mailer but Theresa and Mike just included baseless mudslinging. Voters are smarter than that.
ReplyDeleteWhy is Theresa taking part in such an amateur campaign? Genaro has to be shaking his head.
ReplyDeleteMoreno is a maverick! Yes sir I like it!
ReplyDeleteO-M-G. This is desperate. Chris Moreno is going to win this thing? Unreal.
ReplyDeleteIt is good to see someone like Chris Moreno not following the staus quo. Voters will like that.
ReplyDeleteBoth candidates should be ashamed of themselves. The Democratic Party is the big loser in this race. Why would we want EITHER of those two bafoons in office? Moreno is divisive with delusions of adequacy, and the other guy seems to be working the system for his own benefit and ego. Makes a person want to move to DC, where at least things are civil.
ReplyDeleteI support Chris Moreno for State Representative.
ReplyDeleteIn Alaska.
Is CHRIS MORENO really one to talk about other people and what they did on the job? The only reason Moreno isn't linked to dodgy vacations is because he never held a job long enough to get a vacation.
ReplyDeletereally 11:47...really???
ReplyDelete11:53 - You mean I should count self-proclaimed political consultant as a job?
ReplyDeleteWhen you consider why officially/unofficially Moreno left the employment of the Missouri Democratic Party, perhaps he doesn't have room to criticize what others do on the job.
Good move on his part by calling every Jackson County State Rep (except one) a pro-sexual predator Rep too. Totally not talking out of his ass.
Joe Runions: " I spent more time taking dodgy vacations than representing you but hey so do other people" LOL sign of a sinking ship.
ReplyDeleteYou have to love seeing those trashing Moreno for owning a marketing and consulting firm while everyone knows they make money consulting and lobbying or will once they leave elected office. Because it is only democratic if they do it, right? Hahaha!
ReplyDeleteThese guys can bad mouth Chris Moreno all they want but reality is that when it comes to Joe Runions the train has left the station. Chris Moreno is going to win this one.
ReplyDeleteI think Chris Moreno would be a good representative. Hope he wins.
ReplyDeleteI'll give Moreno this: The Joe "Funions" line cracked me the fuck up.
ReplyDeleteMissouri Ethics Commission Complaint No.1 by the Republicans and Democrats if Moreno wins the primary.
ReplyDeleteIn the six year old picture, you can see a union bug on Moreno's T-Shirt. Kinda hard to find one on his campaign material now.
ReplyDeleteIf the unions let him get away with that they deserve to be ignored.
I am still shocked. Moreno is going to win this one? Talk about sticking it to the man!
ReplyDeleteWell at least we know Chrissy wasn't out knocking doors today
ReplyDeleteWhat a strong close by Moreno. I heard today he went for the throat. Not my style politic but Joe asked for it with that mailer of his.
ReplyDeleteIf camp runions still believes Moreno wasn't knocking doors on the final weekend of the campaign and was blogging all day, they deserved to lose.
ReplyDeleteTic Toc Tic Toc Joe Runions.
ReplyDeleteChris Moreno should be drawn and quartered. But think of the huge greasy mess he would leave! Come to think of it, Moreno is a big greasy mess in whatever state he's in.
ReplyDeleteDesperate times call for desperate measures on the part of Joe Runions. Too late buddy!
ReplyDeleteJoe Funions !! Hahaha
ReplyDeleteWow, Chris! You're chubby little fingers must be tired from posting here all evening. You always stunk, but now the smell of desperation wafting off your enormous body has only added to your essence. You could bottle your sweat as a about naming it Eau de Failure?
ReplyDeleteWhat a poor choice on the part of labor. They backed a 80 yr old named Joe funions?
ReplyDeleteTic Toc Tic Toc Joe Funions
ReplyDeleteThree wetback spics fighting somebody call emmigration already
ReplyDeleteWow. The Runions campaign now using racial slurs. Bravo! I never thought I would say this, but now I see why Moreno does what he does.
ReplyDeleteWhat comment on blogs all day?
ReplyDeleteIn regard to the photo of Joe Runions with the colorful shirt, the drink and I guess, the pink inner tube. Look at the hands. The hand in this picture are long and thin and almost sketal, they appear to be part of a costume. In real life, Joe's fingers are short an stubby and he always wears his wedding ring. He does not take it off ever. His ring finger sports a rather wide band of gold with a diamond center. No such ring appears in the picture and the fingers do not appear to be real. This picture has been photo shopped. The next time you see Joe, hopefully before the election, look at his hands. You will see what I mean.
ReplyDeleteCHRIS STOP POSTING THESE COMMENTS-IT IS SO OBVIOUS IT IS YOU!!! No other post has this many comments and these pro Chris comments ALWAYS sound the same-EVERYONE knows it is you ya goofball. What will you post next?
ReplyDelete"Wow this Chris Moreno guy is shaking it up"
"Chris Moreno? Never heard of him but I'm voting for him."
Give it up, we know its you-nobody from your district but you read this blog.
You have to wonder what Talboy and Garza are thinking?
ReplyDeleteStay out of political infighting in primaries, you never know what will happen in the end, why make it difficult on yourself, your employer and your future elections.
Three rules to live by in jackson county politics.
1 - dont sleep with interns
2 - dont take sides in primaries
3 - dont break the first two rules
Neither one of these politico's ever broke any of these rules before, so why break the second rule now?
I'm Joe Runions. Vote for me. "My hands are short and stubby". I approve this message
ReplyDeleteI am convinced Joe Runions has completely lost control of his campaign. They are batshit crazy and lost.
ReplyDeleteGo get em Mr. Moreno!
ReplyDeleteTo 8/3/12 5:19 PM. Want to talk about complaints, about ethics, the state of Missouri has filed one against William Royster, he who sues everybody and loses!
ReplyDeleteNot sure what that has to do with Moreno vs. Runions, Looks to be just another desperate attack on the part of the Runions circus. Too late boys! Too late!